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View Full Version : PC/PS2 About Blackbull

Jun 13, 2008, 03:43 PM
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to ask a couple questions about the Blackbull Rifle, because I badly want one ;__; But 1. they seem waaay overpriced 2. I wouldn't even have the money 3. Why are they so expesnive?
All other 10* items are so much cheaper but Blackbulls go for around 20 mil.
Could anybody give me advice to where the best place is to hunt a blackbull? I know it drops on Desert Goliath but I'm currently lv 99 and I ran that mission once (alone no NPC's) and it took about 50 minutes >_< (random: why is that little cave at the boss? rofl).
Is there any easier/faster mission? D= Because I also don't have the time to hunt so long for just a board DX (which will fail then lol).
Or should I maybe wait until we get Caves of Illusion(i think it was caves) to hope the price will drop?

Jun 13, 2008, 03:47 PM
Wait for mines of illusion.

Candy drop there...

Jun 13, 2008, 03:47 PM
So you realize how long and difficult the mission is, but you don't understand why it's expensive? =p

It also drops from True Darkness S, which is much quicker and easier.

Jun 13, 2008, 03:48 PM
True Darkness S- it should be much easier than Goliath, and much quicker. It drops from the boss boxes. (S, not S2).

I think it's actually Mines of Illusion that has Blackbull too, so I'd hunt one now. It's expensive, because in comparison to a lot of other 10* rares, it's more difficult to get (well, less drop locations).

Jun 13, 2008, 04:02 PM
I always thought it was because it looked really cool and that people hardly did those missions anymore...hopefully you will get yourself one!^^

Jun 13, 2008, 04:04 PM
So you realize how long and difficult the mission is, but you don't understand why it's expensive? =p

It also drops from True Darkness S, which is much quicker and easier.

The mission isn't really long. It's only 2 blocks If I remember correctly. I am also a n00b when it comes to soloing/hunting -_-' I think that was the first time a played a mission(in that lv range) alone. It did get easier over time and I didn't die before the boss or anything, but the robot enemies are quite annoying. So it's good to know that there are other missions.

And True Darkness sounds good. That mission is at least more fun, and is really easier. Just don't know how easy it's to solo.

I just decided I will never hunt it alone...I am to impatient and get frustrated to easy rofl XD

Jun 13, 2008, 04:08 PM
At lvl 130 and Fortgunner 20 TD S is a cake walk.

Jun 13, 2008, 04:12 PM
i find about 3-5 blackbulls a day on TD. they sell for about 5mill each. they are quite affordable really.

Jun 13, 2008, 04:15 PM
i find about 3-5 blackbulls a day on TD. they sell for about 5mill each. they are quite affordable really.

Are you on the Xbox version? Because I have never seen a Blackbull that cheap. I think the cheapest is currently 15 mil on the PC/PS2 servers.

Jun 13, 2008, 04:16 PM
oh yea sorry xbox :S id give u one for free if i could magically get it to u haha

Jun 13, 2008, 04:25 PM
At lvl 130 and Fortgunner 20 TD S is a cake walk.

130 and forteanything 20 TD S is a cake walk.

Jun 13, 2008, 05:58 PM
Like everyone else mentioned, do True Darkness S. Much, much easier,faster, and the drop rate there seems decent. Found 2 boards there and I didn't even have to spend a week getting them either. >_>/ I think the only reason BB's are so expensive is because hardly anyone runs TD S anymore, because the drop rate doesn't seem that rare.

Jun 13, 2008, 06:34 PM
no one runs either of those missions on S

everyone is hunting rattlesnakes on DGs2 and TDs2 doesn't drop rifles at all x.X

there's actually a third way to get BBs atm. Endrum remnants S2. rare map means 7 grinna bete Ses each one can drop a BB board. I got mine from one during the winter event, but I know a lot of people who did map hunting for them as well.

Also DG isn't really that hard. I solo S2 in about 20-25 minutes as a FG. thats without killer shot, too. just dont run in there with shit bullets.

Jun 13, 2008, 07:21 PM
In ONE run my friend wanted a Blackbull and he got it.

But another tried to get a Blackbull since it came out and he never did. We had to trade to get his Rattlesnake.

I mean its all just dumb luck. I figure if SEGA knows that your account tries to do the same mission for 10 months that they figure "oh lets be nice" and just hand him a Kazarod. But noooo. They give it to the new person first timer who just hit lvl 70. =/

For a blackbull - do True Dark Sone. Its done in like 15 minutes solo and the boss is a pushover later on as you level up. or just bring a good team to help you hunt.

and yeah the rare Endrum map is a good chance to get one. plus all the robots and CASTS are suceptible to KILLERSHOT if youre a rifle using Ranger.

Jun 13, 2008, 07:28 PM
no one runs either of those missions on S

everyone is hunting rattlesnakes on DGs2 and TDs2 doesn't drop rifles at all x.X

there's actually a third way to get BBs atm. Endrum remnants S2. rare map means 7 grinna bete Ses each one can drop a BB board. I got mine from one during the winter event, but I know a lot of people who did map hunting for them as well.

Also DG isn't really that hard. I solo S2 in about 20-25 minutes as a FG. thats without killer shot, too. just dont run in there with shit bullets.

my bullets are lvl 30+ and it takes me like 25-30 min to do the runs with killer shot :(

Jun 13, 2008, 07:41 PM
obviously kitty isn't as cool as the reverend.

Jun 13, 2008, 07:44 PM
obviously kitty isn't as cool as Pope Zeras.

fixed Zera>Reverand

Jun 13, 2008, 07:51 PM
no I'm pretty sure i spelled it right

Jun 13, 2008, 08:18 PM
Cheapest Carriguine-Rucar here is 3mil. What about your version?

Oh and the Bull drops made in the Mines mission.

Jun 13, 2008, 08:49 PM
I still say TD S is your best option since you have to rely on a rare spawn in Endrum Remnants to even have a chance at it, whereas at True Darkness, there's always a chance one will come from the boss boxes. And it's so damn short too, it would only take minutes to run, and you could spam it a hell of a lot faster than anywhere else.

And it drops made in Mines? Awesome, too bad we don't have that available yet. >_>

Jun 13, 2008, 08:59 PM
sounds like the psq/pc to xbox 360 meseta conversion rate is 3:1...which isn't bad looking back

Jun 13, 2008, 11:29 PM
The rare drops in this game are very unpredictable. My friend soloed TD S for weeks without finding one and then suddenly got 3 in a week! In fact, one of them is on sale right now... I don't know how much it's selling for but it's definitely a lot less than 15 million. ^^

Jun 14, 2008, 07:57 AM
sounds like the psq/pc to xbox 360 meseta conversion rate is 3:1...which isn't bad looking back

Whats this new PSQ console.... i want one ;)

Jun 14, 2008, 08:41 AM
I do "Stolen Weapon S2" solo on my 130 Fortegunner to farm Blackbull and Goldania :p so far 1/Many missions later Goldania and 0/Countless for Blackbull >.< The mission only takes me about 15 min or less (thats my guess) havn't done it in a while. Killer shot is nice on the Robots though if you're a gunner~

Jun 14, 2008, 08:51 AM
Cheapest Carriguine-Rucar here is 3mil. What about your version?

Oh and the Bull drops made in the Mines mission

Jun 15, 2008, 03:45 PM
The mission isn't really long. It's only 2 blocks If I remember correctly. I am also a n00b when it comes to soloing/hunting -_-' I think that was the first time a played a mission(in that lv range) alone. It did get easier over time and I didn't die before the boss or anything, but the robot enemies are quite annoying. So it's good to know that there are other missions.

And True Darkness sounds good. That mission is at least more fun, and is really easier. Just don't know how easy it's to solo.

I just decided I will never hunt it alone...I am to impatient and get frustrated to easy rofl XD

Desert Goliath S is pretty easy solo with my 95 human 20 FG char, i'm currently looking for a blackbull as well but on True Darkness because i don't care about MPs now. Killer Shot is your friend on DG, i've gotten basically all of my KS from lving there. Might think about running story missions to get npcs or lv up your PM if you haven't too. ;)

Jun 15, 2008, 05:28 PM
True Darkness S- it should be much easier than Goliath, and much quicker. It drops from the boss boxes. (S, not S2).

I think it's actually Mines of Illusion that has Blackbull too, so I'd hunt one now. It's expensive, because in comparison to a lot of other 10* rares, it's more difficult to get (well, less drop locations).

To me this makes no sense. Charge high prices just cause the runs rare and long. Bullmahogy. Ive sold a blackbull one time for 8 mil. Yes its not that high but i see no reason to put dumb prices up just cause i had to take a extra 10 mins to do a run that may have took 15 normally.

Jun 15, 2008, 07:15 PM
went to TD-S before finishing up for the day and got 2 bull boards in the 2 runs that i did along wiv a catilium so was quite happy. I can currently do TD-S in 9mins and im not maxed out lvl yet so could shave a bit off. gonna make the boards this time and go for 10/10 grinds cos also got lucky and produced a load of ginder s+10 :)

Stryker Diaz
Jun 15, 2008, 07:45 PM
TD is easily the best to do for BB, but let me give you some advice... cause I Farm BB's 24/7 and lead other people through TD to help them find one for some fee's of course ^_~ jk jk xD usually they just give me every rare they find except fot the BB. Now since ive run TD countless of times ill tell you the Pros and Cons.

Pros: Fast, Easy PA, All same Element Mobs, Good quick MP/Exp, and Boss Box drop.

Cons:Megid, Megid, More Megid, Soloing is a problem unless high level, Carrigunes Megid, and Meteor Boss Attack almost guranteed kill at times.

Basically the Cons are all instant death problems, just bring 10 scapedolls with you or your most trustworthy friends :P

Jun 16, 2008, 01:38 AM
the meteor strike never ever kills me. stun/resist and the fact that it only takes off 3/4 health. also u dont fight carraguines when u solo i think ull find :)

Jun 16, 2008, 02:04 AM
I think in the next story mission, the fifth one I think, on A there's an enemy that has a chance to drop a Blackbull. Not the board people, the rifle.

Or I could not know my ass from a hole in the ground.....

Jun 16, 2008, 02:36 AM
Episode 3, Chapter 6, Part 2.

It has level 100 Rygutass, which can drop made Blackbull.

Of course, it'll be a while before we get that ;]

Jun 16, 2008, 08:13 AM
At lvl 130 and Fortgunner 20 TD S is a cake walk.

asa 130/20 fighgunner, I can solo that mission in 7 minutes. 4 to get to the boss and 3 to kill him.

Jun 16, 2008, 08:20 AM
Cheapest Carriguine-Rucar here is 3mil. What about your version?

Oh and the Bull drops made in the Mines mission

Jun 16, 2008, 09:48 AM
Oh, I should have stated I am a Acrofighter XD And like said, I have no experience in soloing. And the other people I play with only want to do fun runs, or a busy hunting themselves. So yeah, it's kinda annoying. I just might wait for the Mines or maybe get lucky to find a cheap one XD

But thank you all for the advices and help. And when I run True Darkness I will hope to find one XD

Jun 16, 2008, 10:16 AM
20-25 to do DG(goliath) with fG?
wow, I thought they were faster? (not being sarcastic)

On certain map variations I've clocked myself at 13 mins to the boss gate, 15 minute finish on my fT. Could they be the best solo class for that run? o.O

Jun 16, 2008, 10:25 AM
Cheapest Carriguine-Rucar here is 3mil. What about your version?

Oh and the Bull drops made in the Mines mission

Stop posting that. The prices of rucar here have nothing to do with the topic. And you've said it drops in MOI 3 times.

Jun 16, 2008, 11:42 AM
20-25 to do DG(goliath) with fG?
wow, I thought they were faster? (not being sarcastic)

On certain map variations I've clocked myself at 13 mins to the boss gate, 15 minute finish on my fT. Could they be the best solo class for that run? o.O

While Killer Shot is much faster than melee or other bullets on bots, it's pretty unreliable even at 21+. Techers with strong Radiga or Nosdiga can rip through the robots quicker than KS, so yeah. :P