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View Full Version : rare mag help

Jul 8, 2008, 11:59 PM
i am very confused about rare mags. i am going to make a hunter and am curious if a rare mag is better and am not sure how to make one. which rare mag would be the best for a hunter? i am leaning towards humar or hunewerl as my hunter. it looks to me as if the rare mags stats are much worse then if u were to concentrate on power for a hunter. please help.

Jul 9, 2008, 12:29 AM


Here's a couple of guides that should help out.

Jul 9, 2008, 12:17 PM
It's all about math and how you raise them. Effectively, no matter what, your stats will equal 100. Once it becomes a rare mag, you can level up the remaining 100 levels however you feel. So overall, a rare mag is not bad, however a normal mag can be just as good.

The thing with rare mags is what it does for you in certain situations. When you are near death, when you reach 100% PB, when you face off with a boss, and when you die. A lot of the time, normal mags only do things for some of those, or what they do are not all that effective or great. Usually with a rare mag, though, they will do things that will benefit you greatly for these situations.

Well, it's you mag, and you seem interested in rare ones. You do what you do. And I'm sure that when you get your mag to level 200, it will be what you would want it to be.

Aug 16, 2008, 03:08 AM
Some of the things that makes rare mags good are:
-They can be easily engineered
-They will stay in one form no matter what
-They behave predictably, to the point of memorization
-Yellow letters are pretty cool, too

Some lame things about rare mags are:
-Since there are only nine, you see a lot of duplicates (especially Sato, Diwari and Rati)
-Some classes can't access any of them using end-game numbers (FOnewearl, I'm looking at you)
-Some normal mags look cooler than some rare mags