View Full Version : Most annoying internet misspellings

Jun 10, 2008, 12:00 PM
your (you're)
cloths (clothes)
loose (lose)
looser (loser)
pls, plz (please)

The first four are probably so common because they're not caught by spell-checkers. The last one just pisses me off.

Jun 10, 2008, 12:42 PM
The last one's more shorthand than an actual misspelling.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 10, 2008, 12:42 PM
Some abbreviations in general annoy me, especially on boards like these.

lol i dont think that wuld b fair cuz-

*eye twitch*

Jun 10, 2008, 12:44 PM
Your for you're is pretty damn annoying, but what gets me is when people use than for then. I mean, I'm not much of a grammar nazi, but there are some things that really aren't that hard to learn. :nono:

Jun 10, 2008, 12:44 PM
They're not terribly necessary on a forum, since you have time to proofread your posts, I can see in games and IMs, where you're trying to type quickly, especially games like PSU that have short message limits.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 10, 2008, 12:45 PM
If we're in the middle of a mob, I'll either speed type or go shorthand. Otherwise, I type mostly in complete sentences.

Even if they're short. :P

Jun 10, 2008, 12:52 PM
They're or there for their, and to for too.

>_> Misspellings don't bother me as much as completely getting a word wrong.

Jun 10, 2008, 02:08 PM
The only thing that bothers me is when people mess up the following phrase...

They say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less".


Jun 10, 2008, 02:10 PM
The only thing that bothers me is when people mess up the following phrase...

They say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less".



Jun 10, 2008, 02:23 PM
"Sew eye all most hit a dear too Dei. Thee good noose is eye did knot. But thee Otto inn back of mi stopped two slough ant hit my truck."

Homophones are not valid replacements for their similarly-sounding counterparts. Doing so makes your level of intelligence clearly known: You obviously didn't pass elementary school English classes.

They're, there, and their all mean different things. As is the case with to, two, and too. Also, "u" is a letter, not a word. In the same vein, yew and you are different words.

In closing, two more words: period and paragraph. Without these you are just typing a gigantic wall of text that will neither be read nor will it be even looked at seriously.

Yeah, that sums it up for me, yet again.

Jun 10, 2008, 02:26 PM

Jun 10, 2008, 03:15 PM
Any misspelling I can handle. I usually just correct the person. However, it gets annoying when I correct them repeatedly and nothing changes.

As far as shorthand goes, that can bother me to an extent. Especially because some of the people I know who are really smart use internet shorthand and it makes them look pretty dumb. '~'

Jun 10, 2008, 04:20 PM
I enjoy meta-peeving--that is, peeving about other people's peeves, which naturally lack the validity of my own.

Seriously, though, there are a few creatively modified words that get me. For instance, dood, peeps, thanx are just too... cute, I guess you could say. I also suffer from a mild case of inappropriate apostrophe intolerance, though I fear I may have caused others pain in the past by mangling y'all (in my defense, there is a nice sense of balance to ya'll, even though it makes no sense).

Jun 10, 2008, 04:21 PM

Any misspelling I can handle. I usually just correct the person. However, it gets annoying when I correct them repeatedly and nothing changes.

I find it more annoying when a person tries to be a dick about it. Like, they try to correct someone to make themselves look better. Then they go mess up several words/grammatical things in their rant and they end up looking like a hypocrite >_>

Jun 10, 2008, 07:30 PM
The more mistakes of any sort I detect in the person's post, the less friendly I'll be to him. Mild offenders get short answers. Regular incompetence begets ignorance. Code-wording your entire post in netspeak and abysmal writing abilities can and will attract my foot up your ass.

Case in point: (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=146360&postcount=36)

WTF are you saying your worst then me. Trying to defend yourself and such. Im from Germany and i still can spell better then you. Go to english class more and learn how to type or maybe keyboarding class.??? Man I love how dumb i am. ???? lol anyways why am i even arguing over a message board totaly pointless and gay. I seriously am not putting anymore bashing post or anything, anymore. Just strait up honest answers,cheats, and great and loyal advice. Muraki <-----Genious------|

Jun 10, 2008, 07:35 PM
The only thing that bothers me is when people mess up the following phrase...

They say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less".




Jun 10, 2008, 09:14 PM
nice picture funnymatt. makes sense; hopefully i wont make that mistake again.

my peeve is periods. i hate when i see a huge block of text that is one giant huge run on sentence. it's impossible to read and those people generally take up too much space to write a simple concept anyways.

and i notices this alot when i'm wiritng; a habit that i do nine times out of ten, because it's how i type. words ending with "-ng", and the word "like"; i always mess up. "-ng" words always end up "-gn" and i have to go back and correct everyone after i preview a post, and "like" always ends up "liek". I try to go back and correct all of them, but do little spelling mistakes annoy anyone?

Jun 10, 2008, 10:17 PM
If "could care less" gives you hives, allow me to introduce you to my friend jack. He doesn't know jack-shit; he knows squat about peanuts; and Jack didn't do diddly all weekend. (http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/lingu/people/faculty/postal/papers/skeptical/SKEPTICAL5.pdf)
It's not exactly the same case, but I think it's a pretty fascinating phenomenon.

Jun 10, 2008, 11:01 PM
"no your stoopid"

Jun 11, 2008, 05:11 AM
Could of, Would of, Should of.

About the most annoying thing ever.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 11, 2008, 05:15 AM
IDK and IDC. Those two annoy me the most. Why can't you type out those words. It's not that hard.

Jun 11, 2008, 10:20 AM
It's and its. My ENGLISH teacher confuses those. <_<

Jun 11, 2008, 10:57 AM
Im mainly not bothered (I hate internet grammer nazis) but incorperating numbers instead of letters (l337) or using abrviations ending with z (cuz) piss me off for some reason (also I dont like sum) makes me think the guy posting is hust some dumb kid lol

Nitro Vordex
Jun 11, 2008, 01:37 PM
Iduno, you're kinda contradicting everyone in this thread dude. :lol:

Jun 11, 2008, 01:49 PM
I don't mind when people use SOME shorthand- I use ppl and IDC and IDK, etc.

I like to space out paragraphs and I wish everyone else did as well, I'm beginning to suspect ADD and my eyes just cross when I see a block of text.

The "your, you're, yore" and "their, there, they're" bother me, as well as it's and its, affect and effect, well you get the picture.

I shouldn't say they bother me so much as they just cause me to immediately assume the poster has a very low IQ. Especially when someone's posting an argument and trying to support it saying how smart they are, but every other word is misspelled in the post. Seriously. Spell check. Especially when being a condescending ass.

Jun 13, 2008, 04:24 AM
Well I usualy type with a wii or when doing something else as well so shorthand and typos are a given lol as long as its understandable and doesnt hurt the eyes (like l337 5p3ak) who cares? If its something like sum or cuz( and abrieation of an abriviation) making yourself seem illiterate for the sake of 1 letter is dumb but stuff like IDK or lol is understandable especialy if someone's just nipping onto a forum for a quick check on posts and post or if your on an IM and doing something else at the same time

People just need to use common sense sometimes

Jun 13, 2008, 07:43 AM
you're right. It's when it's like- every word in a post that it gets annoying.

Jun 13, 2008, 08:13 AM
Well I usualy type with a Wii or when doing something else as well, so shorthand and typos are a given lol as long as it's understandable and doesn't hurt the eyes (like l337 5p3ak), who cares? If it's something like sum or cuz (and abrieation abbreviation of an abriviation abbreviation) making yourself seem illiterate for the sake of 1 letter is dumb but stuff like IDK or lol is understandable especialy if someone's just nipping onto a forum for a quick check on posts and post or if you're on an IM and doing something else at the same time.

People just need to use common sense sometimes.

Jesus Christ, man. English isn't even my first language and I'm the one who ends up correcting you!

Jun 13, 2008, 09:56 AM
Jesus Christ, man. English isn't even my first language and I'm the one who ends up correcting you!

does it honestly matter?

This is an internet forum not an English spelling/ grammer course and i'm damned if i'm going to keep checking for typos and spelling mistakes when people can understand what i'm typing on a thread that will be dead within a month or so anyway

(anyway English is my 1st language but I did better in my French GCSE then my English one lol)

Jun 13, 2008, 10:06 AM
lol more like dead in a week. It's a rare thread that lasts longer than that. Once it's off the front page, it's dead to us.

Jun 13, 2008, 11:10 AM
does it honestly matter?

This is an internet forum not an English spelling/ grammer course and i'm damned if i'm going to keep checking for typos and spelling mistakes when people can understand what i'm typing on a thread that will be dead within a month or so anyway

(anyway English is my 1st language but I did better in my French GCSE then my English one lol)

tl;dr: "I'm too lazy to type correctly and don't care that it makes me look like (yet another) illiterate teenager. I do care enough however to brag about my supposed prowess in another language. Also, punctuation, I lack it."

Jun 13, 2008, 12:14 PM
tl;dr: "I'm too lazy to type correctly and don't care that it makes me look like (yet another) illiterate teenager. I do care enough however to brag about my supposed prowess in another language. Also, punctuation, I lack it."

And here we have the classic example of a grammer/spelling nazi flaming someone over not exerting the effort one would in an essay into a forum post

This guy should be stuffed and mounted as an example of someone who has their head so far up their own arse they can see last nights dinner

Seriously as if a few spelling errors and grammer mistakes makes others who don't better people

and im not bragging about my french GCSE since it was only a C but it comes to something weird when appently you're better at another languages then your own

Also as stated before in cruder tones that "holier than thou" attitude you post gives ooff I realy annoying (certainly more so than any spelling error or typo)

Also what is it that motivates these guys anyway?

Is it feeling that they are somehow better then others for putting them down about their spelling, does it make them feel superior?

Or is simply that when faced with an arguement they have no answer to they go for a petty shot at the poster's grammer instead in a sad attempt to discredit them?

Even wannabe mods are better then that

Nitro Vordex
Jun 13, 2008, 02:26 PM
Don't you understand that everyone just wants to read something that doesn't look like it belongs in a text message or Myspace? A lot of people don't want to sort through things like that; I don't personally mind some shorthand, but I do get annoyed when it's almost nothing but shorthand.

Despite PSU Gen, we're trying to make this seem like a proper board, not 4chan or horrible Myspace talk. It's just something to make posts look nicer and easier to read. When people write with incorrect spelling or punctuation, it just seems like a mess and was half-assed. When people see a neat, easy to do, correctly written post, then it seems well off. I've read your posts Iduno, and you usually have something good to say. I'd respect that more if I didn't feel like I was reading a text message or a chat log from Runescape.

Jun 13, 2008, 03:52 PM
And here we have the classic example of a grammer/spelling nazi flaming someone over not exerting the effort one would in an essay into a forum post.....

I'm no grammar nazi, but showing this level of effort in not caring how your words appear to other people doesn't strike me as, well, intelligent at all. You could have left that GCSE line out as well.

And then you round it all out with a couple of trite insults. Sounds like you're just begging people to not take you type seriously.

Jun 13, 2008, 04:19 PM
'Teh' annoys me.
It makes me think of 9 year olds. ¬.¬''

Nitro Vordex
Jun 13, 2008, 04:26 PM

Oh, you mean like, "Teh uber leet"?

Jun 13, 2008, 04:32 PM
Yeah, exactly that.
I just really hate the sound. :disapprove:

Jun 13, 2008, 04:56 PM
lol that's taking a misspelling and trying to pass it off as some new word. Wonder why that caught on anyway?

Jun 13, 2008, 05:51 PM
Don't you understand that everyone just wants to read something that doesn't look like it belongs in a text message or Myspace? A lot of people don't want to sort through things like that; I don't personally mind some shorthand, but I do get annoyed when it's almost nothing but shorthand.

Despite PSU Gen, we're trying to make this seem like a proper board, not 4chan or horrible Myspace talk. It's just something to make posts look nicer and easier to read. When people write with incorrect spelling or punctuation, it just seems like a mess and was half-assed. When people see a neat, easy to do, correctly written post, then it seems well off. I've read your posts Iduno, and you usually have something good to say. I'd respect that more if I didn't feel like I was reading a text message or a chat log from Runescape.

And so that excuses all the posts we see here that have nothing to do with the topics quoting someone and putting snide little coments about their spelling/ grammer

To me that looks much more messy then if people just learn to leave it be

And Sekani im not going to start a "who said what 1st" thing but some of us dont like being described as iliterate, lazy and bragging, the tone of that guys post was very much trying to make me seem somehow inferior for my views on this subject and I'm not just going to take it lying down

Nitro Vordex
Jun 13, 2008, 06:16 PM
And so that excuses all the posts we see here that have nothing to do with the topics quoting someone and putting snide little coments about their spelling/ grammer

Wait, what?

Stuff always goes slightly off topic, we're in Rants, you can't expect to have everyone to have the same experience. Also, it doesn't help when someone enters the topic and does what that person hates/everyone else is ranting about.

*snide comment*:wacko:

Jun 13, 2008, 06:26 PM
The only thing that bothers me is when people mess up the following phrase...

They say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less".



That ranks in my top 3 pet peeves. I try to explain it to people but usually they just don't care so really...why do I bother?

Jun 13, 2008, 06:28 PM
Wait, what?

Stuff always goes slightly off topic, we're in Rants, you can't expect to have everyone to have the same experience. Also, it doesn't help when someone enters the topic and does what that person hates/everyone else is ranting about.

*snide comment*:wacko:

I was talking about this forum in general, for a recent example go to the "PSO Petition" thread in PSO general around page 2 I think, a snide comment on grammer with no contribution to the thread.

I see this happening a lot here (not neccesarily to me but its annoying whoever its happening to (actual thinking about it its only happened to me in this thread)) and it just seems very unfriendly especialy since most of these "corrections" are of typos or simple mistakes that anyone can interpret without someone coming along with a snide remark or "corrected"(feel the smugness coming off that one word used in the wrong place) anyway

Nitro Vordex
Jun 13, 2008, 06:54 PM
Some people don't mean to be mean about the corrections, but the topic that you chose was a bad example. you also need to be more specific on which PSO Petition thread, as a lot of newcomers(who don't read the stickies) have been doing these threads.

1)There's numerous stickies saying that petitions will not work, and to please not do them.
2)Corrections in well written posts don't bug me; it's when people blatantly(I'll get corrected for that :wacko:) and purposefully type with really bad spellings.

Accidents aren't much of a problem.
seriously though, "funner"?

I know we have grammar nazis, but...what do you call the people who "make typos or simple mistakes" 90% of the time?

Textmessage supremacist? :wacko:

(I know I'll probably get corrected for that, but I don't care, as it'll help me remember the word spelling.)

Jun 13, 2008, 07:26 PM
I'm not going to rag on someone if they're at least trying to write properly.

I just get annoyed by u,ur, neway, ne1.. etc. Or Easy (http://pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139435) levels of mangling the English language.

Jun 13, 2008, 09:01 PM
some of us dont like being described as iliterate, lazy and bragging

Wanna be described as something else than what we've said here? Start workin' on it.

Jun 13, 2008, 09:06 PM
Also, it doesn't help when someone enters the topic and does what that person hates/everyone else is ranting about.

Thank you.

Jun 13, 2008, 09:36 PM
For some reason, I'm always seeing people misspell ridiculous as "rediculous", or some other variant where they replace the first 'i' with an 'e'. "Definitely" is another word that usually has its "i" replaced with the wrong vowel (the second one, ie: "definately").

On a related note, I often hear people pronounce words terribly wrong. Some of the more common ones would include:

"Drawling" instead of Drawing
"Supposably" instead of Supposedly
"Warsh" instead of Wash

Every time I hear one of these, a little voice in my head cries out in pain :D

Jun 13, 2008, 11:46 PM
Must be an Ohio thing. My dad is from Ohio and he says 'warsh' now and then ;3

Jun 14, 2008, 12:51 AM
Must be an Ohio thing. My dad is from Ohio and he says 'warsh' now and then ;3

Yeah, I certainly hear a lot of it here :) I think it's a bit generational as well, as only people around my parents age seem to say it.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 14, 2008, 01:08 AM
I've heard some people say it as "wawsh". o_O

Jun 14, 2008, 01:58 AM
Some people don't mean to be mean about the corrections, but the topic that you chose was a bad example. you also need to be more specific on which PSO Petition thread, as a lot of newcomers(who don't read the stickies) have been doing these threads.

1)There's numerous stickies saying that petitions will not work, and to please not do them.
2)Corrections in well written posts don't bug me; it's when people blatantly(I'll get corrected for that :wacko:) and purposefully type with really bad spellings.

Accidents aren't much of a problem.
seriously though, "funner"?

I know we have grammar nazis, but...what do you call the people who "make typos or simple mistakes" 90% of the time?

Textmessage supremacist? :wacko:

(I know I'll probably get corrected for that, but I don't care, as it'll help me remember the word spelling.)

Thanks, I wasn't trying to be mean to the person. I was just trying to be helpful. I'm glad to see, that certain people support proper grammar use on message boards.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 14, 2008, 02:31 AM
Especially since I got yelled at myself for doing as such stated.

Fine with me, hell I got faster at typing and reading by doing so.

Jun 14, 2008, 03:47 AM
Wanna be described as something else than what we've said here? Start workin' on it.

Screw you you know nothing about me to call me that.

I read, I worked hard to get into college and even though I only got a D for English I still managed to get a C in English Literature and I don't brag only mention what could be relevant at the time (hell I'll even admit to spelling biscuit, bisquit for a while dunno why just got it into my head thats how it was spelled)

And do you have any idea how long and annoying it is to look for and correct typos using the wii

No and I doubt you even care since your just another asshole trying to extend his "e-peen" by putting others down

And btw. There is a difference between txt speak and simple mistakes and typos

Jun 14, 2008, 03:49 AM
Anything easy says. :disapprove:

Jun 14, 2008, 04:08 AM

Fucking HURR.

Jun 14, 2008, 04:29 AM
Nitro hit the nail on the head. You do not go into a rants topic and do the exact thing people are ranting about. Also, why not spend ten dollars and get a real keyboard for the wii. Or even use your PC >:U

On topic, it bugs me to know end when I see constant typing that's just half-assed. No matter the circumstances, be it game, chat room, instant message, email, forum, it always bothers me to see anything abbreviated that isn't absurdly long as well as little shortcuts like u, ur, and what not. Gaming is the only one on the list where careful typing is questionable, like in heated situations, but when idling and traveling, it's annoying to see people rush to type.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 14, 2008, 05:51 AM
(hell I'll even admit to spelling biscuit, bisquit for a while dunno why just got it into my head thats how it was spelled)Does the word "pancakes" mean anything to you? :)

And do you have any idea how long and annoying it is to look for and correct typos using the wiiIt can't be all that hard; I've seen people post from their Wii, and they do just fine. Maybe if you didn't make typos in the first place, that wouldn't be a problem.
Alas, we're only human though.

No and I doubt you even care since your just another asshole trying to extend his "e-peen" by putting others down
Sekani enlarging his e-peen...hell, I think he earned that "e-peen".

And btw. There is a difference between txt speak and simple mistakes and typos
From what I've seen sometimes on these boards, there really isn't much seperating the two.
Txt messaging I can understand...on a phone. On boards, there's no need to do the shorthand, no one is usually in any kind of hurry.

(Ugh, fingers feel like lead typing this. >_<)

Jun 14, 2008, 06:18 AM
Does the word "pancakes" mean anything to you? :)
It can't be all that hard; I've seen people post from their Wii, and they do just fine. Maybe if you didn't make typos in the first place, that wouldn't be a problem.
Alas, we're only human though.

Sekani enlarging his e-peen...hell, I think he earned that "e-peen".

From what I've seen sometimes on these boards, there really isn't much seperating the two.
Txt messaging I can understand...on a phone. On boards, there's no need to do the shorthand, no one is usually in any kind of hurry.

(Ugh, fingers feel like lead typing this. >_<)

I wasn't quoting sekani if you hadn't noticed and also the wii IS a pain in the ass to edit on, you see two lines (which usualy make up one line in the post) at a time when typing (even with a keyboard) and the thing that trys to predict what you will type is more annoying then useful especialy when talking about games with diffent weapon types and terminology it just wont recognise.

And yes pancakes are delicious especialy with orange juice and sugar

Jun 14, 2008, 09:52 AM
The Wii is a pain in the ass to type on, but they did recently add keyboard support for the web browser at least.

While I can understand the counter-rant about grammar nazis (a lot of them only resort to correcting spelling errors in an argument when they have nothing else to say), your attempts to justify bad spelling makes you sound lazy, ignorant, and unintelligent. Not caring enough to correct your English for whatever reason is NOT something to be proud of. This is the message that everyone in this thread is trying to get across to you if you'd stop ranting long enough to comprehend it.

(P.S.: I haven't corrected you once in this thread.)

Sekani enlarging his e-peen...hell, I think he earned that "e-peen".
LOL, I am so tempted to put this in my sig....

Jun 14, 2008, 12:21 PM
I just really hope you guys understand that not everyone on the internet is from the United States...

Jun 14, 2008, 05:52 PM
The Wii is a pain in the ass to type on, but they did recently add keyboard support for the web browser at least.

While I can understand the counter-rant about grammar nazis (a lot of them only resort to correcting spelling errors in an argument when they have nothing else to say), your attempts to justify bad spelling makes you sound lazy, ignorant, and unintelligent. Not caring enough to correct your English for whatever reason is NOT something to be proud of. This is the message that everyone in this thread is trying to get across to you if you'd stop ranting long enough to comprehend it.

(P.S.: I haven't corrected you once in this thread.)

LOL, I am so tempted to put this in my sig....

Im not wearing the not caring as some kind of badge of honour, just in a very real sense spelling mistakes and typos DONT MATTER

As long as the spelling isn't totaly off the mark everyone knows what you mean so its no big deal

Its the CONTENT of a post that truely matters not the spelling so people shouldn't get so damned uptight about it

Jun 14, 2008, 06:05 PM
Im not wearing the not caring as some kind of badge of honour, just in a very real sense spelling mistakes and typos DONT MATTER

They do.

As long as the spelling isn't totaly off the mark everyone knows what you mean so its no big deal

It is.

Its the CONTENT of a post that truely matters not the spelling so people shouldn't get so damned uptight about it

We'll destroy your ass if you fail to fulfill either of the two requirements.

Jun 14, 2008, 07:18 PM
in a very real sense spelling mistakes and typos DONT MATTER
In a very real sense you are very, very wrong.

I can guarantee you that the content of every post you made in this thread would have been perceived differently had you bothered to use a period or capital letter where appropriate. Instead though, you're being attacked from all sides here. Why is that, if spelling and grammar don't matter?

Jun 14, 2008, 10:31 PM
I just really hope you guys understand that not everyone on the internet is from the United States...

A capital at the beginning of a sentence and a period at the end of it aren't exclusive to English grammar. It's the effort that counts.

Idunno, you really shouldn't walk into a rant about grammar, and then spit on the people in it by doing exactly what everyone is ranting about. Getting defensive about it afterwards is just as stupid. Grammar doesn't have an "e" in it, for future reference.

At least end your paragraphs with a period. Those are not typos.

Jun 15, 2008, 03:27 AM
In a very real sense you are very, very wrong.

I can guarantee you that the content of every post you made in this thread would have been perceived differently had you bothered to use a period or capital letter where appropriate. Instead though, you're being attacked from all sides here. Why is that, if spelling and grammar don't matter?

Because people are just too uptight about that stuff here, I'm typing in a forum not filling out a form for a job interview lol.

(and unless a period's something you put at the end of a sentece like a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark I've totaly forgot what one is)

There seems to be too much judgement and not enough common sense here.

Jun 15, 2008, 04:23 AM
Because people are just too
There seems to be too much laziness in my posts..

Honestly, don't be so stubborn to type well. You just came into a rants thread and have been doing exactly what people are ranting about. It's very simple; everyone of us posts on forums and we all have one thing in common. We have time on our hands. We use this time to type out posts with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation to a fair extent as a respect to fellow posters. It's hard to take a poster seriously if they don't put any serious effort into actually making a formatted post.

Jun 15, 2008, 05:43 AM
Honestly, don't be so stubborn to type well. You just came into a rants thread and have been doing exactly what people are ranting about. It's very simple; everyone of us posts on forums and we all have one thing in common. We have time on our hands. We use this time to type out posts with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation to a fair extent as a respect to fellow posters. It's hard to take a poster seriously if they don't put any serious effort into actually making a formatted post.

A) Putting your own words into someone elses quote is just dumb.

B) Not all of us do have time on our hands, some of us have better things to do then spend ages going over 1 post.

C) The main, no the ONLY point of language (including writing) is COMMUNICATION it isn't about scoring points fot having all your colons and full stops in the right place. If you can UNDERSTAND what has been written then the post HAS DONE ITS JOB EVEN IF ITS MISSPELLED

D) Language changes over time otherwise most of us here would be posting in latin

Want some more recent examples? Dumb used to mean unable to talk and gay used to mean happy.

It wouldn't suprise me at all if some of these internet spellings or even the abbriviations end up accepted as proper words someday.

E) Spelling is NOT an accurate measure of intelligence, one of my friends in college is dyslexic and he had already done some A levels (I think it was Physics, Biology and a networking course) and the only part of our course where his spelling is a problem is programming because of syntax errors.

F) I did not origionaly come here to start an argument, I complained about some intentional misspellings people use (cuz and sum I believe and ill add musik for now since I saw it in a thread title here) and mentioned that I don't like grammer nazis who are so anal rentative they pick on peoples typos und unintentional errors in spelling and grammer.

Jun 15, 2008, 06:17 AM
Realize it shouldn't take ages to make one post. You don't need to scrutinize the damned thing but it's fair to say we don't want to read a post that wasn't typed seriously. It doesn't matter about the content of the post; the poster looks foolish for rushing things so much. Grammar Nazi-ing is different. We're not pointing out really small errors all the time. It's when an entire post is bummed that people actually get bothered.

Jun 15, 2008, 07:57 AM
Realize it shouldn't take ages to make one post. You don't need to scrutinize the damned thing but it's fair to say we don't want to read a post that wasn't typed seriously. It doesn't matter about the content of the post; the poster looks foolish for rushing things so much. Grammar Nazi-ing is different. We're not pointing out really small errors all the time. It's when an entire post is bummed that people actually get bothered.

Well most of the things I've seen pointed out on this forum as a whole ARE the little things

Its like since no-one is going to completly screw up a post very often people go for the small things like snacking between meals lol

Jun 15, 2008, 10:15 AM
Grammar does not have an "e".

Honestly, if you can't take the thirty seconds more it would require you to make your post presentable, I'm not going to take the time to read it.

Jun 15, 2008, 02:10 PM
Iduno, just remember it's not msn, it's a forum.

Jun 15, 2008, 03:42 PM
Iduno, just remember it's not msn, it's a forum.

Well duh why do you think my posts aren't in wall o' text mode, I just dont see the point of getting all anal rentative about typos, small spelling mistakes (e or a is it REALLY that big a deal) and a tiny dot being there at the end of a sentence

Jun 15, 2008, 05:11 PM
Well duh why do you think my posts aren't in wall o' text mode, I just dont see the point of getting all anal rentative about typos, small spelling mistakes (e or a is it REALLY that big a deal) and a tiny dot being there at the end of a sentence

You shouldn't be trying to argue your point by poorly formatting your posts in a topic dedicated to the loathing of grammar rape.

Also, yeah, the "a" instead of the "e" is clearly a big friggin' deal in a topic titled "Most annoying internet misspellings".

Jun 15, 2008, 06:36 PM
This isn't an instant messenger or anything, so you do have time to give them a quick once-over, on the other hand, though; this is far from a formal setting, so it shouldn't really be too big an issue if someone has a typo here and there.

Personally, I mostly just check for red squiggles from Firefox's auto-spell-checker, being horribly prone to typos, as anyone who talks to me on an IM client could attest. Unless I'm seriously writing something, I usually don't worry too much about minor grammatical errors, I'll fix anything that I happen to notice, but I'm not going to look all that hard when it's just a quick reply on a video game forum.

Now, what REALLY bothers me more is when a topic gets derailed into nitpicking the grammar of an otherwise inconsequential post.

Also, Iduno, I'd have to agree, you're putting far too much effort into defending typos, if it's not that big of a deal to you, stop making it one.

Jun 15, 2008, 07:02 PM
i liek 2 intrnets cuz splling wrds reg s 2 long c wut i meen?

Most internet speak I can deal with, as long as i can comprehend what is being said. Some of it pisses me off for some reason, like "wut r u doin?" I tend to picture a toothless hillbilly trying to speak with a huge mouth full of chewing tobacco.

For some reason, it bugs me, but only certain phrases, or horrendous strings of illegible net speak. :wacko:

Jun 16, 2008, 09:39 AM
This isn't an instant messenger or anything, so you do have time to give them a quick once-over, on the other hand, though; this is far from a formal setting, so it shouldn't really be too big an issue if someone has a typo here and there.

Personally, I mostly just check for red squiggles from Firefox's auto-spell-checker, being horribly prone to typos, as anyone who talks to me on an IM client could attest. Unless I'm seriously writing something, I usually don't worry too much about minor grammatical errors, I'll fix anything that I happen to notice, but I'm not going to look all that hard when it's just a quick reply on a video game forum.

Now, what REALLY bothers me more is when a topic gets derailed into nitpicking the grammar of an otherwise inconsequential post.

Also, Iduno, I'd have to agree, you're putting far too much effort into defending typos, if it's not that big of a deal to you, stop making it one.

Yes I toatly agree (and I would use the thing for opera but it just tends to make typos worse turning jitseens into jittery and catilium into catalogues lol)

Nitro Vordex
Jun 17, 2008, 10:29 PM
I once had my browser tell me my NAME was spelled wrong. :disapprove:

stfu firefox.

Jun 17, 2008, 11:03 PM
In a very real sense you are very, very wrong.

I can guarantee you that the content of every post you made in this thread would have been perceived differently had you bothered to use a period or capital letter where appropriate. Instead though, you're being attacked from all sides here. Why is that, if spelling and grammar don't matter?

Actually, he's right, it doesn't really matter. While yours and others opinions might change about him, you’re forgetting one very important thing. This is the internet, most people don't give a flying fuck what your opinion on their grammar is.


Oh, wait a minute, IT ISN'T.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 17, 2008, 11:27 PM
Sord rage. Oh dang.

Jun 18, 2008, 01:18 AM
I can understand how someone would get annoyed over a posts that completely lacks any sort of grammatical effort, but going in and correcting someone on a few punctuation and spelling mistakes and then calling them illiterate for it is just a dick move.

Case in point (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2049284&postcount=28). Iduno made all of FOUR minor errors in his post and Kodia goes corrects him. Not only does he correct him, but he does it in an EXTREMELY asshole-ish manner. Completely unnecessary.

You guys need to realize that some people aren't as good with the rules of the english language as others. And still some people just don't fucking care. I can understand if a post is LITTERED with shorthand,1337 speak, and aLtErNaTiNg CaPs, but if its a shorthand here, a misspelling there, etc. Then just fucking get over it.


Nitro Vordex
Jun 18, 2008, 01:44 AM
Also, I know this isn't a misspelling, more than it is TWO DIFFERENT THINGS, but internet and intranet. That just annoys the hell outta me.

Jun 18, 2008, 03:19 AM
I once had my browser tell me my NAME was spelled wrong. :disapprove:

stfu firefox.Right click > Add to dictionary

Nitro Vordex
Jun 18, 2008, 03:33 AM
Yeah, I turned off the spell check anyways. It annoys the crap outta me with them damn squigglies.

Jun 18, 2008, 07:47 AM
Case in point (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2049284&postcount=28). Iduno made all of FOUR minor errors in his post and Kodia goes corrects him. Not only does he correct him, but he does it in an EXTREMELY asshole-ish manner.

I live to serve.

Jun 18, 2008, 12:05 PM
You guys need to realize that some people aren't as good with the rules of the english language as others.


Capital at the beginning, period at the end. If someone can't grasp that most basic of concepts then how am I supposed to take what they say seriously?

Jun 18, 2008, 02:41 PM
Capital at the beginning, period at the end. If someone can't grasp that most basic of concepts then how am I supposed to take what they say seriously?

Well now you're just trolling. Either that or you're being veeeery friggen anal over something I'm pretty sure you're guilty of doing yourself once upon a time. Either way you need to reevaluate your priorities if you think something so simple discredits an otherwise good point.

Jun 18, 2008, 05:19 PM
you cant honestly tell me this garbege gets on ur nerves im not going to take the time to reed this shit if they cant take the time to tipe it out properly.

Especially when someone else can make the same point in a far more legible fashion.

As far as homonyms are concerned, I don't attribute that to a typo, I chalk it up to lack of intelligence. Typos are one thing, not knowing which word you're supposed to use is another.

Jun 18, 2008, 05:28 PM
you cant honestly tell me this garbege gets on ur nerves im not going to take the time to reed this shit if they cant take the time to tipe it out properly.

I honestly can say it doesn't get on my nerves. I read that perhaps a fraction of a second slower than a perfectly typed out sentence. Also, before anyone bothers to ask or insult, no, I don't read slow. I can comprehend that sentence in under a second or so.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 18, 2008, 05:32 PM
As far as homonyms are concerned, I don't attribute that to a typo, I chalk it up to lack of intelligence. Typos are one thing, not knowing which word you're supposed to use is another. Those are easy to confuse, though. I don't do it often(as a matter of fact I barely do it at all), but it does happen. Sometimes you fingers get ahead of your brain when you type.

Jun 18, 2008, 05:34 PM
Yeah, it's a bit unfair to consider someone less intelligent because they mix up words that sound exactly the same and more often than not have spellings that are only different by a letter. I mean, if the person's been corrected several times, then yeah, maybe you could call 'em slow. But mistakes happen.

Jun 18, 2008, 06:18 PM
I honestly can say it doesn't get on my nerves. I read that perhaps a fraction of a second slower than a perfectly typed out sentence. Also, before anyone bothers to ask or insult, no, I don't read slow. I can comprehend that sentence in under a second or so.

Same here and I think I heard or read somewhere that we recognise the shape of a word 1st before the letters and since they're even typed to sound to same it shouldn't be too hard for anyone with half a functioning brain to read.

(Shame it didn't show your quote inside my quote because that's what I was refering to lol)

Jun 18, 2008, 11:51 PM
People can recognize a word by the first and last letters of the word as long as they've seen that word before. The rest of the letters need to be there, but they can be mixed up. It takes longer to read, but it works.

Kudos on using a period, too.

Jun 19, 2008, 12:58 AM
A) Putting your own words into someone elses quote is just dumb.
I'll give you that.

B) Not all of us do have time on our hands, some of us have better things to do then spend ages going over 1 post.
You obviously have plenty of time seeing as you have made more posts here than any other forum member.

C) The main, no the ONLY point of language (including writing) is COMMUNICATION it isn't about scoring points fot having all your colons and full stops in the right place. If you can UNDERSTAND what has been written then the post HAS DONE ITS JOB EVEN IF ITS MISSPELLED
Often times though the meaning is rendered moot because people simply ignore horribly constructed posts. Your lack of courtesy towards other forum goers results in your posts being ignored because they don't want to decipher the wall of text that is the result of your typing.

D) Language changes over time otherwise most of us here would be posting in latin
So, you are saying we should leave proper semantics, grammar, and spelling simply because the language changes over time? This makes no sense. Language is all about structure while typos, improper grammatic usage, shorthand, and misspelling are all results of a lack of structure.

Want some more recent examples? Dumb used to mean unable to talk and gay used to mean happy.
Last I checked those words still mean those things as well. Meanings of words change over time, and spelling does too, but spelling doesn't change just because a bunch of people make the same error. See: repertoire and other French-based words.

It wouldn't suprise me at all if some of these internet spellings or even the abbriviations end up accepted as proper words someday.
Proper for what? Internet usage?

E) Spelling is NOT an accurate measure of intelligence, one of my friends in college is dyslexic and he had already done some A levels (I think it was Physics, Biology and a networking course) and the only part of our course where his spelling is a problem is programming because of syntax errors.
But he attempts to do it correctly even with the handicap. While you insist that it is unimportant while you don't have the handicap. Isn't that a bit of a slap in his face?

F) I did not origionaly come here to start an argument, I complained about some intentional misspellings people use (cuz and sum I believe and ill add musik for now since I saw it in a thread title here) and mentioned that I don't like grammer nazis who are so anal rentative they pick on peoples typos und unintentional errors in spelling and grammer.

I bolded the misspelled words you had in that paragraph, barring your examples you gave that annoy you. I won't even bother going into how that is such a horribly constructed runon sentence and instead simply say the construction of it gives me a headache in trying to read it. Proper sentences and periods are good for the reader as it tells the reader when to pause. Otherwise the ideas all run together into a single jumble and if any ideas were conveyed they become one mess and leave them wondering what the point (or points) was of the paragraph.

You have to remember, some people consider language an artform. When they see others destroy those constructs they try so hard to abide by it's irritating. I personally enjoy writing and seeing people rape the language simply doesn't sit well with me. For one thing it shows they don't care to respect me, the reader, enough to (at least attempt to) use proper linguistic structure. It also shows me that they will likely only decrease further as time goes on due to increasing habit and laziness. Bad habits are easy to make but extremely hard to break. That more than anything is why I try my best to check any writing I do and to make sure it is correct. Next to that it is simply a hint at showing that I respect the readers enough to offer the courtesy of proper language.

Jun 19, 2008, 01:10 AM
A) Putting your own words into someone elses quote is just dumb.

grammer nazis

Oh wow. Anything you say has now been rendered completely invalid and cannot be taken seriously.

Iduno made all of FOUR minor errors in his post and Kodia goes corrects him. Not only does he correct him, but he does it in an EXTREMELY asshole-ish manner. Completely unnecessary.

You must be new here.

Jun 19, 2008, 01:27 AM
Being an asshole over the internet is cool and acceptable! You will make friends and women will throw themselves at your feet!
Go on, try it guys!
Not only that, but quote battles are also cool. As Blitz has so masterfully demonstrated. I wanna be just like him when I grow up.

Jun 19, 2008, 01:28 AM
I'm glad you admire us, we are pretty cool.

Jun 19, 2008, 01:33 AM
Being an asshole over the internet is cool and acceptable! You will make friends and women will throw themselves at your feet!
Go on, try it guys!
Not only that, but quote battles are also cool. As Blitz has so masterfully demonstrated. I wanna be just like him when I grow up.
We're only second to internet tough guys. They get all the models.

God forbid someone using a logically construed argument over the internet.

Jun 19, 2008, 02:00 AM
Boys, the only civilized way to solve this is with a mud wrestling match.

Jun 19, 2008, 02:18 AM
Only if the ladies are willing to join in.

Jun 19, 2008, 02:26 AM
I still have my dignity.

Perhaps if it were jello...

Jun 19, 2008, 02:30 AM
It's never too late to get rid of that.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 19, 2008, 03:07 AM
Not only that, but quote battles are also cool. As Blitz has so masterfully demonstrated. I wanna be just like him when I grow up.

Check out Splash in PSO Gen. Quote decipher master.

Jun 19, 2008, 03:47 AM
I'll give you that.

You obviously have plenty of time seeing as you have made more posts here than any other forum member.

Often times though the meaning is rendered moot because people simply ignore horribly constructed posts. Your lack of courtesy towards other forum goers results in your posts being ignored because they don't want to decipher the wall of text that is the result of your typing.

So, you are saying we should leave proper semantics, grammar, and spelling simply because the language changes over time? This makes no sense. Language is all about structure while typos, improper grammatic usage, shorthand, and misspelling are all results of a lack of structure.

Last I checked those words still mean those things as well. Meanings of words change over time, and spelling does too, but spelling doesn't change just because a bunch of people make the same error. See: repertoire and other French-based words.

Proper for what? Internet usage?

But he attempts to do it correctly even with the handicap. While you insist that it is unimportant while you don't have the handicap. Isn't that a bit of a slap in his face?

I bolded the misspelled words you had in that paragraph, barring your examples you gave that annoy you. I won't even bother going into how that is such a horribly constructed runon sentence and instead simply say the construction of it gives me a headache in trying to read it. Proper sentences and periods are good for the reader as it tells the reader when to pause. Otherwise the ideas all run together into a single jumble and if any ideas were conveyed they become one mess and leave them wondering what the point (or points) was of the paragraph.

You have to remember, some people consider language an artform. When they see others destroy those constructs they try so hard to abide by it's irritating. I personally enjoy writing and seeing people rape the language simply doesn't sit well with me. For one thing it shows they don't care to respect me, the reader, enough to (at least attempt to) use proper linguistic structure. It also shows me that they will likely only decrease further as time goes on due to increasing habit and laziness. Bad habits are easy to make but extremely hard to break. That more than anything is why I try my best to check any writing I do and to make sure it is correct. Next to that it is simply a hint at showing that I respect the readers enough to offer the courtesy of proper language.

Writing is only an "art form" in litrature or maybe colligraphy if you take the quote literaly.

A forum post is NOT a work of art.

And I can usualy read most posts that aren't in wall o' text mode pretty easily without getting any kind of ill effects like headaces and I'm pretty sure its normal, maybe you should see a doctor or something if you're getting headaces from reading a forum post.

(And a big w00t to Toadthroat for showing some common sense and reason here)