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May 6, 2008, 06:19 PM
This seems like it will be one of the most useful PA's out of the bullets. I already have killer shot and it won't be fun leveling it to 21+ but it will prove useful at high levels. I'll get the grenade launcher PA's next (High damage and guaranteed freeze). But Mayalee prism seems like it will be the most useful in soloing. Your thoughts?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dhylec on 2008-05-06 17:58 ]</font>

May 6, 2008, 06:39 PM
it's a mixed bag. in parties it can make a real mess because sometimes enemies load differently for seperate players. what might look to you like a spawn of vandas being handled nicely in a corner can actually be a whole spawn randomly flying all over the room for another player. it works in tight spaces, but usually only if the enemies are backed up against something and you arrive right as they spawn.

it's really awesome on worms and anything that simply falls down instead of being knocked back. then it can be extremely useful. it can work for soloing but usually only to get things off your back or the rare spawn that plays into it perfectly (see: ten volfu @ seabed). definitely too cool not to lvl up!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TUSCAN on 2008-05-06 16:41 ]</font>

May 6, 2008, 06:42 PM
It's forgetable for now. Everything dies so quickly it really doesn't have much of a purpose. Maybe when Gunmaster is released, it will be a half-assed replacement for Grenade Launchers.

May 7, 2008, 03:18 AM
If you're playing FG, Killer Shot and Boma Duranga are really the only worthwhile ultimate gun PA's at this point in the game, imo. Just stick to your elemental bullets for now. The other PA's have become either too situational and/or weak to really help you out; and most of then suffer from high PP costs, low attack modifiers, and the fact that they don't have any elements. =/

If you're intent on using knockback though, I'd stick with either grenades, or a saber with Rising Strike + a crossbow... though I'm not big on using melee weapons as a FG. I think lv31+ rifle bullets would be the most helpful though, since they get knockdown instead of knockback. This'll keep the enemies off your ass while at the same time not throwing them everywhere to piss off the other people in the party, lol. The lv4 status effects, if properly utilized, will also help.

We REALLY need some new bullets and technics though... >_<

May 7, 2008, 03:22 AM
Mayalee prism is really annoying in parties. It does pretty much the same thing for others in the party as tornado dancing, and with the recent boost that lasers got, just stick with the elemental ones. (imo)

May 7, 2008, 03:32 AM
I was actually finding Mayalee Prism very useful in a few S-runs earlier, when my group of Lv80-100 squishies were getting swarmed by Orga and Deljablargs...

May 7, 2008, 04:56 AM
Mayalee Prism used to be a good support bullet for taking out worms but now fGs can kill worms in like 1-2 Shotgun shots so...it's worthless now.

If you want bullet support, lv.31+ Rifle is much better and less annoying (Knockdown > Knockback, keeps the enemy in one spot). All Mayalee Prism do is make the melee (and some tech) users mad at you for throwing the enemies all over the screen because they're missing their attacks, making mission time longer than needed.

As in terms of solo'ing, eh...there hasn't been a situtation that made me think Mayalee Prism would have made a huge difference in favor of it and I solo a variety of missions on different planets.

May 7, 2008, 05:28 AM
I'll be going Gunmaster, and the way I see it, with the limited weapon selection, it will be much more fun to make use of all your possible bullets for the 4 gun types, like someone said before, it could be a nice replacement for Grenade Launchers for a Gunmaster.