View Full Version : PSU Official forums?

Aug 1, 2008, 01:42 AM
I've tried registering about 4 differnt times now, with 4 different emails.. Still no link. Can someone help me out?

Aug 1, 2008, 01:49 AM
Did you check your email, and your bulk/spam folder for a confirmation email? I believe you can't do anything until you check that.

Although, this is something you should try bringing up with one of the board moderators/admins there.

Aug 3, 2008, 07:16 AM
the Mods can't do anything, I was emailing one about it already.

"I am assuming that you got through the sign-up, but did not get the email notification. There is; however, some difficulties with the signup process, mainly the email notification. It is asked that if you haven't recieved a registration email for the user account, that you contact the Administration Support Team with the following information."

Is all he had to say. -_-

Aug 4, 2008, 12:32 PM
Anyone having trouble registering on the Sega forums needs to send their info to: [email protected] They will be able to activate your account for you.