View Full Version : What's your favorite plot twist(s) in a game?(may contain spoilers)

Jul 19, 2008, 08:47 PM
Twist, as in unexpected moments.

Here's some of of mines:

Super Mario RPG- When Bowser joins Mario on his quest. Easily my most memorable one.

Silent Hill 2- Late in the game you actually find out it's James that killed his wife. :D

Goldeneye N64- when Janus, aka 006 betrays you(I played that game before seeing the movie)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- You find out the story isn't over and the Inverted Castle appears. You've only beat 50% of the game at that point.

Chrono Cross: You become Lynx!

Jak 3: At the end of the game, you find out the Precursors are really Otsels.

I'll add more late on.

Jul 19, 2008, 08:58 PM
Silent Hill 2- Late in the game you actually find out it's James that killed his wife. :grin:
SH2 had kind of boring gameplay, but I thought the story was awesome.

Um... I can't think of anything. :lol:

Jul 19, 2008, 09:02 PM
Yeah, SH2 's story is awesome, but the game was too damn easy, even on Hard mode.

Jul 19, 2008, 09:02 PM
Jade Empire were you master turns out to be the man who attacked and killed all the spirit monks at your temple and stole you away.

Jul 19, 2008, 09:05 PM
Baten Kaitos-When Kalas (main character, even) completely betrays everyone else, and aids in the ressurection of Malpercio

That is one I didn't see coming in a million years.

Jul 19, 2008, 09:14 PM
To cover spoilers in a spoiler blank you use [spoiler] [spoiler] , it's also next to the spoiler box button in the top right hand portion in advanced editor mode.

Jul 19, 2008, 09:17 PM
To cover spoilers in a spoiler blank you use , it's also next to the spoiler box button in the top right hand portion in advanced editor mode.

Ahh, ok. I figured it out now, thanks for your help.

Jul 19, 2008, 09:47 PM
Baten Kaitos-When Kalas (main character, even) completely betrays everyone else, and aids in the ressurection of Malpercio

That is one I didn't see coming in a million years.

That's mine as well.

Jul 19, 2008, 11:01 PM
The ending of Shadow Hearts Covenant - Karin is actually your mother ? Or not ? Maybe ? WHAT?!

Jul 19, 2008, 11:10 PM
Xenogears. practically too many GREAT plot twists to even list them. :lol:

Jul 19, 2008, 11:13 PM
My absolute favorite ones are...

Wild ARMs 5 - When you learn that Avril is actually an extremely powerful racist who wants to wipe out all of mankind, and can only be stopped that by the person she loves (Dean, the main character) over and over again, as she repeats time for the rest of eternity (with her mind being erased EACH time in the process) in order to maintain universal balance. That's some deep shit for a game that seemed so happy in the beginning. T_T

Disgaea 2 - Not much of a big twist, as you can see it coming, but when we learn that Rozalin is actually the true Overlord Zenon. That's pretty badass in my opinion.

The Legend of Dragoon - When you beat the game and realize that you actually played through 4 discs of 20 hours (that's 80 hours of gameplay total, folks), a.k.a realize that you have no life like I do. T_T

Jul 19, 2008, 11:30 PM
That's mine as well.

Haha I was going to mention that one too.

Jul 19, 2008, 11:50 PM
It was just so...wow.

It was a true, out of the blue plot twist.

Jul 20, 2008, 12:37 AM
No More Heroes: Sylvia is a brilliant con artist. She's married to Henry. Dark Star is Travis' father?! Just kidding. Jeane is totally his sister though. Travis and Henry are brothers?!

I realize that most of those are meant ironically, but that didn't make them any less AWESOME. :wacko:

Jul 20, 2008, 09:06 PM
Xenogears. practically too many GREAT plot twists to even list them. :lol:

Xeongears - When you find out Fei and Id are one and the same.

Jul 20, 2008, 10:15 PM
Star Ocean 3: Til the End of Time - You find out that Fayt and co. are just characters in a video game. Kinda lame, but it shocked me. I love the semi-fourth-wall-breaking of that, especially with the head of the Dragon warriors in the after Clear-Game dungeon.

Jul 21, 2008, 12:03 AM
Mine was when FFII: When palom & polum cast stone to save cecil and company from being crushed only for Kain to turn around and trad on us

Jul 21, 2008, 12:36 AM
For me its between Einhander and Armored Core 2.

In Einhander you make it to the end and instead of being greeted by a welcoming party your greeted by gunfire from your own people.

Armored Core 2, The Alliance mount an attack on Leos Klein after instigating an insurrection to take over the Mars government, you airdropped on a sky fortress with several other ravens and you literally free fall for a good minute or two while dodging enemy fire and taking on enemy fighter jets. It was such an epic battle.

Jul 21, 2008, 06:22 AM
Here are a few of mine:

Metal Gear Solid -When Snake gets captured and reveals that Big Boss was actually his father. Actually metal Gear had alot of great plot twists, Grey Fox, Naomi implanting Fox Die into Snake and the fact that Meryl could actually die in the game.

Final Fantasy VII -The moment when we realise that Cloud was never actually in Soldier and that he was telling 'his' story as if he thought he was Zack. This plot twist really pays off when it was revealed that Cloud was apart of Shinra's millitary and that he was in Nibelenhum during Sephiroth's mental breakdown. It was also cute the way he was always by Tifa's side protecting her even though she never knew it was him.

Xenogears -Where do I begin? It's all amazing.

Chrono Trigger -Magus' back story. Not really a massive spoiler but it was great the way the game plays him up as some major villain for half the game and then you later get to know more about him, why he turned out the way he did and what his true goal was.

Jul 21, 2008, 07:13 AM
I would have to say:

Super Mario Bros: Your princess is in another castle.

:wacko: OK, to actually be serious, I would have to say

Kingdom Hearts: There is a force that is more powerful then even Malificient

Jul 21, 2008, 08:55 AM
Here are a few of mine:

Metal Gear Solid -When Snake gets captured and reveals that Big Boss was actually his father. Actually metal Gear had alot of great plot twists, Grey Fox, Naomi implanting Fox Die into Snake and the fact that Meryl could actually die in the game.
Technically, the correct ending to the game, as was announced just prior to Metal Gear Solid 2's release, was when you escape with Otacon, not with Meryl. This is really interesting, because both characters do escape, but you just determine which one is with Snake at the time.

...So not only does Snake escape with Otacon, but Meryl lives otherwise, as well.

Jul 21, 2008, 10:19 AM
Xenogears. practically too many GREAT plot twists to even list them. :lol:

oh ya and Phantasy Star IV's plot twists. that was the first PS game I played. :)

Jul 21, 2008, 10:49 AM
Metal Gear Solid - Technically, the correct ending to the game, as was announced just prior to Metal Gear Solid 2's release, was when you escape with Otacon, not with Meryl. This is really interesting, because both characters do escape, but you just determine which one is with Snake at the time.

...So not only does Snake escape with Otacon, but Meryl lives otherwise, as well.
Meryl definitely dies if you escape with Otacon, there is even a scene where Snake finds her body...

Otacon escapes either way, because the nuclear strike is called off. Meryls ending is the accepted one though, since that is the only way both characters could still be alive in later games

Jul 21, 2008, 11:18 AM
My two favorites:

Tales of Phantasia - Realizing Dhaos' true ambitions after defeating him at the end of the game. To think that all of his wars on Aselia were nothing more than his attempt to protect the Yggdrasil tree so he could save his planet....doesn't justify his means, but I sat and thought about that for days after beating the game.

Tales of the Abyss - Just figuring out what Van had planned all along, and when you find out how he and Sync survived falling into the core of Auldrant. I also thought it was a neat twist that once the Outer Lands are lowered into the Qliphoth, Van and co. simply try to revert the Qliphoth into what it once was, making all the party's attempts to save Auldrant futile. Van is definitely one of the most interesting villians in any video game, right up there with Dhaos.

Jul 21, 2008, 01:46 PM
I really liked the twist in bioshock, even though i'm sure most people other than me noticed it coming, it's just that i really believed in atlas and was genuinely sad when he turned out to be fontaine all along.

Aside from that my favourite moment waswhen andrew ryan made you kill him to prove to you that he is a man and you are a slave

Jul 21, 2008, 01:47 PM
Final Fantasy VII -The moment when we realise that Cloud was never actually in Soldier and that he was telling 'his' story as if he thought he was Zack. This plot twist really pays off when it was revealed that Cloud was apart of Shinra's millitary and that he was in Nibelenhum during Sephiroth's mental breakdown. It was also cute the way he was always by Tifa's side protecting her even though she never knew it was him.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that one about Cloud. It's been awhile since I played FF7.

Jul 21, 2008, 02:36 PM
Chrono Cross: You become Lynx!


Disgaea 2 - Not much of a big twist, as you can see it coming, but when we learn that Rozalin is actually the true Overlord Zenon. That's pretty badass in my opinion.


Star Ocean 3: Til the End of Time - You find out that Fayt and co. are just characters in a video game. Kinda lame, but it shocked me. I love the semi-fourth-wall-breaking of that, especially with the head of the Dragon warriors in the after Clear-Game dungeon.

And more yes...

Jul 21, 2008, 04:42 PM
Chrono Cross - When you find out Kid is the reincarnation of Schala.

Someone told me that Serge is also the reincarnation of Magus
but I don't remember seeing that when I played through it. Is that

Jul 21, 2008, 06:54 PM
Phoenix Wright: Justice For All- Finding out Ini Miney was Mimi Miney. That was my first Phoenix Wright game, so I hadn't really come to expect extraordinary things like that, and I never saw it coming. I even guessed wrong when it asked me who Ini really was (which makes me cringe looking back on it, the answer's never that obvious >.<). Unfortunately, 2-4 was half spoiled for me; I knew Matt was the killer, but I didn't know which way I had to pick. I just picked kill Maya, cuz by then I'd learned that things normally turn out good in that game.

Jul 21, 2008, 07:11 PM
metal gear solid 2- not playing as snake

still, i say it is snake's story, and it was his character that was fun to watch develop. raiden was your typical kid that nobody cares about

Jul 21, 2008, 07:14 PM
Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright-Trials & Tribulations- Last case, Dahlia & Iris are twins and related to the Fey family, Iris had been dating Phoenix Wright the whole time, except for when she was in court aaaaand
Godot is the killer. ;_;

I screamed "Nooooooo!" at the last one.

Jul 21, 2008, 07:58 PM
Technically, the correct ending to the game, as was announced just prior to Metal Gear Solid 2's release, was when you escape with Otacon, not with Meryl. This is really interesting, because both characters do escape, but you just determine which one is with Snake at the time.

...So not only does Snake escape with Otacon, but Meryl lives otherwise, as well.
Kojima said the canon ending was when you save meryl, and it makes complete sense because not only do both characters make it out in that ending, they also both appear in MGS4, alive, and in major roles. So I don't know where you heard that but it's totally false and doesn't make sense. And you're ugly.

Jul 21, 2008, 09:31 PM
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Big boss is dead. No wait, hes alive! But aww Liquid killed him. No wait, hes alive! And he doesn't even want to fight! Hes being nice and explain-ohshit wait he really died now.

I'm sure that messed with the minds of SO MANY fans.

There are plenty, plenty more. Since I love plot twists in games, but, being a big fan of the series, that has got to be one of the most memorable ones for me.

Jul 22, 2008, 01:42 AM
Bridget is a guy

Jul 22, 2008, 02:13 AM
Star Ocean 3: Til the End of Time - You find out that Fayt and co. are just characters in a video game. Kinda lame, but it shocked me. I love the semi-fourth-wall-breaking of that, especially with the head of the Dragon warriors in the after Clear-Game dungeon.


Completely ruined the game and the rest of the series for me.

Jul 22, 2008, 02:39 AM
Breakdown (For the original xbox):About halfway through the game, you think you have died, but in actuality, the entirety of the game until that point was a digital recreation of your own memories. You health and power meters were even a part of the simulation (1st time I have ever heard of the HUD fucking with you lol). Random scenes where everything went really crazy and seemed like you were hallucinating? Those were parts of your memories that you either didn't remember or were not accessible by the machine you were hooked up to. You basically wake up X amount of years in the future, because the moment of your "death" a nuclear explosion reacted with the substance flowing within you called "T'langen", which in turn sent you into the future. My jaw hit the floor at this point in the game, which is awesome because it was right after part 1 of my favorite boss fight in any game ever.

PLEASE someone say they have played this amazingly under appreciated game.

Jul 22, 2008, 03:21 PM
Bridget is a guy

*Pumps life back into the rofl coppter..*

yeah i have to say that one did through me into a loop..

But you have to admit.. once you read the bio's off all the other charecters in the game.. how the heck could it really be a surprise???

I see your point.. it is still rather surprising.. there's something twisted in the world of Guilty Gear..

Jul 22, 2008, 03:47 PM
All of MGS2.

Jul 22, 2008, 07:28 PM
Eternal Sonata had a couple.

Jul 23, 2008, 09:26 AM
PSU when hyuga turned out to be the seed in AoI. jk jk

Jul 23, 2008, 02:57 PM
Knights of the Old Republic: You are Revan.

Chrono Cross: You become Lynx.

And of course one of the originals, Metroid: Samus is female.