View Full Version : D3?

Jun 25, 2008, 01:43 AM
Ok the WWI is almost upon us and if you take into account many of the clues Blizz has been tossing out, it looks like D3 may be announced. I'm trying not to get too excited but it's hard not to given the facts. For those that haven't been following this, you can check out this page:


Edit: Diablo III Announced: http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/

Jun 25, 2008, 01:45 AM
For some reason when I saw this thread title I thought it was about a sequel to this game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D2_(video_game)).

Jun 25, 2008, 01:47 AM
For some reason when I saw this thread title I thought it was about a sequel to this game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D2_(video_game)).
Yeah that game was pretty fun/scary back in the day.

Everyone knows a D3 is coming. Blizzard isn't stupid. They know people want it. Its only a matter of time now.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 25, 2008, 01:47 AM
I saw WWI and thought of war dude.

Please clarify the topic Violet. ^^;

Jun 25, 2008, 01:47 AM
Funny thing is, only Blizzard or Bungie would go through the trouble to do all that.

Diablo 3. Mmm. Love Blizzard's attention to lore and detail.

Ooh, and maybe we'll finally get classes that aren't gender dependent.

Jun 25, 2008, 01:55 AM
Well... let's see... they have three franchises... and 2 new games have been announced for StarCraft and WarCraft...

So... it's pretty obvious what it's going to be.

Eventually we will probably see a World of StarCraft, or a World of Diablo MMO...

Blizzard likes money.

Jun 25, 2008, 01:56 AM
I saw WWI and thought of war dude.

Please clarify the topic Violet. ^^;
Heh, trust me, the fans will know immediately what I'm referring to ;)

For some reason when I saw this thread title I thought it was about a sequel to this game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D2_%28video_game%29).
I remember that game lol.

I think it's a no-brainer what franchise it will be, but I'm hoping for a true Diablo 3 and not a World of Diablo (although I'd still check that out.)

Jun 25, 2008, 02:36 AM
Oh jeez, here comes more and more sleepless nights.

I'll have to install D2, and give that a romp for the heck of it afterall.

Jun 25, 2008, 02:44 AM
I'd totally get into World of Starcraft. :yes:

Jun 25, 2008, 02:56 AM
Funny thing is, only Blizzard or Bungie would go through the trouble to do all that.

Diablo 3. Mmm. Love Blizzard's attention to lore and detail.

Ooh, and maybe we'll finally get classes that aren't gender dependent.

Well, Valve ran a few ads that featured nothing but a crowbar in them before the announce of Half-Life 2.

But back to the important issue, I do hope that this is Diablo III. Diablo was the first PC game I ever bought and also the first game I ever played online. The third game will definitely great...especially considering that Hellgate London was a disappointment.

Jun 25, 2008, 03:01 AM
.especially considering that Hellgate London was a disappointment.

Shh, we don't talk about that one. :disapprove:

I didn't get into diablo until the great Diablo 2 wave but I lost my CDs years ago and despite the battle chest only being $20, I knew it would be like using heroin. Nothing good would come of it and my social life would certainly suffer.

Jun 25, 2008, 04:08 AM
I thought it was about these:


Nitro Vordex
Jun 25, 2008, 04:18 AM
^That too.

Jun 25, 2008, 07:39 AM
This might be the game to pull me off PSU a while- I loved D2 more than was healthy :lol:

Really hoping that the announcement will be for D3, and the chances are looking good, but we'll see.

Jun 25, 2008, 10:50 AM
But, there is one rumor that I have heard, (didn't feel like reading the article...), is it really true that it is going to be P2P?

As much as I love the Diablo series (still play D2:LOD), I would be pissed if I had to start coughing up money to play it...

Jun 25, 2008, 10:56 AM
But, there is one rumor that I have heard, (didn't feel like reading the article...), is it really true that it is going to be P2P?

As much as I love the Diablo series (still play D2:LOD), I would be pissed if I had to start coughing up money to play it...
Heh, how would anybody know if it's P2P play when no one even knows if it's going to be announced or even truly exists (although it's a safe bet.) If they haven't even announced the game it would stand to reason they haven't made an announcement about the play structure lol.

Jun 25, 2008, 10:57 AM
As long as they dont make it p2p like the rumour above...

Secret cow level here I come!

Jun 25, 2008, 11:31 AM
I'd totally get into World of Starcraft. :yes:

I'd pop a cork for Worlds of Starcraft or Realms of Diablo, both series have shit I'd dig. Making me all tingly just thinking about it. >=]

Jun 25, 2008, 11:49 AM
Yeah I'd do a Diablo MMO :x

Jun 25, 2008, 01:02 PM
Sounds like some reputable sites have "confirmation" that the game is definitely D3. I'll still wait for an official announcement but things are looking good :D

Man if it is D3, I'm gonna cry like a baby with tears of joy. So many of us have been waiting for this moment now for along time and I'm giddy as a schoolgirl at the prospect of an official announcement!!!!

I would prefer to see D3 follow D2 in terms of gameplay but even if it is an MMO, I'll still be on board and happy as a clam lol :D

Jun 25, 2008, 04:14 PM
If D3 is an MMO, I think it might be a smidge boring unless they write up new lore, which they will probably follow WoW's example o.O but that would be kind of a short MMO... just my thoughts

Jun 25, 2008, 06:14 PM
I wish ...man i want D3 so bad.. as far as the lore goes it would be easy to find away to restore the prime evils and add some most good stuff.

Jun 25, 2008, 06:17 PM
Screw an MMO, I need my Council and Tristam runs without pointless RAID2NITE planning. :(

Jun 25, 2008, 06:21 PM
Screw an MMO, I need my Council and Tristam runs without pointless RAID2NITE planning. :(


Jun 25, 2008, 10:35 PM
I'm against the idea of a Diablo-series MMO.

Mostly because they would greatly detract from what made Diablo fun, in the first place... That, and I'm pretty sure Blizzard doesn't want direct competition with their current dominance in the MMO market, which would lead me to believe that, at the very least, it isn't a subscription-based MMO.

Jun 25, 2008, 10:51 PM
If its an MMO, they could do something like CoH/V 1 fee, 2 games, then again they are both technically on the same server, so who knows?

Jun 26, 2008, 03:21 AM
I'm against the idea of a Diablo-series MMO.

Mostly because they would greatly detract from what made Diablo fun, in the first place... That, and I'm pretty sure Blizzard doesn't want direct competition with their current dominance in the MMO market, which would lead me to believe that, at the very least, it isn't a subscription-based MMO.

How would they be competing against themselves?

If anybody quit WOW and went over to WOD, then blizzard would still be making $15 from that person a month. Also, it might bring in some people who don't like Warcraft, but like Diablo.

Or, possibly bring more people to WOW if there is a 2 games for 1 payment, like COH/COV (which i actually want to try).

Jun 26, 2008, 03:50 AM
There's only so much you can do with top-down hack n' slashes these days, I'm still on the fence about a Diablo 3. Good thing Blizz is all about big suprises though, I'm sure they can make about anything work.

Jun 26, 2008, 04:02 AM
There's only so much you can do with top-down hack n' slashes these days, I'm still on the fence about a Diablo 3. Good thing Blizz is all about big suprises though, I'm sure they can make about anything work.

I want a StarCraft High School Dating Sim.

StarCraft High School, feel the Zerg Rush of young love.

Jun 26, 2008, 06:54 AM
How would they be competing against themselves?

If anybody quit WOW and went over to WOD, then blizzard would still be making $15 from that person a month. Also, it might bring in some people who don't like Warcraft, but like Diablo.

Or, possibly bring more people to WOW if there is a 2 games for 1 payment, like COH/COV (which i actually want to try).

It'd be more than just a one on one subscription money issue. You split your own community when you do this. If half play one game and half play the other, it's more likely some people would drop out from the tank in active members. This is mostly only an issue when the first game is still going strong, which WoW is very much so.

Not only that, but you'd split your genre based development power. Any crew working on a Diablo MMO could be using those same labor hours on WoW. This is less so with differing genres running at once. Though I'd bet there's some overlap here and there, you'd set teams that favor those projects. An RTS team for Starcraft, MMO team for WoW, etc.

Blizz seems the type nowadays, that if they're going to be assed to pull out another of their franchises to run concurrent with the others, it's going to be worth the effort to make something new or different with it. I just don't see Blizz bothering to bring it back otherwise.

Basically, it's just that if Blizz was making a Diablo game after all, there's little reason to make it an MMO, I'd think.

Jun 26, 2008, 09:35 AM
if it's any good this might be my first - pc wise online rpg.

I only saw my friends play diablo 2, so i really hope its more like 2 and less like an mmo. Gosh i'm even excited now.

Jun 26, 2008, 10:43 AM
I'm against the idea of a Diablo-series MMO.

Mostly because they would greatly detract from what made Diablo fun, in the first place... That, and I'm pretty sure Blizzard doesn't want direct competition with their current dominance in the MMO market, which would lead me to believe that, at the very least, it isn't a subscription-based MMO.

A Starcraft MMO would make more sense-- Diablo's setting is too similar to Warcrafts for it attract a different audience.

I'm trying not to get too excited but it's hard not to given the facts. For those that haven't been following this, you can check out this page:


That guy gives "7 reasons", but only two of them are remotely compelling-- numbers 1 and 3. Albeit, #3 is probably all you really need to confirm suspicion.

Jun 26, 2008, 10:51 AM
diabloii.net claims they have "confirmation" that it's D3 and another interesting piece of news can be found here:


Lastly Blizz hasn't denied the rumors as they have in the past about a D3 announcement.

Jun 26, 2008, 05:56 PM

Jun 26, 2008, 06:08 PM
Heh, I saw that too posted on a few of the sites I visit. I don't think it's from the D2 box art like the creator suggests but I do think it may be Diablo's eyes!! I'm going crazy waiting for the announcement :-P

Jun 26, 2008, 08:08 PM
Now that I think about it, how would Diablo be in this game?

Uber Diablo/DiabloClone's revenge, making him 3 times stronger?


Jun 26, 2008, 11:29 PM
Now that I think about it, how would Diablo be in this game?

Uber Diablo/DiabloClone's revenge, making him 3 times stronger?

I think the world basically got reset after LoD. Who knows?

Jun 27, 2008, 06:19 AM
lol anyone here gonna move on from D2 from psu? XD

Jun 27, 2008, 06:37 AM
A Starcraft MMO would make more sense-- Diablo's setting is too similar to Warcrafts for it attract a different audience.

That guy gives "7 reasons", but only two of them are remotely compelling-- numbers 1 and 3. Albeit, #3 is probably all you really need to confirm suspicion.

I dunno, #5 seems like an interesting one for me as well. The wording is rather odd, isn't it? "Blizzard Entertainment, the developer of Diablo and Diablo II, is looking for a 3D environment artist skilled at creating models and texture maps for both objects and natural environments." Why would they specifically mention Diablo and Diablo II, especially the original Diablo, when they could (and should, if it's just a general position) mention WoW or Starcraft as well?

Jun 27, 2008, 06:39 PM
Taken from Diablofans.com

Diablo 3 Forum Template Goes Up On Battle.Net! (http://www.diablofans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9011) Jun 27, 2008 - 5:23 PM - by mockery (http://www.diablofans.com/forums/member.php?u=237) If you ever had any doubts before about Diablo 3 finally arriving, this just might put an end to those questions. It appears as though Blizzard has put up a forum template on Battle.net for Diablo 3 called "Diablo III General Discussion (http://battle.net/forums/thread-search.aspx?ForumName=d3-general)"!

It wasn't working a little while ago and I got a "The Battle.net Forums Are Currently Down" message, so just in case you can't see it live, here's a screenshot for you: (**Out of respect for diablofans.com I removed the image so as not to use up their bandwidth.**)

Click the image to see the full-sized screenshot.

So what do you guys think? Is this the confirmation we've all been waiting for on this site all these years?

There have also been reports that a Diablo 4 and 5 forums have appeared on Battle.net - bizzaro!

Jun 28, 2008, 03:04 AM
Courtesy of http://Diabloii.net

With this week's speculation over the Blizzard teasers, more and more reports in the media, and numerous tips coming direct us at IncGamers from reliable inside industry sources in the past 24 hours, we now have confirmation from inside sources to say that Diablo 3 WILL be announced on Saturday at WWI Paris 2008.

With that in mind, we would like to invite Diabloii.net readers to submit their questions for us to ask Blizzard.

This is extremely exciting for all of us here at Diabloii.net. For the past 10 years we have been supporting the Diablo community and to have something completely new to sink our teeth into is fantastic. We will be at the show on Saturday for the announcement and also the press conference which is directly after, so expect reports from the show floor live, interviews and much more.

Jun 28, 2008, 05:24 AM


Jun 28, 2008, 05:45 AM
No internet smiley can show how happy I am right now. <_<

Jun 28, 2008, 08:34 AM


Jun 28, 2008, 08:53 AM
Some videos, enjoy ^^




Jun 28, 2008, 09:17 AM
Looks pretty cool. Hard to believe it's been 8 years since the last one. Hopefully this comes out on PC and 360 :)

Jun 28, 2008, 09:52 AM

Jun 28, 2008, 10:53 AM
That looks quite nice! Me thinks I'll get it.

Jun 28, 2008, 10:59 AM


Jun 28, 2008, 11:05 AM
Man now i have to sit back and just pray that blizzard manages to keep the system requirements reasonable, like somewhere in the area of WoW that way everything on my comp will be satisfactory, with the exception of possibly upgrading my videocard which i would have no problem doing to this this game again. Now in my opinion clearly this game is playable at the moment so please screw everything else and give me a release date already :sad:

Jun 28, 2008, 11:10 AM
Oh my god, yes! Best announcement ever. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be the big disappointment PSU was, though I find that hard to imagine based on the videos. Looks fabulous.

Jun 28, 2008, 11:11 AM
The game play looks amazing

Jun 28, 2008, 11:43 AM
Haha, awesome- good to see they've kept similar to D2 in some aspects. My face lit up when I saw the Barbarian use Whirlwind :lol:

Witch Doctor looks interesting- I just hope it isn't at the exclusion of a Necromancer altogether.

I actually read through the Deckard Cain journal too, just to re-cap on Diablo / Diablo II. All I need to know now is what the monthly fee is- I'm almost certain to give it a try.

Jun 28, 2008, 11:55 AM
So far Diablo and Diablo II were both F2P once you actually bought the game, if Diablo III were an exception... Rage and Lulz would insue

Jun 28, 2008, 12:04 PM
So far Diablo and Diablo II were both F2P once you actually bought the game, if Diablo III were an exception... Rage and Lulz would insue

Yeah, I played D2 extensively, so I'm hoping this is freeplay too, but it wouldn't surprise me if a fee is added.

Jun 28, 2008, 12:08 PM
I'd certainly pay :X

Jun 28, 2008, 12:11 PM
Oh my god, yes! Best announcement ever. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be the big disappointment PSU was, though I find that hard to imagine based on the videos. Looks fabulous.

Is that even possible?

Anyway, do want. Diablo 2 is the first PC game I ever played online so I have a soft spot for the series.

Jun 28, 2008, 12:28 PM
The devs have said there isn't a Necro unfortunately, although that doesn't rule out them adding it in an expansion pack.

Jun 28, 2008, 12:30 PM
The devs have said there isn't a Necro unfortunately, although that doesn't rule out them adding it in an expansion pack.

Blargh, I played Necro a lot in D2. Mind, Witch Doctor looks somewhat similar, but whether I use one would depend on whether I can make one look decent. Otherwise, guess I'll take up Barbarian again :lol:

Jun 28, 2008, 12:35 PM
I may be wrong, after looking through some more info, Jay Wilson said that there may still be a Necro. Ignore my previous post as it is still an unknown lol (although I still think that if the Necro was to be brought back it would be in an expansion pack.)

Jun 28, 2008, 12:45 PM
Count me in.

Jun 28, 2008, 04:26 PM
Damn right I'll be playin diablo 3. D2 was the greatest online game I've played and it looks like d3 may be set to do the same. Anyways Ill now get to something I found whilst rummaging through my diablo 2 instructions to remind myself of the good old days...

It turns out that there was all along a clue in the and d2lod manual. The clue is below:

Lord of destruction manual:

The coming of the lord of destruction:

"And a child will cradle terror in his breast as the heart of man falls under shadow. A wanderer will pass through the ancient lands trailing chaos in his wake. The three brothers will reunited as the mortal world trembles before their might. And so it was fortold that the three, once reunited would be shattered again- and the last of them would set his sights on the holy mount. The warnings held that their defeat would be ILLUSORY- that the final gambit had yet to be played." - excerpt from the prophecie sof the final day.

It's clear from reading that most of the text refers to the events of diablo 2 and the its expansion pack, however it states that the three prime evils defeat would be illusory. On my first reading i wasn't a hundred percent sure what illusory meant so i double checked the meaning. Illusory basically means unreal, false and an illusion. This could therefore suggest that the events of diablo 2 were not the final battle, but were the start of an even greater plan. Guess we'll just have to wait now and see how the lord of terror survives getting his soul stone smashed... personally i think their related to humanity since destruction, terror and hate are all apart of humans lives at some point but i guess its just a waiting game now...

Jun 28, 2008, 05:40 PM
Oh Battlenet, how I have missed the lag and lines.

I need to save money to get a computer specifically for this game.

Jun 28, 2008, 05:51 PM
oh man, I can't wait for this to come out. This looks Amazing.

Jun 28, 2008, 06:20 PM
You'll notice they have a Chat Gem you can "activate" on the main www.diablo3.com (http://www.diablo3.com) site lol.

Jun 28, 2008, 07:16 PM
I wonder whats the cow level going to be like :X

Jun 28, 2008, 07:44 PM

Bricks have been shat.

Anyone want one?

Jun 28, 2008, 10:24 PM
Is there any word on the release date?

Jun 28, 2008, 10:37 PM
Heh, Blizz never gives release dates, they always say "it's done when it's done." Pardo said the same thing in an interview about D3 yesterday. However, he also said the game was pretty far along and Blizzard doesn't usually make an announcement until the game is pretty well under development. I'd venture a guess of a year to a year and a half (could be sooner, could be later lol.) I'm happy just to have an official announcement but the wait is gonna be a killer :-P

Jun 28, 2008, 10:37 PM
The videos they released were pretty impressive. Can't wait for this XD

Jun 28, 2008, 10:41 PM
Heh, Blizz never gives release dates, they always say "it's done when it's done." Pardo said the same thing in an interview about D3 yesterday. However, he also said the game was pretty far along and Blizzard doesn't usually make an announcement until the game is pretty well under development. I'd venture a guess of a year to a year and a half (could be sooner, could be later lol.) I'm happy just to have an official announcement but the wait is gonna be a killer :-P

Yeah seriously, I can't even remember the last time I was excited for a video game :wacko:

Jun 28, 2008, 11:30 PM
Man oh man i clearly remember playing DiabloII with this older guy named tommy he was like 30= and i was only 13, and he always use to say how he might be older but he doesnt care because he waited for diablo II for way to long not to play.

Well here i am in my 20's and if this game takes 2 years to come out i will be north of 25 .... but dammit you can bet your sweet azz that i will be playing it and anyone who says youre to old to be playing a videogame, i will yell ST FU you @%$#%56 S%%t %$# rofl.

Jun 28, 2008, 11:48 PM
Im definitely in for D3... Makes me miss my old sorc with lv 40+ thunderstorm.

Jun 29, 2008, 02:53 AM
The official DiabloIII Website is now active


Feel free to stop by and stay updated

Jun 29, 2008, 06:18 PM
Well I was rummaging through my diablo 2 instructions today tryin to relive the good old days and i stumbled upoon some clues that actually suggets that there was going to be a diablo 3 all along. I found it in a piece of lore from the instruction book:

" And a child will cradle terror in his breast as the heart of man falls under shadow
A wanderer will pass through the ancient lands trailing chaos in his wake
The three brothers will be reunited as the mortal world tembles before their might.
And so it was fortold that the three once reunited would be shattered again
And the last of them would set his sights on the holy mount. The warrnings held that their defeat would be illusory that the final gambit had yet to be played..."

Clearly most of this refers to the events of diablo 1, diablo 2 and its expansion pack. however I did take note of the word illusory so I double checked its meaning. Illusory basically means unreal/fake/illusion. The text is therefore suggesting that the the three prime evils defeat was not in actual fact a true defeat but rather just a stage in a great plan. If I'd had noticed this before the official announcement of diablo 3 then I may have been able to predict a third game to the series. Ohwells, was still interestin readin it tho XD ahh the good old days...

Jun 30, 2008, 06:15 PM
Im going to rerun Diablo II USWest so if anyone still has access to their old cds and would like to join me feel free.