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Jul 7, 2008, 09:35 AM
i need advice on how you beat the maggas magahanna S2 solo.

its so hard that it isnt funny. the boss is so aggressive any help is appreciated.

im lv 130 and both my AT and FT class are at 20
i suppose the best things i have against him would be my buffs, resta which gets used constant. my diga. its level 32 all though only usable at 30 with AT.
im thinking i should stick at it with AT though because the speed at casting is so much better for hitting him

he kicks my ass either way.

my pallet etc is

tesbra x3, pushan x2, some shatos, a pegita
Al-senba, orpa force, solid knight, orpad guard

Jul 7, 2008, 10:05 AM
Once you've diga'd his bottom off, Cards and Bows are your friend in this fight.

Jul 7, 2008, 10:30 AM
For AT a good strategy is to use a dagger with hikai (covers a good distance, is fast and does good damage) and cards (the best ranged weapon vs. Magas in my opinion).
Tech's will leave you too stationary. No idea how you'd do it with a fT.

Jul 7, 2008, 10:48 AM
Huh? Actually I think with fT this mission is like eating caek, I solo it in 14 mins with my fT.(imo 2nd best to solo it flawlessly and fast after the KS users)

There's not really a key to anything, all you need to do is use Nosdiga on a (12% elemental earth is the best) Rod (PW for me) against Magas until his lower part breaks off, after that change to a Wand with Diga / Resta and Diga away his arms, he should go down rather fast.

edit: If you don't have Nosdiga, Diga should be a good enough alternative, dunno what you're doing wrong, but the very first times I fought him with only Diga because I didn't know yet that you can hit his lower part with Nosdiga (stupid me) it still went smooth.

Jul 7, 2008, 01:06 PM
no i have all the spells and the average of them are leveled pritty well.

looks like ill try buying a good card weapon when i can get some money. for some reason i cant get money in this game. takes me like a week constant playing to get a mil :(

i think i might have just got an aggesive one. if face it again and it wasnt as bad at that :/

Jul 7, 2008, 01:23 PM
Follow sekais directions. with one adendum. when youre attacking his arms, if you can not hit with diga, try RAdiga. you dont have to be as accurate or as close to do damage(even though it does less).

EDIT: punctuation

Jul 7, 2008, 04:36 PM
Follow sekais directions. with one adendum. when youre attacking his arms, if you can not hit with diga, try RAdiga. you dont have to be as accurate or as close to do damage(even though it does less).

EDIT: punctuation

I must be crazy and have done the mission way too much, but I don't see any problems with hitting his arms with Diga after his lower part breaks off, I actually can predict most of his moves so I know where and when to cast away.
Radiga is weaker, and you need to have a certain range to be able to hit, even if it's true that you just roughly have to face Magas' direction to be able to hit him.
Also, you're just perfect in his attack range when you're trying to hit him with Radiga.
When using Diga, you're even closer, but sometimes he tries to keep distance to you and while retreating he doesn't attack you so that's another plus and a chance to try hitting him with Diga.

Jul 7, 2008, 04:41 PM
I just shoot him with foie until his butt explodes (Diga is kinda slow), then I shoot him with cards until he dies. :)

Jul 7, 2008, 05:27 PM
Equip a good lighting Armor and use a Legless / Rainbow.

Use Diga and Nosdiga before the bottom comes off. when there's no bottom you could use cards, or try to Diga the arms.

You can run behind it when it pounds its fist to the ground. Run towards it when it does the machine gun attack. For most of the attacks, it's best to run to the side, Esp. its those sword attacks.

Jul 8, 2008, 11:49 AM
As a AT there's two ways of an easy fight here.

1: Diga on wands, Earth cards.
Use diga until the bottom comes off, move into short-medium distance and spam your cards on him. Slow but effective.

2: Take Nosdiga on 2-3 wands, Twin Handguns, high earth shot.
Nosdiga constantly until the bottom comes off, move to medium range, or try and get behind him and use Twin Handguns, Some shots should stun him for a second. An easy win here.

Both work but, it's your choice in the end.

Jul 8, 2008, 05:09 PM
you guys make it sound so easy.

literally everyone of his attacks kill me in one hit. is that normal for a level 130 class lv 20, al senba, orpad guard character.
im lucky if i survive an attack :(

Jul 8, 2008, 05:32 PM
Well, forces werent made to take a hit. More than likely you've got bad positioning. Watch his movements and get a feel for his range before you start casting techs.

Jul 8, 2008, 05:37 PM
literally everyone of his attacks kill me in one hit. is that normal for a level 130 class lv 20, al senba, orpad guard character.
im lucky if i survive an attack :(

Ditch the Al Senba and get a high percentage lightning armor. I use a 36% Rikau-senba and I haven't been OHKO since the Fortetecher HP increase. Before the HP increase I still didn't die since I learned his attack pattern and would dodge his attacks. I just got too lazy to dodge after I had enough HP that I could withstand a crit from the sword attack (although sword attack comboed with hand rocket can still kill me if I'm not quick to the trimate). That and the battle goes a lot quicker if you aren't always running around to dodge everything. Take a hit to give a hit. BTW, this is not what I suggest you do. I only do it because it's faster for me to beat him this way.

Remember that elemental percentage is more important than stars when it comes to armor. Drop the orpa/guard. Grab a stun/resist. If you must use the orpa/guard be sure to use a nice percentage lightning Baji-senba or if you have one, serafi-senba. Also if you don't have a stun resist, I would not suggest the diga strategy. Jusei-shiki (earth cards) and/or Jisei-sou. Without stun/resist you run a good risk of getting caught while in the middle of casting diga by the ground pound. You have to be pretty close to hit with diga consistently. He'll run around and you'll miss unless you are great at predicting where his arm will land at any given point (very hard to do at times).

Jul 8, 2008, 05:37 PM
might be. hes just so much faster though.

tried him again today. soon as i started i remember saying "getting a rattle snake isnt worth going through this".
i think force characters just werent made for soloing lol.

i should be used to it. i went a fonewerl in pso and have always played force. im considering training up fortefighter class and buying those weapons to beat him ^_^

Jul 8, 2008, 05:39 PM
is stun resist the item that stops paralysis or the shock effect.
i dont actually know what stops the paralysis effect but what ever it is i need one. this effect kills me lol

Jul 8, 2008, 05:55 PM
i think force characters just werent made for soloing lol.

Bah, I mostly solo as a fortetecher since it's the most fun for me. Then again I do stupid things like solo Maggas (winter event) as a Neuman Protranser 3. No killer shot, no techs, and no power against an army of robots and a boss that doesn't know when to stop running. :D

is stun resist the item that stops paralysis or the shock effect.

Stun/resist stops paralysis. It's found in player shops or if you want to hunt it, Mother Brain (Electronic Brain S).

Shock/resist stops shock. That is found on any Onmagoug/Dimmagolous map. So Easter Peril, Demons Above, Desert Terror, or Rouge's Shortcut.

As you probably know sleep/resist drops from the robots. Forest Infiltration, Grove of Fanatics, Desert Goliath, and Stolen Weapon. Most of the time if you can find a sleep/resist you can trade it for stun.

Other popular resists are freeze/resist (De Rol Le - Awoken Serpent) and virus/resist (only in seed awakening currently although poison resist also drops there. True Darkness only drops poison)

Although I guess that's enough off topic Info for now.

Stryker Diaz
Jul 8, 2008, 11:02 PM
I know this may sound stupid but well u asked for the best way to beat this mission.

I usually bring two friends who are Fortegunner and since im acro I keep them alive that way they can pwn that damn bot -_-

really AT is not a good class to face that guy with, I die instantly alot ><

Jul 8, 2008, 11:16 PM
Optional Step 0.5: Play a race that has more HP so you don't die in one hit.
Step 1: Blow up his base. This is easily done any number of ways. If you're an AT, Hikai works pretty well.
Step 2: Spam Diga on arms or cards on the body. Card are usually safer.

Jul 10, 2008, 09:54 AM
As a Fortefighter I just use my single handgun on his shoulders to kill him, since breaking his bottom off seems to cause him to spaz out and run more than he already does. (I'm not a Majarra spammer so it's hard for me to keep up with his incessant pansy-like running away...)

This fight is much easier for me on my Guntecher. I either use my Twin Handguns or Longbow against his shoulders for the easy win.

If I were to fight him with my Acrotecher, I would most likely do it the same way I do on my GT with the Twin Handguns. Although if I wanted to keep Resta handy, I would use my single Hangun with a wand.

Also, breaking his base off just adds one more way for him to hit you.

Jul 11, 2008, 12:20 PM
note* if you're on ps2 the range on hikai sucks.

as for FT not being good at soloing this or any mission... WHAT??
i solo as FT all the time, sometimes easier to solo FT than my AF...

as FT on magas i just diga/nosdiga his bottom then use jusei shiki on his (belly button?) so it stuns/causes him to drop which lets you get in more hits. if you dont have cards you can even noszonde (i know he's lightning try it anyway) him if he's too fast/runs away alot.

Jul 11, 2008, 08:35 PM
i best rephrase what i said. i play mainly FT. ill always be a FT at heart in this game.
i shouldnt say that there crap at soloing. what i should say is that when soloing they can take so long to complete the level that it isnt funny.
especially when a boss is involved.

Jul 12, 2008, 06:37 AM
what i should say is that when soloing they can take so long to complete the level that it isnt funny.
especially when a boss is involved.

There's a lot of missions with bosses.
This one goes for all classes, it depends on the mission and the way you play.
It's definately going to take long when using, say Zonde for Magas or whatever, but
as fT and in DG S2, you have the advantage of robots not being resistful against TECHs unlike Melee.
Leaving aside Gunner and their KS, melee pure sucks for DG S2, where as fT will just do a greater job alone by doing much more damage with non-lightning TECHs. (only Kanohne take a bit to take down)
If you're a max or near to max'd fT and you're having a lot of problems with DG S2 in general, you must be doing something wrong,
because I think fT are the 2nd best class for this mission (leaving aside KS users).

Have lightning armour, Har / Quick, Burn / Resist for mission and Stun / Resist for Magas equipped (or Orpad / Legs for Magas if you want).
Personally the only thing I need for this mission is ONE rod with Nosdiga (yeah, and buffs+resta of course) and I solo it in 14 mins.
Nosdiga is like the Majarra from fF leetists just for fT.

With all that advice people have given you, you should be totally fine with all these methods for AT and fT. Just think through them again maybe and you'll be doing just completely fine against Magas.

Jul 12, 2008, 01:12 PM
what i should say is that when soloing they can take so long to complete the level that it isnt funny.
especially when a boss is involved.

i dont mean to sound like i'm hounding you cause i'm not, but this isn't true either.

i can run through the same levels just as fast (sometimes faster in some cases) with my FT as i can with my AF.

True darkness S2 solo as AF 11 minutes. solo as FT 12-13 minutes.

Magas mission i can do faster as FT than i can as AF because of the robots and my FT kills magas faster than my AF because i dont have to chase him around and get as close to him as i do as AF.

Jul 13, 2008, 11:46 PM
Resist units can be found on any rank, so if you only want Stun/Resist without the effort you can just farm on Mother Brain C or even less effort but must have some money and just buy it from player shop.

Lightning type enemies and bosses are the few things that FT destroys completely compared to other classes since Ground techs actually has good mods on them. FT rapes Magas. Raise your techs, get better armor and learn his movement patterns. That's all really.

Jul 14, 2008, 12:20 AM
use a fortegunner they rape that boss

Jul 14, 2008, 06:32 AM
im considering that.
just training up another job class and buy weapons for it.

it would seem strange to have 1 character that can perfectly play a hunter,force or ranger :O