View Full Version : Cast Guntecher pallete?

Jul 8, 2008, 09:12 AM
Right now I'm level 31 and I just switched to Guntecher. Right now I have -

Saber/R-mag (for lack of anything else)
Evil Twins (dual handguns)
Evil Twins
Some B rank rifle
Wand/Card Fante (with Shifta/Deband, will get Megistar at some point)
Wand/R-mag (with Resta/Reverser)

I'm still working to get money for a rank armor and a bullet save, as well as a crossbow because I heard they were good as well. Any other recommendations? Or perhaps a GT shouldn't be played as a Cast?

Jul 8, 2008, 02:13 PM
Im a Cast GT, with a strict WT background, so Im content with my choice to play the support role, The Resta/Buff Bot ifyou will.
Its good that your making the change while at this level, since you have more time to develop your bullets and techniques.
I think I was around level 70 when I made the switch from WT to GT, so I had a primary use of Bows over Rifles, Cards over Crossbows.
I know now that bullets level 3 times faster, but Im fine sticking with my Bow over the Rifle even if I dont get the knockdown benefit at 31+ bullets since I mainly use them for SE's. Its the crossbows that I missed out which can hinder me a bit, but Ive recently started building up my bullets on my own time.
Get a Crossbow and level your bullets while youre still relatively low level, you'll develop quite nicely into a competent GT.
Currently my palette is this, just to give you an example:

Twin Handgun
Machine gun / Dagger
Machine gun / Wand (Heals)
Tech-mag / Wand (Buffs or Debuffs, varies by situation)

Jul 8, 2008, 02:21 PM
GT is awesome regardless of character race.
Magic is not really the main strength of this class..reason the character race doesnt matter...itīs all about support and status effects!
Healing is still great, and buff do the same status increase regardless of magic power.

Skip Megistar btw, itīs pointless unless you always gonna go solo.
GT is there to support the party, like a mage but relying with gun power instead.

Jul 8, 2008, 02:24 PM
For starters, you NEED Crossbows, It's GT's main form of attack. One set of Twin Handguns should suffice. Phantom for your rifle. One wand, with attack techs. The rest is up to you really.


Wand / Crossbow
Twin handgun
Wand / Card
Weapon (your choice) / Mechgun
Weapon (your choice) / Crossbow

Jul 8, 2008, 02:54 PM
Are GTs any good in terms of damage compared to WT though?

Jul 8, 2008, 03:01 PM
Im constantly dealing damage, thats what I like about GT.
Even though there are no huge numbers popping up, a stream of steady 500's from my Machine gun, or a 2500+ pump from my shotty, a 1000+ arrow will have enemies down in no time.

Jul 8, 2008, 09:50 PM
Heres my weapon priority:
Xbow - most important. high damage while mobile, keep next to heal wand.
Buffs/Heals - don't be THAT GUY who refuses to help. = (
Card - good for dodging things at range
Shotty - high damage at close range, good for monsters with multiple hit-boxes
Laser - highest potential damage. line up the enemies and *pew*pew*
Rifle - long range bosses(onma/dimma). knock enemies down(Or semi-stunlock larger enemies) so party members can kill faster

GT can be a decent damage class(once your bullets are good levels). But you can buff and heal yourself and the party too, and thats more fun to me.

Jul 8, 2008, 09:54 PM
Interesting. No duals.

Jul 9, 2008, 01:10 AM
Interesting. No duals.

Crossbow takes Twin Handguns spot easiely.
Great dmg plus the abiltiy to combo it with a wand which you should equip with resta/giresta with.

Thatīs is probably the best use of a GT.
Crossbow just takes alot of PP, but thatīs why you have a shotty as a backup.

Twin Handgun is more if you really want great mobilty and distance but give up on good dmg.
Meaning not really great, but i sure do use it anyway on my FG for fun. D:

Jul 9, 2008, 02:25 AM
Right now I'm level 31 and I just switched to Guntecher. Right now I have -

Saber/R-mag (for lack of anything else)
Evil Twins (dual handguns)
Evil Twins
Some B rank rifle
Wand/Card Fante (with Shifta/Deband, will get Megistar at some point)
Wand/R-mag (with Resta/Reverser)

I'm still working to get money for a rank armor and a bullet save, as well as a crossbow because I heard they were good as well. Any other recommendations? Or perhaps a GT shouldn't be played as a Cast?

Get rid of the R-mags ASAP. They're a complete waste on GT's. Definitely get all 4 buffs and don't even bother with Megistar. You're a GT, a support class, it's sorta kinda most likely... your job to buff the whole time. Get all 4 buffs and put them all on a wand/madoog combo. Learn to buff on the fly and in the middle of combat.

Also get Giresta, a Har/Quick (doesn't matter that you lose TP, you're going to be buffing/healing a lot, so the time cut is pretty crucial), and a bullet save unit.

Interesting. No duals.

They're ok on GT, but I think you're putting waaay too much priority on them. 1-handed guns are your friends as GT since that's what you should be using mostly anyways.

Here's what my palette looks like:

Rifle/Bow (depending on the bullet)
Wand/Xbow (resta/reverser)
Wand/Card (resta/reverser)
Wand/Xbow(or card, whatever I feel like using more) Giresta/Reverser
Twin Handguns/Shotgun (swap between them)
Wand/Madoog (buffs)

All set aside, that's what I think, so take it as you will ^^;

Jul 10, 2008, 12:37 AM
What weapons you choose largely depend on how you are playing.

I tend toward Solo play, hence I tend towards weapons with high PP - Yohmei.
Thus, I take advantage of the high Yohmei charge rate, and the 3% bonus GT's get on guns and wands/tcsm.

That being said...
1) Kiujibahoh (Rifle - Killer Shot) / Ulteri (Bow - Elements) (Swapping as needed)
2) Shigga Bines (All Elements)
3) Pegic (Resta/Reverser) / Magical Wand (Giresta/Zalure)
4) Pegic (Zodial/Retier) / Magical Wand (Shifta/Deband)
5) Twin Ruby Bullets (All Elements)
6) Ebrozike / Kusanigira (Rising Strike)

I also have a 9* Yohmei Laser in inventory, various elements, working towards Mayalee Prism.

Killer Shot is usually on the rifle, and an Element on the bow opposite of what boss I'm expecting (currently, Ground). The Shotgun and Twins have all the elements, at fairly good levels (most are 21+).

People will tell me, ditch the saber/r-mag ... The Ground Ebrozike -stuns- with regular frequency, and the Kusanigira helps with the bullet resistant enemies... As I'm popping off 1100 each hit with Rising Strike, I'm not complaining... Especially when they can't fight back.

For the OP of this thread...
Get all the buffs. Pile them into a tcsm.wand combination. It's like having a rod!
Work on your PAs. Level them religously. For levelling them, use a Yohmei weapon (High PP, High ATA, low ATP) if possible. Get a shotgun as well. From there, play with combinations.

A Har/Quick or a Me/Quick is very useful. I'm not too converned about saving PP (My rifles regen 17 pts / tick), but I am concerned about ATP. I'm looking for a replacement for my Hard / Night, looking at a Solid/Knight or Cati/Power. If you're a cast, then an SUV is in an extra slot, leaving a body slot for whatever you want to put in there.

And above all, have fun!

(Mirage L103/20 F Cast GT XB360 )

Mururu The Guntecher
Jul 10, 2008, 11:10 AM
I'm a Cast Guntecher lvl 130
If you want to know some good Guntecher weapons don't use duel pistols at all if you can you don't need them you need to work on crossbows and cards as your main weapons and then have bows or rifles for states effects I also recommend mac guns for fast damage. here is a list of what i use...

Rikauteri 11* 10/10
Serdote 9* 10/10 / Card Regas 9* 10/10 <----(Resta/Reverser)
Uransara 10* 10/10 / Cubo Musrana 10* 8/10 <----(Giresta/Megid)
Serdote 9* 10/10 / Cubo Tuma 11* 10/10 <----(Resta/Reverser)
Serdote 9* 10/10 / Shato 9* 10/10 <----(all buffs)
Serdote 9* 10/10 / Bulletdance 11* 10/10 <----(Resta/Reverser)

(The two handed weapon at the top is interchangeable I will sometimes switch it out with a Laser Cannon or Shotgun when needed)

Cards will end up doing about 715-745 (damage per blade)
Bows will do about 1100-1300
Mac gun will do about 570-620
Crossbows will do about 650-715 (damage per bullet)

PS. get your buffs and healing to 21 asap they will help you and your party a lot.

Have fun saving the universe ^^