View Full Version : what are the games you are at least mildly interested in?

Jun 28, 2008, 09:46 PM
it doesn't have to mean that you will buy them, but you would get them if you could.

SSFIIT HD Remix (surprisingly, its full potential release is closer than the others.)

Saints Row 2 (I might 99% skip this, since I have to save money.)

Fable 2 (I wouldn't buy this before Fallout 3, maybe skip it since I also have mmorpg fees to
pay. 60 bucks is a huge investment and I feel this will go back to the shelf once its done.)

Fallout 3 (may be as fun as Oblivion was during the first months playing it.)

Tomb Raider Underworld (I might just download a demo of it. but it seems its finally taking
the series in a much more advanced direction than Legend.)
(but personally, I never cared for its stories, and Lara is only cool when she doesn't say
anything, I can't stand her personality. :p )

Ghostbusters (maybe if it has character creation online or something.)

Castlevania Order of Ecclesia (don't have a DS....)

KH: 365/2 Days (should of been made on PS2 or xbox360/psn marketplace. skipping it.)
Dissidia (same as above)

Aliens Colonial Marines (next year...)

Resident Evil 5 (next year...)

Star Ocean 4 (next year.....)

Timesplitters 4 (next year.....)

Super Secret MMORPG (next year.............)

so out of all of those, I think HD Remix, and Fallout 3 will be the only things I'll buy this year.
RE5 is definitely a buy, and ya, stuff. ^^

Jun 28, 2008, 10:10 PM
Too many to count, Saner. Too many to count. :wacko:

Nitro Vordex
Jun 28, 2008, 10:18 PM
Sonic Chronicles

Sonic Unleashed

Super Smash Bros. Brawl(as I don't own it yet)

Guitar Hero On Tour(Or something; it's for the DS)

I'll think of more later.

Jun 28, 2008, 10:30 PM
I haven't been excited for a game in a loooooooooooooonnngggggggggg time. However, Diablo 3 has me very excited.

Jun 29, 2008, 01:03 AM
Currently, I'm really interested in getting Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Space Invaders Extreme, and Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, so I can get some fucking use out of my DS. :wacko:

Jun 29, 2008, 01:08 AM
Um... "mildly".. hm I somewhat interested in BloomBlox, but I'll have to rent it before I buy. I'm not usually a fan of puzzle type games, no matter how innovative they are. But I'd have get a Wii first LOL. I'll get one someday soon... lol... *sigh*

Jun 29, 2008, 02:41 AM
Final Fantasy 4, Soul Calibur 4, Phantasy Star Portable, Trauma Center2, Valkeriya Cronicles.. ack too many to count!

Jun 29, 2008, 03:30 AM
I probably don't fully understand the question but here goes:

Final FantasyIV Advance - FFIII Advance was mediocre so I'm not expecting much from this. I also own the GBA version of FF IV and I haven't finished it due to the fact that there are better games out there to waste my time on. So why is that I'm still tempted to buy this when it comes out.

Okami ( Wii version ) - I already own the PS2 version and I haven't finshed it ( only completed the first dungeon ). I like this game. On paper it is a great game. In reality it is not as fun to play as the Zelda games ( the games it's is compared to the most ) but it is still good. Shame the PS2 version came out a week before FFXII in Europe otherwise I would have spent more time with it. Anyway, why should I buy the Wii version ( by the way I HATE the Wii Mote so don't say that is a good reason to own this game ) when I have the PS2 version.

Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit - I used to be mad about beat em up's but I have long since out grown the genre. I am mildly interested in the DBZ licence and I hear the game is very, very good. Should I or shouldn't I.

Jun 29, 2008, 06:03 AM
Fallout 3. Seriously interested in. Don't just have the collector's edition preordered, but have it pre-purchased in full. The old fallout games are hands down the best pc rpgs to emerge from the 90's. If half the effort of Oblivion is put into this, it'll be great. Considering nearly double the resources being put into this game, compared to what was put towards Oblivion, this game should be mind blowing. I can already smell the GOTY edition looming on the distant horizon.

Fable 2 Mild interest. Pre ordered because it looks great, but I never played the first one, so I have no expectations or excitement towards it.

Final Fantasy IV This was always my favorite FF game, so it's a must have for me.

Final Fantasy XIII Should we ever get an official release date, and especially if rumors pan out and Square-Enix are pushing for a simultaneous world wide release, it'll be a happy day.

Soul Calibur 4 Have you played any of the games in the Soul Edge/Calibur series? Nuff said.

Mistwalker's as yet unnamed MMORPG Described as 50% jrpg/50% MMO, I'm envisioning Lost Odyssey, but online with create a character.

Warhammer Online I dunno, I never get any of the Warhammer games, but I still like them, just out of respect for the franchise.

Tales of Vesperia

Too Human

Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Ghostbusters C'mon, the closest you're going to get t a third movie! Last I'd heard the studio was still considering having the game's name changed to Ghostbusters 3, making it official continuity!

Valkyria Chronicles

...and that's all I got off the top of my head. I know there's more, I'm just forgetting them.

Jun 29, 2008, 07:34 AM
The Tales discussion got me interested in the series. I just bought, and am playing Tales of the Abyss right now :wacko:

Jun 29, 2008, 07:44 AM
metal gear solid 4 - as well as the entire series, never had a ps2, i Don't know if i will ever get a ps3 but i loved twin snakes on my gc so i am interested in it just no way am i buying ps360

Jun 29, 2008, 08:07 AM
As far as a system seller, I've been eagerly waiting on FFXIII. If anything has a shot at me buying a PS3, this 'might' be a game that does it.

I'm a big RPG fan, and it was Sony last gen that had most of the RPG's, but right now (and surprisingly), 360 has a bigger selection of RPG's I'm interested in. (but that might change down the road as more exclusives are released for PS3).

Jun 29, 2008, 08:57 AM
oh ya FFXIII and Warriors Orochi 2.

Jun 29, 2008, 09:40 AM
Guitar Hero 4
Soul Calibur 4
Street Fighter 4
Final Fantasy 4
Dead Space
Disgaea 3
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII Versus
Any US Monster Hunter game
Wipeout HD
Star Wars: Force Unleased.
Resident Evil 4
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Bionic Commando 360 version.
Gears of War 2
Trauma Center 2
Castlevania: OoE or whatever subtitle of new one is.
Half Life 2: Episode 3
Dawn of War 2: Warhammer 40k
Diablo 3

Jun 29, 2008, 12:35 PM
If it's just mildly interested in, like being somewhat excited for, then:

Final Fantasy: Dissidia
Final Fantasy XIII
Tekken 6
Castlevania: OoE(I don't have a DS)
Fragile(new RPG)

Jun 29, 2008, 01:35 PM
pop'n music 15 CS.

once it gets announcned >:|

Jun 30, 2008, 03:07 PM
Saints row 2 and star ocean are gonna OWN!!! I normally wouldn't play a game like saints row but it relieves stress and is very fun, so i'm looking forward to number 2.

Jul 1, 2008, 10:14 PM
oh ya, Mirror's Edge! ^^

Jul 3, 2008, 04:28 AM
I haven't really been keeping track of games lately.

Spore looks pretty good though.

Jul 3, 2008, 04:39 AM
Final Fantasy XIII (Need a good FF! I couldn't stand an hour of 12.)
Project Origin (Sequel to F.E.A.R)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (O.M.G)
Fable 2
StarCraft 2
Metal Gear Solid 4

Jul 3, 2008, 11:52 AM
Only two games I see myself shelling out the money to buy in the near future are Fable 2 and Soul Calibur IV. Maybe if I have some extra cash after other expenses I might buy Force Unleashed, but it may just end up being a rental for me.

Jul 3, 2008, 12:22 PM
Resident Evil 5 / TBA
WET / December 2008
Silent Hill: Homecoming / September 2008
The Sims 3 / TBA
FFXIII / December 2008
FFXIII: Versus / TBA
Tomb Raider Underworld / Q4 2008

I will buy them. All of them.

Jul 3, 2008, 06:46 PM
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Sonic Unleashed
Rock Band 2
Soul Calibur 4
Pikmin 3 (come on, there will be one >_>)