View Full Version : Kawaii - the true story

Jun 8, 2008, 09:40 PM
Guess what?

Japanese people don't say "Kawaii" has often as you think.

Japan is not an anime.

If you ever go, and you tell a girl "Kawaii", chances are you're going to butcher it and say, "Kowaii" which means, creepy/scary. And not just "American Horror Scary" I mean, flippin' scary.
If you say either one to a girl in Tokyo, she'll slap you. She's use to dealing with ignorant foreigners.

When you say Kawaii in America, or England, or wherever, you are really saying, "I'm never going to get laid." or "I'm an ignorant fool that thinks incorporating Japanese into my speech makes me cool."

You give whatever nationality you are, a bad name. Please, for you own good, stop.

Jun 8, 2008, 09:45 PM
I'd like to request my username be changed to Obsidian-dono.

Really though, that crap irritates me as well.

Jun 8, 2008, 10:35 PM


Nitro Vordex
Jun 8, 2008, 10:50 PM
I still wonder why people use that word anyways.

It just SOUNDS creepy.

Jun 8, 2008, 11:42 PM
I dunno why people like to use it so much, it's more syllables and more letters than "cute" and doesn't sound any better. :/

Nitro Vordex
Jun 8, 2008, 11:48 PM
I think of Saner burgers when I hear it. >_>;


Jun 8, 2008, 11:51 PM
Kawaii desu neko!!! ^_^

Nitro Vordex
Jun 9, 2008, 12:06 AM
Creepy cat.


Jun 9, 2008, 12:07 AM
I would like to refrain from this thread going to FKL, thanks guys.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 9, 2008, 12:11 AM
Trust me, it won't.

The Kawaii thing though...isn't it somewhat the same as with otaku, as that's considered quite offensive?

Jun 9, 2008, 01:29 AM
SO KAWAII!!!!! ^^ ^^ ^^ TEE HEE

Jun 9, 2008, 03:14 AM
hmm darkly-chan?

Jun 9, 2008, 06:52 AM
But I like pretending I'm Japanese u_u

Jun 9, 2008, 07:53 AM
I mainly agree, but my view is just if your going to say something do it all in one language, dont switch in the middle of a sentence just because you think a word sounds better in another language as all you are doing is butchering both languages you are using

By all means say kaiwai but make sure the whole sentence is in japanese

Jun 9, 2008, 09:27 AM
Kawaii Desu Ne Neko Neko ~Nya ~Nya Mew mew =^_^=

No, but seriously, thank you. I'm glad to see people who understand the real Japan for what it is. The people that say things like "Kawaii desu ne neko ~nya ^_^" are usually the ones that claim to know Japanese, yet only know those few words. I call myself a Wapanese, but sometimes to make fun of myself. But yeah, I've been to Japan, I have plenty of Japanese friends, both male and female (some pretty cute girls too), I speak Japanese pretty well (better than Spanish, despite being Latino), etc, I'm not the "Kawaii ^_^" stereotype.

Jun 9, 2008, 10:33 AM
I'd like to request my username be changed to Obsidian-dono.

Really though, that crap irritates me as well.
I second this! It's so kawaii~~! mew mew =^_^= @_@

Jun 9, 2008, 10:53 AM
Talk to Saner.

Jun 9, 2008, 11:06 AM

Jun 9, 2008, 11:48 AM
I mainly agree, but my view is just if your going to say something do it all in one language, dont switch in the middle of a sentence just because you think a word sounds better in another language as all you are doing is butchering both languages you are using

By all means say kaiwai but make sure the whole sentence is in japanese

Oddly enough, I've noticed that Japanese people love inserting English words into their speech for absolutely no reason.

That aside, I really don't care for weeaboo-speak anyway, it sounds so dumb.

Also, I thought that adding honorifics to your own name was considered rude and arrogant anyway, as in no one would add -chan or -kun to their own name.

Jun 9, 2008, 11:48 AM
I've said it a few times, but only online and only in the right situation. I have *never* said it IRL (outside of Japanese class :p) and to be honest I don't know anyone that uses it. :-?

Jun 9, 2008, 02:06 PM
Oddly enough, I've noticed that Japanese people love inserting English words into their speech for absolutely no reason.

That aside, I really don't care for weeaboo-speak anyway, it sounds so dumb.

Also, I thought that adding honorifics to your own name was considered rude and arrogant anyway, as in no one would add -chan or -kun to their own name.

Wow so over in japan you get reverse weebos? lol sounds prettys funny

Jun 9, 2008, 02:21 PM
I personally hate the idea of honorific terms outside the simple male/female of Mr/Ms. I just want to call someone by their first or last name. That's all that's freaking needed. What's worse is half the weeaboo idiots that do use the honorifics seem to use them wrong. Such as calling a male -chan (more or less calling him childish girly boy if you do so.)

Jun 9, 2008, 02:28 PM
Thank you! I can't stand it when people love anime and think that warrants them to add a bunch of u's to everything, use -chan (etc.) excessively, and use Japanese wrongly. It just makes them look lame and ignorant.

Kylu-hime~ *^___^* Kawaii-desune!!! *vomits*

Jun 9, 2008, 03:06 PM
I personally hate the idea of honorific terms outside the simple male/female of Mr/Ms. I just want to call someone by their first or last name. That's all that's freaking needed. What's worse is half the weeaboo idiots that do use the honorifics seem to use them wrong. Such as calling a male -chan (more or less calling him childish girly boy if you do so.)

Not exactly, should a girl who really loves another guy use -chan with his name (because otherwise, it would just be making fun of them), it's just really a way of playful endearment. It's equivalent to calling them hunny or some lame name like schnuckums... >.>

I only find honorifics bad when someone tells you to call them so and so -sama/-san/-kun-/etc. Other than that I could care less about it.


Jun 9, 2008, 06:29 PM
Talk to Saner.

I feel obliged to strongly oppose this suggestion.

Jun 9, 2008, 06:49 PM
You people forget "Nani" and "Ano"

I'm not sure if Ano is even a word my friend constantly uses it in place of "Excuse me"

Nitro Vordex
Jun 9, 2008, 06:59 PM
It's not.

Jun 9, 2008, 08:13 PM
Oh man, I remember when I played FFXI I named my Mithra Nani. Now, I had no idea it was an actual word in another language, I just think of random things to name my characters. Xita, Nani, Rathius, Sisui, Gritz, etc. Those are all names that I've used in the past, but my friend called me out on my Mithra and I didn't even realize what I had done.

Apparently Nani means 'what' or something, in some other language? That's what I was told, at least. If anyone knows what it means, could I get some clarification here? I don't really watch anime nor do I keep up with many foreign films or anything.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 9, 2008, 08:15 PM
It's an exclamation for "what", alledgedly.

I'm not entirely sure either, I think it's been literally and Engrish translated if you will.

A quick check reveals Nani (In Romanji Japanese) translated into English means What.

Apparently, "Naninani" is the correct usage for it.

Jun 9, 2008, 09:35 PM
Oh my God. I can't stop laughing.

My name got changed. XD

Jun 9, 2008, 09:45 PM
Hereby requesting Sychosis-kun-chan-sama-san it's probably too long, but I don't care.

Jun 9, 2008, 10:08 PM
Oh my God. I can't stop laughing.

My name got changed. XD

Oh wow, <3 mods rofl

Jun 9, 2008, 11:48 PM
Not exactly, should a girl who really loves another guy use -chan with his name (because otherwise, it would just be making fun of them), it's just really a way of playful endearment. It's equivalent to calling them hunny or some lame name like schnuckums... >.>

aka petnames, thing is, I hate those to.

I dunno, I just really hate the idea of honorifics. It's for polite society! BS, it just puts more stress on social relations, more rules to break and people to get pissy over. Plus your tacking on an extra syllable every damn time a name is said. Thank god we have pronouns.

Jun 10, 2008, 12:39 AM

I..I think part of my brain just exploded. x.o

Jun 10, 2008, 01:12 AM

Is it wrong that I want to punch these people in their reproductive organs?

Nitro Vordex
Jun 10, 2008, 01:14 AM
I..I think part of my brain just exploded. x.o

Do you think I'll get in trouble if I take out her vocal chords?

Jun 10, 2008, 02:28 AM
Do you think I'll get in trouble if I take out her vocal chords?
Yes, I do
Do I think you should get in trouble for it? No, not at all

Jun 10, 2008, 08:00 AM
Trivia: I used to think Kawaii was an island located next to Hawaii.

Jun 10, 2008, 03:18 PM
Trivia: I used to think Kawaii was an island located next to Hawaii.

Me too. I could've sworn they were related.

Anyway, even back when I was 14-16 and all OMG CUTESY NEKO-CHAN ^___^, I never used kawaii. The word just didn't sound appealing to me. The only random Japanese words I use are "ohayou" and "konbanwa" as greetings at this point.

Jun 10, 2008, 06:03 PM

lmao at all of the wrong information emoness and weebness of this thread. when will you people learn not to care?

Jun 11, 2008, 11:29 AM


Baka no Kawaii desu....

Jun 11, 2008, 12:08 PM
when will you people learn not to care?

When these sort of idiots stop making me cringe. :disapprove:

Ugh, I got called Zarode-chan way back when. I don't even know what that means!!! :( It's like, honorific for little brother/little sister? :(

I always laugh at Alec-chan too. Hehe. Alec-chan. Oh goodness, why are weeaboos in my PSU's? :(

Jun 11, 2008, 01:17 PM
It's an exclamation for "what", alledgedly.

I'm not entirely sure either, I think it's been literally and Engrish translated if you will.

A quick check reveals Nani (In Romanji Japanese) translated into English means What.

Apparently, "Naninani" is the correct usage for it.

nani means "what". exclamation or just in normal speech.

naninani is used as a substitute for a noun when explaining something. its like a blank space saying "insert noun here"

*runs away*

Jun 11, 2008, 01:20 PM
Yeah naninani is used for fill in the blanks. Although people who speak quickly may say, "nani nani?" just saying "what" twice for emphasis.

Jun 12, 2008, 10:01 AM

お前! このビデオをもう一度見せてはあかん! 俺の目がものすごくもえたぜ! このビデオを見たばっかり 、今見ることにした。 もう一回見たくねえぞ。 

Jun 12, 2008, 07:56 PM
お前! このビデオをもう一度見せてはあかん! 俺の目がものすごくもえたぜ! このビデオを見たばっかり 、今見ることにした。 もう一回見たくねえぞ。 

A.k.a "You! You show once more this video, the scale! The [ze] where we eye burnt tremendously! You looked at this video, [tsu] temporary, now we had decided to see. Already, one time we would like to see, well." ....yeah, babelfish fails.

Mm, seems that many people who speak "wapanese" are doing it for appearance's sake. But then again, if you flooded yourself in CLAMP comics where you saw nothing but a string of -chans, -sempais, and -samas, you might start talking like that, too. So is it a ridiculous fad, or a case of reality substitution?

Jun 12, 2008, 09:28 PM
Actually, あかん is another way to say ダメ, or "Not allowed", but in Kansai dialect.

Jun 13, 2008, 12:52 AM
お前! このビデオをもう一度見せてはあかん! 俺の目がものすごくもえたぜ! このビデオを見たばっかり 、今見ることにした。 もう一回見たくねえぞ。 

The most hilarious part of this post is I haven't reinstalled Japanese text yet. So all I see is "??!??????????!?????????????????!???????????????" as a response for the video.

Jun 13, 2008, 12:56 AM
The most hilarious part of this post is I haven't reinstalled Japanese text yet. So all I see is "??!??????????!?????????????????!???????????????" as a response for the video.

All I see is a bunch of squares. :wacko:

Jun 13, 2008, 01:11 AM
shiro's japanese is kinda, vulgar. i dont know why people actually took the time to watch the entire video. i stopped it after 3 seconds as i pretty much got a sense of where it was going.

Jun 13, 2008, 07:08 AM
shiro's japanese is kinda, vulgar. i dont know why people actually took the time to watch the entire video. i stopped it after 3 seconds as i pretty much got a sense of where it was going.


Post count +1~