View Full Version : FFXIII playable demo March 2009. worldwide release 2009

Aug 4, 2008, 03:42 PM

it's quite interesting. a vast and complex 3-D world map? aww I woulda preferred the
true to scale world traveling from FFXI..... well maybe the world map is just a placeholder.

but ya that's interesting that they confirm 2009 worldwide release, when they said it
would be released in Japan first. so I'm guessing Japan ps3 gets it around 2nd quarter. and
the USA Xbox360 and PS3 get it around 4th quarter. Because once they are done with
the Japan version, porting is a peice of cake, since the english versions would be translated
together. :)

but ya, you can expect youtube to be loaded with FFXIII demo videos sometime in March. ^^
but depending on when in March, people would probably be playing the full RE5 in the meantime. well it wouldnt hurt to hold off on that and watch the FFXIII demo online for a couple
of minutes. :D

Well it sounds like the demo will be larger and story leaky than FFXII's demo was, which was
mission based similiar to FFX-2's demo. but it sounds like FFXIII's demo might be ripped raw
straight out of the full game, complete with cutscenes.

Well it is confirmed the FFXIII will take place before the events that we have seen in the trailers.
But that is strange. ^^; They said the beginning of FFXIII would be explosive and over the top.
but I would imagine the starting events would lead to at least the "train" scene noted in the
trailers. Since that takes place within Pulse. and then the trailers later show the "infiltration/invasion" in Cocoon. So it's anyone's guess how it will begin, but chances
as even the demo itself won't take place at the very beginning of the full game.

(well FF7's demo did start at the tippity start. FF8's demo took place about an hour after the
beginning. FF12's demo two areas took place waaaaaaaay beyond the beginning.)

Aug 4, 2008, 03:56 PM
Would a worldwide release not imply FFXIII is going to be released all over the world at the same time?

As much as I love FFXI's massive world, it's TOO massive for an offline game. A world map is the way to go.

Aug 4, 2008, 06:05 PM
Where in the hell did you read "worldwide release", they're releasing the game first on PS3 in japan THEN starting the localization for the PS3 version and beginning development for the 360 version. We'll be lucky the have it Q1 2010.

Aug 4, 2008, 06:30 PM
Where in the hell did you read "worldwide release", they're releasing the game first on PS3 in japan THEN starting the localization for the PS3 version and beginning development for the 360 version. We'll be lucky the have it Q1 2010.

It's a simultaneous launch on PS3 and Xbox 360. Whether it comes out in Japan first or not, I don't know, but I'm 98% positive that's what I heard at the Microsoft E3 conference. I'll have to go find an article on it.

They're finishing the PS3 version first, yes, but they won't launch until they get the 360 version done. I swear I read that somewhere.

EDIT: Source (http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/07/14/e308-final-fantasy-xiii-release-details-trickle-out)

Square Enix has confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360 and PS3 will ship simultaneously in North America and Europe (although region ship dates may vary). The game remains a PS3 exclusive and will ship first in Japan.

So, Japan releases first and is PS3 exclusive. Simultaneous console release in North America and Europe.

Aug 4, 2008, 06:35 PM
You are correct, but that's only in NA and Europe. They're actually holding back the NA/Eur PS3 version until the 360's completed hence all the hilarious meltdowns.

Aug 4, 2008, 06:36 PM
Right. A misunderstanding then. Sorry about that.

Aug 4, 2008, 06:37 PM
Should be.

Aug 5, 2008, 12:40 PM
it's still possible that the NA/UK version will be released same year as Japan version, but of
course that depends on when the Japan release is.

remember they want to eliminate the 6 month gaps between regions. so say it still takes about 6
months to get US and UK (sametime) after Japan release.

if FFXIII in Japan was released May 2009, it's possible it could reach NA (xbox360 and ps3) and
UK around November 2009. ^^

besides at the recent show, they wouldn't call it a 2009 worldwide release if they didn't estimate
US and UK would get it same year as Japan.

yes Xbox360 port hasn't begun until FFXIII ps3 Japan is done,
but ports are a piece of cake compared to developing from scratch for 2 systems at once (like
what happened with TESIV.)

plus xbox360 is much easier to develop for than ps3. numerous devs have confirmed that.
And even Gabe Newell hates the ps3 technology. but can't blame him. why go through BS
trying to develop a game on a difficult system, when as much effort could be put into the


Aug 5, 2008, 06:48 PM
besides at the recent show, they wouldn't call it a 2009 worldwide release if they didn't estimate
US and UK would get it same year as Japan.
Except that hasn't ever happened at any show, ever.

Aug 8, 2008, 06:52 PM
I dont understand Square Enix rationality as of late shortly after the announcment of FF XIII going multiplatform they announced that it would be a duel release. Then last month they went out and said on one up althou they havent begun production of the 360 version the game would not be a port of the PS3 .

However both will include the same exact content it's just that current limitations presented by both consoles are resulting in multiplatform complications but the 360 version would not result in a delay of the PS3 launch.

But here we are a whole month later and SE still hasnt received their 360 development kit it appears to me that having to cut back on some graphical elements of the game as well as figuring out how implement achievments in innovative ways is starting to create quite a challange for the square enix team.

I personally dont care about the multiplatform thing at all however please SE dont punish me by delaying my chance to purchase the version of the game that I want, just because MS has decided to slack with their dev kits. :nono:

Aug 8, 2008, 08:42 PM
...The easiest way to quell your "punishment" is to just want the 360 version, like everyone else. :wacko:

Besides, it's not like Microsoft is slacking off with getting the dev kits there. Wasn't it stated that development of the 360 version of the game would happen... After the PS3 version was finished in Japan? In other words, unless they finish the game before the dev kits arrive, there won't be any such delays.

Aug 8, 2008, 11:17 PM
I didnt really research anything regarding FF XIII i just read the gametpot post about their not being dev kits available yet and assumed delay. I'll wait until later to make a final decision on which version I purchase much like I did for SCIV. But for right now if they both launched today i would go with the PS3 version simply because the game engine is currently designed and optimized to utilize the PS3 console.

Aug 9, 2008, 02:20 PM
Well this is dandy. :)