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View Full Version : PSU What's with all the complaining?

Jun 23, 2008, 08:39 PM
For the past few months of playing this game, (out of the year i have played total) i have noticed so many topics from this website, and phantasystaruniverse.com about how PSU fails, and how it fails so hard compared to PSO, and every possible complaint about the game. (Mostly the same tired out crap mentioned over and over again :-x)

IMO, This game is fine the way it is. The only logical explanation i was able to come up with, as to why people complain, is because of this:

People's friends joined this game at a very early stage in the game. They were here for all the events. Then they meet some new people outside of PSU, and ask them to join. So now the person who just joined asks "Where can i level up fast?" Then the person brings their friend to White Beast, and these people who just joined, pretty much stay there forever. Then bitch about how this game fails, when they don't even have about 25% of the lobbies on this game, afraid to leave their home of White Beast and go exploring.

And i know, i know. This sounds like i am complaining, but i was wondering why you guys think so many people think this game is failing? Honestly, aside from my argument above, I can't seem to find another reason. :-?

Jun 23, 2008, 08:43 PM
Welcome to a year and a half ago. This forum has always been like this. If anything, it's lightened up tremendously since then. PSU didn't live up to its hype, so it was poorly received. Along with that, ST has made some glaring mistakes in the game, which we don't seem to want to let go.
But, the endless grinding doesn't help, that's for sure...

Jun 23, 2008, 08:43 PM
maybe cuz people missed the days of pso
then heard MAG and how it was like pso and got over excited
had too high expectations and there was no way SEGAC could live it up

or people over played it and did everything.
you dont have to quit cuz your bord just go do somthing else for a change.

Jun 23, 2008, 08:49 PM
Its in people's nature to complain. If Sega did all the things the players talk about, guess what, they would still complain about something. Imo the game is okay, some areas of gameplay could be better, but Im sure there is worse out there. I too am tired of all the same topics complaining about the same things over and over. Sometimes I feel thats all I see on here ;_;

Jun 23, 2008, 08:50 PM
We need more rollbacks...

Jun 23, 2008, 08:52 PM
I too am tired of all the same topics complaining about the same things over and over. Sometimes I feel thats all I see on here ;_;

Yep... It's almost depressing sometimes :nono:

Jun 23, 2008, 08:59 PM
I guess the major complains are the lack of difficulty/lack of high lvl missions (the old v1 missions still have the enemies at a lvl way below our current cap at the highest difficulty, even lower comparing to the current jp cap, lvl 80 to 120 enemies), the delays in content updates (pa update "announced" by a gm for early april, then delayed to late april, then delayed to june, and also the 065 error and the delay of the mag extension in the last day of the event), and then there's also the reskins (dark falz/dark force, which was a great boss on pso and the ps series, became a simply de rol le skin <.<)

Jun 23, 2008, 09:00 PM
I feel like anything that you have to pay money for, month after month, gives you a right to complain.

At least for a little bit, every once and a while.

Especially, if the game, and the developers of the game, do not live up to the expectations of a previous title, that was much better developed and solid, than current games.

Also, the fact that most of the content is STILL locked on the disk, pisses people off tremendously.

Jun 23, 2008, 10:23 PM
I feel like anything that you have to pay money for, month after month, gives you a right to complain.

At least for a little bit, every once and a while.

Especially, if the game, and the developers of the game, do not live up to the expectations of a previous title, that was much better developed and solid, than current games.

Also, the fact that most of the content is STILL locked on the disk, pisses people off tremendously.

Well said.

While the complaining gets annoying, it's not misplaced. Segac has screwed up royally and they continue to screw up because they just don't care about this side of their "fanbase." Granted, I don't care half as much as other people do, but it's just horrible practice.

Jun 23, 2008, 10:37 PM
The main reason why things feel so bad right now, is because the wounds of 65, numerous rollbacks, horrible customer service, none to bad in game support and the delay in a bunch of updates which has taken us off schedule are still fresh because we are waiting for MAG 2 to come up: the apology to all of that in a nutshell. As much as I want MAG 2, it is a hump in the PSU community that we have to get over...

... and as of now we haven't. And until we get over that hump, people will still Baawww and complain because of the lack of trust: to say the least. In order for the majority of the PSU community to get over all this and let go of the past, MAG has to come and go so we can look towards the future.

Being stuck in limbo is letting the wounds fester.

Jun 24, 2008, 01:20 AM
Is there any game that perfectly nobody ever complained?
well, it is impossible to make a game to favor everybody, I m sure that PSU is fine as much as it is now for me.:wacko:

Jun 24, 2008, 01:56 AM
I can think of a few.

Glacial pace of updates. Remember during v1 how sometimes the only update was unlocking higher ranks of a few missions? People expect content for their $10/month.

No feeling of having any input into what Sega does. The feeling of, "You should listen to me," comes directly from Sega saying, "Our game is worth $10 a month."

When they seem to listen to its fanbase, they always seem to miss the mark. You can call the fanbase whiny all you want, but have you ever heard Sega go into great detail about why they think they did the right thing? No. Has the fanbase gone into great detail about why they think Sega is wrong? Some of them, yes.

People don't like hacks. When you learn about how some of the PSU hacks are pulled off, anyone with a lick of sense about security over the internet loses all respect for Sega's programmers.

Closed Betas introduce a nepotistic atmosphere. Some of the bugs that have been discovered would have never made if you let little Jimmy, who has too much time on his hands and has a desire to make a name for himself by breaking your stuff, touch your game. But you'll never meet little Jimmy because you pick your Beta testers from God-knows-where and they have an incentive to kiss your ass because they want to remain in your closed-beta circle.

Jun 24, 2008, 02:47 AM
From what I've seen since my time in the community (in any online MMO community, actually) people complaining is really nothing new.

People have complained from Dreamcast V.1 all the way to today. I don't mind people who are trying to suggest ideas or give feedback in a positive manner, that's all good, but admittedly the "This game sucks, incoming wall of text about why I hate life and everything in it" posters are getting fairly redundant after the first seven years.

Maybe that's just me. ;) Don't worry about the really negative complainers; they'll always be there - plus you're reading message boards, which is generally where all the unhappy people go in the first place, because this way people are forced to listen to them. Head into the game and look for players there, the ones having fun are generally spending more time playing than posting.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 24, 2008, 02:51 AM
Wouldn't everyone complain about something even if the prominent problems were solved?

The only real gripe I have is with the gamers, who keep grinding White Beast. That mission gets boring after the second time; what makes you think I want to do it another 100 times?

I'm only there because it seems to be the only place where I can find a decent party. Or a party at all for that matter. -_-;

Jun 24, 2008, 03:02 AM
The only real gripe I have is with the gamers, who keep grinding White Beast. That mission gets boring after the second time; what makes you think I want to do it another 100 times?

I'm only there because it seems to be the only place where I can find a decent party. Or a party at all for that matter. -_-;

That's really harsh to say actually. They're people and they do what they want. I agree that it's a snowball effect (you got in it yourself), but really, it has been like this since PSO. You can't say White Beast is any different than TTF.

Jun 24, 2008, 03:08 AM
Well, I actually agree that the White Beast stuff has some definite truth to it - in PSO, you would head to a central counter and play a mission from there. You could still play whatever mission or area you wanted, and you could see all the other players from a single location, whether they were running PW4, TTF, or just normal hunting.

PSU is more difficult here because it is much more spread out - when White Beast became the hot spot, the PC/Ps2 servers found it almost impossible to head somewhere else and still find a group of random players to party with. I've noticed this too and think it would be really nice to start mixing things up a bit.

Who knows what's planned for the future?

Jun 24, 2008, 03:14 AM
Well, at least GBR is what they plan for now to spread hot spot into 5, and let people at least keep changing mission every runs to a new locations. Can't wait for the next 2 GBR really. They are much better than Moatoob one, the neudaiz GBR add 6 new missions while the parum GBR add 5 new missions.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 24, 2008, 04:07 AM
You can't say White Beast is any different than TTF.
I can, actually. TTF was actually interesting to go through, not to mention fun. Heck, you could find rares not too badly in TTF; what do you get in White Beast? Two or Three things that everyone (supposedly)already has?

As for the snowball effect, yes, it's true that I party with the people I'm accusing; but at my current level, it's suicide (or extremely boring) to solo other missions. This is supposed to be a multiplayer game with cooperation. White Beast, in my opinion, doesn't fufill this. It makes the game seem like a grind because no one is anywhere else. Heck, I'd be very willing to do a different mission with someone, despite their level. I'll go party with 10's and 20's in a C rank mission somewhere on Parum or Moatoob. At least I can see the game as a whole.

Jun 24, 2008, 07:51 AM
Head into the game and look for players there, the ones having fun are generally spending more time playing than posting.


The only reason I ever post on this forum is because I have nothing to do at work.

When I'm at home, using my free time, I'm playing the shyt out of psu. The only reason I go onto forums during the time I'm not at work is to complete trades or lol at the nub threads. And I can usually do that while I have my psu window open.

This applies to anything, not just PSU. You will notice in life that the complainers ALWAYS have the loudest voice. Whether their argument has merit or not, it doesn't matter. The people who are content with whatever they are doing usually don't voice a complaint unless there is a MAJOR ISSUE taking place that interrupts what they are doing (*cough*segabilling/management*cough*).

If you enjoy the game, go and play it. If you don't want to listen/read complaints, don't read internet forums. Pretty self explanatory.

Jun 24, 2008, 08:12 AM
I enjoy the game, but latelly I've been complaining alot about v1 missions having low lvl enemies (maybe I've been complaining too much about that ^^;), but if nothing changes about them, we'll be getting lvl 140 cap, 150 cap, 160 cap, and so on...I wonder if with a lvl 200 cap these missions will still have enemies between lvl 80 and 120 at their highest difficulty...basically high lvl players would be stuck on aoi missions, since the v1 ones would be useless and too easy...(Hope they get S3 or a rebalance someday, maybe with lvl 150+ monsters xD).
My other complain about v1 missions is the S2 ones with enemies below lvl 100...I enjoy alot of these missions (mainly Holy Ground, Lab Recovery and Crimson Beast), but don't play them because of such low lvl enemies >_>

My point with this is that some ppl have good reasons to complain ^^;

Jun 24, 2008, 08:36 AM
Everyone complains its just a matter of having reason or just overcoming boredom... We all have to remember unlike PSO which had nothing but hacks and hackers to boot also only had one system, one server (reguarding the illegal ones) and all things were done for the entire community... Here we have 360, PS2/PC american and Jp servers all having to be tended to and yes I will agree we on the US side have gotten nothing but the short end of the stick but thats what happens when ur playing a game created for the JP community and us just getting the scraps... They are I am sure trying to keep up with things as best as possible and with any game problems with new material is going to happen... I agree Rollbacks suck but we have only had by ruby's count 3 or 4 total so in over a year I don't think thats all that bad.. I love the game though redundent at times thats when I just go explore something else to get a change of pace. I eagerly await what will come next. So let people complain for whatever thier reasons may be. The game for each person is different and what you do with ur time on it should be what makes u happy and not worry about what others do.

Jun 24, 2008, 08:55 AM
Never complain anything on this game when they have any slow update, but... this is the first time to see a nerf system update on JP...omg! this might make me complain it for the first time lol <<;...
Hey Ruby, do you think it is possible to update anything on the "game setting option"? I mean, it is common sense to add this kind of stuff into game setting option right?
I m really surprise that they are going to force everybody to be able to see lv 31+ tech from himself only. I alway like to see the best graphic as high quality as possible, that is why I keep upgrading my PC.
SO I assume that, it is impossible to update it via game patch file? in that case, I have to wait the next expansion...which might be so long <_<;

Jun 24, 2008, 09:43 AM
With this update i seriously doubt we're even getting another expansion. Knowing SEGA's pattern of late, they advertise a great game, make it look good and milk it for all its worth until the buyer realizes its garbage, then with the next installment promise to fix the problems but only create new ones.

Its been happening to the Sonic series since like 2003, and the pattern is always the same. It has NOT faltered even as of late. Its most likely going to happen to this game and the Phantasy Star series as well.

Jun 24, 2008, 09:53 AM
You have to understand, it is impossible to fix this lag from high epic tech by any other method than this.
PS2 spec is constant. they can't change anything about it. they have only 2 choice : 1"let it remain lag like this and MF can't party together because if that" or 2"lower quality of graphic, lower epic level of tech" .. or you can think of the way to keep this same level of graphic while not lagging PS2 users? (I think they would do that if they can already. SoJ is known that they care a lot of players)
what can we ask more?, when they alway fix anything that people complained about?
they fixed the chikki that every people complained in the past, they make melee weapon to get high elemental % easier, they boost drop rate. they fixed amount of tengough that were too many on DAS2 in the past. They boost PA exp for us to spend less time on doing boring stuff.

They did nothing wrong, only point I expect now is that they will somehow give PC user option to choose. I just want to know if I do have to wait until next expansion or not. all of this depending on the ability to change the game setting by downloading patch (which I dunno if this is possible or not, that is why I m asking GM who might know something about this)

Jun 24, 2008, 10:00 AM
one of the main reasons people complain is because they are upset about the shutdown of PSO and they think complaining about PSU will bring it back :lol:

Jun 24, 2008, 10:05 AM
I think people complain about PSU not being "better" than PSO because they played PSO so much and liked it so much that there is no way, to them, that PSU could be better. All they keep doing is picking at all the differences and complaining and complaining and complaining.

Jun 24, 2008, 10:08 AM
Have they fixed the slowdown on the 360 yet?

Jun 24, 2008, 10:11 AM
Except that the most of the complains aren't even about pso...
Are about lack of high lvl missions (this one is my major complain xD, v1 missions with monsters below lvl 100) and lack of hard missions, screw ups by ST part, such as delays in updates and the billing site errors during MAG event, many bosses are just reskins (dark falz - dark fish is a joke <.<), and this last update on the jp version, forcing players to only be able to see lvl 31+ technics with lvl 21 techs effects, only the user can see their real effect...

Jun 24, 2008, 10:21 AM
You have to understand, it is impossible to fix this lag from high epic tech by any other method than this.
PS2 spec is constant. they can't change anything about it. they have only 2 choice : 1"let it remain lag like this and MF can't party together because if that" or 2"lower quality of graphic, lower epic level of tech" .. or you can think of the way to keep this same level of graphic while not lagging PS2 users? (I think they would do that if they can already. SoJ is known that they care a lot of players)
what can we ask more?, when they alway fix anything that people complained about?
they fixed the chikki that every people complained in the past, they make melee weapon to get high elemental % easier, they boost drop rate. they fixed amount of tengough that were too many on DAS2 in the past. They boost PA exp for us to spend less time on doing boring stuff.

No offense to you personally Arika, but this is absolute bullshit. The chikki nerf was something that NEEDED to be done, a calculation error that benefited everybody by further balancing the game. So was the Tengogh and PA update. These updates altered the game we play, not the way we play it.

However, saying "WE WERE THINKING OF YOU WHEN WE DID IT" and then sucker-punching the community is absolute bullshit when it comes to deleting the 31/41+ effects from all the forces on the game. Forces were technically already inferior to the other classes, but eye candy was something even I could hold on to with my force. Now that I cant even amuse myself with eye candy, i see no reason to play my force anymore.

The PS2 fucking sucked before they made the game and it still fucking sucks now. Dont drag the PC/360 players down for your foolish development mistakes when you've already had time to fix EVERYTHING when you were developing the expansion after the initial release date of V1.

Sure. It was a fix that worked. But it isnt the kind of fix you expect when you're paying them $10 a month.

They did nothing wrong, only point I expect now is that they will somehow give PC user option to choose. I just want to know if I do have to wait until next expansion or not. all of this depending on the ability to change the game setting by downloading patch (which I dunno if this is possible or not, that is why Im asking GM who might know something about this)

If they arent, then it wont hurt nearly as bad. My PS2 is lagged by lv11+ TECHNICs, so i dont play my force on PS2 anyway. Hopefully this will gauge them to not even MAKE the next expansion for this garbage platform anyway.

I usually defend against the more minor mistakes by SEGA, since i usually hate complaining. But as of late i dont see a reason to defend anymore.

Jun 24, 2008, 10:24 AM
No offense to you .

Sure. It was a fix that worked. But it isnt the kind of fix you expect when you're paying them $10 a month.

well, then as I said, you might say some good way to fix it then?

It is important thing that they need to respond when they already dragged PS2 players (and low-mid spec PC users) to play this game already. I mean, they can't ignore PS2 users really... You know, my main character is Force-type. and I 've spent time on tech very very much. I know how you feel :wacko: However, I can't complain anybody to do something that is impossible. I think that if I were ST, then I might do the same, but I would tried to add option for PC user to set it later on.

Jun 24, 2008, 10:26 AM
Forces were technically already inferior to the other classes, but eye candy was something even I could hold on to with my force. Now that I cant even amuse myself with eye candy, i see no reason to play my force anymore.

Well, with this update you can still see your techs with their 31+/41+ effects, you just see the techs with lvl 21 effect from the other players.

Jun 24, 2008, 10:32 AM
Except that the most of the complains aren't even about pso...

its not that they are complaining about PSO but former PSO players find every little difference to complain about and thats probably why they have the PSO clothes and weapon and stages etc... updates to shut people up

Jun 24, 2008, 10:40 AM
I think that if I were ST, then I might do the same, but I would tried to add option for PC user to set it later on.

Well, we can only hope they are as smart as this. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

As for the PS2, they cant blame forces for poor PS2 performance. It would be horrible even without them. Hell, my force lags seconds behind the rest of the party on PS2 even with the 11+ and 21+ technic effects. Hell, if anything the PS2 lag from the technics better Sync'ed the party.

But like i said, i dont see them getting rid of the third combo for Photon Arts. In fact, i have more trouble with other players un-loading my animations rather than lag caused by nuking techers.

Jun 24, 2008, 10:50 AM
But like i said, i dont see them getting rid of the third combo for Photon Arts. In fact, i have more trouble with other players un-loading my animations rather than lag caused by nuking techers.

I m quite sure, they alway tread JP players very well, so we just need to wait that side complain about this. we have to give them some more time, they only fix this for urgent issue of PS2 users just to enable them to enjoy event first. (you know if lv 21+ can lag PS2, then lv 41+ will cause massive hang).

but heh!, can you tell me about 3rd combo lag? which PA causing that? I never seen that problem myself, because I never play PS2. I assume it is the Renga? because that one is cool.

Jun 24, 2008, 10:56 AM
but heh!, can you tell me about 3rd combo lag? which PA causing that? I never seen that problem myself, because I never play PS2. I assume it is the Renga? because that one is cool.


LOL, on PS2, most of the time when there are more than 4 players and multiple Melee classes, when they change weapons that have different photon arts equipped, your character will RANDOMLLY freeze in whatever animation they were doing and then default back to the "Unarmed" animations. (This means you cant attack or anything, just run around until your animations reload.)

This happens to me multiple times a mission on my melee character. While using Dus Majarra, my character randomly gets stuck in the "Riding Spear" part of the animation, and i just ride my spear into oblivion.

One time i got knocked down and it unloaded my Falling animation, so my character just rose up into the ceiling for a good 3 seconds.

If it happens when you get blown away, your character will slide across like the entire room to the other side.

funny part is, any Photon art can cause it.

Jun 24, 2008, 12:21 PM

LOL, on PS2, most of the time when there are more than 4 players and multiple Melee classes, when they change weapons that have different photon arts equipped, your character will RANDOMLLY freeze in whatever animation they were doing and then default back to the "Unarmed" animations. (This means you cant attack or anything, just run around until your animations reload.)

This happens to me multiple times a mission on my melee character. While using Dus Majarra, my character randomly gets stuck in the "Riding Spear" part of the animation, and i just ride my spear into oblivion.

One time i got knocked down and it unloaded my Falling animation, so my character just rose up into the ceiling for a good 3 seconds.

If it happens when you get blown away, your character will slide across like the entire room to the other side.

funny part is, any Photon art can cause it.

it's sad it happens to me and a friend of mine all the time (both on PS2) and its not even with tons of people in the party, there can be just us 2 and we'll get this weapon deloading on us crap, it happened to us once in the last room of the seed hive mission with the carriguines. we COULD NOT switch weapons cause nothing would load and if we did we'd get the unarmed animation going but it lasted forever. not even sure why PS2 weapons/PA's dont load right away it's rather annoying when you're trying speed runs.

Jun 24, 2008, 01:02 PM
Once i got Un-loaded during the Falkis Form 2 fight and got hit with an attack and did the "rise to the ceiling" glitch, and when it zoomed out for the meteor attack you could see me getting sucked into space for a couple of seconds.

i wish i could have taken a screenshot. I was spamming the Prnt Scrn button on my KB, but forgot i was on PS2.

I dont think anyone else could see it, but i was laughing my ass off for the rest of the match.

Oh yeah, when i hit the floor i was dead. >_>;

Jun 24, 2008, 02:31 PM
The only reason I think that this game is falling behind is becuase

1) Its hard to find in stores now (You have to lucky to find one >>)

2) We are like what 4 months behind JP so the content is far behind what it could be

Other than that I love this game I play it all the time and it gets a lot more fun when you mix up what missions you do :)

Jun 24, 2008, 10:36 PM
The game is missing variety when your not in t he mood to run a story or regular misison.

Jun 24, 2008, 11:04 PM
Broken promises, glitches left unfixed for long periods, iffy tech support, billing server problems, constant content postponements, lame events, updates rolled back because of bugged items/missions, etc. What's there to complain about? Lol.

To answer the question of what people are complaining about all you have to do is read Segac's own posts on their site this week. It is fairly clear. We like this game. If we didn't we would not be posting here. But every time this game seems to turn the corner and start improving...someone at Segac inevitably turds the punch bowl once again.

Jun 24, 2008, 11:15 PM
lol, no offense to PS2 servers, but you have some serious problems with PSU. If that was me, I would probably call SEGA or something.

Glad I am on the 360 servers... everything works perfectly:-P

Jun 24, 2008, 11:16 PM

Jun 24, 2008, 11:23 PM
SEGAC backwards is CAGES... hmmmmm.

It's a trap!

Jun 24, 2008, 11:32 PM
I guess for me, it seems silly to say "oh those old pso players, living in nostalgia"
I see it as:

PSO was a pioneer online console game.
PSOs graphics were amazing for the time.
PSO had really good dungeon design, amazing enemies and bosses, etc (ever feel in PSU the way you did when you first faced Sil Dragon? And if you beat him, had yourself mirrored in the huge screens around him when the vid cams hit you?)
PSO had a silly storyline, but you felt you had a purpose in the world. Quests were like small vingnettes and all tied back into the storyline, and many were quite interesting. There was something witty and fun about being involved in this strange world.
Amazing weapons that looked distinct and unique.
Among other things...

PSUs graphics look awful. Im playing and paying for a last gen game on my 360.
PSU has bland dungeon design, reskins that follow the same effing pattern and quite the bore. None of the bosses strike me as original.
I avoid PSUs story mode.
Most weapons look generic.
Among other things.

I mean, Im GLAD some people like PSU for what it is. Its really best not comared to PSO. But I dont get the "uhhhhh I dun get why people think PSO has better" Unless you completely have your head up your arse, is there really a comparison?

I think SEGA saw a way to make cash and made a sub-par game with the same name and went for it. I would be suprised if the servers last more than another year =(

Jun 24, 2008, 11:43 PM
I guess for me, it seems silly to say "oh those old pso players, living in nostalgia"
I see it as:

PSO had really good dungeon design, amazing enemies and bosses, etc (ever feel in PSU the way you did when you first faced Sil Dragon? And if you beat him, had yourself mirrored in the huge screens around him when the vid cams hit you?)

Amazing weapons that looked distinct and unique.
Among other things...

True, I miss all those things from PSO, I looked at this ones weapons and I wondered what happened:nono:The weapons in PSO were awesome as were the bosses like you said that dragon was one cool one to begin with, they were also set up in unique ways, not: here is an arena now go hit the boss like in PSU. However I still enjoy to play PSU a little bit mainly becuase of my friends on here though otherwise the game is mreh =/

Jun 24, 2008, 11:43 PM
I guess for me, it seems silly to say "oh those old pso players, living in nostalgia"
I see it as:

PSO was a pioneer online console game.
PSOs graphics were amazing for the time.
PSO had really good dungeon design, amazing enemies and bosses, etc (ever feel in PSU the way you did when you first faced Sil Dragon? And if you beat him, had yourself mirrored in the huge screens around him when the vid cams hit you?)
PSO had a silly storyline, but you felt you had a purpose in the world. Quests were like small vingnettes and all tied back into the storyline, and many were quite interesting. There was something witty and fun about being involved in this strange world.
Amazing weapons that looked distinct and unique.
Among other things...

PSUs graphics look awful. Im playing and paying for a last gen game on my 360.
PSU has bland dungeon design, reskins that follow the same effing pattern and quite the bore. None of the bosses strike me as original.
I avoid PSUs story mode.
Most weapons look generic.
Among other things.

I mean, Im GLAD some people like PSU for what it is. Its really best not comared to PSO. But I dont get the "uhhhhh I dun get why people think PSO has better" Unless you completely have your head up your arse, is there really a comparison?

I think SEGA saw a way to make cash and made a sub-par game with the same name and went for it. I would be suprised if the servers last more than another year =(

I agree.

I play PSO because it's a better game, not because of nostalgia.

PSU has things that make it better (anime barbie dolls)...

But PSO is still the cat's pajamas.

Jun 25, 2008, 12:08 AM
I agree.

I play PSO because it's a better game, not because of nostalgia.

PSU has things that make it better (anime barbie dolls)...

But PSO is still the cat's pajamas.

I agree.

If PSO still had online capabilities, I would play it a LOT more often then I normally do.

But then again, If they still had online play, I would not be able to play online because I play PSO on Nintendo Wii...and Wii does not have any backwards compatability with the Gamecube's online wire.