View Full Version : My PSO story

Jan 22, 2003, 12:28 AM
This is my PSO story that I am in the process of writing. It is comprised of events and random things that happened to me throughout my 7+ months of playing PSO on the Dreamcast. My friends Skuld and Sqwirl who are members of this board, have posted their stories as well...so check them out. We are making a "book" made up of our stories as well as our other friends. So without further delay...here is my story thus far:

-the jaser saga-

Ch.1: It Begins
I had first learned about Phantasy Star Online from IGN, before I had my cable modem. I would always read up on upcoming games, and this one just happened to catch my eye one day. I began to read about it more and more, and the more I read, the cooler it became. The idea of an online game like this intrigued me because I had never really played one before. So the wait and anticipation for this game began, and I would constantly be reading more about it on other gaming sites, watching videos, and looking at screen shots. Around this time, Travis and I were becoming pretty good friends and we had mythology together. We both had a Dreamcast, so I told him about the game. He seemed just as excited about it as I was, so now both of us were waiting. I do believe we began to tell everyone else about it, so they wanted it also and the ones that didn?t have a DC, bought one. Then the time came, the game was released on Jan 30, 2001 but unfortunately I was unable to get it at this time. I didn?t have enough money, so I saved all the money I could in order to get the game as soon as possible. Trevor was the first one to get it, so of course I watched him play just a tiny bit. Then February 12 came along, and this is the day I was finally able to get PSO! I had Trevor and Travis over that night, and I would never forget the excitement I felt as I made my very first character. I had looked at names from Norse Mythology on the Internet before hand, to try and find a cool character name and I was very successful. In one, now lost website, inside of a very large story about Norse Mythology, I came across Bolverk. Supposedly, it is another name for Odin and it means Evil Doer. At the time I didn?t know, but this would be the name that would stick with me forever, and I would use it multiple times, for multiple things. Once I had made my character, I will never forget the first thing that Travis said, ?Damn, Trevor, why can?t your character be cool like Jaser?s? His is all cool, and yours is a shitty, pink/purple girl that looks like shit.?

Ch.2: Scramble City.
For about a week or so, I was unable to get online because I simply did not know how. So I just played offline, slowly becoming better and knowledgeable of the game. Then Travis got the game and was able to get online via his MSN account. So he helped me out, and let me use his account for as long as I needed. One word to describe playing PSO online at the time...NUTS. Travis and I were so anxious to play the game with other people that we played together for about 10 minutes that entire day. I did not have a keyboard at the time, so I had to use the controller to type, which REALLY REALLY sucked and was pretty hard, but I eventually got used to it. I felt like a little kid in a toy store while playing the game for those first few days. I ran around, meeting new people, learning more about the game from them, and going completely ape shit due to my extreme happiness of playing PSO online. I learned of extremely cool, unique, rare weapons and of the extra features that you could only see by playing the game online. At this time, there was no Gameshark for Dreamcast, so no one could cheat and EVERYONE was constantly running around hunting and trading for new weapons...it was great to see the game played legitly because I would never see it like that again...

Ch.3: Online Friends-Duplication-Keyboard!
Out of the many many people I met online, only a few stood out as being actual friends, and these would be the people that I would end up spending a lot of time playing with. My PSO friends sort of came to me in waves, and each wave came at a different time...and since I?m still at the beginning of this damn story, I'll start with the "1st wave". Dee Dee was the very first person I became friends with on PSO. She taught me many things that I did not know before, and showed me some awesome rare weapons...she even gave me one or two! Blood God came along shortly after, and he also taught me a few things about the game...including how to duplicate items. He gave me some things he duplicated himself and I eventually became a dupe?ing master/bitch...but I'll get back to that later. But unfortunately, I only played with him for a couple of weeks because he disappeared =. Evil Xan was the person I met next...I didn?t really learn anything from him because I had already learned the major things I needed to know...so we just became good friends and played together a lot. Those are the main people I became friends with within my first 2-3 weeks of playing PSO online...but that?s useless information so then I got a keyboard! Not only did I get a keyboard, but my mom was the one who bought it for me! This may seem unbelievable to some of you...but back then, my mom was actually pretty damn cool.

Ch.4: Real life friends get PSO!
After Travis and I had gotten the game, a lot of our real life friends ended up getting it as well?after either playing it at one of our houses or hearing us talk about it constantly. The ones that had DC?s got it, and the ones without DC?s went out and bought one as well as PSO. Alex, Sqwirl, Michael, Robbie, Curtis, Matt, and probably some more people that I can?t remember right now all got the game and all of us had a jolly good time =). We constantly played together, and pretty much competed to have the coolest and best characters. PSO actually made all of us better friends and we become much closer than we were before, and we were already pretty damn close.

Ch.5: Leveling up & Dupe'ing.
During the first 3 weeks or so of PSO, I was at a fairly low level (around Lv. 20) and I gained more levels at a pretty slow pace. At the time, I didn?t really have many good methods of leveling up?but that changed shortly after. Eventually, I became a master trader/dupe?er and I somehow ended up with some of the best items in the game, without losing anything of my own, with the help of duplication. Now that I had pretty good weapons, armor, and items to fight with, I was actually able to stand a chance in hard mode and very hard more. By playing in those difficulties, it made it a lot easier and more challenging to level up?in turn making the game even more fun than it already was. With the combination of playing in hard/very hard modes, and doing online/offline quests, I was at a high level in no time. Not only did I have the power to duplicate items, but I also had the items actually worth duplicating. As time progressed, I learned of more and more rare items and I obtained more and more as well. I was a little dupe?ing bastard and I duplicated many things, for many different people?at times making people happy?at times making people mad. Duplication greatly affected PSO in general, as it was now much easier to gain access to rare weapons (but still pretty hard)?and if you traded for a rare weapon, chances are it was a duplicate and not the real thing.

Ch.6: More Online Friends!
Around this period of time in PSO, my ?2nd wave? of PSO friends came along. I met ExtremeX(Alex 2) in a game once, on the Pioneer 2 through DeeDee. Alex2 had a rare Pan Arms weapon, and they had a proposition in which if I dupe?ed it for them, I would get to keep one myself. So through that little experience, Alex2 and I became good friends and we ended up playing together all the time. I met Tiger Lily(Nicole), along with her husband and their clan, the Roaches. At the beginning, they wanted me in their clan?I almost joined, but then I decided not to because I sort of wanted to make my own clan. This was also around the time that Travis suggested that we make a clan, and he continued to do so for about 2 weeks. Nicole and I played a lot, goofed around a lot, and became great friends. And now we come to Andrew(Andrew). He is probably one of the best PSO players that we know of next to Travis and myself. We always argued, bitched at, insulted, and fought with each other?and it was ALWAYS hilarious and extremely fun. We were friends and rivals back then, but now we are more friends than rivals. Jaccel(Kate) was probably one of the last few people I became great friends with on PSO. We became SUCH good friends that we fell in love and ended up being together for about a year and a half. We constantly played private games together, where we would mostly talk instead of play. P.S. I still talk to Kate, Nicole, Alex2, and Andrew to this day and we are still great friends!

Ch.7: Random PSO Crap
food Cream Soda, Little Debbie Banana Nut bread snack cakes, pop-tarts, hot pockets, star crunch, little bagels, cheese toast, pizza rolls, pizza, and my mom?s chili
music Finger Eleven, Fear Factory, 3 Haste Demos, Static-X, A Perfect Circle, Spineshank, Mudvayne, Unreleased System of a Down songs, 1 Mushroom Head song, Slipknot, Korn, the Straight Up Cd, Linkin Park, Nothingface, Taproot, Cold, Sevendust, Staind, The Mega Midget Mix 1-3(my mixed cds), The Mega Mexican Mix 1-1000?(Travis?s mixed cds)
weather ?67 degrees and a blanket?- Travis? PSO story
areas of play The places we played at most would have to be my old house and Travis? house? for some reason we NEVER played at anyone else?s house. My house was good because since we only had one phone line, one person would play online, while the other person played offline?allowing the offline person to advance through the difficulties and level up more. Travis? house was good because he had 2 phone lines and we were able to play at the same time online, and be sitting right next to each other talking. =).
TV----DC---Controller pulled through TV tray legs----------
+ = chair w/person & blankey
Keyboard on top of TV tray w/food next to it----

Ch.8: SIN

That is probably a little over half of my whole story. I will finish it soon enough...school and work take up most of my time so it is harder for me to work on. Anyways, if you actually took the time to read the story, please comment...whether you enjoyed it or not...and if youd like, post your own PSO stories. Thankyou for your time.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bolverk0 on 2003-01-21 21:30 ]</font>

Jan 22, 2003, 03:04 AM
I like it all the way up until you get into duping, it ruins the game after a while, but yes at first it is a lot more fun, but in the end you screw yourself out of more funexpierences, I am total legit all the way and only trade with my Guild friends that I know in real life...But overall I enjoy the story keep up the good work! (Oh, please try and play GC PSO LEGITLY) THX! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jan 22, 2003, 10:38 AM
I know what you mean, and feel the exact same way...and that is sort of where im going with that point in the story...cheating ruins the experience. Although it didnt completely ruin it, cheating is just a stupid thing to do...and dont worry, I plan to stay 100% legit in the xbox version http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Thanks for reading it!