View Full Version : Shoes

Jul 15, 2008, 06:46 PM
Alright, perhaps it's just where I live. But for fucks sake, what is it with people and their shoes? I love it when you get some guy who spends 200$ dollars on a new pair of Jordans and acts like if he so much as steps on dirt, the world will come to a bloody holocaust. Poeple, shoes were invented to PROTECT your feet. Not the other way around, get it through your head. Okay sure, I have some pretty decently nice shoes (Nike shox+ 100$ shoes) and I'll steer around a mud puddle if it looks too deep as to save me the pain of cleaning that crap off my feet. But if there's a few flecks of dirt on them, why should I care? But there's a limit. Let's take an excerpt from my math class last year.

Teacher:Why are you walking like that...? You look like a penguin.
*He said, referring to the fact that one of the students practically waddled around, never bending his toes*
Idiot A:Penguin? It's so I don't crease my shoes, dummy. You know how much these cost?

Are you fucking KIDDING? It's okay to take precautions in order to look nice, there's no shame in that. But if it's to the point where you waddle around in order to avoid a crease in your fucking shoes then you need someone to knock some sense into you. Shoes are meant for walking on the ground. There's dirt on the ground. So if you find a smudge on your 200$ sneakers then don't blow a blood vessel.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2008, 06:57 PM
I'd never spend more than $100 on shoes. >_>

The most that's been spent on my shoes was $60, and those wer Sneaux shoes.

Damn worth it too, lasted longer than any other pair of shoes I've gotten. (Though I do need new ones. x: )

Jul 15, 2008, 07:04 PM
This is why I get work/hiking boots. I don't care if they get dirt, mud, etc on them. Hell, I used to wear work boots in P.E.
I agree with you. People who act like if their shoes get ruined it is the end of the world are idiots. They need to get a grip on what is really important.

Idiot: Aw shi-! I got dirt on my shoes!
Alex: Yes, heaven forbid you get dirt on shoes that are worth more than the material used to make them. Why not put them in a display case at home so catastrophies like this never happen?

Jul 15, 2008, 07:58 PM
Shit, I've never spent more than $30 on shoes.

And even then I grudgingly do so.

Jul 15, 2008, 08:03 PM
Some people like spending tons of money on clothes, and other people like spending tons on video games. You're not any different. Sorry.

Jul 15, 2008, 08:09 PM
Some people like spending tons of money on clothes, and other people like spending tons on video games. You're not any different. Sorry.

But the people who spend money on videogames don't let them sit in the box out of fear of getting a dust speck on the disc.

Jul 15, 2008, 08:31 PM
Some people like spending tons of money on clothes, and other people like spending tons on video games. You're not any different. Sorry.

....? Way to miss the point of the topic. The primary focus of this topic is how ridiculously cautious people are about their shoes.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2008, 08:39 PM
Some people like spending tons of money on clothes, and other people like spending tons on video games. You're not any different. Sorry.

ITT: Missing the point.

Jul 15, 2008, 08:49 PM
The only shoes I try to avoid getting dirty are ones specifically bought for a special occasion, i.e. really nice golden slippers for a graduation ceremony.

lasted longer than any other pair of shoes I've gotten.

I find this to be a better reason to spend lots of money on shoes than just to look nice. I want my shoes to be able to walk through dirt, mud, and a tar pit and still be fine, damn it! >:U

Jul 15, 2008, 08:54 PM
Some people like spending tons of money on clothes, and other people like spending tons on video games. You're not any different. Sorry.

Pretty much.
To certain people, shoes are a big part of lookin' stylish. And no one likes a dirty pair of kicks.
Now the dude waddlin' around so he doesn't crease his shoes, theres a remedy for that, but I won't post cause I doubt anyone would appreciate it.

Jul 15, 2008, 09:25 PM
If someone wasn't careful with one of your precious games, I bet you'd freak out too.
No, I didn't miss the point. You did.
You're the same as him, just in a different circumstance.

Spoilers: We're all ridiculously materialistic in some way or another.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2008, 09:34 PM
If I were to spend $200 dollars on a pair of shoes, they better have anti gravity, added reflexes and a Whopper maker in the sole.

Jul 15, 2008, 09:36 PM
My issues with shoes is that's it's incredibly difficult for me to find a size 16 in anything (let alone my soccer cleats. I have to special order those).

Jul 15, 2008, 09:41 PM

The only shoe you'll ever need, because it goes with pretty much everything.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2008, 09:48 PM
Ew, low cut. >_> Thoe don't look very durable.


These are amazing. I got these in November, and they are only now screwing up on me.

Jul 15, 2008, 09:52 PM
My shoes;


Jul 15, 2008, 09:53 PM
Such ridiculous prices people pay. My shoes cost $20 and last me at least a year a pair, straight black with no logos, so they go with just about anything I wear.

Jul 15, 2008, 09:55 PM
Converse are pretty durable, even made from canvas some people have been able to keep them for 25+ years.

Jul 15, 2008, 10:24 PM
I prefer New Balance. Their shoes look good, and are durable, comfortable, and well-priced. I also occasionally get a pair of black Vans, as they are even more comfortable, although I feel sort of stupid if I'm wearing huge skateboarding shoes.

EDIT: Even though I don't too much for my shoes, I fly into a seething rage if I step in something like gum or dog shit...especially the latter. At least gum doesn't make you gag when you try to scrape it off. :disapprove:

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2008, 10:33 PM
I forgot to add, my shoes sound like boots. >_> In other words, it took me a month to learn to walk quietly in them.

I naturally walk quietly and smoothly, but I had to learn how to do it in those. Totally worth it. :)

Jul 15, 2008, 11:10 PM
Yeah, I agree, I hate it how people obsess over shoes. Although what I like is that if they do obsess about their shoes, I know their weakness if they do anything to piss me off, I just step on some mud and then step on their shoes, that'll be a nice act of revenge if they piss me off, I actually did that one time in middle school, and he wasn't with his friends so he couldn't do anything beat me up. >=)

Jul 15, 2008, 11:50 PM
If someone wasn't careful with one of your precious games, I bet you'd freak out too.
No, I didn't miss the point. You did.
You're the same as him, just in a different circumstance.

Spoilers: We're all ridiculously materialistic in some way or another.

No ones arguing materialistic nature, we find humor in the fact people will spend so much money on something and not even use it for the main (menial) reason it was purposed for.

Its like those people who hang "for looks" wash cloths by their sink - when they really don't want you to dry your hands on them.

Spending that much on shoes is just dumb. Spending that much and then hardly using them is even dumber. Like buying a thirty thousand dollar sports car and always keeping it locked in your garage, never driving it, out of fear of scratching the paint.

Materialism != consumer stupidity

Jul 16, 2008, 12:10 AM
No, whats dumb is that you're calling other people dumb just because you don't understand why they're so into shoes.
Just like Ephek said, people are materialistic/nerdy for anything. Sneaker heads DO actually wear their shoes, contrary to what you might believe. They don't just keep them in a box and stare at them. They just don't like their shoes to get fucked up. Just like no one wants a suit to get stained, or a watch to get cracked.
You might thinking spending upwards of $100 on shoes are dumb, but they same people who do that, might think spending a few stacks on a PC graphics chip is also dumb, or spending a few thousand dollars on a limited edition toy, or spending $500 on a warhammer 40k army, or whatever fucking hobby people have. Different strokes for different people, don't be so ignorant.

Jul 16, 2008, 12:15 AM
Just like Ephek said, people are materialistic/nerdy for anything. Sneaker heads DO actually wear their shoes, contrary to what you might believe. They don't just keep them in a box and stare at them.

I was using the examples stated by people previously, obviously not everyone acts like that, dur.

Quit being so ignorant about my alleged ignorance.

I still think spending a ton on shoes is dumb, but eh *shrug*, like you said, to each their own.

Jul 16, 2008, 01:45 AM
Once again, people are mentioning price. The issue here is going to such ridiculous lengths to protect something that's meant for protecting. As for your comparison to video games. No...I'm nothing like him in different circumstances. And I find it funny how you naturally assume that I am, despite knowing nothing about me. Assumptions FTL

The bottom line.
Shoes are meant to protect your feet, there's dirt on the ground. It's inevitable that dirts going to get on them at one point or another. Fine if you want to walk around a mud puddle or clean them whenever you feel compelled, but if you're going to freak out about walking through sand because it'll get on the bottom of your shoes, then you have no idea what shoes are invented for. The point I was making is that it's ridiculous to have so much apprehension about using things for the reason they were bought for, and comparing it to an apparent obsession with video games I have; of which I haven't the foggiest idea of how you came to assume. Doesn't even help your case. My interest in video games is nothing to that caliber. If someone leaves a disk outside it's case on top of the Xbox, because they're too lazy to go get the case, then yes. That'd be a problem because it's just plain negligence as far as maintaining any optical media goes. Because that means it could easily get lost, broken or damaged. And this isn't even a matter of opinion, it's due to the generally fragile nature of optical media. I still use the disc for it's purposes, It's not like I pop open the disc tray, take a microscope to it and check for scratches. But it's common sense not to leave your stuff lying about, especially when you've been provided a protective case upon purchase for the sole purposes of avoiding just that. If THAT'S being overly cautious and materialistic, then I'd love to see how you take care of whatever discs you buy. None of what I've mentioned is unnecessary, it's completely required to maintain a disc of any type. If someone didn't bother to put a disc in it's case, then that falls into negligence, not obsession. I think what needs to be done is the clear definition of interest and obsession

Obsession: To dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally

Interest: The feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something

What I do is a bare minimum precaution-- that if neglected has a very high chance of resulting in an adverse effect. You seem to not realize the difference of magnitude of interest (As "obsession" is just an extreme form of the word interest, they can be put to the same definition, but to different magnitudes) putting something in a case to prevent losing/damaging it (Of which requires a minimal amount of energy at that) as opposed to people who cling to concrete for dear life like so much as looking at a patch of grass/dirt will turn their world upsidedown. When precautions taken in ANY interest become an unneeded task, that borders obsession. Shoes were invented to make such tasks as walking on unaccommodating surfaces easier (No sharp sticks poking the hell out of your feet) while sure, shoes have become a blend of both aesthetics and functionality these days, however when aesthetics manages to far outweigh functionality you've come to the point where you've defeated the purpose to begin with

Jul 16, 2008, 02:03 AM
Shit, I've never spent more than $30 on shoes.

And even then I grudgingly do so.

lol sandals ?

Nitro Vordex
Jul 16, 2008, 02:34 AM
*long post*
In short, don't bitch about what happens to something when it's meant to protect or do something related to that something.

Jul 16, 2008, 02:51 AM
I guess it's nice to know when trying to escape from "rich" thugs. Just run in a forest and climb up a tree. Safe as can be. ;)

I love seeing people beg for change when they are wearing those shiney new Nikes, giving the excuse that they are "poor" and need "food". Also like seeing $200k+ cars parked outside of houses that looks practically abandoned.
People invest too much of thier money in accessories rather then nessessities. They think the world will just give them what they need, but what they need to do is grow up and just spend $20 on shoes and save the other $180 for food for thier families.

I buy my $60 games knowing I have at least $200 somewhere else to use for nessessities. I do try to take care of my games, but I do play them too. I'd never get something so expensive just to not use it for the purpose it was designed for. Like buying a house and not living in it, buying a car and not driving it, it's just stupid and wastful.

Jul 16, 2008, 05:53 AM
If someone wasn't careful with one of your precious games, I bet you'd freak out too I wouldnt freak out cuz im the only one that handles my games

Jul 16, 2008, 07:19 AM
Wow people even moan about the soles of their shoes getting dirty? Thats just daft lol.

I must admit I get a bit pissed off if I've got some new shoes on and they get dirty (especialy if they are white the dirt just sticks out and if its canvas its hard to clean off sometimes) but I don't go to such insane lengths as that (my soles are actualy wearing through atm, but the shoes i was looking for were only in either 1 size too big or too small for me lol)

(btw. I dont see the point of paying loads for shoes myself but hell if some people want to waste money let them)

Jul 16, 2008, 07:57 AM

I'm sorry, had to be done. >_>

Anyways, I normally get black shoes, so I never notice when the shoes get dirty. ^_^ I do get frustrated when I step in dog poop, but I think that's something everybody does, whether you like your shoes or not. It's very smelly. x.x

My shoes generally fall apart after about a year anyways. I don't know why, but they do. I don't really freak out over it much either. I just buy some new shoes.

Jul 16, 2008, 09:47 AM
Some shoes look so much cooler when they're... wrecked.
Take Dunlops, for example. White-green Dunlops look fantastic when they're dirty and ruined, for some reason.
Converse, too. The older they are, the better they become! I'm wearing a new pair right now, but they're just too... shiny.
Seriously, though, I care about what type of shoes I buy, probably because I'm a teenager. Everything that can make a difference will make a difference :wacko:

Jul 16, 2008, 12:12 PM
Some people like spending tons of money on clothes, and other people like spending tons on video games. You're not any different. Sorry.

I think why this statement is uneeded is because, spending $200 on shoes, is as i imagine, to look damn good, I have no problem with people wanting to look good. Walking like a fucking penguin, thats retarded, and is really ironic as he would look far better wearing ordinary sneakers than wearing new ones but walking retarded.

thats why people said you missed the point.

Jul 16, 2008, 12:24 PM
I tend to be an ass with my friends that are like that by stepping on their feet with my nice, heavy $15 boots. I can understand their desire to take care of their investment, but taking it to the point where they freak out if there is some slight alteration due to normal use is going too far.