View Full Version : PS2/PS3 games

Jun 20, 2008, 02:31 PM
Outdated technology or not, PS2 games are still selling very well and since Sony completely fucked up with the PS3, it's going to be a while before anything on there becomes popular. Gran Turismo 5 just may be what saves it, but it really needs to get its RPG market back. I mean come on, the newest Star Ocean game on the *360*? You know you're failing when the 360 has a better RPG market than you.

Jun 20, 2008, 02:33 PM
I still am in the camp that one of the biggest issues of the PS3 has been too much PS2 development. It really kept people saying, "Why do I need a PS3, when all my games are coming on PS2?" I know I've been one of those people.

Jun 20, 2008, 02:43 PM
Outdated technology or not, PS2 games are still selling very well and since Sony completely fucked up with the PS3, it's going to be a while before anything on there becomes popular. Gran Turismo 5 just may be what saves it, but it really needs to get its RPG market back. I mean come on, the newest Star Ocean game on the *360*? You know you're failing when the 360 has a better RPG market than you.

Gran Turismo 5? You mean Metal Gear Solid 4. If that game doesn't sell systems, nothing will.

Jun 20, 2008, 02:58 PM
Gran Turismo 5? You mean Metal Gear Solid 4. If that game doesn't sell systems, nothing will.
Granted. But even so, from everyone I've talked to, MGS4 is very good but only as good as the other games, and the beginning is really boring because it's a lot of cutscenes. While the MGS series is *unmistakingly* good, I'd need something absolutely epic to make me want to shell out $400-500 on a glorified Blu-ray player.

It should also be known that the PS3 drains more power than a standard refrigerator. That's nuts.

Jun 20, 2008, 03:28 PM
Most PS2 people who haven't jumped to PS3 will do so when the next price drop occurs. The Ps2 is only popular because of the price difference. Give the PS3 some more time, and it will put put PS2 out of its misery.

Jun 20, 2008, 07:07 PM
PS3 is hurting in the games deparment more then anything. If the games were worth it(or should I say more games not just a few big name exclusive ones) more people would pony up the cash for a PS3. As it is the small libary of games combined with the large price is doing it no favors.

Jun 20, 2008, 07:47 PM
Gran Turismo 5? You mean Metal Gear Solid 4. If that game doesn't sell systems, nothing will.

in teh UK GTA4 sold more systems than MGS4 lol