View Full Version : The extra strength, all purpose Too Human thread

Jul 10, 2008, 06:57 PM
Welcome to the Extra Strength, All Purpose Too Human Thread!

What is "Too Human"?

Too Human is the latest game from Canadian developer Silicon Knights (Eternal Darkness, MGS: Twin Snakes), it is an Xbox 360 exclusive. The story follows the Aesir (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesir) Baldur, who has the duty of protecting humanity from a machine race who wishes to eliminate them. The story, themes, characters, and overall atmosphere borrow from Norse Mythology, with a slightly steam/cyber-punkish twist. Too Human originated on the Playstation 1 and has since jumped to the gamecube and finally the Xbox 360. It is the first part in a planned trilogy.

What's in a game?

Too Human has been described as a mixture of Diablo, Devil May Cry, and World of Warcraft. The gameplay follows a hack and slash/shoot 'em up style of gameplay but the game has a deep loot/gear system as well as a combat system that will appeal to many kinds of gamers. In fact, the more I hear about it myself the more I begin to see this more like Phantasy Star Online v3 rather than Diablo.


There are several classes you can choose for Baldur to become, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Bioengineer: The healer class.

Commando: The range and explosives/traps class.

Champion: The balanced class.

Defender: The defense class. Specialises in heavy armors for tanking.

Berserker: The melee and offense character.

Each character class may use any type of weaponry but will not recieve a combat bonus for weapons they are not specialized in. Some weapons will be exclusive to a particular class. Each class also has a role that will come in handy when playing 2 player co-op. Each class has a special set of moves they can learn that will assist them and team mates as the game goes on.

Weapons include Swords, Staffs, Hammers, Pistols, Rifles and Lasers.

Controls are different than your standard affair. You do not directly control the camera. Instead, the game has an AI which attempts to find the most cinematic view of the action to make you feel as if you are in the middle of something epic. Screenshots in this thread are not representative of actual camera angles You control all attacks with the right analog stick, and move with your left. Holding down the RT will have Baldur draw his guns, and if you are dual wielding guns you can use both analog sticks to attack two enemies at once.


The game also features a Co-Op mode which will let you play the game with your friend over Xbox Live. There are no story cutscenes however, much to the dismay of many gamers. The main focus here however is leveling your character up and finding new and cool loot and gear. Originally 4 player, due to unforseen circumstances it has been cut down to 2 player co-op, but the action still looks good.

So how's it shaping up?

[SPOILER-BOX]Too Human is looking to be a "Love it or Hate it" game. The new approach to combat may turn off some, while others may get a very small playtime with it because they do not care about loot and gear or leveling up. Those without Xbox Live Gold accounts will not be able to play Co-Op, as local multiplayer was cut out. Graphically the game looks fine, especially considering that Silicon Knights had the game going on the Unreal 3 engine until a while ago when Epic and SK had a battle over how SK wasn't getting the support for the engine that they needed, and therefore switched to their own engine. Framerate wise, however, it doesn't look so good. The framerate seems to dip at random times, but hopefully this is just an older build and the newer build has more polish. The character animations look stiff and detatched from the game world. I laugh when someone says the animations look "not human" because most of the characters aren't human. Technicalities, I know.

Too Human Gameplay Trailer (http://youtube.com/watch?v=sJW8rN43jN4)

Too Human is slated for a release this August. If you pre-order at gamestops you can recieve 5 exclusive pre-order armors, one for each class. In-store buyers will recieve a "Rave Card" with the code on it, while online buyers will recieve an email with the code.[/SPOILER-BOX]

The Demo

The demo is now available for free on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

The Demo contains one level that takes on average 45 minutes to an hour to complete. There are a few cutscenes but nothing that are any major story spoilers. Tons of weapons and armor are available for the picking. Originally only one class was selectable but thanks to an easter egg all classes are playable with a little work.

It has been discovered that the demo is roughly the first half of the first level.

Too Human has gone Gold!

According to this article (http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/895/895506p1.html), the game has finally reached gold master status and this means the game is going to print! The time is almost at hand for those loyal to Odin and Silicon Knights. Also, the demo has been downloaded over 900,000 times, making it the most downloaded action title demo on Xbox Live. The countdown begins!

Too Human is OUT!

After 10 long years and a lot of console jumping, engine re-writing, and internet drama-ing, Too Human is in stores at last.

So what are the critics saying? Check out the Metacritic (http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/xbox360/toohuman) page for a rundown of the ratings. But remember, Too Human is a unique title that has fallen prey to a few bad decisions that have hurt an otherwise fun title. Give yourself time to understand the controls and learn when certain moves are useful and you will cut through your enemies like Norse Lightning.

I am still on my first playthrough and first character so I cannot post my full review yet.

Media and Information

Too Human.net (http://toohuman.net/)
Wikipedia Entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_Human)
Footage, Trailers, and Features @ Gametrailers (http://www.gametrailers.com/game/2207.html)
Norwegian Film Committee, a website with official "Alternate Reality" videos where Too Humans events actually existed (http://www.norwegianfilmcommittee.org/index.html)
NEW!! - Download the Too Human Manual (http://www.xbox.com/NR/rdonlyres/A09FB54B-BB4D-49EF-8AC7-E30A7C883CC3/0/TooHuman_MNL.PDF)
Too Human @ Xbox.com (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/splash/t/toohuman/)

Jul 10, 2008, 07:09 PM
You did not just rip off exo's style. >_>

As for Too Human, I kinda excited about this game. Watching some of the video on youtube it looks like a cross between PSUO and God of War. That's an awesome combination.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 10, 2008, 07:13 PM
You did not just rip off exo's style. >_>
Hell no, this is way better looking. Organized, screenshots, and even links.

Also, is this first person or third person? I assume it's third because of the angle things.

If I get an Xbox 360 at any time, I think I'd check this out.

Jul 10, 2008, 07:13 PM
You did not just rip off exo's style. >_>

As for Too Human, I kinda excited about this game. Watching some of the video on youtube it looks like a cross between PSUO and God of War. That's an awesome combination.

I'm not gonna lie, his Soul Caliber megathread was the inspiration for me making this one. :wacko:

I've actually been trying to get people to look at it as a soul brother of PSO, because that's what it really sounds like to me. Unfortunately Diablo and World of Warcraft get the RPG side of the credits for this game by the general gaming media.

EDIT: It's third person, Nitro.

Jul 10, 2008, 08:56 PM
Wait wait wait wait wait.
No more 4 player online?

Jul 11, 2008, 02:34 AM
Wish they'ed delay it and get the 4-player in rather then getting it out on time with only 2 (from the classes it looks like 4 player would be best) :(

Jul 11, 2008, 02:42 AM
I agree. I'd rather have it delayed (hello Huxley!) for them to work in the four-player (or at least the offline Co-op).

I still think it looks cool though.

Jul 11, 2008, 09:01 AM
Wish they'ed delay it

Oh lord, I take it you don't know Too Human's history. This game is hot on the heels of Duke Nukem Fornever's development time, I believe it was originally going to be released on the PSOne.

Jul 11, 2008, 09:15 AM
Oh lord, I take it you don't know Too Human's history. This game is hot on the heels of Duke Nukem Fornever's development time, I believe it was originally going to be released on the PSOne.

weren't they waiting for a suitable console to release it on or something?

(also no matter how long it takes products are better finished, you wouldn't eat dough instead of bread would you?)

Jul 11, 2008, 09:20 AM
All the time in the world wouldn't make Too Human something I'd ever want to eat, or am I doing the analogy wrong.

Jul 11, 2008, 09:48 AM
only 2 plyer is really turning me off. Ill probably wait until this game is cheap before I pick it up. Ill see what my buddy thinks, hes getting it when it comes out.

Jul 11, 2008, 10:31 AM
Controls are different than your standard affair. You do not directly control the camera. Instead, the game has an AI which attempts to find the most cinematic view of the action to make you feel as if you are in the middle of something epic.

I hope they get that AI right, because an uncontrollable camera can completely fuck over a good game.

Jul 11, 2008, 03:29 PM
Wait wait wait wait wait.
No more 4 player online?

Wish they'ed delay it and get the 4-player in rather then getting it out on time with only 2 (from the classes it looks like 4 player would be best) :(

I agree. I'd rather have it delayed (hello Huxley!) for them to work in the four-player (or at least the offline Co-op).

I still think it looks cool though.

It was revealed that the 4 player was too hectic and that the levels didn't scale well to accommodate, therefore 4 player was reduced to 2. I'm still disappointed though.

I hope they get that AI right, because an uncontrollable camera can completely fuck over a good game.

I hear you can bump the camera using the LB if it does go somewhere bad.

Also, there is a demo planned to be available during E3 next week. I'll post more about it in the OP when it arrives.

Jul 11, 2008, 03:53 PM
The knock down from 4 to 2 players is making me have second thoughts about this...
I was looking forward to some 4 player dungeon crawlan and loot gatheran reminiscent of the old PSO days but with MOAR AKSHUN.
Eh...I'll still give it a try but I'm less excited now.

Also. I call bullshit on the 4 player online being too hectic. I bet they just couldn't keep the framerate up and so they bumped it down to 2 players.

Jul 14, 2008, 05:30 AM
The demo for the game is now available from the Xbox Live Marketplace. I also updated the OP with a link to the official game manual.

Jul 14, 2008, 06:04 AM
Been wanting this game for so long. It just needs to be released already. If the 2 vs 4 player ends up being that big a deal, I'm sure it'll be put in the next one. It is only the first in a trilogy after all. 2 player is perfect though. Other than playing with my wife, I'm only interested in the single player story.

Jul 14, 2008, 10:54 AM
The demo for the game is now available from the Xbox Live Marketplace. I also updated the OP with a link to the official game manual.


Jul 14, 2008, 09:59 PM
Just played too human demo. Its very similar in gameplay to psu and something to do to pass the the time until the servers are back up. Just thought i'd let everyone know.

Jul 14, 2008, 10:01 PM
Lol, are you kidding me? Too Human is NOTHING like PSU. Its a 3rd person action game like God of War, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, etc.

Jul 14, 2008, 10:02 PM
Just played too human demo. Its very similar in gameplay to psu and something to do to pass the the time until the servers are back up. Just thought i'd let everyone know.

the game developers said they were trying to make a game that was close to Diablo and PSO put together.

Jul 14, 2008, 10:07 PM
Lets see character classes to level, tons of loot, psu is also third person, trust me when I say the gameplay is closer to psu than devil may cry,god of war,or ninja gaiden. Just play the demo and you will see.

Jul 14, 2008, 10:15 PM
also guns and swords! very easy to use both at once, level ups, better swords items shields armors and guns to collect. yup more like PSU. Hordes of enemies too? a couple of big ones here and there? some online co-op with your buddy nice. i say it really is more like PUS than those others :P

Jul 14, 2008, 10:16 PM
nothing like devil may cry or god of war, it is similar to psu and diablo, sort of like a mini-mmo with the items, co-op and real time combat is a bit more deliberate. Its not the fluidity of god of war and focused more on an rpg system. Similar also to mass effect or kotor with leveling up.

Jul 14, 2008, 10:18 PM
Lets see character classes to level, tons of loot, psu is also third person,

WoW has that too, so it's gotta be like PSU too ^^

This belongs in off topic btw

Jul 14, 2008, 10:20 PM
WoW has that too, so it's gotta be like PSU too ^^

This belongs in off topic btw

WoW does not have this gameplay :)

Jul 14, 2008, 10:27 PM
WoW has that too, so it's gotta be like PSU too ^^

This belongs in off topic btw
we have a few god-given psu-free days, enjoy them.
Fallout 3 anyone? How can you say no to teddy bear rocket launchers?

Ed Lolington
Jul 14, 2008, 10:47 PM
we have a few god-given psu-free days, enjoy them.
Fallout 3 anyone? How can you say no to teddy bear rocket launchers?Fallout 3 just doesn't seem as heavy on dark humor as the past games were. Which is sad considering that as the heart and soul of the series.

If I can blow an orphan's arm with a shotgun like I could in Fallout 2, I won't buy it. S

Jul 14, 2008, 11:29 PM
Fallout 3 just doesn't seem as heavy on dark humor as the past games were. Which is sad considering that as the heart and soul of the series.

If I can blow an orphan's arm with a shotgun like I could in Fallout 2, I won't buy it. S

they did say you can play hero, villan, or neutral. and you can go threw stealth, combat, or diplomacy.

Jul 14, 2008, 11:45 PM
Is the demo any good? I'm waiting for FFXI to finish uninstalling so I can download it. >_<

Jul 15, 2008, 12:36 AM
Lol, are you kidding me? Too Human is NOTHING like PSU. Its a 3rd person action game like God of War, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, etc.

Too human is most definitely like pso/diablo only much much faster paced. Definitely really cool so far. Cant wait to play co op.

Jul 15, 2008, 12:51 AM
Is the demo any good? I'm waiting for FFXI to finish uninstalling so I can download it. >_<

I've been through the demo 5 times so far, and here's what I have to say about it.

Your level of enjoyment of this game will come from your willingness to adapt to a totally different control scheme. My first playthrough I was completely clueless as to what to do, and the controls page didn't help at all. But as I started experimenting I was able to uncover some advanced moves that helped my combat greatly. If you aren't willing to sit down and give the controls a good spin around you will not like the game.

Combat is fast but some may feel it is clumsy. Moving your right analog stick to attack is certainly a new way to approach combat. With little effort you will bounce around from enemy to enemy, racking up the kills. Guns are a little trickier. RT is primary fire, LT is secondary. Aim is with the right trigger, and you can get dual pistols to aim at two enemies at once but I can't quite figure out how to do it every time. There are often a lot of enemies on screen at once and whatever weapon you choose will allow you to dispatch of them quickly. Sometimes you'll have to play it safe, by going after an enemy that is launching rockets or a bigger enemy with a shield in order to take down the rest of the mob. Learning what target is priority is key for combat.

Graphics are so-so. Sometimes they look stunning, the art department really put some work into making the world feel real and unique. But at the same time there are some things that stand out, like the goofy animations and sometimes the lighting will not hit the characters right. All main character models are nicely detailed but any minor and supporting characters are low res and low poly. Framerate isn't very consistent.

Voice acting is OK, but not award winning. Sound Effects are plentiful and with enough thud. The one sound that really annoys a lot of people is the menu sound which is a high pitched chirp.

Loot is plentiful for the 45 minutes you get of the game. There are several sets of armor, tons of weapons of all kinds (except the heavy guns, I haven't found any of those) and enough mixing and matching to keep anyone happy for a little demo of a game. Learning to use runes and the skill tree will also help you maximize your game in the demo.

Right now only the standard class is available, but rumors are saying that you may be able to play as more classes somehow.

Jul 15, 2008, 12:59 AM
Cool. Hopefully there's a Southpaw option. Primary's gotta be on LT or I'm in for a rough go of it to start. >_>

Jul 15, 2008, 01:02 AM
Controls and camera suck. It's more like Sonic (2006).

Jul 15, 2008, 01:10 AM
The controls are good. intuitive enough to pick it up, yet fresh enough to keep one interesting. The camera is fucking shit. Fucking PSO style camera control. Give me a goddamn motherfucking break, we're in fucking 2008 and we still can't come up with fucking decent camera control systems? The look of the game is not that very impressive. How long has this game been in production again? 4 years? The game doesn't even look as good as Halo 3 and Halo 3 is one of the lesser better looking games for the 360. The story seems okay, Norse mythology shit, something you hardly see these days in games which I'm pretty sure they've done a bang up job on judging from their developer diary vids.

But overall I'm disappointed in the game. I was looking forwards to it too when I first saw the trailer of this game with Bathesdar or whatever his name is fucking up some robot monster shit in some bar after he totally just mutilated some peeps.

Overall the game screams Mediocre, and considering the time in which they took to make this game it equals disappointment to me.

Jul 15, 2008, 01:32 AM
Pretty good. I can see the Diablo all over it.

That's all it reminded me off. Diablo. I felt no PSO in it, really.

Not meant for the weak gamer though. Pretty intense at times. I could see this being enjoyable with friends.

Jul 15, 2008, 01:33 AM
Controls and camera suck. It's more like Sonic (2006).

Nah, at times the camera can get a bit awkward but that happens in just about any action type game. The controls have a slight learning curve but its nothing ten minutes of playing won't solve.

The sonic 2006 comment just makes you sound like a troll. As that game was indeed utter garbage.

Too Human really is a lot of fun so far. The combat is pretty cool as it felt really natural dashing around and juggling enemies in the air. The customization factor is even much much deeper than psu's could ever dream. With 6 pieces of armor that can all be fitted with multiple runes. Plus spiders, ruiners, cybernetic or human upgrades and an extremely extensive loot drop system with online co op makes this one a really interesting title. Earl August I will be a Bio Engineer. Can't wait.

But Soul Calibur 4 will hold me over quite nicely thank you very much.

Jul 15, 2008, 01:46 AM
we have a few god-given psu-free days, enjoy them.
Fallout 3 anyone? How can you say no to teddy bear rocket launchers? OMFG I WANT TO RIP SOMEONES ARM OFF WITH A STUFFED BEAR

Jul 15, 2008, 03:18 AM
you can change the camera mode ac9, but it doesnt tell you for a while into the demo, but to be honest i as fine with the strandard set up, but it had like 5 camera options to suit everyone.

i agree with the graphics, sometimes they look pants, others they do look solid, and of course the story looks interesting.

I am probably going to buy it but ive got a feeling it wont be reviewed extremely higly.

Jul 15, 2008, 11:18 AM
It looks promising. I like Diablo and this does seem to have the feel. How interesting it is for me will depend on how many friends I can play with at one time. If I can only play with one friend that will be kind of a let down. If I can play with 2 or 3 then it would really peak my interest.

Jul 15, 2008, 12:34 PM
I got to play this as well. Quite interesting and it looks like it can get quite involved, quickly. Controls were unusual, but oddly natural at the same time. At least with this class you're able to choose, you can do a lot of Devil may Cry stuff with it. Like the class knockup and juggle with twin handguns stuff.

I also like how you can get quests for certain things you find and equip. Or more like activities to unlock their powers. Stuff like Kill 30 monsters with a RB button attack. Except you need to fill up your combo bar before you can use it. Definitely a game where I'll see people bragging about some super duper rare and awesome armor combo they put together. No doubt, I'll be envious.

The background story and way they do environments and zones is kind of awe inspiring. It's definitely directly Norse Mythology, but with a crazy sci-fi militant twist to it. In some ways, you feel like you're watching one of the stories, but you never expected to see them portrayed (looking like that). It's consistant, though.

The Fey also seem to be a nice integral part of the game. You're kind of exploring two worlds at the same time. (One might think of Raziel's stuff from Legacy of Kain) for this. Not a surprise, considering the developers.

Still, I had to laugh at how the Fey stuff seem to be related to Cyber-Worlds in this game. As I said. Let's take Norse Mythology and come up with Technological aspects of their existance.

Anyway, I split my time working the Phantasy Star Portable as well. Awesome Port, I have to say. Arc Systems had the know how to take PSU and make it run flawlessly on the PSP.

I remember someone mentioning about no free roam. However, you can still move around lobbies. They simply replaced them with quick and painless overhead representations of the same lobbies we know, and allow you to quick select through the hot-points of where we go to see and do things. (In story mode, various characters may be in the lobby where you can select their spot and it'll go to a first-person conversation with them.)

I also finally got the Adhoc over Xlink Kai down after a fustrating night of trying to find out that stuff. Thankfully, one of the japanese players was quite helpful in pointing me in the right direction even without the ability to speak a word of english.

Jul 15, 2008, 12:54 PM
Nah, at times the camera can get a bit awkward but that happens in just about any action type game. The controls have a slight learning curve but its nothing ten minutes of playing won't solve.

The sonic 2006 comment just makes you sound like a troll. As that game was indeed utter garbage.

Too Human really is a lot of fun so far. The combat is pretty cool as it felt really natural dashing around and juggling enemies in the air. The customization factor is even much much deeper than psu's could ever dream. With 6 pieces of armor that can all be fitted with multiple runes. Plus spiders, ruiners, cybernetic or human upgrades and an extremely extensive loot drop system with online co op makes this one a really interesting title. Earl August I will be a Bio Engineer. Can't wait.

But Soul Calibur 4 will hold me over quite nicely thank you very much.It was late, didn't feel like going much into detail. I didn't like Sonic 06 because of the controls and thats what I was comparing it to. I thought Sonic was decent just that tiny factor ruined it for me.

Since the majority of games I play the camera rotates with the right thumbstick I'm quite use to it. So naturally having the right thumbstick be the melee attack was bizarre to me and I didn't like it.

Yes I'll agree the customization is deep but most of the tree skill is locked in the demo. Or was all of it locked? Anyway, thats what I wanted to try out and I couldn't. I'm sure the actual game will be tons better, but the fact that its only 2 players online kinda makes me just wanna skip it. If the actual game ships with button mapping and Silicon Knights introduces more players in co-op through dl content or an expansion or whatever someday then I might consider trying it out again.

Jul 15, 2008, 12:59 PM
He swings slow and weird. Swing, pause, swing, pause. THATS NOT PSU or PSO.

Jul 15, 2008, 01:03 PM
I'm looking forward to the full game. Enjoyed the demo alot.

Jul 15, 2008, 01:48 PM
He swings slow and weird. Swing, pause, swing, pause. THATS NOT PSU or PSO.
Its actually a fast paced combat system... you just need to know how to use it

Jul 15, 2008, 02:21 PM
Its actually a fast paced combat system... you just need to know how to use it

Doesn't feel like PSU or PSO and maybe.....Diablo, but not sure.

Jul 15, 2008, 03:32 PM
Doesn't feel like PSU or PSO and maybe.....Diablo, but not sure.

Yeah but it's still not swing pause swing pause as you earlier stated.

It's more like Slide swing swing swing smash jump juggle swing swing land slide swing swing swing smash launch shoot shoot shoot. Repeat.

Jul 15, 2008, 03:35 PM
Its felt that way when swinging at thin air.

Jul 15, 2008, 03:41 PM
I dunno then I guess you should try swinging at the enemies then :P

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2008, 04:04 PM
Its felt that way when swinging at thin air.

Then you're doing it wrong; that's not the best way to kill enemies.

Killing AIR on the other hand... :roll:

Jul 15, 2008, 04:19 PM
The initial attacks are pretty fast. If you hold the direction button down toward the same enemy continuously it will go into a combo that does follow a pattern of hit, pause, hit, pause, and hit. If you repetitively tap it toward the same enemy it will be a quick combo. If you only have one enemy around the pause combo seems stronger, but if there are many enemies around the quick combo seems safer. If you tap to quick in the same direction you will knock the enemy up in the air. It seems pretty simple and fun. I could be wrong, but that is how I kind of went to battle with the demo. I barely used my guns. :D

Jul 15, 2008, 05:20 PM
The initial attacks are pretty fast. If you hold the direction button down toward the same enemy continuously it will go into a combo that does follow a pattern of hit, pause, hit, pause, and hit. If you repetitively tap it toward the same enemy it will be a quick combo. If you only have one enemy around the pause combo seems stronger, but if there are many enemies around the quick combo seems safer. If you tap to quick in the same direction you will knock the enemy up in the air. It seems pretty simple and fun. I could be wrong, but that is how I kind of went to battle with the demo. I barely used my guns. :D


Jul 15, 2008, 05:24 PM
This topic should be merged with mine to keep things tidy

Jul 15, 2008, 05:54 PM
no, you weren't. So far from it in fact it would seem as if you never even played it.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2008, 06:04 PM
Its felt that way when swinging at thin air.

Don't bother arguing this. >_>

Jul 15, 2008, 07:35 PM
I was moderately impressed with the demo. The drops all looked the same just different colors it was hard to tell when I got a weapon drop and I DONT like having to PAUSE THE GAME to select weapons. There should be a small weapon pallete for at least 2 or 3 weapons. I like the fast leveling and I like the level limit on equipment (like armor in PSO) The fighting is OK but pretty hard to get used to. The guns were really fun to shoot though. The customization is pretty deep and I like how it changes your appearance.

Jul 17, 2008, 02:37 PM
I haven't played the demo yet ( and I probably won't get a chance to before the games release ) but this game sounds interesting. If it reminds alot of you of PSO then it must be worth playing. I do have some reservations however.

I hope they get that AI right, because an uncontrollable camera can completely fuck over a good game.

I don't like 3D games where I can't control the camera. As Sword said, an uncontrollable camera can completely fuck over a good game.

I've been through the demo 5 times so far, and here's what I have to say about it.

Your level of enjoyment of this game will come from your willingness to adapt to a totally different control scheme. My first playthrough I was completely clueless as to what to do, and the controls page didn't help at all. But as I started experimenting I was able to uncover some advanced moves that helped my combat greatly. If you aren't willing to sit down and give the controls a good spin around you will not like the game.

Combat is fast but some may feel it is clumsy. Moving your right analog stick to attack is certainly a new way to approach combat. With little effort you will bounce around from enemy to enemy, racking up the kills. Guns are a little trickier. RT is primary fire, LT is secondary. Aim is with the right trigger, and you can get dual pistols to aim at two enemies at once but I can't quite figure out how to do it every time. There are often a lot of enemies on screen at once and whatever weapon you choose will allow you to dispatch of them quickly. Sometimes you'll have to play it safe, by going after an enemy that is launching rockets or a bigger enemy with a shield in order to take down the rest of the mob. Learning what target is priority is key for combat.

I'm also worried about the control scheme in this game. It does come naturally to me to use the the right analogue stick. It's one thing to use the right analogue stick for minor secondary commands like opening menus or centering a camera but to control all the action using the right stick, I don't like the sound of that.:-?

Jul 17, 2008, 09:38 PM
I haven't played the demo yet ( and I probably won't get a chance to before the games release ) but this game sounds interesting. If it reminds alot of you of PSO then it must be worth playing. I do have some reservations however.

I don't like 3D games where I can't control the camera. As Sword said, an uncontrollable camera can completely fuck over a good game.

I'm also worried about the control scheme in this game. It does come naturally to me to use the the right analogue stick. It's one thing to use the right analogue stick for minor secondary commands like opening menus or centering a camera but to control all the action using the right stick, I don't like the sound of that.:-?

See that's the thing, the camera isn't completely out of your control. As I played the demo I found out that you can use the Left Bumper to re-align the camera behind you. You can also use the up and down D-pad to adjust how close or far the camera will follow you. All of this really helps out in the long scheme of things.

The controls, while different, work brilliantly. I am one of the ones who found the control scheme for Killer7 perfectly acceptable and I manage to blow through that game like it is nothing. I think a lot of people are too used to control schemes being "the norm". It sounds strange on paper but in execution it works very well as long as you are willing to come to grips with the fact that this ain't your daddy's action game control scheme. Go into it with the most open mind you can, and the game doesn't give you much of a tutorial so download the demo and play through that a few times to give yourself the best possible experience with the controls.

Ever since my second playthrough i've been tearing through monsters effortlessly while collecting loot and keeping a rhythm.

Jul 18, 2008, 01:14 AM
I thought Too Human was FPS. If it's more like PSO then I'll give it a shot.

*runs off to d/l demo*

Jul 18, 2008, 11:30 AM
My first play through was actually easy, I picked up the controls in five minutes. I did'nt die once, and when I got to rooms with large groups of enemies, I was air-juggling them and then shooting them with my guns(I'd knock them into the air, and while they were in the air I'd unload on them for extra damage, and shooting them in the air held them there for abit longer).

I'd initiate combat with my rifle or dual pistols(preferably the rifle, since it has an under-grenade launcher for crowd control), and as I got in close I'd immediately go into melee combat, knocking enemies all over the place like Kung Fu Hustle, when I got some breathing room, I'd bust out the rifle again, blow off a grenade or two, unload on anything near me that was near death, and repeat.

When there were enemies shooting missiles from a distance, I'd merely work my way through the initial crowd, then vault the distance shooters into the air and keep them busy while I took them out.

In the rooms that have count-down timers(kill all the enemies before the time limit), I succeeded in all of them on my first try. The controls in this game take alittle bit of getting used to, but I thought it was ALOT better than repeatedly tapping a single attack button; because I've been doing that shit FOREVER and this was a welcome change. I merely tap toward an enemy and I slide my ass over to him and start attacking, and most often I'd slide from enemy to enemy, making sure to keep as many juggled as possible.

Get your combo meter up, then get in the thick of all the enemies and unleash your Ruiner on them, then if you have it unlocked, set down your spider ability(I got the chain-gun turret for my play through).

The ogres were a good fight, knocking bits of them off to expose weakpoints to take them down. It was a good change, made you think abit more than merely unloading everything you had on them(and unloading everything you have isn't a bad thing, mind you).

All in all, good game. My only concern is; how long will the singleplayer be and will is hold enough interest to play it co-op numerous times with friends in order to level up, etc. Diablo 2 and so on were fun being played over and over, because you could relish in the hell you were bringing down on all the enemies(nothing made me happier than seeing my foes burst apart and drop shinies).

Jul 18, 2008, 09:30 PM
Ok I played the demo, and the camera controls are God-awful. What kind of ignoramus idioticus would assign camera AND attack to the same frickin stick?? What a totally retarded concept! Silicon Knights brings shame to Canadians.

Please, someone fix them or I'm gonna kill a cat!

Jul 19, 2008, 12:31 AM
Ok I played the demo, and the camera controls are God-awful. What kind of ignoramus idioticus would assign camera AND attack to the same frickin stick?? What a totally retarded concept! Silicon Knights brings shame to Canadians.

Please, someone fix them or I'm gonna kill a cat!

Again, it seems like there is a misunderstanding. You don't control the camera.

Jul 19, 2008, 10:10 AM
Ok I played the demo, and the camera controls are God-awful. What kind of ignoramus idioticus would assign camera AND attack to the same frickin stick?? What a totally retarded concept! Silicon Knights brings shame to Canadians.

Please, someone fix them or I'm gonna kill a cat!The camera can't be controlled at all, it's just attacking that's on the left analog.

Jul 19, 2008, 11:11 AM
I set my camera to Iso the entire time, it worked out VERY well. Always had a clear view of the battlefield, always knew what was coming at me and from what direction.

For the gripes with having to go see what loot dropped after every fight...I thought games like this had the loot drops as a means of continueing ones vigor. I like nothing more than killing a room full of nasties, only to check the spoils afterward. Atleast in TH, we have the option of immediately salvaging the trash and getting bounty for it, as opposed to Diablo 2 where you had to lug your loot back to town and sell it off or bank it for later.

Everytime you pick up a peice of equipment, you get a notice on the left side of the screen, shows you the icon(so you can see what peice of armor or weapon it was), aswell as it's name.

I do like the damage read-out on the right side of the screen, helps me figure out how much health something has. Hit something, you instantly see your damage, and can refer to it's healthbar at the bottom of the screen.

Multiple classes means the game will atleast give you the option of replay value; but I have to say the limit of two player co-op sort of limits it. Would have been nice to have even atleast three player co-op, could have rounded out your team abit better with just that one extra person. Ah well.

Jul 19, 2008, 11:17 AM
Again, it seems like there is a misunderstanding. You don't control the camera.

The camera definitely moves with the right stick, unintentional or not. However this is a third person action game and a 360 degrees control of the camera is essential for the success of its gameplay. Even PSU has free camera control.

Jul 19, 2008, 01:38 PM
You only have to tap the R-bumper I beleive to put the camera BEHIND you, we did it all through the PSO days; it should be second nature for people to readjust their camera if need be.

PSU also has it's attacks mapped to the face buttons, not the right stick; thus hard to compare the two. Attacking is pretty fluid with the right stick anyway, you'll get used to it. If I can pick it right up after five minutes I'm pretty sure any monkey can.

Jul 19, 2008, 09:09 PM
You only have to tap the R-bumper I beleive to put the camera BEHIND you, we did it all through the PSO days; it should be second nature for people to readjust their camera if need be.

PSU also has it's attacks mapped to the face buttons, not the right stick; thus hard to compare the two. Attacking is pretty fluid with the right stick anyway, you'll get used to it. If I can pick it right up after five minutes I'm pretty sure any monkey can.

I don't mind attacking with the right stick, but I just want to be able to look to my left and right while running to check for enemies/hidden doors/item boxes... without having to stop, face x direction, and tap a button to check, then repeat for all other directions. Games have evolved, so let's not be generous in criticizing this game where criticism is due. It was/is hyped up to be a huge title after all, so it needs to deliver.

Jul 19, 2008, 09:54 PM
The camera definitely moves with the right stick, unintentional or not. However this is a third person action game and a 360 degrees control of the camera is essential for the success of its gameplay. Even PSU has free camera control.

Except that when you move PSU's camera it zooms in on you, which is really freaking irritating. Too Human has a few different camera options from what I understand, so try them all out before you abandon the game.

Jul 19, 2008, 10:38 PM
The camera definitely moves with the right stick, unintentional or not. However this is a third person action game and a 360 degrees control of the camera is essential for the success of its gameplay. Even PSU has free camera control.

God of War disagrees!
Besides there are much easier and better things to hate about Too Human than it's annoying camera.

Jul 31, 2008, 04:53 PM
Too Human has gone gold at last! Details in the OP.

According to EBGames.com, Too Human's presales are currently beating the actual sales of Soul Caliber 4, among other titles. The only title on top of it right now is the Fable II limited edition. Those sales numbers are pretty impressive.

Aug 1, 2008, 12:52 AM
The demo was fun and I'm looking forward to this one. Controls seem a nice mix of Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter, the latter of which uses the right analog stick for melee attacks in a very similar fashion. I'm surprised no one's mentioned the similarity to MH yet, but I keep forgetting I'm one of 12 people who's ever played that game outside of Japan.

I agree with Abdur that 3 players should've been the magic number. But I can see how any more than that would be too chaotic.

I'm disappointed by how they decided to depict Freya, but I'll reserve full judgment until I see the rest of the story.

Aug 8, 2008, 02:40 PM
The first review is out! Check the OP for details.