View Full Version : Koshiro Challenge #1

Jan 26, 2003, 10:06 AM
I'm hosting a challenge here.

Challenge Type: Character design
Entry: Either a picture, or a description.
Medium: Open
Information: Ha ha ha. My friend is starting a new RPG. though he's not quite as good at maintaining RPG's as I am, he at least puts in the effort. His game suggested 4 character classes; Generator, Falkon, Dragonmare, or one of your own design. I opted for one of your own design. I'm going to be a shade demon, but I have no inspiration as to what I should look like. So I'll give you the specs here in a moment, and then you get to either DRAW the character, or post a TEXT document that vividly details everything about him. (I'm not talking about like, "He has black pants, yellow hair, red belt..." You have to be extremely descriptive.) As this will be a character used in someone's game, and will probably become my NEW MASCOT for a while, I am opting to place the winners entry into the hall of shade. There are just a few simple stats you must follow, and a few tips:

Name: (Your choice, but nothing stupid, like poopshoot. I mean, it IS my RPG character, something badazz please.)
Height: (Nothing under 5' 10")
Weight: (Your choice)
Eye Color: (Similar to Koshiro's eyes. Red on the white part, Purple on the middle part, and white on the black part. I WILL be checking to make sure you get this right, and I WILL post an example.)
Build: (Your choice, but preferably not scrawny.)
Hair: (Your choice)
Shirt: (Your choice. He doesn't have to be wearing a shirt either, but prefereably some article on his torso. Maybe some arm bands, or a necklace, or a neck band, or guantlets, etc etc.)
Pants: (They don't have to be pants, but please something a guy would wear. Like, no dresses. And his groin area MUST be covered. As in, DO NOT REMOVE ALL OF THE CLOTHING FROM HIS LOWER BODY !)
Shoes: BOOTS! I Insist on him wearing my boots. I'll get a picture for you guys.
Other clothing suggestions: The more creative the better. Go with a final fantasy style if you're out of ideas. I love seeing belts on characters, especially in great number. it makes them look really badazz, so don't be afraid to add a few of those.

Entries will be due in 2 weeks, but DO NOT DELAY! This will be a regular contest to be polled in the lab on Demon Heart forums, but I get to pick which one I'm actually going to use. And I love early birds. Poll winners will be put in the Hall of Shade on Demon Heart Forums, and a prize will be given. If the poll winner differs from my choice, same rules apply, but the one I chose gets the satisfaction of knowing that they'll be recieveing a drawing anyway, because I'm going to be drawing their character. That and their character gets to be my newest icon of worship.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Koshiro on 2003-01-26 07:29 ]</font>

Jan 27, 2003, 08:46 AM
Isn't anyone even a LITTLE interested in this one? ^_^! It's very easy, and you don't even have to draw a picture. You can just write a good description.

Jan 27, 2003, 11:07 AM
Ahhh, finally an art challenge that doesn't require any pictures!

Name: Lexus Maganese (pronounced Ma-ga-nayz. I can't put one on the letter but the first E features a backwards accent like this: `)
Height: 7'
Weight: 195 lbs
Build Type: Skinny, almost skeletial torso and upper arms and legs. His forearms and lower legs take on bigger proportions (a la Popeye, if you want.) His feet are of slightly bigger-than-standard proportions... Let's say shoe size 12. His hands are immense, as in at least twice larger than normal hands. Proportion-wise, they are slightly skinny.

Hair: Shoulder-length, in the style of Tom Cruise from MI-2. Extra-dark silver in color, with some bronze highlights.
Eyes: You already explained them; I'll save my typing power here.

Body: Matte black skin color, with some chinitous plating on the torso and shoulders.
Hands: The back of his hands feature shining silver-colored blades. They really are sharp bones, but he colors them for style. The blades' front end go slightly past the tip of his fingers. Because of these blades, he doesn't wear any gloves. His hands feature no nails.
Mouth: Every single one of his teeth are dark gray canines. His tongue is entirely black and slightly elongated.
Shoulders: A black, crooked arrangemnt, looking like the main bone of a wing, erupts from each shoulder. From them, a thin veil of dark smoke falls, forming what seems to be a pair of wings. They work like jetpacks in a sense; no need to beat the wings. When he's ready for a good jump, the veil becomes longer and flies out at higher speed as if creating thrust.
Knees: He doesn't have any. This allows him to walk human-style, or go down four-on-the-floor like an animal.
Feet: His feet have no flesh. Right at the bottom of his lower legs, the flesh is ripped off, leaving only the bones visible. Those bones are painted gloss black, but it's possible to see a few streaks of off-white color due to it being scraped off from time to time. The bones end in sharp claws. The ripped flesh doesn't scar. That means Lexus periodically (once every day) takes off his boots and holds them upside-down to drain the blood.

Eyes: Has a pair of aviator Ray-Ban sunglasses but never puts them on. Instead he just leaves them attached to his shirt.
Shirt: Has a black T-Shirt on which the word "Security" is marked in white letters. The shirt is almost completely ripped apart. Under the shirt, it's possible to see some kind of chainmail arrangement, in a special way. Instead of rings, he uses a shirt made out of industrial chain (you know, the big stuff; rings are rounded rectangles, about one inch in length and one-half inch in width) They go in the following fashion: attached in a ring arrangement for the neck, and another ring arrangement for the bottom of the chain shirt. The two ring arrangements are linked together by more chains, vertically oriented (makes me think of a refree shirt... Only the black stripes are the chains and the white stripes don't exist.) For the arms, there is another ring arrangement for the end of the arms. Linking each arm chain-ring are two chairs (per arm) which spiral around each of his arms in opposite directions. They are linked together whenever they meet, thus making the sleeves. The chains are all dull gray in color. On top of all that stuff, he wears a ski coat, with the sleeves ripped off, the zippers missing, and its originally red color poorly masked by black spraypaint.
Pants: black ski pants with the lower ends ripped off (I mean the elastic to hold to the lower legs.) It's held another chain arrangement, of rust-brown color. Additionally, he's got four black leather jeans belts (the stuff that's one inch in width and has metal-circled holes.) Two of them accompany the chain. The two others are wrapped around his lower legs, and thus fasten the pants to his boots. Those pants are nevertheless a bit loose, to allow him some freedom of movement.
Feet: Boots as described, steel toes (visible, you can see some silver-like caps at the very end since the boots are so worn), with orange-red undersoles a la Caterpillar. They are high enough to each the ski pants. Thus, the belts hold the pants to the upper part of the boots.
Underwear: Black boxers. Doesn't matter, I doubt anyone will see them anyways...

-Old silver men's watch. So worn out the silver has become dull gray. The dial is gloss black, with silver numbers and hands.
-Necklace with a pendant bearing the symbol of Rael's religion (if you don't know who he is, search for him on the internet, I know about him since he's involved in loads of scandals here in Quebec. The clonaid scandal? That was him.)
-A necklace made out of bright silver chains. They are of slightly smaller size than the ones described before, and to each chain is attached an old-fashionned key (you know, the big ones)

Custom Firequeen Guns: Three chain guns, duct-taped to each other. Lexus' fingers are long enough to reach all the triggers at the same time. Make a pair out of them. Voila.
Nine-yarder: A whip that is actually a full bullet chain. The bullets are fastened tightly enough to not leave the chain, even when they go off. If Lexus cracks the whip strongly enough, a loud *BANG!!* goes off, meaning one of the bullets went off.
Double-Style Saber: Take two sword blades. Put them on a hilt, about six inches from each other, and tilt them so that the points meet each other, thus forming a triangle. Weld the two points together to form a single one, and there you go: a sword-outline. The sword is painted gold, but its end has penetrated so much stuff, the paint eventually scraped off and revealed the actual normal grey color of the metal.

Have fun, dude!

Jan 28, 2003, 12:37 AM
Very nice. And very detailed. You're the first person who has truly onderstood what I mean when I say: Vivid dexcription. I like that idea a lot. Ofcourse this is a contest, so we'll just have to see what comes up. It's being held across 5 different forums to increase support. Anyway, I'm obviously entering this as well. Here is my entry.


Jan 28, 2003, 09:35 AM
O_o! And here all my hopes are destroyed. I had no intention of it looking like cloud from Kingdom Hearts at all. I didn't even remember what Cloud looked like in that game. He had not in the least crossed my mind, but now that it has been mentioned, I agree. It looks too much like Cloud. (And i didn't even mean for it to be sob sob.) If you can't already tell, I don't like Cloud very much. Well, I'll just shove this into some discreet folder, and come up with a new design. I will be changing my entry now. But, this IS the reason why I'm holding this contest, so no worries. I'll find the ideal design someday.

EDIT: Nevermind. I fixed it. Hopefully it bow looks a bit like Tetsuo instread.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Koshiro on 2003-01-28 09:56 ]</font>

Jan 28, 2003, 10:09 AM
Don't worry; that sort of thing happens every day. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Jan 30, 2003, 01:13 PM
Is that all? O_o! only one person? Well Kodiax looks like you are the only person who isn't SCARED! BWA HA HA! YES! RUN IN FEAR! (or submit an entry!)

Jan 30, 2003, 02:20 PM
Heh. Since I couldn't draw even if my life depended on it I HAD to find some way to describe characters! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif You should see what my other designs were; some are pages long.

Feb 1, 2003, 11:29 AM
We have another entry here, from DH forums.


C'mon people! I know that there's more than one person on this board who's even a little creative. If you win, you get put in the Demon Heart Hall of Fame, AND get pic drawn for you.

Feb 8, 2003, 09:39 AM
It is February 8th. this is the last day that this challenge will be open, so please, submit your entries soon. The poll will go up tomorrow.