View Full Version : RAmars

May 10, 2008, 11:36 PM
hy i just made a RAmar out of boredom and i need some tips for it.

May 10, 2008, 11:52 PM
- 5/145/50/0 mags are usually great for RAmars.
- RAmars have a lot of ATA naturally so you don't have to concentrate on it as much as other characters.
- Shifta/Deband are great, but a max Sync/IQ mag using twins will boost you higher.
- Frozen Shooter/Spread Needle are must have weapons for rangers. Yas9k are also great to add to rangers.
- RAmars don't have great HP when they begin but when get to ultimate the amount of HP you start gaining per level will be great.
- If you can play online, S-ranks can solve the problem of J/Z making you almost as great as RAmarls.

Using guns is the best idea at lower levels. Try to use a lot of power mats if you can. About 100 is usually good.

May 13, 2008, 06:17 PM
There's no official Red Rifles, so Red Handguns and Trusty Justys

May 27, 2008, 01:26 PM
Hit and run [when hopelessly outclassed. me in Ult forest @lv50]
Spam S/D
High attack speed is always good.
Power is your friend
God body help if your having a bit of trouble

Stuff like that. generally common principles. I like carrying a rifle, a mechgun, and a shot/launcher weapons just for groupes/dangerous/bosses

And in ULT stay outta range of the lillies and they're no threat at all ^_^

May 28, 2008, 06:00 PM
Shita, Deband, and Charge Mechguns.