View Full Version : Fan Art My psu works

Jun 2, 2008, 08:12 PM
lol yea I haven't really done much on here but i have edited some screen shots from psu so feel free to give your opinion of them there on my account in my various albums. Also, feel free to ask me to do custom works. Don't really know what else to say xD some of this work I've mostly been jus holding onto till now. I'll attach a group picture for a group I'm currently in it will still be a work in progress of course as I add pple. So I'm open to commisions/requests so feel free to ask.

Jun 3, 2008, 06:04 PM
Hey Saki!

That picture turned out pretty well! Your extraction technique is pretty good, but there are two spots I see that came out a little funky (probably due to the source pictures). Hiroko's lower portion of her Kazarod(oc?) beneath her hands is one portion, and the whip's photon portion for your own character. I imagine that there wasn't anything you could do about the Kazarod(oc?), considering how good of a job you did with the other characters.

For the whip, though, or other weapons that have lots of photon energy-ness about them, I would recommend going into your graphics settings and turning post-effects off. This will get rid of the glow on the weapons entirely, making them purely white, but much easier to extract from source pictures (and you can add the glow back to the weapon later via photoshop effects!). Of course, this is only my opinion, and your stuff looks great, so keep at it!

Jun 3, 2008, 11:23 PM
lol comments are always welcomed i wasnt to worried about details like that in truth though some of it I did take some time to try an get rid of the glow an wat nots like with sparky i did some xD. Also, the project is not final product cause ur still a missing :p after which ill go bk an fix things up.

Jun 5, 2008, 08:07 PM
I'm just a critic, but the cut-outs are horrible. Fix the cut outs, add better text, it would look cool. Congratulations on effort though.

Jun 12, 2008, 03:07 PM