View Full Version : Gaming sales statistics for the month of June.

Jul 20, 2008, 01:04 PM

I normally do not keep up with statistics however this month caught my attention because their appears to be a swing in the balance of power coming.

Jul 20, 2008, 01:39 PM
A ton of people already had 360s to begin with, at this point it is only natural to see the PS3 moving more because a significantly smaller amount have been bought. I don't think there is any "change in the balance of power" at all.

Jul 20, 2008, 02:32 PM
I disagree with you yes tons of people have already owned X360's however i am not going to allow that as an excuse because 360 fans were so reluctant to embrace that same logic when they were sitting on the top of the platform. Or their version of a multiplatform game sold more copies.

Jul 20, 2008, 02:46 PM
I disagree with you yes tons of people have already owned X360's however i am not going to allow that as an excuse because 360 fans were so reluctant to embrace that same logic when they were sitting on the top of the platform. Or their version of a multiplatform game sold more copies.

I'm not sure i'm following you here. In fact I have no clue what you're trying to say.

The PS3 has jumped ahead of the 360 in sales before, and it instantly went back into 3rd place when the next set of statistics came through. And with the loss of FFXIII exclusivity the PS3 doesn't have ultra strong legs to burst through with. MGS4 helped sell some consoles but one game is not going to turn the entire tide of the console "war", and especially not MGS4.

Jul 20, 2008, 06:01 PM
You can just rename this months sales numbers "The MGS4 Effect". Big name titles sell a lot of units. The same thing happend to the 360 when Halo 3 was released. Their numbers almost tripled from the previous month. All the people that are on the fence or waiting for that particular release run out in numbers to get whatever system has the hot game. Hell, I was part of the crowd that went out and bought a PS3 last month.

I'm not so sure about that balance of power thing either. The Wii continues to shit all over everyone.

Jul 20, 2008, 06:49 PM
I'm not so sure about that balance of power thing either. The Wii continues to shit all over everyone.

The wii is actually starting to piss me off now, developers are going to get lazier when they see budget mini-games outselling higher budget, actual decent video games.

Jul 20, 2008, 07:44 PM
The wii is actually starting to piss me off now, developers are going to get lazier when they see budget mini-games outselling higher budget, actual decent video games.

Not quite. While the Wii holds a dominant position in terms of unit sales, the attach rate is terrible. The last time I looked at the numbers (a couple months ago) the average 360 owner had over 7 games, while the average Wii owner barely had 3. I don't think the shovelware movement is going to change the way games are made. Quality games still sell more copies than something that took 3 months to develop.

Jul 21, 2008, 01:51 AM
I'm not sure i'm following you here. In fact I have no clue what you're trying to say.

The PS3 has jumped ahead of the 360 in sales before, and it instantly went back into 3rd place when the next set of statistics came through. And with the loss of FFXIII exclusivity the PS3 doesn't have ultra strong legs to burst through with. MGS4 helped sell some consoles but one game is not going to turn the entire tide of the console "war", and especially not MGS4.

You're wrong my friend. War... war has changed. ID tagged posters, post ID tagged Sales statistics, on ID tagged message boards. War... war has changed.

Jul 21, 2008, 06:23 AM
The fact of the matter is, that when a big exclusive comes out for a console, that console sells units by the ton.

To think that this is anything other than just that is really nothing more than high hopes at this point. The same thing happened with Halo 2 and 3. The same thing happened with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Now it just happened with Metal Gear Solid 4.

The same thing will happen with Gears of War 2, and no doubt, with Resistance 2.

The announcement of Final Fantasy XIII exclusivity no longer existing outside of Japan just prevented one future lump of PlayStation 3 sales over the 360. That is, being such a big-name title coming to both systems simultaneously to the rest of the world, the sales of both systems are going to rise considerably.

To think otherwise at this point is just denial.

Jul 21, 2008, 11:04 AM
lol Resistance 2. That game is shit. Only reason why its recieved any form of recognition is because it was a launch title.

Jul 21, 2008, 12:49 PM
The YTD's for both system in the US are

PS3 - 1,608,000
360 - 1,354,000

So last month's spike was obviously caused by MGS4, but the PS3 has been consistently outselling the 360 this year. A swing of power though ? It will still take a number of years before the PS3 overtakes the 360 in the US.

Jul 21, 2008, 04:38 PM

'09 is PS3's year to shine. Most of this year was wasted getting all the feces out of their mouth from the first year after launch.