View Full Version : My Rockman.exe Fic

Jan 20, 2003, 04:56 PM
This is a Rockman.exe Fanfic I've been planning to start for a while.... So I hope you enjoy it:

(Although this takes place after Rockman.exe 3, to avoid spoiling anything, I won't be referring to any of the events from is, but I will be using chips from the game)

Oh, and just to avoid confusion for those who don't know the character's japanese names:

Netto = Lan
Higure = Higsby
Rockman = Megaman

I'll put up the names for other characters once Im put them in the Fic.

Chapter 1: Trouble in the Metroline

"Netto-Kun........Netto-Kun........" Came Rockman's voice from his PET. "Just a few more minutes...." Netto Groaned back.
"But that's what you said a few minutes ago.......and a few minutes before that.........."
"Alright.....I get the point......now let me sleep"
"But Netto-kun, if you sleep any longer you'll be late for your first day of Junior High..."
"WHAT??? I forgot all about that!" Yelled Netto as he woke with a start.

Netto hastily had a shower, got dressed and dashed downstairs to find his breakfast on the table, and his mom was nowhere to be seen. "Rockman.... where....." Netto began to ask, but was cut off by Rockman, who replied. "She's got a new job, She left before you were awake"
"Oh......right" said Netto as he ate his breakfast quickly and headed out the door.

"Netto-kun, you better hurry up, the train leaves in 5 minutes, and it's a 30 minute ride to Dentown where your new school is, and if you miss it you'll have to wait for the next one which will take....."
"Right, right, I'll be late, I get the point!" Netto replied as he rollerbladed as fast as he could down the street to the metroline.

"Wow! I can't belive we made it...." Netto said, sitting down in the train exausted after rollerblading so much.
"Netto-kun, would you be able to plug me in to the train? I could talk with some of the other Navis here."
"sure" said Netto as he plugged his PET in to the Plug that was provided for exactly such a purppse.

Rockman looked around, he couldn't see any familiar Navis, there were mostly standard Navis, a Black Navi with a Microphone chatting with a group of generic Navis And a Strange Orangeish red Navi with 2 large spikes on his hands sitting in the corner, not talking to anyone.
"This is truly a surprise, Mr. Higure, look who is here." said a voice behind Rockman. Rockman turned around and saw Numberman standing behind him.

Netto looked over the back of his seat, Higure was sitting in the row behind him.
"Wow! Mr. Higure! I didn't expect you to be here!" Netto said as he moved over to sit beside Higure.
"Oh, I'm teaching at the new high school, in the Net Battling class" Higure Replied, "I didn't expect you to be going to the school too....."
"Of course I am. There aren't any high schools in ACDC town"
Suddenly, the Train came too a sudden stop. Nearly throwing Netto and Higure off their seats.
"Mr. Higure, I don't mean to inturrupt your conversation, but there train is being attacked by viruses" Came Numberman's voice from Higure's PET.

End of Chapter
So what do you think So far?

Jan 20, 2003, 05:49 PM
Hmm, interesting. Is this a PSO fanfic?

Jan 20, 2003, 06:11 PM
It's a Megaman.EXE fic, he said.

Jan 20, 2003, 06:28 PM
On 2003-01-20 15:11, RavenTW wrote:
It's a Megaman.EXE fic, he said.

Megaman.EXE? As in his character name? I've seen dozens of Megamans and MegamanXs around the lobbys.

Jan 20, 2003, 07:38 PM
Okay, Rockman.exe is the japanese name for Megaman Battle Network, Megaman Battle Network is a Megaman Series, and I assume you know who megaman is... (My character is named Elric, not Megaman.exe)

Jan 20, 2003, 09:08 PM
It's a good first chapter btw, but you forgot Higsby's "HUH!" talk. Or have you played MMBN?

"Let's see what the teacher put on the board, HUH!"

"Ok, everybody jack in, HUH!"

"I designed a new Chip Trader, HUH!"

He says that after every sentence, I get a ick outta it all the time. We need some more non-PSO fics.

Jan 20, 2003, 10:00 PM
Oh, I'm basing this off of the japanese version, and he doesn't say it in the japanese version... but I know what you're talking about.

Chapter 2- Diobolical Virus Attack!

"Whaaaaaaat?!? Netto shouted after hearing about the Virus attack "This can't happen now!!! I'll be late for school!"
"Hah, if you think that's the worst of your problems, you better think again!" Said a voice over the Intercom. "In a few minutes you'll all be DEAD!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
"That voice... I've heard something similar.... not the same but... I can't remember where I've heard it" Netto said to Higure while the laughter continued over the Intercom.
"Well, nothing is going to make me late for school today, especially on the first day!" Netto said Angrily as he got a chip ready. "Battle Chip, Variable Sword, Slot IN!"
"Alright! Lets get 'em!" Higure said as he got a chip ready as well. "Battle Chip, Custom Sword, Slot in!"

Meanwhile. Numberman and Rockman got ready to fight the Viruses as both of their right hands transformed in to swords.
"Take this!" Rockman yelled as he sent a barrage of slash waves at the group of viruses, which consisted of mainly Remobit and Magnoid Viruses.
Rockman turned to see a group of Metools attack him from behind, but Numberman got them first, hitting them with a Dice Bomb which deleted them. Almost immediately, Numberman and Rockman found themselves surrounded by more Viruses.

"Netto, when I tell you, use the Dreamsword Attack from your Variable sword on the left group of viruses" Higure told Netto.
"Alright, I will" Netto replied as he got ready to fight.
"Well.... this will need to hurry up, if I am correct, we have about 5 seconds before the Viruses will attack us at full power"
"Now" Yelled Higure, ignoring Numberman's comment. "Use your Custom Sword!"
"Yes Sir" Numberman replied as him and Rockman attacked both sides, wiping out the viruses completely.
"That was easy, now who caused that?" Said Rockman as his sword dissapeared.
"Really now, you thought it was that easy? Well, I'd hate to dissapoint you! Have some more!!!" Yelled the voice over the intercom before he continued his insane laughter.
Suddenly, a cloaked Navi, with 2 large spikes for hands, and 3 Elecgon Viruses appeared in front of Rockman and Numberman.
"That's the Navi I saw sitting in the corner earlier!" Exclaimed Rockman.

End Chapter.

So, what do you think of this one?

And can anyone guess who the Navi is? It's probably pretty obvious.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chibi-Chao on 2003-01-21 19:33 ]</font>