View Full Version : Class Question

Aug 6, 2008, 08:07 AM
Im having trouble deciding what I am going to become on my forth character. I was thinking between ProTranser and AcroFighter any suggestions on which I should switch to.


Aug 6, 2008, 08:27 AM
I have no experience with acrofighter but I found protranser to be a lot of fun. traps are awesome and once you level the class level up its not any harder to play than any other race/class combo. plus, its a decent mix of melee and guns so if you like the "heavy" weapons for those two types I vote for protranser. Btw, what race are you going to play as that could affect your decision?

Aug 6, 2008, 09:15 AM
Male Human.. I was thinking of becoming a AcroFighter because I can already use laser cannons, grenade launchers, Axes, Swords, spears, knuckles and stuff like that because i have a FighGunner, ForteFighter, and ForteGunner. Plus the only thing i would use as a PT would be Bows, Traps, and i dont really have any interest on anything else. and as a AF i would use range mags, hikens, single daggers, and pistols. So who know it just depends I guess i like AF because how fast they attack and i like PT because of traps. I just dont know. My friends think i should be an AF. So if i dont like it i guess i will become a PT and try it out.

Aug 6, 2008, 11:01 AM
I say just try Acrofighter; you can always switch.

Aug 6, 2008, 11:04 AM
Yeah. Do Acrofighter. I like my Protranser because he lets me use a variety of heavy weapons that I otherwise wouldn't have access to. As you've said, this novelty is lost on you, because you have a Fortefighter and Fortegunner already. You can always switch one of those two to PT if you wanna play around with EX traps, since you'll have relevant PA's levelled.

Aug 6, 2008, 07:12 PM
Once PT is leveled high enough, it pays off big time. PT's pretty versatile class with lots of options for offensive tactics.
AF is fun as well. Especially with your Human bonus, but most people can't get into one-handed weapons...

Aug 6, 2008, 08:08 PM
I think the part of AF i liked the most was the speed boost for some of the slower 2-handed skills like Ick Hic and Cross Hurricane. Single handed weapons are a big part of playing AF but don't ignore the 2-handed weapons.

Aug 6, 2008, 08:44 PM
I think the part of AF i liked the most was the speed boost for some of the slower 2-handed skills like Ick Hic and Cross Hurricane. Single handed weapons are a big part of playing AF but don't ignore the 2-handed weapons.

This is true. I feel the same way when I play Beast Acrotecher. Although the S-rank Saber/Dagger is great... the Twin Daggers are pretty nice with the boosted speed.
I'm sure Acrofighter would be more oriented to take advantage of the inreased speed for Twin Daggers, Twin Sabers, Knuckles, and Twin Claws. Just because something is limited to A-rank doesn't mean you shouldn't make it a primary on the palette. Lvl.40 skills is another good reason to take advantage of 2-handers w/speed boost.