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View Full Version : AotI-PC/PS2: How long does it take for a subscription to be

Apr 27, 2008, 04:11 AM
So I cancelled my subscription on the 2nd of April because I was getting a little too busy to play PSU. But since yesterday i've wanted to check out MAG.

BUT, when I try to hit 'new subscription' on PLAYSEGA I get a 173: error telling me I need to wait until my old subscription has a status of 'cancelled', before I can re-subscribe with the same account. Its status at the moment is still 'pending cancellation'.

So yeah, I was wondering if anybody knew how long it takes for a subscription to get a 'cancelled' status after unsubscribing. Thanks for any help.

And I have emailed sega support with this 'query' but I figured some people on here may have experienced the same thing. Thanks.

Apr 28, 2008, 07:54 AM
same problem here, i logged on they said i was expired im like wtf, then on playsega im active?? i cancelled and try to re suscribe now im just locked out. Playsega site is a runaround a utterly ridiculous. I guess they dont want my money.

Apr 28, 2008, 04:07 PM
SEGA is having problems with billing site: a los of accounts are pending to cancell (error173), and some others, apparently actives can't log into the game because SEGA did not charge de payment corresponding to Avril (error 065). You send and e-mail to SEGA (http://www.phantasystaruniverse.com/support_contact.php) reporting this problem. But be patient, because this is happening since a few days ago :,(

Apr 29, 2008, 02:43 AM
Aye, I know haha

I was one of the first it hit (April 2nd)
Been having problems since then and haven't heard a peep from the SEGA 'support'

May 9, 2008, 10:35 PM
ur not theonly one. I jsut tried today, i got on jsut fine. but when i switched to anothrer character. It said my license has expired. I went and checked, still said active and the billing was a success, but my license wasnt updated. so i did a cancel in order to retry and it wouldnt let me. even it still has teh notice saying it will soon read inactive.