View Full Version : Wanting to play drums

Nitro Vordex
Jul 2, 2008, 06:05 PM
A few questions:

Would it be better to teach myself(eg. get a music book [if they have those] learn songs) or find an instructor?

I found a drumset that's cheap and good for beginning, I wanted to know if it is actually good, since I don't know much about drums myself.

Link: http://phoenix.craigslist.org/msg/735739184.html

Help, feedback, tips are greatly appreciated.

Jul 2, 2008, 08:28 PM
just remember, i know it's the cliche drum company, but like fender, you can almost never go wrong with zildjian.

If i were you i'd start by just fooling around on them, jamming with some friends if you have any that play instruments, etc. before you invest in lessons (just to see whether or not you have natural talent or even if you would want to keep at it at all, although drums are hella fun and i'd recommend you do). For other instruments, like guitar, i would say definitely, even if you were little fucking stevie ray vaughn, raw talent 99 times out of 100 cannot carry people through. The thing is, on drums, there's less to learn. There's different time signatures, and different ways to play in them, but besides that, if you have a place where you can play loud without people getting on your case, then it's wicked fun to mess around, and if you're creative enough, the better you get, the more those neat little fills will start to just happen on their own.

Btw that drumkit doesn't look half bad as long as you're not planning on spending a lifetime with it. It's by no means a full kit, but if you're just starting out it's much easier to get faster on just a small kit and gradually add in more drums and cymbals. I'd say go for it, man (although cragslist is such a hassle sometimes). Good luck and go nuts

Nitro Vordex
Jul 3, 2008, 05:27 AM
Ah that's good, as I have plenty of friends I could play with.

Yes, if I do decide to get that(which probably would be a week or so down the road, as I do not currently have any funds), that'll be my starting set.

Thanks a lot. :)

Jul 3, 2008, 08:58 PM
np, good luck man