View Full Version : Fortegunner - Worthwhile Bullets?

Apr 15, 2008, 08:52 PM
Just wondering what bullets are worthwhile to pick up and actually level. I know the update will make bullet leveling much easier, and photon arts as a whole, but wouldn't hurt to get a head start. I've been playing as an AF to get my levels (Chikki spam = final blow on almost all monsters = tons of EXP = easy leveling) so I'm going to be at a real bad start for my Fortegunner.

For bullets, I really don't know which ones are "worthwhile" and will actually be strong once they're near max'd... anyone have any advice? This goes for the normal elemental bullets along with the PA Fragment ones... greatly appreciated if someone can point me in the right direction.

Apr 15, 2008, 08:53 PM
i like maylee for the laser cannon... it throughs them back...

Apr 15, 2008, 08:59 PM
All element rifles, shotgun, laser

Boma duranga, killer shot, yak zagenga

Thats mostly what you need.

Apr 15, 2008, 09:04 PM
You don't even NEED the frag PAs, either. You can substitute elemental PAs and do fine. Fortegunner may be the class with the least use overall for frags. Killer shot is there for bots, Duranga is for dragons, and zagenga is just for raw damage. (But as I said, on-element lasers or shotguns also rack up the damage well)

Apr 15, 2008, 09:12 PM
On 2008-04-15 18:59, Ragolismine wrote:
All element rifles, shotgun, laser

Boma duranga, killer shot, yak zagenga

Thats mostly what you need.

Hit the nail right on the head.

Rifles for bosses, SEs on big monsters, and general picking off of weaker monsters (within parties)

Shotguns for damage and crowd control (tough, but it's basically abusing Aggro and Hit Stun), and light SE spreadage

Laser for mowing down enemies, damage, and some SE spreadage.

Boma Duranga (or any grenade element works too) for bosses and big monster crowd control.

Killer Shot for Robo-Control (they die easily to KS)

And Yak PrintsMoney for high solo damage, though lv31+ Shotguns are comparable to Yak Zagenga 31+. It's personal preference right there though.

Apr 16, 2008, 06:33 AM
Get Killer Shot and Boma Duranga as said before, but do not get Mayalee Prism or Yak Zagenga. Or at least wait until you have all your elements to start working on them.

Zagenga used to be nice before ST boosted the elemental and ATP mods on Shotguns. The ATP mod on Zagenga does not go up after 31 so you are doing the same amount of damage at 40 as you are at 30. Because of that, opposite element Shotgun damage far exceeds Zagenga. There's not much point in running around with 1 HP if you could be doing more damage with another weapon anyway.

Mayalee Prism is has also been surpassed by other bullets. It was nice to have every now and then, but with the strength and flinching power of regular elemental bullets, its really not worth it. Mobs are also so weak now that suppression is almost never needed on small or medium mobs. If you need to suppress a large mob target, just use a Grenade Launcher or 31+ Rifle.

Apr 16, 2008, 08:56 AM
I'd throw some handgun or mechgun bullets in there as well. Even Fortegunners have to dodge sometimes. Handguns can crank out high-level SE's from a respectable range, mechs have superflinch and good raw damage output.

Apr 16, 2008, 09:14 AM
Actually, in regards to what Panzer said, light Mechs are -great- for Deljaban, as you can keep a few of them stunned and being knocked back without having to worry about megid.

... I'm going to disagree about handguns, though >_>

Apr 16, 2008, 10:11 AM
As a fG: Xbows > Machineguns or Handguns. Always. While I wouldn't tell you to avoid Machinegun bullets, Handguns are garbage on a fG. The only thing that makes Handgun bullets even mildly useful in this game as a whole is the fact that they are usable by all classes. So if you are going to jump between fG and PT (seems to be a popular combination), it wouldn't be a bad way to save PA space. But if you plan on being 100% fG, don't EVER touch Handguns.

Apr 16, 2008, 10:40 AM
Handgun + Dagger > XBow for me.

Handgun has FPS (good for shooting moving targets like fricking cast soldiers), better range, and better damage mods... it's a better gun. Once you're close enough that XBow multi-shot matters your melee weapon is a stronger choice for damage and defensive effects, or you can use an offensive PA and do a boatload more damage.

Mechguns I like because they at least work at reasonable "gun" ranges instead of competing with melee.

IMO: if you want a job where Crossbows aren't silly, go GunTecher. They're the ones where a "melee" gun weapon actually makes some sense with their lv10 PA caps. They might be cool on Fighgunner as well, where you can waste time spamming leftie on something at point blank while waiting for targets to line up a little better for a shot of Chikki.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: panzer_unit on 2008-04-16 08:56 ]</font>

Apr 16, 2008, 11:04 AM
For FPS, I don't really see the point of Handguns. Handguns only real advantage is mobile SE3. FPS takes away the advanage of mobility, so for FPS Rifles will always be the winner. Better damage, SE, and range.

I kind of see your point about having to be close with Xbows, but Xbows do enough damage over Handguns to balance the risk. Also, Xbows still remain as the best option for dropping SE hell on mobs. If you are spread shotting, you won't need to be close at all.

I have Machinegun bullets...but I don't think I've carried a Machinegun in my palette since everyone was running Labs S2. Simple reason? Everything dies faster using a Xbow.

Apr 16, 2008, 11:15 AM
I pop in and out of FPS all the time against anything that circles around. Much easier to aim and lead fire that way than free-handing it in third person when strafing won't keep up. I'd rather do it all on Handgun than lag myself out of the fight constantly switching between mech and rifle for Endrum soldiers.

PS... You're arguing in favor of status effects? Seriously?

Apr 16, 2008, 11:28 AM
Hey, if you solo as much as I do, then you make a lot of use of status effects. Especially when you're playing a challenging area. Not everyone runs around with full level 130 parties.

Apr 16, 2008, 11:39 AM
I know what you're talking about with stuff that circles...annoying, hehe. I usually just flip it with the first hit of Rising Strike. There are only a handful of enemies in this game that won't be dead before it gets up and has a chance to move. Why are you using Rifles on Endrum soldiers (honest question)?

When I solo I worry about SE. Due to the extreme lack of difficulty I try to avoid running in parties with more than 3 people. When the aggro is only split between 1-3 people, SE becomes a lot more important. Yak Inga has litterally saved me hundreds of thousands of meseta in mates, probably more. Those rogue bitches with the Twin Claws in DG aren't nearly as annoying when they can't attack.

Apr 16, 2008, 11:43 AM
I use burn and virus grenades for large targets... killer shot + virus & whatever defensive SE I feel like leveling against bots... otherwise owning their faces with proper-element shotgun or mech/dagger seems to work well enough.

If anything I find SE's more important as a melee job since they let me close in for the kill faster and/or saves me some HP from getting bitten. Gunner? I don't really give a rats ass what the enemies are throwing at me since I don't have to go in close against dangerous guys.

Apr 16, 2008, 12:04 PM
Gunner's do have the advantage of distance, but the best of the fG weapons either require close proximity and/or restrict your movement. Sure, I can dance around and plink away at their HP with extra long range and mobility weapons, but I'd rather throw a few volleys of SE with a Xbow (~3 usually does the trick) and clear the room faster with my high DPS weapons. I've always had a very aggressive approach to gunning though. But the beauty of gunning is that it allows you to get close because you can and not because you have to.

Apr 16, 2008, 12:26 PM
Rifle: all elements + Killer Shot (get ASAP)

Shotgun: at least three elements.

Crossbow: at least three elements (the ones you did not get for shotgun) + Yak Zagenga (for neutral monsters, mostly)

Laser: as many as you can stand to level up.

Grenade: at least two elements + Boma Duranga.

Nothing works better than that.

Ultimately, all elemental bullets for the weapon types mentioned above are worth it.

Apr 16, 2008, 12:56 PM
Shooting high-dps weapons without proper element doesn't sound all that much faster than shooting mechs with an element damage boost... if it's anything less than a handful of guys with the potential to wipe me out in a couple hits I don't compromise on damage output at all, shotgun / laser all the way.

Apr 16, 2008, 01:51 PM
True, it probably wouldn't do any more damage than using aligned element Machineguns, but I though we were talking about Handguns?

The only weapons I ever break aligned element for is my Xbow for the occasional Shock/Silence or maybe Burn/Virus and my Grenade Launcher because leveling 6 Grenade elements is damn near pointless when you have Duranga. Other than that, I'm with you on Shotgun/Laser Cannon.

Apr 16, 2008, 04:25 PM
On 2008-04-16 11:51, amtalx wrote:
True, it probably wouldn't do any more damage than using aligned element Machineguns, but I though we were talking about Handguns?

I talk about machineguns for damage, though even handguns beat crossbow if it's only hitting with one dart per shot :

Mobile weapons only come out for me when it's time for megid/killerfoie/etc dodgeball, and a gun I've got to fire at point-blank is the last one I want to pull out in those situations.

Apr 16, 2008, 05:38 PM
For megid/killerfoie and the like i stick with zagenga and a weapon.

Apr 16, 2008, 06:38 PM
On 2008-04-16 14:25, panzer_unit wrote:
I talk about machineguns for damage, though even handguns beat crossbow if it's only hitting with one dart per shot :

Anyone bone-headed enough to do that should probably be playing Freecell instead. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Mobile weapons only come out for me when it's time for megid/killerfoie/etc dodgeball, and a gun I've got to fire at point-blank is the last one I want to pull out in those situations.

With Xbows, the flinch is usually enough to get me by, if not...SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND.

Apr 17, 2008, 08:24 AM
On 2008-04-16 16:38, amtalx wrote:
With Xbows, the flinch is usually enough to get me by, if not...SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND.

It's really too bad the lawn gnome deco item can't be used as a saber in melee. That's the first thing I thought of when reading this.

Apr 17, 2008, 11:06 AM
I whole-heartedly agree on Handguns being rather redundant on a Fortegunner just because they've got much better options. However, Mayalee Hit has a special place for me after I tried it out on may new Fortegunner. It costs so much less, it's deadly accurate and I virtually never need to use mates since it's so easy for Fortegunners to go from close range to long range and back again.

Apr 17, 2008, 11:49 AM
my rifles are seriously neglected they just seem so inefficient. killer is nice for bots though. i kinda prefer handguns though because i have a tendancy to grenade through my hp and mates rather quickly.