View Full Version : If "PS 2" had P.S.O?

Jan 19, 2003, 12:16 AM
Hmmm http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif man i just had to get this off of my chest, am i the only person in the world who wishes that,P.S.o would have also been released on the Playstation 2. Even thou i own all "3" systems i just wish that the Ps2 gamers, could enjoy the same great pso experience as us http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif.

Jan 19, 2003, 12:24 AM
On 2003-01-18 21:16, eXo wrote:
am i the only person in the world who wishes that,P.S.o would have also been released on the Playstation 2.

Most likely, yes.

i just wish that the Ps2 gamers, could enjoy the same great pso experience as us http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif.

PS2 fanboys don't deserve great games like PSO.

Jan 19, 2003, 12:37 AM
http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Hmmmm well just as i expected , i posted this topic to bring out the GameCube and X-Bust fanboys *LOL* but i really am not biased you gys are .Man I cant understand why ????

Jan 19, 2003, 12:39 AM
On 2003-01-18 21:16, eXo wrote:
Even thou i own all "3" systems...

Odds are quite a few people own multiple systems, and would be able to play PSO if they really wanted to.

Jan 19, 2003, 12:40 AM
Nah, not biased. Just find PS2 fanboys annoying. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jan 19, 2003, 12:44 AM
I think it would be nice because you could just use a plain old USB keyboard. Oh, that would be so easier, but oh well.

Jan 19, 2003, 03:05 AM
if ps2 got a hold of PSO they probably have made alot of money. I think that more people own a ps2 than xbox or GC just because ps2 has more games to choose from and ps2 games are fun to play. If you looked into a gaming magazined and checked the top-sellers or top games it's all ps2.

Jan 19, 2003, 03:34 AM
http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Finally thank you chopsticks44, atleast you agree with me and are true about this issue, I just feel that sony really needs something besides SOCOM and TimeSplitters 2 to ultilize there modem to the fullest.I was fortunate enough to be selected to perticipate in the EQOA Beta, Phase 1-3 and i must say if the game does not recieve alot of improvments.It will not be able to truly compete with P.S.O.

Jan 19, 2003, 03:35 AM
I'd play this game nonstop if it ever came out on PS2, unfortunately, I don't have enough money to afford the GC or X-Box. So I'm stuck with the usual hackers of PSO in DC v1. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Jan 19, 2003, 03:39 AM
On 2003-01-18 21:40, Atax wrote:
Nah, not biased. Just find PS2 fanboys annoying. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

All fanboys are annoying regardless of console, but I will admit there are distinct differences. They bear an uncanny resemblance to religous extremists.

On one hand you have the PS2 Zealots, who believe that all other consoles are inferior and will fight tooth and nail to defend this notion regardless of how wrong they are. They would try and make you believe that if you don't love the PS2 you are a heretic.

On the other hand you have the X-Box Missionaries, they are fond of citing system specs, and other bullshit facts that only X-Box fans would care about. Most EB employees are members of this faction. It seems every time I go into EB they are trying to get me to buy an X-Box.

I really haven't run into that many GC fanboys so I can't comment on them, in fact when I was in the market for a new console after I had purchased a PS2. I was told to avoid the Gamecube like the plague and go for the X-Box.

Jan 19, 2003, 03:58 AM
I'm sure you aren't the only one who wants in on PS2, as not everyone is insane like some of us and they just buy one system if any, and they get PS2's because that's what they see the most of. There's probably a few good reasons it's not on PSO, the first of which is most likely Sony barring Sega from releasing it so as not to compete with FFXI, or Everquest Adventures, or some such other reasons. Or Sega not wanting to compete with it. I'm sure if Sega thought it'd be feasible we'd see PS2 PSO.

Jan 19, 2003, 04:05 AM
answer to question of thred name:
It would suck
because it would be on 2 many platfors

Jan 19, 2003, 04:21 AM
Isn't ps2 the one with BMXXX? High caliber player influx, think about it.

Jan 19, 2003, 04:57 AM
On 2003-01-19 01:21, Bloodberry wrote:
Isn't ps2 the one with BMXXX? High caliber player influx, think about it.

actually, all 3 systems have BMX XXX... but the PS2 version is censored and has no tits, while the gc and xbox versions have tits...

Jan 19, 2003, 06:57 AM
Naka and Co. seem to be avoiding the PS2 to the best of their ability, so I really doubt it'll ever be released on that system.
Also, I doubt the PS2 can handle the rich textures and pixel shaders of the Episode 2 levels (most notably of course, the Gal Da Val stages) without some loss in texture detail. Eww. Remember, the PS2 is by far the weakest of the three consoles when it comes to textures, and PSO is a pretty texture intensive game. I'm no technical expert or anything though, so that's just speculation. o_O

I'm really all for it, though. ... Although part of me would like to see the Sony fanboys suffer and rot with their Everquest crap. ROOOOAR!!!

Jan 19, 2003, 10:22 AM
Naka and Co. seem to be avoiding the PS2 to the best of their ability, so I really doubt it'll ever be released on that system.
Also, I doubt the PS2 can handle the rich textures and pixel shaders of the Episode 2 levels (most notably of course, the Gal Da Val stages) without some loss in texture detail. Eww. Remember, the PS2 is by far the weakest of the three consoles when it comes to textures, and PSO is a pretty texture intensive game. I'm no technical expert or anything though, so that's just speculation. o_O

That's also the only reason that I know of, why Sonic Team won't introduce a Playstation 2 port of pso.

Purely technical issues, it seems.

Jan 19, 2003, 11:26 AM
I remember someone mentioning graphics compression a long time ago or some other signifigant technical obstacle, or maybe Yuji had the misfortune of buying one of the early PS2's that exploded a week after purchase.

Jan 19, 2003, 12:27 PM
On 2003-01-19 07:22, EsperJ wrote:

Naka and Co. seem to be avoiding the PS2 to the best of their ability, so I really doubt it'll ever be released on that system.
Also, I doubt the PS2 can handle the rich textures and pixel shaders of the Episode 2 levels (most notably of course, the Gal Da Val stages) without some loss in texture detail. Eww. Remember, the PS2 is by far the weakest of the three consoles when it comes to textures, and PSO is a pretty texture intensive game. I'm no technical expert or anything though, so that's just speculation. o_O

That's also the only reason that I know of, why Sonic Team won't introduce a Playstation 2 port of pso.

Purely technical issues, it seems.

or maybe naka still holds sony responsible for the demise of sega?

Jan 19, 2003, 12:40 PM
Yeah, as I recall, Naka-San said before that he isn't excactly the biggest fan of the PS2. He prefers to put Sonic Team games on systems that are easier to develop for (The DC, GCN, & XBOX).

Also, he may still hold a grudge against Sony for the premature death of the DC.

Jan 19, 2003, 01:04 PM
Lot of stupid comments early on in this topic...

If you actually believe PSO is a "great" game, you're a grade A, annoying, fanboy. At best it's an average Online game that's still eons behind the best online games, one of which is...

Everquest. While the PS2 version isn't close to its PC counterparts (and yes, I do have the beta) it is still way ahead of PSO in depth and play.

As for the technical argument, GC PSO is barely a step above from its DC counterpart; I suspect that the X-Box version will also receive minor upgrades in the graphics department. When you get down to it, it comes down to how much the developers are willing to put in to the game. You have to be a fool to think that GC PSO comes close to fully utilizing the GC's capabilities. And, as you may have seen in some of PS2's titles, SONY's console is capable of producing some very nice visual effects.

PSO on PS2 would have the potential to be the worst one ever because of cheating, but it would also have the potential to be the best one ever because it'll have the biggest audience.

On a side note, the extra button would make for another set of shortcut commands and there would be no keyboard issue.

Jan 19, 2003, 01:12 PM
I really haven't run into that many GC fanboys so I can't comment on them...They do, as I'm sure you know, exist. Just go to the EGM message board.

I personally like to stick up for the Xbox when appropriate, though I don't really consider myself a "fanboy". I don't really care so much about the specs as I do the games that it has. I own a GC as well, and I like it. I don't have anything against the PS2, but it doesn't have as much for me.

As to PSO on PS2...I dunno. They could probably pull it off, but would it take a lot more work in the port to PS2? It seems they were able to make the Xbox port fairly quick. Like some have said, it would probably suffer graphically in parts. But I'm sure the game would make a lot of PS2 owners happy, especially if they were able to make the PS2 and GC versions play together (though I'm not sure if that's feasible or not).

But yeah, I'm sure a lot of gamers have PS2 and at least one of the other systems.

Jan 19, 2003, 01:12 PM
Finally some who understands. Honestly, the PS2 really can't handle PSO. IF they were to make a PSO for PS2, then you should expect it to be downgraded from its GC and XBOX versions. Ps2 is a Weak system. It's a little stronger than the Dreamcast. ALso i heard from SOMEWHERE that the PSO creator isnt fond of the PS2.

Jan 19, 2003, 01:19 PM
PSO on PS2 would be the end of PSO on other consoles, the masses would flock to the PS2.

I would have rathered had it on PS2 then Xbox though, despite obsessive fanboys, I sure as hell cant stand ol' Bill.

Jan 19, 2003, 04:47 PM
On 2003-01-19 01:57, faceless wrote:

actually, all 3 systems have BMX XXX... but the PS2 version is censored and has no tits, while the gc and xbox versions have tits...

In that case, I'm an idiot. I wonder why I thought of PS2 as the only who had it? Oh well.

As for "Everquest. While the PS2 version isn't close to its PC counterparts (and yes, I do have the beta) it is still way ahead of PSO in depth and play. "

It's graphics are nowhere near anything, they were dated long ago and the updates they've gotten now are nowhere near anything moderm. PSO beats it there on many levels. But if you're talking about content, yes it probably has more. Sad fact is all the content is designed to take months of playing to get anything anywhere. It's a business model designed to screw the consumer (especially with that GM system.) So meh on that. ^o^

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bloodberry on 2003-01-19 13:53 ]</font>

Jan 19, 2003, 05:16 PM
HAHAHA.... ok... i found out lots of dumb people r on the planet from reading message boards.... ps2 would be bad 4 pso. The controller is by far the worst of the systems (MY opinion... which is right). it would feel acward to move around with a d-pad or with the terrible analog sticks. Also, the graphics would be worse. its strange... i almost never agree with phalanx.....

Jan 19, 2003, 06:35 PM
Going by sales (console per controller ratio), and the number of Dual Shock Converters out there, the PS2 has the best controller out there.

Again, the last time I checked, the more people you have playing an online game, the better it is.

Jan 19, 2003, 06:37 PM
If PSO came out for PS2, I wouldn't have to buy a second console just for PSO. I'd like it a lot in other words if it happened. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jan 19, 2003, 08:17 PM
On 2003-01-19 00:34, eXo wrote:
I just feel that sony really needs something besides SOCOM and TimeSplitters 2 to ultilize there modem to the fullest.

Wasn't the online option for TimeSplitters 2 of PS2 cancelled? Or it have it ?

Jan 19, 2003, 09:09 PM
Old news. TS2 doesn't have online play.

On the subject itself, SONY still has a heck of a lot more going for its online plans than the other two do (Nintendo & MS)

Jan 19, 2003, 10:12 PM
WTF SONY doesnt have a lot going for them on thier online plans. Where have you been? HAve you forgotten xbox controls the online console gaming industry? Xbox live is the best thing going for them and a lot of people are going to xbox now that its finally out. Xbox live makes all th eother online programs for other consoles seem like childs play. Their system was soley made for online gameplay.

ALso. I dunno bout u guys but i think the best controller of all time would be the dreamcast or xbox controller. The PS2 analog sticks r too far apart. The Gamecube's controller looks like a kindergarteners drawing (its all messed up and fruity!!). COmfortwise, it has to be xbox or dreamcast. Before you criticize on me. Ihave owned all 3 systems before. I currently own Playstation and Gamecube (ONLY FOR PSO, I have no intent on buying anything else for the gamecube, cuz nothing out there intrests me). Xbox i HAD but i sold ( I dont have broadband so there was no point in keeping the system.) JUs my 2 cents.

Jan 19, 2003, 11:13 PM
Even though the PS2 may lack in Visual Hardware and be older than the other 2 systems, it would actually be the best to put the game on for these simple reasons:

1. It has 2 USB ports for both a Keyboard AND a Mouse (if you wanted to add a Mouse to PSO) without having to break the bank on expensive specialized hardware.
2. It has both a 56K and Broadband, so it doesn't Alienate Narrowband users (like the Xbox).
3. You can add a Hard Drive to patch the game, however unlike the Xbox, getting into the Hard Drive would be VERY HARD to crack into.
4. The memory cards use Magic Gate technology making modifying of save files difficult.
5. They have a Voice Headset like the Xbox.
6. Multiple Shoulder Buttons and a Select Button. w/ 4 Shoulder Buttons, you could have 3 sets of Customized Buttons instead of 2 and use the 2nd Left Shoulder just for PB. Select could be used for numerous things like the Quick Menu etc.

Even though it'll probably never happen, it would be very nice to see PSO on the PS2 as it can utilize a large variety of hardware to make the gaming experience for gamers much more pleasant.

Jan 20, 2003, 12:26 AM
I would actually enjoy PSO on the PS2. Too bad it's never going to happen though. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Jan 20, 2003, 12:30 AM
Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt that the PS2 can handle the game. But, it won't be without a few compromises. The game just won't look as sharp and rich as the DC, GCN and Xbox versions. Keep in mind that the Dreamcast had quite a bit more video RAM than the PS2 does, and the GCN and Xbox absolutely DESTROY it in that area. Developers have done a good job of making due on the PS2 so far, but textures have still looked like, well... complete and utter crap, for the most part. That's what happens when you give a system 4MB of VRAM.

Seeing as the GCN version looks nearly identical to the DC one (save, of course, the new Episode 2 levels), I'd expect Sonic Team to do the same thing with the Xbox and, if it ever surfaced, the PS2 version. I just don't know if it'd be an easy conversion.

Either way though, I really doubt it's gonna happen any time soon.

Jan 20, 2003, 01:09 AM
Whether the game looks just as good as not would hardly stop people from purchasing it. Of course the game would be Aliased to hell just like all the other PS2 games and it's easily noticeable, but PS2's games stay on top because the games are just plain good. Why is GTA (3 or Vice) still doing as strong yet the graphics aren't the greatest?? Pure, solid gameplay. I think people would sacrifice a little big of graphics if the gameplay is still there or if the gameplay was improved (which could easily be done on PS2). Just like Shigeru Miyamoto says, games aren't about mind-blowing graphics, but about if the gamer enjoys the game and it's fun.

If you've gotta have mind-blowing graphics just to impress people then play games on the Computer, not a Console.

Jan 20, 2003, 01:20 AM
I agree! I'm just sayin'. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I seriously think Sonic Team has something majorly against Sony, on top of everything technical. I can't see them keeping the series off the system forever though, especially if it continues to gain in popularity...

Jan 20, 2003, 03:22 AM
Actually I personally think GTA and Vice city sell well because they have some ok gameplay mixed in with a lot of gratitous violence, sexual themes, swearing, etc. that just draws people to it like honey, specially the little kids who aren't supposed to have it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif But that's not the topic of this thread... Also PS2 just simply has a /lot/ of games, (When you release some many some of them have to appeal you everyone.) it came first, and they generated a very large "hype" for it that drove people into a frenzy to get one.

Jan 20, 2003, 06:12 AM
sonic team should make a lame assed port of pso 4 ps2

if only 4 a quick cash in

just think it might draw cheaters/dupers away from

the other systems

have hope