View Full Version : PC: Issues with wired 360 trigger buttons

Jun 4, 2008, 07:58 PM
Ok, so I bought myself a wired 360 controller to play on my PC since my previous controller broke.
Now I can, for the most part, assign the controls to how it is on PS2 cause I end up switching back and forth between the two pending on where I am.

Now my issue is that I cannot assign the "Page Left" and "Page Right, Chatlog" to the Left and Right triggers of the controller respectively. I ended up going to the Control Panel, Game Controllers to see which button number they are and it turns out that they do not have a specific number, but instead, they govern the control of the 'Z Axis'

My problem is: Need to assign "Page Left" to the Left Trigger and "Page Right, Chatlog" to the Right Trigger.

P.S. Yes I know I can use the D-Pad to navigate the action palette, but I would like to imitate the PS2 controls on the PC for simplicity sake and so that I don't have to go from controller to keyboard to check something and then back to the controller.

Thank you for your time and patience and any input you may have.

Jun 5, 2008, 01:19 AM
i use a wireless 360 controller and i hav the same button. i tend to use my keyboard for the buttons i dont hav. if u really want to use it tho. u should look up a program to map keyboard keys to the controller. other than that, there is no way to use the triggers that i hav found.

Jun 6, 2008, 10:52 AM
Go and read this thread.

(the search function of this site is your friend ^_^)
