View Full Version : sigh, we need Bleach games on US next-gen consoles. >_<

Jun 21, 2008, 05:47 PM
DBZ and Naruto have tons upon tons of games pouring out. Bleach needs some games out
there too for consoles. and in the US. fighting games, SRPGs, RPGs, etc. etc.

well Naruto is currently getting all the attention from developers.

maybe if at least Omega Force makes a Dynasty Warriors Bleach for at least US, EU and
Japan, things could look brighter in the Bleach gaming market. ^^ they did it for Gundam.
maybe its cause Bleach is still pretty "new" compared to other fighting anime that has been
out longer.

but ya, it would be great if the gaming market turns to Bleach and beyond the portable gaming
industry and mainly being so exclusive to Japan. :p I doubt even Bleach 3rd phantom is
coming until next year. >_< (and by then Resident Evil 5, Champions Online, X360 AoC,
and more would be released. >_> )

but ya, right now I think the best console expression of Bleach's universe would be in the
form of a kickass DW-style game, with as many heroes and Shinigami playable as possible.
and tons of different hollow enemies, and stuff. probably have war battles mainly in
Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. I can see it now.... :)

and on the note of Naruto games, why is the upcoming ps3 naruto rpg so centered on Naruto.
I mean really, they are like "duh, only Naruto is controllable and the otehr two are a.i.
handled." can't they take a hint from revolutionary RPGs like Secret of Mana??????????

Jun 21, 2008, 05:50 PM
I tend to avoid games based on TV shows and movies, more often than not they're half-assed cash-ins that aren't worth so much as a rental fee.

Jun 21, 2008, 06:06 PM
not really, DBZ Tenkaichi 3 is the pinnacle of a DBZ fighting simulator with deep enough
elements, colossal selection of characters, and great features, with art and everything true
to the anime and team battles and other modes in versus so epic that leads to countless replay value.

as for Naruto well....even Rise of the Ninja was lacking in replay value from the single
player standpoint, never tried the versus but the selection is pretty small and techniques
very limited from what I heard.

the one thing that was screwed up in DW:Gundam was that the camera perspective made the
mechs look so short/small, like they were toys instead of these massive mobile suits.

Jun 21, 2008, 06:24 PM
No we don't.

Jun 21, 2008, 06:43 PM
I tend to avoid games based on TV shows and movies, more often than not they're half-assed cash-ins that aren't worth so much as a rental fee.

Get wif Battle Stadium D.O.N.

Jun 21, 2008, 07:10 PM
not really, DBZ Tenkaichi 3 is the pinnacle of a DBZ fighting simulator with deep enough
elements, colossal selection of characters, and great features, with art and everything true
to the anime and team battles and other modes in versus so epic that leads to countless replay value.

Yeah, but look at how long it took to get to that point Saner. Do you KNOW how many shitty DBZ games were made before Bodokai 3?

Nitro Vordex
Jun 21, 2008, 07:14 PM
I liked Supersonic Warriors; that's as close as they got.

Then Budokai 3 came out, that was FUN.

Now I'm waiting to get Burst Limit.

(and a console that can run it ;~; )

Jun 21, 2008, 07:17 PM
What are you talking about? There's DBZ Burst Limit, and Naruto Rise of a Ninja. That's hardly "tons of games pouring out."

Nitro Vordex
Jun 21, 2008, 07:20 PM
Doesn't a new DBZ game come out like, every 5 months?

What Obsidian said. Not "Pouring out".

Does anybody really play Naruto? -_-;
(That's just me, I REALLY don't like Naruto.)

Jun 21, 2008, 09:28 PM
I imported the Naruto games for Gamecube, and I was pleased, I played Budokai, and I was pleased, I played the Bleach game, and thought you know I'd rather play the Naruto game.

I don't really care much for Animu games, as they are all pretty much a drawn out version of WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN/READ, at least with DBO (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonball_Online) I can choose whether I want to go back and re-live those glorious moments. Bleach just constantly reminds me of a horrible fanfic of Dragon Ball "WAHA, I know my swords name!(WAHA, I can become a Super Sayain), "WAHA, I CAN RELEASE BANKAI"(WAHA, I CAN GO SUPER SAYAIN 2!)

My point, we don't really need more "poopular" animu-based games coming out from every publisher whose kids whine and moan that they too should release the same game another company did!

From my count there are about 10 Dragon Ball based games(Spanning back to the NES era) and 11 Naruto games, counting the DS, GC, Wii, and Playstation 2 games, bleach has about an equal amount of games. The thing is... BLEACH FANBOYISM ISN'T AS POPULAR IN AMERICA COMPARED TO THE MASSIVE NARUTARDS

Jun 21, 2008, 09:32 PM
Solution: Buy an import Japanese console and Japanese games. All your problems are solved.

Jun 21, 2008, 09:40 PM
Forgot the mention

Naruto: Clash of Ninja 3: Gamecube, but ported to Wii
Naruto: Rise of Ninja: 360
DBZ: Burst Limit: Multiplatform
DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2-3: Multiplatorm
Bleach: The Blade of Fate: Wii

So yeah... lots of Naruto and DBZ games out there for Next-gen consoles! pfft

Jun 21, 2008, 09:50 PM
Yeah, but look at how long it took to get to that point Saner. Do you KNOW how many shitty DBZ games were made before Bodokai 3?

A lot. I can think of seven off the top of my head. There was one on Genesis, three for Super Famicom, Legends on Saturn, Ultimate Battle 22, and Final Bout, and tons more I don't know about/never heard of. Also, Bleach is terrible. Some company needs to make a Rosario + Vampire fighting game, that would be epic. Know your place.

Jun 21, 2008, 09:53 PM
Busrt Limit IMO is a complete waste of money and sa huge step backwards.

you are better off getting Tenkaichi 3 for ps2 or waiting for a possible Tenkaichi 4. :p

Jun 21, 2008, 09:53 PM
A lot. I can think of seven off the top of my head. There was one on Genesis, three for Super Famicom, Legends on Saturn, Ultimate Battle 22, and Final Bout, and tons more I don't know about/never heard of. Also, Bleach is terrible. Some company needs to make a Rosario + Vampire fighting game, that would be epic. Know your place.

RAWR!!! Bleach is the greatest manga/anime EVERRRRR! ^^

Nitro Vordex
Jun 21, 2008, 09:54 PM
I have one for SNES (emulator) called Hyper Dimension.

I don't have the slightest idea how to play.

Jun 21, 2008, 10:09 PM
Busrt Limit IMO is a complete waste of money and sa huge step backwards.

you are better off getting Tenkaichi 3 for ps2 or waiting for a possible Tenkaichi 4. :p

RAWR!!! Bleach is the greatest manga/anime EVERRRRR! ^^


See this is just Fanboyism, this is why Fanboyism is pathetic, both Burst Limit and the Tenkaichi series were published by Namco Bandai and Atari, I've played both, and infact I though Burst Limit was a little better

Take your Bleach Fanboyism else where... please

Jun 21, 2008, 10:11 PM

See this is just Fanboyism, this is why Fanboyism is pathetic, both Burst Limit and the Tenkaichi series were published by Namco Bandai and Atari, I've played both, and infact I though Burst Limit was a little better

Take your Bleach Fanboyism else where... please

Quoted for truth.

Jun 21, 2008, 10:12 PM
RAWR!!! Bleach is the greatest manga/anime EVERRRRR! ^^
Bleach was somewhat enjoyable when it first started out, the second they stepped into the soul place I got bored with it and stopped watching it.

Granted, I tend to get bored of most long-running series after a season or two, if that.

Also Q-Ko-Chan is a much better manga. ;o

Jun 21, 2008, 11:19 PM
I'm actually loving Bleach now, with the whole Arrancar arc and all, it's totally awesome.

Jun 21, 2008, 11:32 PM
What are you talking about? There's DBZ Burst Limit, and Naruto Rise of a Ninja. That's hardly "tons of games pouring out."

Those are simply the ones getting the most press (and they're actually pretty good). There are several other pieces of licensed shovelware that anyone who isn't an anime fanboy would know nothing about.

Jun 21, 2008, 11:52 PM
If you go to Japan, you'll see games that would take a while to be finally released here in America, mostly because the series here in America haven't made it to the episodes shown in the video games. For example, my friend bought a Japanese PS2 and the newest Naruto game that had Shippuuden characters, it'll be quite a while before that comes to America, probably shortly after Shippuuden hits our shores.

Jun 22, 2008, 12:01 AM
There is no need for Bleach Games

im serious
its a piece of crap

Jun 22, 2008, 12:11 AM
Those are simply the ones getting the most press (and they're actually pretty good). There are several other pieces of licensed shovelware that anyone who isn't an anime fanboy would know nothing about.

I'm still fairly certain those are the only DBZ and Naruto games on next gen consoles, barring Tenkaichi 3 on the Wii, and maybe a Naruto game on the Wii I don't know about.

Either way, Burst Limit is a real fun game.

Jun 22, 2008, 03:48 AM
There is no need for Bleach Games

im serious
its a piece of crap

Actually the DS games are very good. (when imported)
[/answer to quote]

Sadly all the bleach games outside of japan so far only seem to have the english voice actors which sucks big time.
I would only want more bleach games outside japan if they actually had the japanese voice actors as well.

Jun 22, 2008, 02:07 PM
It's a coin toss whether or not I'd buy a Bleach game. Anime games have only brought me disappointment before.

Jun 22, 2008, 03:12 PM
Bleach: Blades of Fate on the Nintendo DS is actually quite good although like most beat em ups, the novelty wears off after some time. That's kind of the problem with all the DBZ/Naruto/Bleach games, thier all beat em ups. There's no imagination there, no diversity of gameplay. thier all basically the same game with different characters. I'm all for more Bleach games but they need to be great games. It's not good enough to just release a crappy beat em up ( what was the name of the Wii Bleach beat em up again ) with the Bleach name. Developers need to put more thought into thier anime licences.

My favorite anime based game is Naruto: Rise of the Ninja on the 360. It played more like an adventure game than a beat em up. It did a very good job of bringing the Naruto universe to life even though they butchered the storyline.

Jun 22, 2008, 04:22 PM
what we need is more original IP's and less licensed games and less sequels that go past the trilogy point.

Jun 22, 2008, 07:16 PM
what we need is more original IP's and less licensed games and less sequels that go past the trilogy point.Quoted for epic truth. I want new experiences, not the same crap a 100 million billion ways. :disapprove:

Jun 22, 2008, 07:32 PM
RAWR!!! Bleach is the greatest manga/anime EVERRRRR! ^^

This motherfucker called and wants to know if you realize what the Hell you just said.

There's no need for a shitty anime-based fighting video game. Fighting games are fighting games. If you want a fighting game with weapons go play Soul Calibur. If you want a fighting game with special abilities there is a shit ton for you to play. We don't need more.

Jun 22, 2008, 09:27 PM
Topic TitleNo we don't.

Jun 22, 2008, 09:31 PM
This motherfucker called and wants to know if you realize what the Hell you just said.

There's no need for a shitty anime-based fighting video game. Fighting games are fighting games. If you want a fighting game with weapons go play Soul Calibur. If you want a fighting game with special abilities there is a shit ton for you to play. We don't need more.

Cowboy Bebop is overrated. :p

Soul Calibur games are boring. :p

Jun 22, 2008, 09:56 PM
Cowboy Bebop is awesome. :p

Soul Calibur games are awesome. :p


Oh yeah, I think what we REALLY need is for Sony to stop being a bunch of idiots and just make all of their consoles region free so that Americans can buy a Playstation 3 and be able to play Japanese imported games on it.

Jun 22, 2008, 10:02 PM
Cowboy Bebop, don't care, never watched it :p

Soul Calibur games are awsome. :p

Bleach still sucks
Games and Anime


Jun 22, 2008, 10:12 PM
No...Then it would become over exposed and get old, like DBZ.

-On a side note...Holy s***, I haven't been on here in a long time.

Jun 23, 2008, 01:55 PM
hmph hmph hmph. your opinions are not valid here. :p

Jun 23, 2008, 02:01 PM
hmph hmph hmph. your opinions are not valid here. :p

Because they're different from your own?

One of the quickest ways to be respected is to not state your opinions as facts. This goes for everyone.

Jun 23, 2008, 02:18 PM
well its their fault taking my opinion as if I was stating a fact. :D