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View Full Version : AotI-PC/PS2: Story or Network Mode won't load, and DirectX I

May 13, 2008, 11:13 PM
The subject basically says it all. Somewhat like the the famous DirectX issue - I go into the AoI menu to click Story or Network Mode and neither load one bit. I've attempted to reinstall DirectX from the AoI disc and even reinstall the games themselves - four times, to be exact. I've uninstalled and reinstalled DirectX, made sure all my drivers were correct, integrity checked the discs and even tried it on two different XP service packs (SP2, SP3 RC1). PSU *has* run beautifully on my computer before and nothing has been changed. Any clues?

If you need even more info and screenshots, check out the PSU tech support board at the link below, but the people there are pretty rude and I was more or less flamed.


Thanks again!