View Full Version : Hancock.

Jul 3, 2008, 06:09 AM
In a nutshell, all I can say about it is this- GO SEE THIS MOVIE! It's SO worth the money for the ticket.

It has everything you come to expect from a good Will Smith movie. Humor. Action. Drama. Humor. Now, I won't spoil ANYTHING for any of you, but I will say this... I highly doubt that after watching this movie you will ever take the threat of shoving someones head up their arse the same way again......

Jul 3, 2008, 12:43 PM
I was suppost to go last sunday...It never happened! Maybe this sunday. Then again I really want to see Wanted as well...

Jul 3, 2008, 01:49 PM
I saw a few trailors for this film and they really got me psyched up about this film. I was really looking forward to seeing Hancock, at least that was untill I read the review at IGN. Apparently they hated the film. I know that an IGN rating doesn't really count for anything ( if memory serves me correctly they wern't exactly big fans of Iron Man either ) but it is a bit of downer where the first review of film you are looking forward to isn't postive. I still plan on seeing it, I just need to mak ethe time.

Jul 3, 2008, 01:52 PM
I saw a few trailors for this film and they really got me psyched up about this film. I was really looking forward to seeing Hancock, at least that was untill I read the review at IGN. Apparently they hated the film.

Hancock got bad reviews on Rotten Tomatoes too, only 36% of the people who saw it liked the film.

Jul 3, 2008, 01:59 PM
Hancock got bad reviews on Rotten Tomatoes too, only 36% of the people who saw it liked the film.

And you listen to THOSE imbeciles?!

Do yourself a favor. See it for yourself. Don;t listen to people like that whos favorite kind of movie is a porn.

Jul 3, 2008, 02:09 PM
I never said I agree with them, I was just drawing a parallel to IGN's bad review and saying it's not the only one. In fact, a lot of critics are put by the film's change in direction mid-way.

Jul 3, 2008, 02:25 PM
Everytime I see a flying Will Smith I think of the scene from Men in Black

"It just be raining black people in New York"

I am excited for this movie and i'm going to go into it for a mindless summer movie.

Jul 3, 2008, 02:40 PM
I saw it last night. It was amazing. Reviewers are just being douches because they can. See it for yourself.

Jul 3, 2008, 04:57 PM
I don't even bother with reviews, just look at the scores they get on the info box on digital cable.



I'd sooner go by word of mouth and the look of the previews.

Jul 3, 2008, 06:19 PM
I'm slightly interested, being a super-hero film nut. The only thing I don't like is the trailer for the movie shows Will Smith doing exactly what he does in every one of his movies: being Will Smith. Oh well, I'll check it out this weekend probably. See how long into the movie before I hear a signature "aw hell naw."

Jul 3, 2008, 08:11 PM
Hey, Will smith is in it, So I'm going to see it. :) Trailer is awesome too.

Jul 3, 2008, 08:50 PM
I think seeing the commercial where he flings a beached whale into a distant sail-boat sold this movie for me. I'll have to make time to go see it sometime this month! :wacko:

Jul 3, 2008, 09:09 PM
I think seeing the commercial where he flings a beached whale into a distant sail-boat sold this movie for me. I'll have to make time to go see it sometime this month! :wacko:

That's not even the best part in the commercial, the one that makes me want to watch this is a part when he meets this kid. The kid starts talking smack to him so what Hancock does is toss the kid in the air and walks away. He later meets with his publicist and out of nowhere the kid comes crashing down into Hancock's arms. After he puts the kid down the kid starts to cry and runs away from him. I'm like: "OMG, that is so wrong."

Jul 4, 2008, 12:02 AM
Just got back after watching it. Such good fun.

Jul 4, 2008, 12:21 AM
Have not been hearing good things about the film.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 4, 2008, 12:23 AM
Have not been hearing good things about the film.

Did you not understand go by word of mouth, not paid reviewers? D:

Actually, sometimes it's a ploy. By saying you shouldn't see it, you'll want to see it more. ;)

Jul 4, 2008, 01:48 AM
Did you not understand go by word of mouth, not paid reviewers? D:

Actually, sometimes it's a ploy. By saying you shouldn't see it, you'll want to see it more. ;)

I'm usually in agreement with this, but now ticket prices are $10 and I gotta pay my woman's way in too.

Jul 4, 2008, 01:49 AM
Where's the part where he punches Xenu in the face? :3

Jul 4, 2008, 09:05 AM
And you listen to THOSE imbeciles?!

Do yourself a favor. See it for yourself. Don;t listen to people like that whos favorite kind of movie is a porn.

LMAO I want to see it too, but the theater around here is EXPENSIVE... So i've got to wait now... DAMN IT ALL!!!

Jul 6, 2008, 04:25 AM
I learned along time ago to never listen to critics / reviewers regarding a movie and most importantly never listen to someone on the street because they most likly are biased against a certain actor. I have a buddy whos like that he doesnt like stuff simply because of the person in the movie im like dude that movie was pretty decent and hes like meh ...

I saw wanted tonight and it was a little wierd but then again senseless violence is always nice.

Jul 6, 2008, 04:43 AM
Sometimes you can't even trust the opinions of the the guy on the street.

I learned along time ago to never listen to critics / reviewers regarding a movie and most importantly never listen to someone on the street because they most likly are biased against a certain actor. I have a buddy whos like that he doesnt like stuff simply because of the person in the movie im like dude that movie was pretty decent and hes like meh ...

I saw wanted tonight and it was a little wierd but then again senseless violence is always nice.

Case in point: Wanted

Most of the people I knew did not like the movie because of the Bullet Bending, they had a hard time wraping thier heads around the concept. I thought the movie was awesome. I read the graphic novel that the film was based on so I had an easy time adjusting to Matrix like stunts and what not since the graphic novel was actualy based on a bunch of Super Villains in the DC Universe who have wiped out all the Super Heroes and now secretly control the world. If the general public had been more aware of the source material and the fact that everything was supposed to be way over the top and that they should not have been expecting realism from this movie, more people would have enjoyed it either because they would have recognised it as a Super Hero/Villan movie or as a mindless action movie where you should not over think things. The funny thing is all the shit they had to change in order to adapt the film to the screen. The source material is unfilmable, to much rape and murder and basically just too bizzare.

Jul 6, 2008, 02:50 PM
Hmm, interesting, I will look into this graphic novel. I have a friend who is biased against Final Fantasy, because it is a popular game. Back on topic, I haven't watched the movie yet. xD God I'm a loser. Hancock wait for me! D:

Jul 6, 2008, 11:49 PM
I thought it was an... OK movie, C +. Great at the start but later on it got kinda corney. If you dont see it at the movies (i kinda wouldn't), definitely rent it. I just wish they focused on his back story more.

Jul 7, 2008, 12:49 AM
That's not even the best part in the commercial, the one that makes me want to watch this is a part when he meets this kid. The kid starts talking smack to him so what Hancock does is toss the kid in the air and walks away. He later meets with his publicist and out of nowhere the kid comes crashing down into Hancock's arms. After he puts the kid down the kid starts to cry and runs away from him. I'm like: "OMG, that is so wrong."

Ya know how in every theater, there's always a kid that laughs disturbingly loud, and/or gets the jokes a minute late? yeah. I was laughing out loud for a good three minutes. He just cuts the kid off, and you see a hole in the clouds..!

but yeah. It kinda almost started to develop a plot, but halfway through, it made about as much sense as the first hulk movie (fighting an electric storm, amongst other mindless destruction)

Jul 7, 2008, 09:10 AM
I liked it. It had good music at the end.

Jul 7, 2008, 10:18 AM
Yeah I downloaded this movie a little while ago. The first part was really good a hobo black guy with a shit attitude tearing up stuff but saving people was kinda cool. Later on when that one guy tried to improve his image by making obey laws and stuff just bored the hell out of me and I turned it off. So corny...

Jul 7, 2008, 10:29 AM
Have not been hearing good things about the film.
You have been hearing LIES!

After he puts the kid down the kid starts to cry and runs away from him. I'm like: "OMG, that is so wrong."
That's nothing. I have three words for you: First. Prison. Scene.

Jul 7, 2008, 05:56 PM
I just finished watching hancock and i must say that i wasnt disappointed at all maybe it was because after seeing i am legend i wasnt expecting alot :nono: im not sure, but overall this was one of will smiths better movies a friend of mine didnt like it after about 1/2 through he claims that it was kinda ..... cant ruin the movie but anyway i didnt find it that way at all overall 4/5 stars imho.... this is based on ironman getting 5/5 and the hulhk getting 4.5/5 :smile: