View Full Version : eXo's ~WOTLK Report Thread ~

Aug 8, 2008, 06:38 PM
Hello my fellow PSOW players for the past couple of weeks i have been busy exploring the new beta content for the soon to be released World of Warcraft Wrath Of The Lich King game. I am comteplating posting photos as well as videos documenting my adventures but I will only proceed with this project if their is a legitimate interest in the future direction of the game on the PSOW boards.

Thank you very much in advance for your feedback it is greatly appreciated.

Aug 8, 2008, 08:35 PM
Due to the sheer amount of information already available... There's not really an NDA, is there?

Aug 8, 2008, 11:19 PM
Well im not sure it's like they have posted that several talents will be rebalanced added and removed in next weeks content patch. So I was thinking that it might be kinda cool but then again maybe not.

Aug 8, 2008, 11:43 PM
I hear there will be millions of Deathknights come opening day ;3

Aug 9, 2008, 12:25 AM
I'll take WAR instead.


Aug 9, 2008, 12:42 AM
I hear there will be millions of Deathknights come opening day ;3

Yea right now DK's are pretty out of hand but still quite fun and very overpowered they will be nerfed significantly and rebalanced hahaha.

Aug 9, 2008, 12:50 AM
I'll take WAR instead.


Their is no need to run really i am not a WoW fanboy I just enjoy the game however PSOW member Dgo is currently active in the Warhammer Online Beta and honestly if the game stays true to it's current form blizzard may lose a few thousand fans simply do to hype but they really have nothing to worry about.

I have played the WAR beta for upwards of 50 hours on his PC and can safely conclude that in it's current state it wont be for me.If I honestly had to compare it to any game currently on the market right now I would have to go with guild wars because thats what the travel system and character interaction outside of your kingdom most resembles unless you are partied with someone you can kiss getting outside help goodbye as currently you only adventure with your party members. Otherwise youre alone :nono:

Aug 9, 2008, 01:27 AM
I have played the WAR beta for upwards of 50 hours on his PC and can safely conclude that in it's current state it wont be for me.

Took you 50 hours to find out the game wasn't for you? Seems like you had a good enough time. Either way, have fun playing with your Tom Chilton.

Aug 9, 2008, 01:50 AM
Took you 50 hours to find out the game wasn't for you? Seems like you had a good enough time. Either way, have fun playing with your Tom Chilton.

Yes it took me just upwards of 50 hors to determine that the game isnt for me, i dont know maybe it's not as much as me having a good time as it was the fact that leveling up takes time especially when you are asked/assigned to only play in one specific area for testing purposes.

But now that the beta has progress to the point of were they are basically just debugging it the product is rapidly approaching completion. And if the completed form continues on it's current path then it wont be for me, anyone that claims to be able to play a game and determine that they do not like it within a matter of like 10 hours clearly didnt give the product a fair shot.

I am basing my opinion of this games overall appeal to me several things such as.

The gaming engine
Character interaction with other players as well as creatures
The in game transit system
The current implementation of the fighting system........
And last but not least their current lack of ability to deliver the product that they are promoting, as of right now they are really falling short of what previous interviews promised however keep in mind that this is only the beta and things are subject to change.

Yes mentioned above I stated that things are subject to change however alot of the key features that I as well as several others have been complaining about are really core components of WARS engine which I dont see being overhauled unless they plan to delay the game until late 2009.

Aug 9, 2008, 01:58 AM
Same with me and WoW. Except I had to play that for a couple million hours.

Aug 9, 2008, 02:09 AM
I hate you.

No, not really. Just wondering why is it that people I know who aren't into the game get into the beta when I love WoW and missed out on the original beta and the BC beta.

I don't even care about a Death Knight yet. I just want to see my Ret Pally handles.

*continues jealousy elsewhere*

Aug 9, 2008, 02:14 AM
Same with me and WoW. Except I had to play that for a couple million hours.

Thats somewhat unfortunate for you that it took a couple of millions of hours to determine that you didnt like the game especially since raching the level cap and be completed in under 30 hours easy.

But I didnt post this thread to debate which game is better like i have said im sure that several people will thoroughly enjoy Warhammer online. However I personally didnt enjoy everquest or guild wars.

I never once said that WAR is a bad game im just saying that for me personally being someone with direct access to the game it's not livng up to the hype in it's current state. However ever I never enjoyed the everquest series and discontinued playing it after about 40 hours or so of gameplay but I enjoyed FF XI. Many people really dislike FF XI and alot of people have been playing it for multiple years now it's a matter of what you prefer.

Aug 9, 2008, 02:20 AM
I hate you.

No, not really. Just wondering why is it that people I know who aren't into the game get into the beta when I love WoW and missed out on the original beta and the BC beta.

I don't even care about a Death Knight yet. I just want to see my Ret Pally handles.

*continues jealousy elsewhere*

Right now ret pallies are pretty OP along with deathknights, mages and warriors so far the only classes that are far alondg in the balancing stages etc are the holy priest and druids believe it or not apparently their is a new 495 megabit patch update but I'll be sure to take a pretty picture saying hello to you hahaha.

Aug 9, 2008, 03:50 AM
I hate you.

No, not really. Just wondering why is it that people I know who aren't into the game get into the beta when I love WoW and missed out on the original beta and the BC beta.

I don't even care about a Death Knight yet. I just want to see my Ret Pally handles.

*continues jealousy elsewhere*

Here is the shout out that i promised you hahaha !!! BURN !!!!



I asked them if I could invite you but they said you are not LEET enough for Molten Core and then the MC raider theme song started true story :lol:


Aug 11, 2008, 07:14 PM
I'll be trying Wotlk, and War. Just to try it. I kinda trust what other people say, but I want to find out things on my own. Just like how much AoC jumped on the failboat. Err, but job comes first right now.

Aug 11, 2008, 11:42 PM
I'll be trying Wotlk, and War. Just to try it. I kinda trust what other people say, but I want to find out things on my own. Just like how much AoC jumped on the failboat. Err, but job comes first right now.

yea i know what you mean and yes who cant remember the AoC failboat the last tat I heard it made a pitstop somewhere near Hellgate London to pick up the survivors.

Aug 12, 2008, 10:10 AM
I opted in for the beta, but still am waiting for invite.

Just wondering, which beta server you on?

Aug 13, 2008, 11:38 PM
Lich King currently their are only 2 beta realm available one PvP server and one PvE server.

Aug 27, 2008, 08:25 PM
eXo, so is the race of your Death Knight pre-decided, or do you choose?

Aug 28, 2008, 05:17 AM
You can choose the race of a Death Knight when you create it. I'm fairly certain they've stated that, once this hits the live realms, that you'll be restricted to making this character on the faction of which you have a level 55 character, but that may have been changed.

The Death Knight class is open to all races, however, though, Draenei seem to be exceptionally popular, for some reason.

Aug 28, 2008, 01:07 PM
Draenei would be popular, they're like the defacto paladin class.

I personally can't wait to make my tauren death knight. I've kept with a single character so far, lvl 70 tauren druid(feral; for tanking and odd-dps) so now I'll atleast have a reason to go make an alt to fiddle with.

Aug 28, 2008, 07:48 PM
yea i know what you mean and yes who cant remember the AoC failboat the last tat I heard it made a pitstop somewhere near Hellgate London to pick up the survivors.

At least AoC hasn't pulled a Horizons, Saga of Ryzom or Dark and Light ;3

Edit: Oh, and Auto Assault, so bad you have to try and remember it!

Aug 29, 2008, 04:20 AM
Draenei would be popular, they're like the defacto paladin class.

Plus they got that whole "being related to the Eredar" thing going for them for that possible evil side to them. I imagine Blood Elf Death Knights would be somewhat popular since they are the only Horde race to be Paladins as well. And since the Blood Knights were created out of draining the light out of a Naaru, they already are evil in how they twisted the light for their own means.

Honestly, I can only see playing Human or Undead Death Knights in the addition to aforementioned due what seems to come from lore. Though Tauren would be great for tanking due to the stamina bonus (though they don't seem too corruptable other than the whole Grim Totem clan).