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View Full Version : I'm sure there are plenty of these but...

Jul 27, 2008, 04:16 AM
I can't stand the friggin hunter's license charge, it screws up my gaming experience, you think if sega actually wanted us to enjoy the game, then they wouldn't shove some stupid charges down your throat every month, I don't even know if it's worth it to play anymore.

Jul 27, 2008, 05:25 AM
There hasn't been a version of online PSO where you could pay to play for quite a while, now. Hell, the only online versions currently available are free. (Pre-emptive mod notice: Don't ask about those versions here. It's not allowed.)

You're vastly wrong about Sega's intentions, though. They didn't want us to "enjoy" the game. They wanted to make money off of us so they can keep up on their grand a day hooker/coke addictions.

And if you're still somehow paying Sega for a Hunter's License...no way is it worth it, since you can't play.

I'd like to think this was somehow meant for the PSU section, but I've seen stranger things. >___>

Jul 27, 2008, 11:42 AM
I've played free games, and I'd say having a charge is a lot better than not having one. It keeps a lot of undesirables out. I'd like to see our money get us more support, but we'd likely get none at all if we didn't pay.

Jul 27, 2008, 11:36 PM
I've played free games, and I'd say having a charge is a lot better than not having one. It keeps a lot of undesirables out. I'd like to see our money get us more support, but we'd likely get none at all if we didn't pay.

And they wouldn't ever get a dime from me again for their shitty support with GCN PSO.

Jul 28, 2008, 02:04 AM
I can understand a fee for the PS2/PC but for all of us 360 owners we have the XBL fees on top of SEGA's. Thats the only thing thats kept me from getting PSU is the stacking fees because I'm on the 360. I mean sure I'll gladly pay for the expansion but the XBL fee should be all inclusive, we shouldn't have to pay extra just because a developer wants some extra cash, they're already making plenty off of the PSU game itself, not to mention the $20 or $25 expansion (I forget which it is and I don't care). Charge that which is free I guess but don't tack on more for those who already pay enough in the first place.

Jul 28, 2008, 02:19 AM
I don't get why they charge us even when the only places it feels like an mmo is the lobbys and the actual missions are instanced and the only things they do to update is unlock data off the disk.

It does feel like we aren't getting much value for our money in comparison to other mmos.

Jul 28, 2008, 02:35 AM
I know what you mean, if I wasn't such a hardcore PSO lover and a 360 owner I would have thrown my life to WoW by now, I mean you'll end up paying about the same with the PSU fee's combined, and fromt he sounds of it people would be alot happier there with thier massive amount of content and quests. But I'm not so desperate as to sink to WoW's level of soul stealing. Until I'm convinced PSU is worth paying for I'll be happily blowing people up on Bad Company and waiting for Too Human, but I still do have high hopes for getting on PSU, it just doesn't look that great right now.

Jul 28, 2008, 09:31 AM
I bet you, if SEGA added more "mature" appeal to this game, no one would give a damn about the 10 dollars lol.

Jul 28, 2008, 09:39 AM
I can understand a fee for the PS2/PC but for all of us 360 owners we have the XBL fees on top of SEGA's. Thats the only thing thats kept me from getting PSU is the stacking fees because I'm on the 360. I mean sure I'll gladly pay for the expansion but the XBL fee should be all inclusive, we shouldn't have to pay extra just because a developer wants some extra cash, they're already making plenty off of the PSU game itself, not to mention the $20 or $25 expansion (I forget which it is and I don't care). Charge that which is free I guess but don't tack on more for those who already pay enough in the first place.
OK. I understand that. It is pretty unfair that 360 players have to pay that much, when it's possible that someone could only want to play PSU, but at least when you block someone it's somewhat permanent on Xbox Live. I imagine you can never get rid of someone on PSN because creating a new account is free and easy. Still, you'd hope that they'd work out some kind of deal for PSU. I read an article some time ago (that isn't true still, of course) that said many online games went with PS2 over Xbox because Live made games unattractive with its fees without benefiting the makers of the game (that was like 2004/05).

However, I stand by my statement yesterday about we gotta pay for service. Yadayada. Most free games that I've played - hell, all -, I've not once seen a GM, a maintenance fix, or anything like that. Then again, REO and Monster Hunter never had a technical error... But it also had some ugly cons.

Hardly anyone ever got banned on REO, and too many people cheated on MH.

Neither game was ever really updated. REO: File 2's site said "coming soon!" on it until it was shut down. :disapprove:

Jul 28, 2008, 10:55 AM
I can understand a fee for the PS2/PC but for all of us 360 owners we have the XBL fees on top of SEGA's. Thats the only thing thats kept me from getting PSU is the stacking fees because I'm on the 360. I mean sure I'll gladly pay for the expansion but the XBL fee should be all inclusive, we shouldn't have to pay extra just because a developer wants some extra cash, they're already making plenty off of the PSU game itself, not to mention the $20 or $25 expansion (I forget which it is and I don't care). Charge that which is free I guess but don't tack on more for those who already pay enough in the first place.

You don't have to pay for XBL to play PSU. 360 owners are not getting shafted any worse than any other non-Japanese player.

However, I stand by my statement yesterday about we gotta pay for service. Yadayada. Most free games that I've played - hell, all -, I've not once seen a GM, a maintenance fix, or anything like that. Then again, REO and Monster Hunter never had a technical error... But it also had some ugly cons.

Compared to the level of service and attention you get from an average monthly-fee game, PSU really should be free. Or at least vastly discounted.

Jul 28, 2008, 11:22 AM
Yeah. We should get more for what we pay for with SEGA and PSU, but with disregarding that, games you pay for generally have better service. They should anyway. :lol:

Jul 28, 2008, 11:33 AM
Compared to the level of service and attention you get from an average monthly-fee game, PSU really should be free. Or at vastly discounted.


I was under the impression monthly fees were for developing new content to keep players interested and for customers support.

In the case of PSU, everything - EVERYTHING - was on the disc already, and is slowly being unlocked.

And for customer support, the only thing the staff has been doing is fixing their own screw ups...you can't consider stuff like fixing the 065 errors as "customer support" since thats something that damn well should never have happened in the first place, and if it had happened to Blizzard (or any other respectable MMO developer for that matter) it would have been fixed in a matter of days at most.

Shit. Even a free Korean MMO would have fixed it faster than Sega.

PSU should either be free or Sega should be paying US to play it based on my logic.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 28, 2008, 03:15 PM
Funny how everyone is whining about paying ten dollars a month. How much do you pay on bills and insurance? What's 10 more dollars to play online, right?

Oh wait, this is PSU, it's meant for BAAAAWing.

Jul 28, 2008, 03:33 PM
Funny how everyone is whining about paying ten dollars a month. How much do you pay on bills and insurance? What's 10 more dollars to play online, right?

Oh wait, this is PSU, it's meant for BAAAAWing.

Its not the matter of paying itself so much as WHY we're paying compared to the service we get.

I don't mind paying for stuff. I played WoW for months, and that was $15 a month. And in the short time I was there, they added an entire new Island with new quests, items and two new, BIG BIG dungeons.

And this was not something I had to pay for to unlock off the already installed game, mind you.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 28, 2008, 03:36 PM
I'm still wondering what could cause Sega to fuck up this bad.

They are obviously not telling us something.

Jul 28, 2008, 03:42 PM
I'm still wondering what could cause Sega to fuck up this bad.

They are obviously not telling us something.

If I recall correctly, they horribly underestimated the number of people who were going to buy the game in Japan, so they had to add more servers. Thats why we have so many universes despite few being used.

To me, it sounds like they planned for failure. Or, more specifically, a quick cash cow they could dump after awhile. But more people played than they expected, they're having to pull stuff out of their ass to keep people happy.

Thats what I think is one possibility, at least.

Jul 28, 2008, 04:05 PM
If I recall correctly, they horribly underestimated the number of people who were going to buy the game in Japan, so they had to add more servers. Thats why we have so many universes despite few being used.

To me, it sounds like they planned for failure. Or, more specifically, a quick cash cow they could dump after awhile. But more people played than they expected, they're having to pull stuff out of their ass to keep the japanese server players happy.

Thats what I think is one possibility, at least.

Cuz they dont give a F*ck bout us.

Jul 28, 2008, 04:53 PM

I was under the impression monthly fees were for developing new content to keep players interested and for customers support.

In the case of PSU, everything - EVERYTHING - was on the disc already, and is slowly being unlocked.

And for customer support, the only thing the staff has been doing is fixing their own screw ups...you can't consider stuff like fixing the 065 errors as "customer support" since thats something that damn well should never have happened in the first place, and if it had happened to Blizzard (or any other respectable MMO developer for that matter) it would have been fixed in a matter of days at most.

Shit. Even a free Korean MMO would have fixed it faster than Sega.

PSU should either be free or Sega should be paying US to play it based on my logic.

For what it's worth, Sega is contracting out the billing system to a third party. Technically, it's the third party's screw ups that Sega is having to make reparations for, rather than their own. I can only assume that Sega of America has been bitching out that third party behind closed doors.

Jul 28, 2008, 05:29 PM
For what it's worth, Sega is contracting out the billing system to a third party. Technically, it's the third party's screw ups that Sega is having to make reparations for, rather than their own. I can only assume that Sega of America has been bitching out that third party behind closed doors.

Well. Good point there.

Though I'm curious as to why they contracted the billing system out in the first place...so unless they have a really good reason for that, its still somewhat inexcusable...

Jul 29, 2008, 01:37 PM
This whole thing reminds me of Pioneer 1 keeping secrets from everyone and eventually killing them all, you know what I mean?

Jul 29, 2008, 02:30 PM
Sega: Leaves people in the dark about things they do, give people false hope until everything comes crashing down.

Pioneer 1: Leaves people in the dark about their secret agendas, give people a hope of a new home until they unleash an ancient evil that wipes them out.

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from.

Jul 30, 2008, 03:57 AM
I've got it all figured out now for sure, Sega's founder is actually Dr. Osto! Screw the Guardians, we need to re-instate the Hunter's Guild and stop Sega!

Nitro Vordex
Jul 30, 2008, 05:16 AM
Cuz they dont give a F*ck bout us.

Oh yeah, they totally released a game dedicated to the earlier versions, made online servers, made an expansion, made a PSP version and churned out a few events because they just don't give a shit.

Try again. I really think it's not that SoA doesn't give a shit, I think they are having major internal problems that would be bad to state in public.

Jul 30, 2008, 11:05 AM
Oh yeah, they totally released a game dedicated to the earlier versions, made online servers, made an expansion, made a PSP version and churned out a few events because they just don't give a shit.
All of the above only applies to Japan. Hence the point, Sega of Japan doesn't give a damn about any PSU players that are not in Japan. The dedications are meant for Japan. The online servers have only been successful in Japan. The expansion was designed to address a lot of complaints made by players in Japan. The PSP version will likely only be released in Japan. Are you in Japan, by any chance?

Jul 30, 2008, 02:12 PM
Oh yeah, they totally released a game dedicated to the earlier versions, made online servers, made an expansion, made a PSP version and churned out a few events because they just don't give a shit.

Try again. I really think it's not that SoA doesn't give a shit, I think they are having major internal problems that would be bad to state in public.

Servers? There've always been problems and hackers. The Expansion was just to release stuff they had already planned, big whoop. PSP version? Eh, I can't say much about that. Events? Ha. I don't trust them with events after MAG1. Also you forgot about they're shitty support service. It's taken them MONTHS to respond to some people's tickets. This is also just PSU I'm talking about, if you want me to point out all their faults they made during PSO, I'll do them too.

Jul 30, 2008, 02:12 PM
Plus the PSP version wasn't even developed by Sega, or so a friend told me.

(Since I don't have a PSP I don't care enough to actually verify this, but I trust him)