View Full Version : Diablo fans petition Diablo 3

Jul 1, 2008, 02:48 PM
Link! (http://kotaku.com/5021118/diablo-fans-petition-against-diablo-iii)

Here's an example of something they are complaining about.
Outside scenarios with vivid colors, beautiful forests with colorful vegetation, shinny and beautiful waterfalls where even rainbows take place.

Jul 1, 2008, 02:51 PM
Boohoo ;(

Some people are never happy.

Jul 1, 2008, 02:52 PM
Amazing, they finally get D3 and what is the first thing they do...complain. I guess they expect the entire world of Sanctuary to be a bleak and barren wasteland.

Jul 1, 2008, 03:09 PM
I admit that i do like the darkish style graphics of diablo 2 but i also welcome the change in diablo 3., The graphics to me make diablo 3 feel like its a diff game and not just an extension of diablo and diablo 2. I mean to be quite frank, if they want dark and dingey then they can just spend all their time in the dungeons of d3 such as tristams cathedral. Besides i thought act 1 of d2 was pretty nice looking, even peaceful :P. Its not like diablo ha staken over full control of sanctuary so its not like our chars r in a hell world. Its just a world that rather evil ;p. And tbh the graphics aren't all goody goody, i still think they give off a sense of evil.

Jul 1, 2008, 03:10 PM
What? Rainbows and butterflies in Diablo? HELL NO.

It's supposed to be a grim, dark setting. Where things that go bump in the night are legion.

EDIT: To embellish that a little bit more, I haven't seem anything that looks too bright, sunny and happy yet. The outdoor scene was in New Tristram. Even though there's green, if you look, there's ruins from old Tristram there, as well as a cemetery.

It's not a pretty green. But more of a primal green. Nature swallowing up the works of man and erasing it from existence.

Jul 1, 2008, 06:17 PM
They've been complaining about that literally minutes after the initial gameplay footage was shown. And there have been a TON of threads about it, in fact it seemed like every other thread was one about the colors/art style.

Jul 1, 2008, 07:16 PM
Honestly i actually like and prefer the colors and artwork i understand that traditionally diablo has been surrounded in darkness however, if they were to simply look at the new huge map it would be understandable that some areas be colorful.

Yes i agree that maybe certain portions of the game like the dungeons could possibly be a little darker, in certain sports but i personally would like the colors to stay as it prevents the enviorments from becoming stale, has anyone considered to possibility of their being realtime weather like changing from day to night this resolves the crybabies issues.

Jul 1, 2008, 09:23 PM
God forbid someone make a game engine too awesome for Diablo 3.

Jul 1, 2008, 10:13 PM
Does anyone have any pictures of what they're on about? The example is way too small.

At any rate, with some less bleak looking areas, it'd emphasize the darkness of some of the others, wouldn't it?

Jul 1, 2008, 10:23 PM

Jul 1, 2008, 10:31 PM
Does it use both of those or what? I think the second looks better, also, the top one looks like the sun is out when it's clearly raining.

Jul 1, 2008, 10:42 PM
You guys want them to add lame Photoshop filters to the game? Great!

Jul 1, 2008, 10:46 PM
Second is photoshopped mock-up of what they want it to look like.

Jul 1, 2008, 10:48 PM
I don't think it should all be dark and evil. That isn't realistic. Same way it isn't realistic if it was all pretty birds and flowing river water.

If the games wants to show evil, it would be more effective showing it everywhere.

In the pine forests. Among the mountain tops and glaciers. Everywhere, all conquering and frightening.

The Nazis marched through France, a gorgeous nation. They set up extermination camps in what I'm sure were areas filled with chirping birds, rainbows and butterflies. See what I mean?

I'd be disappointed if it was all dark, grim and hellish cavern areas. Remember Dungeon Siege(the game)? That had a nice atmosphere.

Jul 1, 2008, 10:50 PM
I've never even played them, but the way the first one is lit just looks a bit off to me. :/

Jul 1, 2008, 11:47 PM
So, basically, they want everything to be brown, like in Gears of War.

Jul 2, 2008, 12:40 AM
It makes somewhat sense. Diablo has been gone for 20 years. That gives things time to grow and flourish. He doesn't destroy everything the minute he comes back.

Jul 2, 2008, 12:44 AM
I just think the stone pillar looks a little too pinkish, like uncooked clay.

Jul 2, 2008, 01:17 AM
So, basically, they want everything to be brown, like in Gears of War.

Pretty much...no, exactly what I was thinking. Not every game has to be gun metal gray or dog shit brown.

EDIT: Oh, and not all battles have to be fought in the middle of the night. There is such a thing as the sun. Either that...or they want Fog of War..............

Jul 2, 2008, 04:13 AM
goes to show that people never really want new things, they just want the same shit over and over!

Jul 2, 2008, 07:17 AM
It's amusing because these area examples are likely from the first few areas of the game anyways, where it will probably become much darker fairly quickly. Even still, there's a variety of areas in D2, that even yes, show off part of the beauty of the environment, albeit with some war torn motifs. D2 is far from every corner being a shadowy pit, it's just common. The first Diablo on the other hand...

Besides, didn't we have this whole 'problem' before with WC3/WoW?

People are just trying to discredit it because the first ten seconds they saw doesn't show Chaos Tyrael biting the heads off of villagers while player-character demons battle armies of Archangels like they fanfictioned.

Jul 2, 2008, 08:26 AM
I think it's fine. Why would you want 50% of your screen in darkness when you're in an open field? Sounds counterproductive. I loved the visuals of the gameplay video.

Jul 2, 2008, 12:31 PM
I love how all the D2 faithful are complaining because of stupid things like the environment being a slight bit too sunny. People need to learn that D3 isn't a direct clone of D2 and therefore.. [spoiler-box]might be different[/spoiler-box]

Mind, same could be said for PSO/PSU, heh.

Jul 2, 2008, 02:11 PM
Game looks fine. Cry less.

Jul 2, 2008, 04:40 PM
Topic should be renamed, Goth and Emo kids petition Diablo 3.

Jul 2, 2008, 06:41 PM
Facepalm of the week, right here.

Jul 2, 2008, 06:47 PM



Jul 2, 2008, 06:49 PM
Holy shit I lol'd pretty hard.

Jul 3, 2008, 12:23 AM
Lol that picture is pretty funnyi enjoyed d2 i enjoy wow and DIII looks fantastic.

Jul 3, 2008, 01:22 AM
I never played Diablo 2, probably won't play D3 either. So I couldn't care less about how "dark" the silly game is.

ITT Lame jokes that aren't funny. *rolls eyes*

Jul 3, 2008, 04:38 AM



Actually that filter would be pretty good for a boss battle or something lol (without the extra thingys mind you)

Personaly as long as it has a decent balence of light and dark areas I dont care. (Although I would befer it to be more dark areas but the light ones add a bit of variety)

Jul 3, 2008, 11:57 PM
Just throw a cow level in their and im sure the majority of us will forget all about world colors.

Jul 4, 2008, 12:32 AM

I would really like them to find some way to make it fair/fun/interesting for both PKs and and people who rally against them. Going all the way back to the original Diablo, PKs always added something neat to the game imo.

I never really got into it myself, the only pvp I ever did were duals or mass fights outside blood moor, but it was pretty cool that you kinda had to watch your back around strangers when adventuring. They could be helping you one minute and then looting your gold the next, so you always had to keep an eye on them until you make sure they are on the up and up.

Jul 4, 2008, 12:36 AM
Blizzards official stance on the Diablo III mini facelift.


Jul 4, 2008, 01:03 AM
Looking at some of these recolours on diii.net..

They're fucking horrible.

They're all screens of red, dark grey or brown. Washes out the picture and makes the scenery so uninteresting.

Jul 4, 2008, 01:16 AM
yep lame of the lamest people need to stop crying if they really want blizzard to give them something to cry about blizzard should say We have decided to postpone development of the Diablo Franchise until this turtle with a diablo III sticker on its back makes it from washington D.C to mexico.

thats when they should start complaining.

Jul 4, 2008, 01:20 AM




Jul 4, 2008, 01:20 AM
Diablo + fan edits = Diabloc ?

Jul 4, 2008, 01:23 AM

Jul 4, 2008, 02:13 AM
ITT: Irony.

Jul 4, 2008, 02:53 AM
ITT: Lame "jokes" based on really dumb stereotypes.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:17 AM
nope. there will be pvp in diablo III. blizzard just doesnt like how ppl can randomly kill others Diablo II, so they will likely change how it works for D3.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:21 AM
Goth: It's srs bsnss.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:25 AM
Goth: It's srs bsnss.

LOL ya rly. Like me and my friends like never joke or smile, and never find anything funny. *Sarcasm* *rolls eyes* LOL.
I've seen the Exorcist 27 times, and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it! LMAO. Hail ERIS! 93! 42! Ha ha ha ha ha.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:26 AM
How is the Exorcist funny if you guys never joke or find anything funny?
I think you're lying.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:29 AM
How is the Exorcist funny if you guys never joke or find anything funny?
I think you're lying.

It IS funny IMO. Come on, the spewing of pea soup and cheesy lines like "your mother sucks c**ks in Hell!" LOL
And jeez, missed where I said " *sarcasm* "? Wow. LOL.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 4, 2008, 03:57 AM
Posting in Saner exo topic.

Jul 4, 2008, 10:47 AM
Posting in Saner exo topic.

congratulations... but no seriously if you find something wrong with the way that i post or present topics PSOW was considerate enough to include this handy option for you called the ignore button.

See problem solved :smile:

Jul 4, 2008, 12:27 PM
eXo, it helps that when you make a topic; you do more than just throw a link in the body text(or merely copy/paste the article) and click submit. Otherwise this is just spam.

You can link to articles, but please add more; give your own thoughts on the issue when you make the thread, start a discussion. Bring your own ideas to the table first and then people won't be so harsh toward you for basically tossing up an empty spam thread. I'm sure anyone interested in D3 knows the sources to get the latest news; but if you intend to start a discussion; YOU need to initiate it by bringing up your own thoughts or the topic is going to derail very fast into spam; as seen above.

As for no PVP in D3; I'm sure there will be but I think it will just be more controlled. Look at it from the lowest common denominator; some asshole 13 year old who has nothing better to do than grief people and giggle all day and night until his mom makes his meals and chocolate milk. There are games where, basically griefing is a viable option, because when you get to a certain level or are above others(or don't care that you just wasted 3 hours killing the same people and camping their corpses), sure, you're going to have fun with it.

I don't think most online RPG's are a good setting for free for all griefing, unless you knowingly join an open PVP server and are into it.

Personally, after playing on a PVP server on WoW and getting to 62; being camped by three and four lvl 70's because the players I randomly killed around my level got pissy pants about it, so they called in their top-geared friends to grief me because they could'nt handle being killed afew times; not cool. Everyone gets killed on a PVP server, and it's a give and take thing. Today I might get killed a dozen or so times while running quests, tommorow I might killed a dozen or so people while doing quests; thats the name of the game; but when you start getting griefed by people who you basically have no chance of taking down; then it turns the gameplay sour.

D2, if I wanted to play and have fun with people as a team, why would you want to waste an hour or so griefing your own teammates? I guess if you don't have anything better to do other than giggle the whole time while you wait for the sun to go down, thats a viable option.

Personally, I enjoy the more structured non-pvp server on WoW; if I ever feel like being a griefing bastard, there are plenty of battlegrounds and ingame PvP places I can get it out of my system; but its a controlled environment and anytime someone wants to stop PVP'ing or being griefed, they can wait five minutes and not be flagged for PVP.

Just last night I was playing with a guildy; we were in Nagrand at Halaa. I was on my lvl 70 feral druid, he was on his maxed out lvl 70 rogue. It started as just us, and then ended up being a raid group of 10+ horde going against the allies. We died plenty, they died plenty; and we were laughing our asses off as my friend went around and was knocking people across the back of the head with his Sap ability. Then after 30-45 minutes we unflagged and went back to questing.

I think Blizzard has learnt alot from the PVP on their WoW servers, and I expect they're quite capable of incorporating pvp into D3 that will be controlled and optional to those who take part, and perhaps even offer rewards to those who do take part. I'm looking forward to it regardless; because if theres one thing I've seen from Blizzard products, they're all about quality. I don't recall a single Blizzard game that I've not enjoyed.

Jul 4, 2008, 12:44 PM
I dont know if you have noticed or not but the majority of my post have the link follow by the content of that page however in this case seeing that i cant copy and paste a blue blizzard gif/jpg/ or whatever it is i simply made a link .

view my other post and then comment. or do like i have told somany others is their option simply avoid my post altogether problem solved.

Jul 4, 2008, 12:49 PM
I dont know if you have noticed or not but the majority of my post have the link follow by the content of that page however in this case seeing that i cant copy and paste a blue blizzard gif/jpg/ or whatever it is i simply made a link .

view my other post and then comment. or do like i have told somany others is their option simply avoid my post altogether problem solved.

Or you could quit being a dick to people who want you to improve your posts. That entire page you linked to has plenty of stuff you could have quoted or added to your post to make it more meaty. Sure your other posts may not be exactly like this one but when someone makes a comment about the total lack of effort you can't go "NO U" because really, as the topic creator you gotta make the topic rock.

And if you can't laugh at Nitro's post then I think you're taking the internet too seriously.

Jul 4, 2008, 12:54 PM
I dont know if you have noticed or not but the majority of my post have the link follow by the content of that page however in this case seeing that i cant copy and paste a blue blizzard gif/jpg/ or whatever it is i simply made a link .

view my other post and then comment. or do like i have told somany others is their option simply avoid my post altogether problem solved.

Abdur's not asking you to copy the contents of the page into your post. He's asking you to provide your input on the subject. Clearly you found something significant about this article that inspired you to create a thread regarding it, but Abdur wants to know what. After all, Off-Topic is a forum for discussion, not an RSS feed.

Posting in Saner exo topic.
I don't ever want to see you do this outside of FKL, again. Understood?

Jul 4, 2008, 01:20 PM
Or you could quit being a dick to people who want you to improve your posts. That entire page you linked to has plenty of stuff you could have quoted or added to your post to make it more meaty. Sure your other posts may not be exactly like this one but when someone makes a comment about the total lack of effort you can't go "NO U" because really, as the topic creator you gotta make the topic rock.

And if you can't laugh at Nitro's post then I think you're taking the internet too seriously.

youre absolutely correct and i appreciate and will take your advice into consideration however, the next time that you advise someone to add meat to a topic please do your share to contribute toward the effort outside of just supporting what someone else said if youwould have made those comments followed up by and by the way Diablo III will have PvP because.... then it would be fine just like Aldur did Just because this is off topic doesnt mean to just randomly post stuff off topic that has nothing to do with you or the original post.

Jul 4, 2008, 01:24 PM
Fixed my original post to include my opinion now please if you would like to discuss this subject please do, if not then please do anyway :smile:

Jul 4, 2008, 01:44 PM
youre absolutely correct and i appreciate and will take your advice into consideration however, the next time that you advise someone to add meat to a topic please do your share to contribute toward the effort outside of just supporting what someone else said if youwould have made those comments followed up by and by the way Diablo III will have PvP because.... then it would be fine just like Aldur did Just because this is off topic doesnt mean to just randomly post stuff off topic that has nothing to do with you or the original post.

It has everything to do with the original post, which was lacking. I found the lack of information and just a link disappointing, and I wanted to state what I found wrong with this whole thing. I did not post LOL XD WAFFLES, which has nothing to do with your post, abdur's post, Diablo III, or even myself.

I only want to see the quality improve, and as a member of the community I can make the suggestion that I did.

Jul 4, 2008, 02:11 PM
Thats youre right i respect youre right however im sure that your original intentions for clicking on my post was because you wanted to discuss PvP in Diablo III if you were popping in to simply tell me how to present my post then News Flash youre not a moderator.

Jul 4, 2008, 02:31 PM
Thats youre right i respect youre right however im sure that your original intentions for clicking on my post was because you wanted to discuss PvP in Diablo III if you were popping in to simply tell me how to present my post then News Flash youre not a moderator.

And you aren't one either. What's your point? Seems to me you just want the last word.

Jul 4, 2008, 02:58 PM
Damn - O - Meter 3000

* Requesting to give a damn about what obvious forum trolls think of my post *
* Have a nice day *

Jul 4, 2008, 03:08 PM
EDIT: Snip that post, it's only getting redundant now.

To be on topic so that my time in this thread wasn't all PvP (poster vs poster), I kind of agree and disagree with "no" PvP at all. I think player vs player is an ok idea but it counts too much on player responsability and the hope that not everyone will just start killing everyone else. It would cost too much to keep it constantly moderated so I think the way to approach it is to keep PvP and non-PvP separate, like other online games do. If you enter a PvP server you should damn well know that there is a good chance of you getting killed by some griefer.

But some people just cannot have fun with PvP at all, which is why there should be an option for PvP or no PvP as a player choice.

Some games which are exclusively PvP like EVE are much, much harder for new people to get into because of the constant threat of being killed. A game like that is not for the causal market. But having both at the same time, a PvP realm and a non-PVP realm, would cater to each individual's taste.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:17 PM
When I played Diablo 2, I ALWAYS hated starting a room, playing for 30 minutes, having some random high level person run in, that skull appear, and boom, I die nearly instantly.

Ignoring the grammatical incorrectness of that sentence, I'm simply going to quote an article I read:

"Underestimating Blizzard is a loser's game."

I'm sure they will make it work.

Jul 4, 2008, 03:40 PM
When I played Diablo 2, I ALWAYS hated starting a room, playing for 30 minutes, having some random high level person run in, that skull appear, and boom, I die nearly instantly.

Ignoring the grammatical incorrectness of that sentence, I'm simply going to quote an article I read:

"Underestimating Blizzard is a loser's game."

I'm sure they will make it work.

I agree with you it used to be fun sitting back having a good time and boom whirlwind, what was even worst and the times when you our a party member actually popped remember poppinbg and all of tour items just explode onto the floor ... that way horrible rofl but it sure made for good memorie.

Jul 4, 2008, 04:25 PM
Just a better system then II and I'll be happy lol

Jul 4, 2008, 11:01 PM
Well the world is larger maybe their will be asome form of a contested zone etc. the whole being flagged thing from WoW also works well imo.

Jul 5, 2008, 01:42 AM
IM pretty sure Blizzard will deliver... unlike some other companies we know.

Jul 5, 2008, 03:15 AM
Some of you guys may be bashing eXo but it doesn't change the fact that he's managed to choose a topic that has kept us going for 7 pages so cut him some slack already.

Also I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with pvp I found it quite fun sometimes how it was. (also I never got griefed too bad and I think some people are exagerating about griefing unless there was a sudden explosion of it after I stopped playing)

Jul 5, 2008, 11:49 PM
Some of you guys may be bashing eXo but it doesn't change the fact that he's managed to choose a topic that has kept us going for 7 pages so cut him some slack already.

Also I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with pvp I found it quite fun sometimes how it was. (also I never got griefed too bad and I think some people are exagerating about griefing unless there was a sudden explosion of it after I stopped playing)

/HUG <3

Jul 6, 2008, 12:13 AM
Actually my topic was merged with his for some reason. So its not all up to him, thx.

Jul 6, 2008, 02:33 AM
A little colour can't hurt. You can't always see the world in black n white.

Jul 6, 2008, 04:20 AM
Actually my topic was merged with his for some reason. So its not all up to him, thx.

Yes this is true i thnk that it was moved to consolidate all of the diablo III random stuff into one thread.

Jul 7, 2008, 01:25 AM
You know what'd be the best way to handle PvP?

Make it a toggle that can't be changed in the middle of a game (and defaults to off, of course), and implement the ability to requiest a duel as well as the ability to auto-decline duels.

This would solve the griefing problem, yet at the same time, it would allow people to duel to their heart's content, without fear of random people stealing their gold or whatnot.

Jul 7, 2008, 02:05 AM
yea or they can simply have a flagged system and hopfully popping will be eliminated in DIII because that was the worst thing ever lol.