View Full Version : Fan Art PSU for Nintendo DS

May 25, 2008, 09:45 PM
Hi everyone. A while back I was messing around and created some fake shots of PSU as it could appear on DS. I showed them off on the official forum as we were discussing possible control schemes and such. Anyway, with PSP coming out for the PSP, I've seen a few posts reading "I wish it were coming out for DS" etc. so I thought I might share the pics with the community here.

I'm well aware of the hardware differences between the DS and PSP, so let's please not turn this into a "it wouldn't run on DS, DS Sucks PSP is better, vice versa" thread. These are pretty much just for fun.


Also, just for kicks, PSU tiger handheld :P


May 25, 2008, 10:03 PM
thats sooooooooooo awesome!

PSU on DS would be pretty cool

May 25, 2008, 10:05 PM
Such a great concept =D i seriously can't get over how much I love the tiger handheld psu haha!

May 25, 2008, 11:11 PM
haayyyy Cool concept. Wasn't their an idea like that for PSO DS? Im not sure if I remember that one. But saddly, I dont think the DS is powerful to run that, But thats a great look none the less!

May 27, 2008, 03:38 AM
woah thats koo! WEEEEEEEEE! it would be koo if it were for DS! :D
i dont like playing on pc! computers dont like me D:

May 27, 2008, 11:22 AM
Haha, love it.

I miss my Tiger Sonic game :<

May 27, 2008, 11:35 AM
Aww, now I'm sad it isn't real! xD It's a great idea though. *dreams*

By the way, I laughed pretty hard at the Tiger version, that's too funny. :lol:

May 28, 2008, 04:50 AM
whellllllllllllllll phantasy star portable sounds more practical cuz the psp is wayyyyyyy more sofisticated

May 28, 2008, 09:48 AM
whellllllllllllllll phantasy star portable sounds more practical cuz the psp is wayyyyyyy more sofisticated

Than the Tiger Handheld? Well duhr. :wacko:

Btw, way to go on reading the request not to stir up comparison battles by the op.


Yeah it would be neat to use a stylus pen on psu, just for the kicks of it :3

May 28, 2008, 01:54 PM
If only it were true.
At least PSUP will fill that void.