View Full Version : questions about running MAG c rank

Jul 27, 2008, 10:28 PM
So I'm thinking about running MAG on C and try for a spread needle, and was wondering a couple of things...

What would be the best class, race, PAs, and/or weapons to run this as fast as possible?

Would it be faster with 4 people or just by yourself?

Jul 27, 2008, 10:34 PM
If you're doing it on C, it really doesn't matter. One hit from like, anything, and stuff is dead. Assuming you're using a high level character. And you may as well do it with four people, if you just want kills. It'll go slightly faster/be slightly less mind numbingly boring.

I originally wanted a Spread Needle / G. Then I saw what the leaderboards are like. Frankly, my time is worth more than that.

Jul 27, 2008, 10:36 PM
Much faster with 4 people because you can split up. Best race would be cast for the SUV, and I usually switched between FG/FI using zagenga and tornado dance, and PT using traps and shotguns. The fastest parties are probably either 3 gunners and a PT or just 4 gunners. Like I said, I used zagenga because you can stay at low health without much risk but I also saw a lot of people using machine guns so that might be good too.

I think the fastest way to do it was have everyone clear the forest, and only have 1 person take the extra forest room while the other 3 go ahead. Then have 2 people step on the buttons to unlock the one door in the caves and have a different person take that part and the other 2 go ahead and clear the rest of the mission. The person who got the forest part should catch back up but the person who got the extra cave part might not depending on the party.

Jul 27, 2008, 10:36 PM
Ya I'd say four people would be faster, or at the very least two people. I've been looking to get a group together to do C runs but have not been having much luck.

Jul 27, 2008, 10:40 PM
Ya I'd say four people would be faster, or at the very least two people. I've been looking to get a group together to do C runs but have not been having much luck.

Idk about PC/PS2, but on 360 there were plenty of speed C parties running around the clock in the first MAG.

Jul 27, 2008, 10:43 PM
I mean a dedicated party but yeah I know what you mean.

Jul 27, 2008, 10:45 PM
Use whatever you have leveled that kills the fastest or does the most damage. Its all about kills and you can finish the mission early. I think having a good team of damage dealers to quickly spam your way through each round is the best method. Beasts probably. Anga Redda, Bogga Robado, and Renzan-Saiden-ga, do decent damage to name a few.

Jul 27, 2008, 11:02 PM
thanks for your answers guys

so a beast fighgunner using tornado dance and zagenga might be the fastest? because i dont have a leveled cast

Jul 27, 2008, 11:03 PM
Gunners and PTs will go through MAG runs the fastest. Zagenga and traps pretty much demolish C within minutes. Damage means little when you're running C, and it's faster to shoot enemies with shots spread out than it is to run up and hit things as a melee. Techers work well too, but they're slightly slower because of their casting time. Of course, we're only talking a minute or two in difference, if that. But all that extra time adds up if you intend to spam it all day.

Jul 27, 2008, 11:08 PM
How about acrofighter using a slicer? Could wipe a room in seconds but if those other are faster I'll try it.

Jul 27, 2008, 11:11 PM
A Gunner

Jul 27, 2008, 11:57 PM
IMO, it doesn't matter what race, class, weapon you use. It doesn't matter how fast you run it. You could do it in 5 minutes, you could run it 8. ALL that matters is that you DO NOT stop playing. That's it, simple as that. Play for 12 hours straight and see where you're at on the LB. I only ever ran with elitist 4-5 minutes parties a very small amount of time and I finished pretty high up there the 1st time around, so that's why I say it doesn't matter.

Jul 28, 2008, 12:02 AM
From past MAG1 experiences, these were the fastest from what I've seen:

Whoever can use Shotgun/Zagenga Xbow/EX Traps (PT obv). Then adding on top of that is is Cast with Sturm (it stays out longer so it'll wipe out more enemies than Paradi).

So it basically came down to...
Cast PT being the "most effective" (if there is such a thing with C spam), you EX Trap spam and SUV whenever. Shotgun to clean up whatever is left over.
Cast Fortegunner just as good but without EX Trap spammage.
Cast Fighgunner using Zagenga and Tornado Dance is up there too if they're on PC using frameskip advantage.

FT only if their can one shot in one cast from a Shato/Har quick combo.

After that it's just about how you manage the splits. i.e. one person is left behind to clean up extra Forest area and Caves while others push ahead and most of all, you just playing nonstop.

Jul 28, 2008, 12:17 AM
I tried slicers at first. Trust me, zagenga is faster. As a 130 beast 20 fighgunner and buffed with around 500 health I was hitting 1000s with zagenga (lv 30) which kills pretty much everything in one hit. Sometimes you can kill 3 enemies with one shot, and crossbows can be fired much faster than you can use slicers. Btw, using 2 megistarides puts you at a pretty good health for zagenga. As a FI, I would mainly use tornado dance in between enemies, but I'd also use it on the grass assassins in the vanda room and the shinowas in the mines. For the last room either go by a corner and zagenga randomly while moving around, or hold the 'lock on' button and repeatedly tornado dance (make sure you clear out all the traps first). As a protranser, just put 2 freeze traps down at a time right in the middle of the area, and I think 8 traps cleared the whole thing.

It's not quite as mindblowingly boring as some people make out.:-P

Jul 28, 2008, 12:22 AM
personally i think Fighgunner is best, twin handguns to shoot from afar, and double saber to tornado dance :P works best if everyone is a Fighgunner tho lol cuz then u are just waiting for the others at the gate :D

Kimil Adrayne
Jul 28, 2008, 03:59 AM
Am I the only one out there that doesn't want to waste my life slaving over boring MAG C runs every waking hour of my life for some stupid weapon in a video game?
I'm surprised so many people will be throwing their social lives away for Spread Needle G... It sounds soooo boring.

Who out there isn't going to be living in front of their Screen playing PSU on easy mode for 3 weeks straight? *raises hand*

Jul 28, 2008, 04:01 AM
I'm going to
1: Get on Killing LB's
2: Get on Time Attacks LB's
3: -when on both- Level up my CASEAL and hunt the Ank Bico.


EDIT: I can only play for 6 hours of a day maximum, but me and DreX like to play around during those 6 hours with things other then PSU, but we'll try to devote some time to the leaderboards.

Kimil Adrayne
Jul 28, 2008, 04:06 AM
Well, I'm going to...

1. Work my summer job
2. Take advantage of my parents being gone for a month ;)
3. Spend time with people I wont see after I go back to university in the fall
4. PSU, if I have time (not enough for Spread Needle though)

Jul 28, 2008, 04:15 AM
PSU is constantly set to easy-mode, so really it makes no difference to me.

Jul 28, 2008, 04:30 AM
blah blah blah
We had these threads last time.

People can run what they want.

Jul 28, 2008, 04:38 AM
blah blah blah
We had these threads last time.

People can run what they want.

Yes, their choise really.

IMO, i prefer not to one-shot kill things.

Jul 28, 2008, 04:53 AM
PSU is constantly set to easy-mode, so really it makes no difference to me.

Agreed. It's easy mode either way, just one way gets you on leaderboards better.

I won't be doing much C run spam this time (I had enough of it from MAG1) but I help a few friends out who might but my goals of MAG2 mostly revolve things that can only be done in Srank runs.

Jul 28, 2008, 05:10 AM
i think its stupid running for a gun thats gonna come out later ;)

Jul 28, 2008, 05:26 AM
a friend of mine will be getting 2, im trading a Gaozoran Rod for one, so im good.

Jul 28, 2008, 05:37 AM
not gonna do anything other than S runs.

Jul 28, 2008, 05:42 AM
not gonna do anything other than S runs.


Jul 28, 2008, 05:45 AM
I'm only looking to level up, I want to get to 140 or as close as I can to it...

Jul 28, 2008, 06:07 AM
Am I the only one out there that doesn't want to waste my life slaving over boring MAG C runs every waking hour of my life for some stupid weapon in a video game?
I'm surprised so many people will be throwing their social lives away for Spread Needle G... It sounds soooo boring.

Who out there isn't going to be living in front of their Screen playing PSU on easy mode for 3 weeks straight? *raises hand*

S never really droped anything good... so yeah. C FTW. & Wasted Life? Isn't all video games a waste of life?

Jul 28, 2008, 06:35 AM
S never really droped anything good... so yeah. C FTW. & Wasted Life? Isn't all video games a waste of life?

This, S had some good drops, Mugunruk boards, Rucar boards, apart from that, anything else was kinda lame. bonus EXP is also lame anyway.

Can't wait to see more capped characters with lame weapons/armor/PA's...

Jul 28, 2008, 06:56 AM
1. Working my summer job until August 12th-ish (It's away from home)
2. Working another job once I get back from my current job
3. PSU MAYBE after about 6 at night.... (After the "12th-ish")

I sorta need money badly :P

Jul 28, 2008, 07:57 AM
For YOUR BEST OPTION at getting quick points in the shortest amount of time, you will need:

1) A Protranser pointman. This player will stay ahead of the pack at all times, laying traps at all possible times to bypass having stray enemies that eat up the clock.

2) A Cleaner. 1 member of the party splits from the group, doing both the forest sidepath and the caves "locked door" path. This members job is done once they finish caves. Any race/type works ok for this position.

3) Preferably gunners/techers to fill the remaining 2 slots. They have wide area attacks with shotties/ra spells, so everything should be dying extremely fast with any combination of gunners/techers following the PT pointman. These 2 players also unlock caves for the cleaner.

4) End mission at mines. Do not do ruins. It wastes the clock and valuable kill count points.

Following those guidelines, you should be pulling 5 1/2 to 6 minute C spam run times. That's what you need to be doing to compete with the big point dogs, and you will need to be doing it for hours upon hours. Find a team dedicated to running it, and stick with them.

If you team with randoms who do not understand the guidelines, you will see 7-8 minute run times, and you can possibly slip very easily in the standings. A good team will usually be able to do 1.5-2 runs in the time it takes randoms to do a run. Make sure your team has the plan down before you start C spamming, because if you're honestly going for the needle, every minute counts.

Jul 28, 2008, 08:10 AM
thanks for your answers guys

and one more question: i didnt run c the first time mag was here, so when someone kills something before youre able to hit it, does it still count as a kill for everyone?

Jul 28, 2008, 08:15 AM
S never really droped anything good... so yeah. C FTW. & Wasted Life? Isn't all video games a waste of life?

Indeed, but that can be said to alot of things.
Video game just fits there as one of the zillion things on the list.

Jul 28, 2008, 08:34 AM
I missed all of MAG 1 due to being out at sea, and yet I have no intention of doing C spam.

My intention is to run it on A until I'm able to do S runs, then S runs til I'm blue in the face from all the xp. ;p

I may even run it some with my GT as well

Jul 28, 2008, 08:40 AM
thanks for your answers guys

and one more question: i didnt run c the first time mag was here, so when someone kills something before youre able to hit it, does it still count as a kill for everyone?

All kills count for everyone, which is why you have 1 cleaner to take out the alternate routes and snag the extra kills for everyone.

Jul 28, 2008, 08:47 AM
Forces are extremely quick as they can hit so many people at once

Jul 28, 2008, 08:56 AM
Looks like I am going to have some tough competition if I want an S rank, non-Tenora shotgun....

Jul 28, 2008, 08:57 AM
I dont know how old this is but is this for aug 1st? Anyway i finished 177 in the first part so i know what im talking about =]

Anyway the best classes fot this are Fighgunner Fortegunner and Protranser

Fighgunners are good for this because of tornado dance and twin pistols (Tornado dance for moving around quickly and pistols for places like the akward spawns in caves)

Protranser can use traps which as you know hit 200+ and most monsters on C have around 1000 hp so this is a really effective way to move fast you will more then likely use the shotgun as you would pistols as figh. But the only problem with protanser is that you have no Tornado so you cant move around as quickly.

Fortegunners are ok at speed C but half the time you end up left behind and then the fighgunners are waiting for you by the gates...

Hope i have been a help! =]

Jul 28, 2008, 08:58 AM
Protransers, CAST ones will go the fastest. If they use Paradi, even faster.

I had a team in MAG1

Human Protranser (myself)
Beast Fortefighter
Newman Fortetecher
CAST Protranser

Our fastest run was 5:51.

I may have the same team again this time.

Jul 28, 2008, 08:59 AM
thanks for your answers guys

and one more question: i didnt run c the first time mag was here, so when someone kills something before youre able to hit it, does it still count as a kill for everyone?
yes :D

Jul 28, 2008, 10:50 AM
I wonder if I can not find a team if I would be better off just soloing. I do not want to be running around joinging random teams every other stage.

Jul 28, 2008, 11:05 AM
I will mostly likely wind up joining some C-SPAM teams once I start to feel the burn-out but I'm definitely going to see how good of time I can get with my Figunner going solo.

Great tip about using Sturm for multiple spawns because I distinctly remember that from 1up when trying blow through those EX stages.

One hiccup I noticed for myself in joining some speed runs last time is weapon selection. I play on PS2 so having one weapon or pair of weapons that work well for the whole mess is really important to eliminate the 'LOADING' factor.

Slicer + XBow ftw

Jul 28, 2008, 11:05 AM
Forces are extremely quick as they can hit so many people at once

They also cause massive slowdown and can't attack as quickly as a fG or FG. When running Cs, the key is do dish out low to medium damage at a really fast rate (read Xbows and Machineguns). Crushing enemies for 3k is pointless when they only have 1k in HP. That extra 2k is wasted time and PP.

Jul 28, 2008, 11:05 AM
I will be solo spamming C rank, and running C rank with some friends also to pick up extra badges, etc.

Jul 29, 2008, 07:13 AM
I'll definitely get as high as I can go to the top without getting bored out of my mind and/or within the time I can play alloted. So probably not very high XD.

*Waves bye to starcraft for 3 weeks* I'll miss you! Though I suppose I can still play you for a couple hours :P