View Full Version : Megaman Starforce 2 Friend Code Thread

Jul 6, 2008, 07:39 PM
*Cough* This is my first thread ever made by me, and it is about Megaman Starforce 2 Friend Codes.

If you have the game, please post the version of the game and type in your friend code, please. Also, list your current stats or other data, if you wish.

Here's mine:
Megaman Starforce 2 Zerker X Saurian
FC: 1375-8813-3349

Current Stats as of 07/06
Link Power-365

PM me to exchange codes please!!! :D

Jul 6, 2008, 07:52 PM
I played and still own the first one, I never finished it(mostly because I switched DS's and lost friend codes), so I've been iffy on getting Starforce 2, did they make anything different from the first one?

Jul 6, 2008, 07:54 PM
Wi-fi connection is one new thing, new forms and battle cards, fusionof tribes, and you can walk around in the realworld as megaman, instead of only waveroads.

Jul 6, 2008, 08:07 PM
What is there to do with the Wi-fi? Technically there was Wi-fi on the first one, but it was only for getting friend codes

Nitro Vordex
Jul 6, 2008, 09:07 PM
There's a second Starforce? o.o

Do want.

Jul 6, 2008, 09:21 PM
What is there to do with the Wi-fi? Technically there was Wi-fi on the first one, but it was only for getting friend codes

You can either battle people around the world, or battle your world-wide friends.

Jul 6, 2008, 10:18 PM
I'm still working on the final boss. Overall, my stats are a tad low, but at least I got the K. Knuckle. Looks like they made a better weapon in this one.

Zerker X Ninja

I added the first one here, I need all the help I can get for this. (I've done far fewer sidequests than I could have)

Jul 7, 2008, 05:05 AM
I'm still working on the final boss. Overall, my stats are a tad low, but at least I got the K. Knuckle. Looks like they made a better weapon in this one.

Zerker X Ninja

I added the first one here, I need all the help I can get for this. (I've done far fewer sidequests than I could have)

I added you too, but I never registered a brother before... do we have to be on at the same time? Every time I try to connect to exchange, it says that the person you are trying to become brothers with is not ready yet...

Jul 7, 2008, 08:56 AM
I just tried again and got you. I guess we both have to connect once before it'll work? :wacko:

Nitro Vordex
Jul 7, 2008, 12:47 PM
Is the battle or graphics any different from the first one?

Vids please.

Jul 7, 2008, 01:32 PM
Same overall system. You only get 4 favorites in this one. B. Combos have to be set up without the enemy moving at all, so you can't really make the uber 12-card chains of the first.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 7, 2008, 01:38 PM
Wait, did you guys import these or are these in US stores now?

Jul 7, 2008, 02:07 PM
Out in the US.

Jul 7, 2008, 02:38 PM
Is the battle or graphics any different from the first one?

Vids please.

there are actually vids of wifi battles on youtube. Just type in megaman starforce 2 wifi battles, and they should appear.

Yup, I just tried it again, and I got your data Randomness, thaks, I sent you something.

Jul 8, 2008, 02:54 AM

Stats as of 7/7

Fav Chips : MadVlcn3***, TyphnDnce (my favorite chip since first SF...), Invisible, Recover300
Link power : 475



MegaStar (goddam standards)

man, theres almost nothing like the megaman battle network(I consider SF future BN) series. since the first one came out ive love the shit outta them, in the actual BN series i have all of the games, all versions, all shit ( and battle chip challenge...that was a nightmare...), and way too much time playing, Ive been told its an obsession ( i do have the manga, some of the shitty anime episodes, and some action figures, and one of those annoying as hell PET's they had-deceased-)

ugh fuck yeah megaman, i love all of the megaman games, but all in all BN is the best, although sometimes i feel the zero and zx series got near it.
I only have one other friend who owns this game in real life, and he sucks at it, i need someone who can beat me down.
Brother it up.

I still have my ice pegasus, open for brothers as well! ( i need a leo brother, still )
Star force 1 CODE: *well shit, I havea different ds now and i wont be able to connect to the internet at any exact times until 7/12, ill have it up then.

I talk too much.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 8, 2008, 04:20 AM
If I still had my MMBN3Blue, I would so battle you if I could. I'm borrowing my friends, and I have 4 stars on it so far. (I still need someone with White version so I can get Mistman V1-4 ;-; )

Megaman Battle Network is such an awesome series, though I think 4 and 5 kinda slacked. 6 is hard. x.x

Jul 8, 2008, 08:43 AM
MMBN6 was hard? I can still remember the entirety of the 1-3rd's storylines, i barely remember five, and I cant remember little about 6. It was kinda cool, but not nearly as great with the the who FUCK STYLE CHANGES thing. sytle changes were the best idea ever and they trashed it.

and in MMSF2 you get some pages of Lan's diary some years after the main storyline if you find them with a BN game in the second slot.

Btw here are al the changes I noticed, major things and not obvious(like new styles)

-Wi-Fi doesnt suck, we can now actually FIGHT over it
-LinkPower, kinda like the Navi Customizer, you get a set capacity, and you can apply upgrades
-'Wave Cards' which was probably meant to be something different but you get some awesome shit with them, so just look these up on the internet
-Megaman has a secret form (rouge style) which just gives swords+50 and I believe 1 time per customizer fill-up an enemy attack is negated(some people hate it, but with rouge style you get the +850hp and megabuster stats + 4, and a lot of other good stuff, you can turn off rouge style, but keep the power up on the mega screen.
-some of the enemies have been tweaked...which is mostly inconvenient
-The final boss is too easy, but the extra zone is somewhat a challenge, you have to fight every boss in the IF form, which is stronger than SP
-Not really a difference but they kept the whole goddam 'FR13ND5H1PZ!!!' theme at the end...THEYRE NOT REALLY EVIL ALL THEY NEED IS FRIENDSHIPssssss...man, thats gonna be the downfall of this series
- Less favorites
-TyphnDnce is still awesome
- B.Combo is far less...awesome, now they've made it so the enemy cant even move for it to be a combo, ( I used a lot of weak paralyzing chips followed by vulcans to rack up mine, whisch still are inferior to my MMSF1 combos)
- wallpapers for yer start menu crap and stat screen -_-
- both versions have the 2-game-in-one with zerker bundled with their unique class
- walk around in real world, not just wave roads.
- TraderTix, get a free trade with a card trader -_-
- mystery data is sometimes worth opening
- Every human NPC in this entire game has a friggin sidequest (obviously besides Dem bad Guize)
- if i remember any more ill write it.

Jul 8, 2008, 11:21 AM
Er... I hate to say it, but theres even a bad guy with a sidequest.

Adding Nidra.

Jul 8, 2008, 03:47 PM
Hey Nidra!
I registered you, this is my fc:137588133349

Pkease register me. I have zerker x saurian too.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 8, 2008, 04:15 PM

Also, they added style changes? FUCK YEEEEEEEAAAAAH.

Jul 8, 2008, 05:09 PM
Er... no... he was talking about MMBN3.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 8, 2008, 06:03 PM
Oh. I thought there was some kind of style change thing in Starforce now. That's how I understood it anyways.

Also, I saw youtubes of Non elemental styles. IE: Normal Team style. Granted, you need to use Codebreaker, but they were pretty cool to look at. :wacko:

Jul 8, 2008, 08:34 PM
Its basically the same in-battle transformation you got in the first, just different names and effects.

Jul 9, 2008, 03:14 PM
^ That, plus Capcom apparently realized we don't like relying on random chance for our elemental boosts, so we have the option of just starting off as them instead.

Just beat the main story, starting on finishing up the sidequests that, in true BN/EXE fashion, will take even longer than the main game.

Oh yeah, FC. Zerker x Ninja (using ninja), 146177007212 91 Standard Cards, 2 Giga, forget how many mega-class I have atm. Also have the Wave Command Card Guide, but don't worry, I'm not one of those Auto-Tribe-King users. ><

Jul 9, 2008, 08:17 PM
Sol, theres a boss with an undodgable, unshieldable attack. I think you luck out with ninja, you have anti-damage built in to stop it with.

If I add you, I've got... two slots left... could use a saurian to get tribe king available.

Jul 9, 2008, 08:27 PM
Undodgeable and unshieldable? Isn't that what Barrier and Invis cards are for? :wacko:

Anti damage is nice to have built in, though. The EM Barrier from the MegaMan Rogue WCC is nice, though, (still learning how strong it is. I DID block a Queen Ophiuca card with it). Sucks not being able to use Mega-class cards, though.

I'm on right now, actually. Gonna try adding, though I could use a Saurian Bro to get Tribe King myself. >_>

:edit: Just got you. I REALLY shoulda seen that wacko face coming. :wacko:

Jul 9, 2008, 09:48 PM
Glad you like it. I like the free legend cards I get every time I update... I just put together a fun Cancer BubbleEX->Gemini ThunderSP->Voltic Eye 2. Massive damage in Berserker mode. (Bubble em and do 140, shock with fist for 360, stun with sword for 180, then volt them for another 60*3=PWNT) Of course, you lose 20 on each hit without the Electric+20.

Thanks to whoever's record boosted the power of the SP Gemini to 160 base.

Jul 9, 2008, 10:03 PM
I need to work on assembling a good Legend combo. I had a nice one that bubbled, shocked, froze, broke, then vulcan'd for MASSIVE damage, but the lack of Fist cards stinks a bit. I'm starting to get the hang of it, and Pat's being a good sport about it.

I should wean myself off Mega Man Rogue - the lack of Mega cards cramps my style a bit.

Jul 10, 2008, 08:19 AM
The one bonus to this system is that mega cards can be used in combos now. Not that it changes anything-you can't create anything near what you could in the first, with 1,000 damage mono-element chains. (Pegasus Magic SP cried when I whomped him for 2k+)