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View Full Version : Demonic Fork

Jan 18, 2003, 10:46 PM
Just wondering if anyone has found this yet.

There were murmurs of it being around on the import, but it never made its way into the *market*, ... thank god.

If it is in the game, at least there is ONE item that isn't duped to hell and back.

I don't see why it would be removed from the game, but it's entirely possible, as it looks like the flame garment was removed due to its absence online...

Gah, too much speculation.

Jan 19, 2003, 06:37 PM
I'm with you, there isn't much reason to not include it. Perhaps no one has found one yet online. Maybe it's been found, but the person who found it was insightful enough to keep it a secret from everyone so the dupers wouldn't eventually find out where to find it.