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View Full Version : Know good strategy for Dark Falz on hard or very?

Mar 1, 2001, 12:53 AM
Was wonderin if anyone had any good techniques for beating the last form of Dark Falz. I know your not supposed to shoot him when he stretches you(or others) out. Any hints or help would be appreciated.

Mar 1, 2001, 05:17 AM
Yeah I got some thta I use.
If you have any amount of Moon drop some of them so the other player can use them if they run out.

Don't shhot when he is glowing.Won't hurt him.

Be sure to have reverser and resta in your shortcut.

At least one person has to be around the 60's
to beat him on very hard.

Run a lot and good luck!
hope this helps

Mar 1, 2001, 10:21 AM
Well here is how i beat it in offline hard, I had about 10 scape dolls on me 10 difluids and my resta lvl 12 along with my varista +9. run shoot heal heal run run run shoot blehbleh until he's dead. it's impossible to not get hurt while fighting him so that's the only way to do it, if u can't use tech then drop like 50 dimates or trimates before u fight it seriously and again scape dolls always help

Mar 1, 2001, 11:50 PM
Thanks for the tips guys! I definitely need to go in with a varista or something with longer range than the machine guns. Me and some buds beat him last night, it was a blast! Now I have to see if I can do it offline without any forces around....