View Full Version : Guntecher...help!

Aug 4, 2008, 11:33 PM
Hey all, I'm new here. I just started playing PSU and I've been looking at the types and Guntecher seems like it would fit me well. I read the guides and a few other things on these forums and other websites but they all seem to say the same thing -- Guntechers put out the worst damage in the game. My (to be) GT is a Beast so that hopefully I can put some damage out. I also got the S-rank R-mage Preta from the weapons badge lottery though people tell me Sonichi(A) is better...

But now that I'm done rambling... I want to be able to do some damage and hopefully solo at some point. Can GTs do that, or should I just try something else?

Aug 4, 2008, 11:45 PM
GT's can do damage -- Just not -great- damage. They're more of a support class than a damage class.

That's not to say GT is terrible or anything... Just, that, if you want to be doing damage, then you're better off picking a more damage oriented class. :p

PS. In before"Everything dies in two seconds anyway so it doesn't matter" :p

Aug 4, 2008, 11:49 PM
I realize they're not the top or even close to the top damage dealers. I guess what I'm saying is -- are they decent? Or are they the worst as others say? Also, if I wanted to just do damage as a GT, which of my weapons should I use?

Aug 5, 2008, 01:15 AM

Aug 5, 2008, 01:16 AM
Well, it's going to depend on who you're asking, but sure, they're decent. Good heals, good buffs, and good bullets. "Worst" only applies to damage, which isn't what GT's are about anyways.

And if you "just wanted to do damage as a GT", then, you're playing the wrong class ;p Anywho, your top damage weapons would be probably be shotguns, crossbows, and lasers. Don't forget to definately take rifles, too -- Not great for damage, but Lv31 rifle bullets are amazing support weapons.

I'd offer more advice (and probably make more sense!) if I wasn't about to pass out... But I have to sleep, so, good luck! I'm sure others will help you out, too!

Aug 5, 2008, 01:58 AM
The basics have pretty much been covered.
With high enough bullets in your shotgun, crossbow and laser, you'll be pumpin out some pretty bitchin damage.
My barada inga lvl 40 on an earth element enemy racks up a tad over 3000 damage per pump when all bullets connect, and thats pretty damn sizable considering we're "lolweak".

Aug 5, 2008, 05:18 AM
Dedicated GT are very rare, so if that's your scene, aim to be the best one out there.

Aug 5, 2008, 05:42 AM
If you want heavy gun fire make a forte gunner. My main char is a newman guntecher .I use left guns(xbox,mechgun and card) with wands , a buff slot and a bow for bosses . When we get the attack techs update(lol i want to dream) it will be great to have them at 21+

Aug 5, 2008, 05:50 AM

Yeah, crossbow and shotgun (especially with a beast GT) will be your main damage dealers, so be prepared to make them your meat & potatoes. Get their bullets to 21+ at least (GT get lv40 bullets)

Aug 5, 2008, 05:57 AM
Hmmm.... then twin handguns are more for spamming status effects than damage I gather?

Aug 5, 2008, 06:07 AM
Guntechers are very versatile but all of your strength is heavily reliant on your PA levels. Without high level bullets, you will be very weak in comparison to anyone else.

Pure attack power will only take you so far as a Beast but in order to get the best damage out of your bullets, you will need them leveled to at least Lv. 31.

That's not to say you need to get all seventy one bullet PAs at Lv. 40 to be effective, just pick elements that will cover each other and choose which weapons are the most suitable in the more general situations. Having all the elements and all of the fragment PAs at max is nice but takes a long time (I should know, I'm doing it) and doesn't automatically make you awesome.

Learning to use what weapons at the right time is also important. The four most important weapons/firearms to work upon (in no particular order) are: Rifle, Shotgun, Laser Cannon and Crossbow.

Rifles gain a knockdown effect and have the longest range in the game (Chousei-Sou 31+ is probably on terms with it or longer but fires much, much slower so it's not worth the range in 95% of situations) and are very useful in boss battles.

Shotguns are THE highest damaging weapons in your arsenal against one or two enemies due to their double shot effect. Comboing it with Just Counter (Exact Counter I think is the proper term but I could be wrong) makes it even deadlier!

Laser Cannons are THE highest damaging weapons in your arsenal against three or more enemies in a straight line. THese things are just so powerful and are just ridiculously devastating at Lv. 40. Sure, they take a LOOONG time to get there but heh, they're well worth it.

Crossbows are smaller versions of a Shotgun - firing only three shots instead of five. They lose the ability to double shot but gain mobility and occupies only your left hand so your right hand is free to hold another weapon. There are situations where you will need to deal damage quickly and safely so a Crossbow will be a better choice for you than a Shotgun.

Sometimes though, enemies are just too dangerous and will need to be taken care of quickly so you will use other means such as traps or your other weapons but it'll all come with experience.

You could probably get away with using just those four weapons and a few wands though... but you should try out a single PA on all of the weapons before making any big decisions. For most weapons, they start off rather weak but they do build up strength extremely quickly and will out-damage most melee players.

Guntechers can solo but you really suffer against bosses in comparison to most other jobs/classes. Lack of a Grenade Launcher or decent melee really hampers things but you'll have to make do with a Shotgun and a Rifle.

Aug 5, 2008, 08:43 AM
Twin Handguns can do some pretty good long-range damage (particularly for straffing against an enemy outside of the close-up range to hit with all the crossbow bolts). Crossbows are good damage and arguably your best Status effect spreader for the class. Just that they are level 3 and not level 4 status effects, so you'd use rifles/bows for SE4 statuses on Big enemies. Bows level real fast, but eventually rifles take over as your SE4 delivery.

The thing about Twin Handguns is that they don't do their comparable damage until you really get those high bullet levels. It's a patient weapon to see them shine, just don't expect too much out of them outside of the ability to do nice damage with strafing from a distance. That is, you can dodge everything with them while applying their full damage. Unlike Crossbows, where you have to be closer to apply full damage and there are some things you can't dodge in time because you aren't far enough.

Aug 5, 2008, 11:02 AM
Don't bother with Preta, it sucks. Any other R-mag is better, really.

And I love my GT, but her damage didn't go from "low" until "acceptable" until her bullets got over level 21. 31+ should continue to increase that damage.

Use the weapons you like. Just make sure you've got a spread of elements to cover yourself, and a weapon to deal with each situation: bosses, strong single enemies, groups of a few enemies, large groups, and bullet resistant stuff. Try using SE's to deal additional damage, especially burn.

The only one I'll really recommend is the crossbow. Only GT can use the S rank versions, and it's strong, mobile, and versatile. I never bother with SE 4 anymore; it's faster to just get point blank and use crossbow bullets. Just be prepared to level them, as they don't show their potential until they get their third bullet at level 21.

Aug 6, 2008, 02:19 PM
How high can GT get their TECHs?

Aug 6, 2008, 02:30 PM
GT's are at:
Skills :10
Bullets: 40
Attack Tech: 20 (soon 30 when Master classes come out)
Support Tech: 30

They got a boost in their TP, makes them higher than WT. When those lvl.30 Attack Techs come out I'll play GT again... But it's just too hard for me to get into GT with lvl.20 Attack Techs and pretty much only having Firearms to depend on >___>

Aug 6, 2008, 02:47 PM
GT aren't the weakest class, they're ahead of wartecher and acrotecher and possibly fortecher. They just require the most PA leveling of any class in the game before the become useful.

Aug 6, 2008, 04:04 PM
I know we're not comparing classes... because comparing classes is a lost battle.
Anyways, GT will soon be great for using Attack techs, Support techs, and Bullets.
Primarily their main strength will still be guns... but seeing the only gun they have that hit's multiple parts is the Shotgun (which is caped at A rank) it will be somewhat challenging for certain enemies. The lack of melee hasn't been compensated for good Attack Tech usage yet. But even now, if you play GT, I would use your lvl.20 Attack techs because the TP boost was an astounding boost for GT usage.