View Full Version : Maybe it's just me but I think it's kinda of morbid to...

Jul 19, 2008, 08:18 PM
factor the death an actor into boosted sales revenue for a movie. All the reviews I read for the Dark Knight, all of them, mention Health Ledger's death as a major factor of success for the movie.

I mean it certainly is true that his death does play a factor in the movie's success, it's just to treat his death as if it were good fortune for the movie is something I can do without.

Whatever they mentioned that as a notion of the fans' respect for the late actor I can't discern. It doesn't seem like it though, it's almost of the marketing reps are indifferent to his death. That bothers me for some reason.

Jul 19, 2008, 08:26 PM
As a whole... people are too indifferent sometimes.

Jul 19, 2008, 10:34 PM
The Dark Knight was good.

The Joker did that lip thing often. :disapprove:

&He always wanted to tell them how his face got messed up too often. =/

Jul 19, 2008, 10:51 PM
Jack Nicholson was still a better Joker imo, though I do prefer the way that joker worked, very clean cut, right to point even if he was throwing really bad jokes at you.

From what I've heard Heath Ledger is getting the Best Male actor Award this year for the Joker, mainly because of his death... So what this means is no matter how well anyone else acts this year, Heath Ledger is getting the award... I have other issues over the mourning of this actor, but I won't go into detail about that.

Yes, I am very jaded towards movies, it just kind of comes with the territory of my work...

Jul 19, 2008, 11:04 PM
&He always wanted to tell them how his face got messed up too often. =/

He only really told the story twice. And it was different each time to show how deranged he really is.
Its just like in the graphic novel "The Killing Joke" how The Joker says he remembers his past one way, and sometimes he remembers it another.
The guy just isn't right in the head.

Jul 19, 2008, 11:31 PM
Jack Nicholson was still a better Joker imo, though I do prefer the way that joker worked, very clean cut, right to point even if he was throwing really bad jokes at you.

But... but... the... he's mega-crazy. Are you confusing the Joker with the Riddler?

(As in, the Joker being clean-cut and smooth is not very Jokerish)
(Then again, I guess it depends on who happens to be writing the character)

Jul 19, 2008, 11:34 PM
No, the original Joker from Batman the Animated series, the one Jack Nicholson played in Tim Burton's Batman from 1989 is who I am thinking of. Though I will admit Jim Carrey did do a good Riddler >.>

Jul 20, 2008, 01:49 AM
Heath Ledger was fucking brilliant as the joker and I personally feel he stole the show and would have won an oscar regardless. I'm not surprised the doods from marketing are trying to use his death to their benefit, it's the world we've made. I also find it to be in bad tastes but no use crying and worrying over something like this.

Jul 20, 2008, 03:31 AM
Deep down, I think we all knew it was going turn out this way, That Heath Ledger's death would over shadow the film. Alot of fellow pso posters said as much in the 'Heath Ledger's passed away' topic a few months ago.

For me, all the Oscar talk has been particualarly hard to sit through. As AC9breaker said, Ledger's performance as the Joker was soo briliant that he should have won an Oscar regardless of whether he died or not, but in reality Action/Fantasy movies like Dark Knight arn't usually associated with Best Actor Academy Awards. I now feel that if Ledger gets the nomination ( let alone wins the award ) it will be for the wrong reasons, not beacuse the Academy acknowledges his performance but because of public outcry from all his fans.

Jul 20, 2008, 11:25 AM
People aren't desensitized to this profiteering yet?

Jul 20, 2008, 11:31 AM
:roll: It's expected. The guy's an (or was an) awesome actor, but he'll get a ton of rewards at the Golden Globes and Oscars that he wouldn't have gotten if he was alive. Most people vote at those things to make a statement, and that's just how it is. I also think they are using it as "good fortune," which is indeed pretty silly.

Jul 20, 2008, 01:20 PM
Nothing sells more than death.