View Full Version : Add me to to corrupted graveyard

Jan 29, 2003, 12:39 AM
Well it happend to me. lost a lvl 132 HUnewearl named Alys to FSOD. or well my little brother lost her when i was at work. i not only lost my legit Safety Heart and Love Heart but also my challange time, a collective time of 4hrs 12 mins for C1-C6. It almost made me cancel my HL and go back to playing 'other' games. but i didnt. Im leveling up, slowly. Basically playing solo online, no one joins games unless its for trading. well i dont know whether to curse or praise dupers, on one side a duper gave me some starting gear, which is a great boost to get to where i was. i can now slay enemies with ease. but at the same time duping has to some extent ruined my gaming experience. since no one really joins games im playing solo, HS and Fam cup constantly. Which, basically defeats the whole online play experience. i might as well play offline. no i dont have dupers, its part of a game that i love. what i hate is no one will join your game unless your trading. what exactly is the purpose of playing online if its (almost) always alone? other peoples opinions are welcome.

btw im looking to get back to where i was, no i dont need items. i just need to meet up with people who like to do challange mode. im currently on C3, right now times dont matter, id just like to have my BU-Zan title back and work on times from there on.

S N K if you visit lemme know where to find you, you were great when we did c-mode.

Jan 29, 2003, 01:07 AM
Does S N K mean snappuru-nyan-ko? ;3
I'm not going online unless I either get a 3rd memory card for more challenge mode, or the saving crap gets changed NYAN MEOW.

Jan 29, 2003, 10:58 AM
Ah, maybe I'm misinterpreting, but once you start a HS or Famitsu, no one can join. Quests in progress lock people out from joining. I usually rush a Famitsu just because I want that giant squadron of hildebears to drop me some rare. ^_^

Every time I've made an open room that's not running a quest, I have people pop in all the time. I get maybe one or two people on my guild card list (which is quite small, so I find it flattering that these people seek me out sometimes. ^__^), and there's one or two random people. Even when I go to some vacant block and make a specifically named game to meet people for a trade or something, I still get random people joining my games. Maybe I'm just on at the right times? If anything, sometimes it cheeses me off, since I'll be bumming time in vhard forest or something waiting for someone specific to show up for a trade, and tons of people start joining my darn game. >_< I feel so dirty making passworded games (except when I was running ep2 back to back for that damn santa rappy).

Jan 29, 2003, 01:50 PM
Even though my GCN has been thrown across the room 4 times, ejecting the memory card and PSO disc, it still runs great and none of my data was corrupted!

Jan 29, 2003, 03:08 PM
I usually do a forest run then do fam or HS. maybe its that no one is interested in Norm/Hard/VHard games?

anyone knotice the decline in hi level chars, like 130+? everyones about 60 now it seems

Jan 29, 2003, 03:19 PM
On 2003-01-29 12:08, jimmer411 wrote:
anyone knotice the decline in hi level chars, like 130+? everyones about 60 now it seems

lol. Maybe because they're afraid to get corrupted?

Jan 29, 2003, 03:35 PM
I keep wishing to find a cheap hub to network my gc. Which would mean i get to go online, but now i'm kinda scared... i've got mixed feelings, but i'll probably just end up getting online anyways. Don't feel sad jimmer, you'll find some cool people sooner or later. Maybe I'll see you online in the near future. My characters name is Auracom and i'm a RAcast.

Jan 29, 2003, 03:44 PM
Lost my lvl 143 Humar, Starseed Jan 25, 2003 RIP

I am also starting out again. A friend who I had helped after his file corrupted is now helping me... a big thank you to all those who helped out/ are willing to help out.

Jan 31, 2003, 03:43 AM
i think im gonna play GC pso till xbox version comes out. hopefully there isnt the fsod problem there. uh wait, imagine getting your whole HDD corrupted. man sh!t like that is scary. thats something i need to ponder.