View Full Version : style: blue...blue or....blue?

Jul 29, 2008, 12:04 PM
Why is it that the only choices we have for color schemes are blue blue blue blue some variation of blue and green? Ack! lol

not that it really matters all to much kinda just wondering what "powers that be" decided that every layout should be blue

i want some warm colors

Jul 29, 2008, 12:50 PM
Old version has tons of color options, I expect we'll have a broader variety in the near future much like that.

Jul 29, 2008, 01:40 PM
One light and one dark theme are really all you need. Any more than that and people start getting spoiled.

Jul 29, 2008, 04:14 PM
Why is it that the only choices we have for color schemes are blue blue blue blue some variation of blue and green? Ack! lol

not that it really matters all to much kinda just wondering what "powers that be" decided that every layout should be blue

i want some warm colors

All of the popular color themes from the old backend either featured blue or black as the predominant colors. We kept that in mind when we were choosing the initial styles for the new design. Also, it has been my observation that blue is the color of choice for vBulletin styles. It is actually extremely difficult to find something that doesn't have blue as the primary color.

Once we finish transferring the rest of the site from the old backend, we maybe able to come up with some new styles.

Jul 29, 2008, 06:13 PM
I think the themes are too dark, the only light one is terrible...

Jul 30, 2008, 10:34 AM
Some sites just force you to use one style :)

I'm sure there will be a little more variety in the future. The problem with adding TOO many styles is that we have to edit and update each one individually when changes are made to the layout of the site or the applications powering the forums and other features. If we have too many, it becomes difficult to update them all and we risk falling behind with our site maintenance and software upgrades. So, there's a price that comes along with offering lots of styles. We'd like to find a good balance so that everyone has some decent options, without getting too ridiculous and creating a massive workload for the staff.

Jul 30, 2008, 11:13 AM
Some sites just force you to use one style :)

I'm sure there will be a little more variety in the future. The problem with adding TOO many styles is that we have to edit and update each one individually when changes are made to the layout of the site or the applications powering the forums and other features. If we have too many, it becomes difficult to update them all and we risk falling behind with our site maintenance and software upgrades. So, there's a price that comes along with offering lots of styles. We'd like to find a good balance so that everyone has some decent options, without getting too ridiculous and creating a massive workload for the staff.

Suggestion: Instead of totally separate styles, just do palette swaps, as in variations of the same style with different colors. That'll save you a lot of work while offering some variety.

Jul 30, 2008, 12:06 PM
Suggestion: Instead of totally separate styles, just do palette swaps, as in variations of the same style with different colors. That'll save you a lot of work while offering some variety.

That's essentially what we have now (ie: Blue-Steel & Mint Green are the same basic layout, as are the classic themes). You still need matching buttons and other images for each style, though. In addition, some upgrades to the site will still require modifying each style individually, even if they are merely different color variations of one layout.

Jul 30, 2008, 12:52 PM
That's essentially what we have now (ie: Blue-Steel & Mint Green are the same basic layout, as are the classic themes). You still need matching buttons and other images for each style, though. In addition, some upgrades to the site will still require modifying each style individually, even if they are merely different color variations of one layout.

Ah, I forget this isn't a normal upgrade.

Jul 30, 2008, 03:35 PM
i just really enjoyed the Cherry Coke i think it was?

Jul 31, 2008, 10:28 AM
So what? Blue is the shit. Why bother with another color? Blue, Blue, or Blue because even if there were other choices no one would pick em.

Aug 20, 2008, 05:17 PM
i had the red and black one and i really like that but its gone now