View Full Version : PC: Internet dilema :O

Aug 8, 2008, 09:41 PM
I live in an apartment with my parents still... yeah I know <___>
I'm on good terms with them and everything, but my dad's computer is in my room because the DSL Modem is in my room, and we don't want to buy some crazy long wire to go around the house to move it...

But he's in my room every 20, 30 minutes checking silly things on the net and does all his banking and purchases with it >__> so I always have to turn my sound down a little (just to be courteous, not because he tells me to) and stuff like that. Having friends over is fun too when your dad comes in to use the computer <___>
Should I get a wireless router or something? If I got one, could I still use the Ethernet for myself?
I have no clue how wireless internet is set up either <_> I love my ethernet :3
I would hate to have to switch wireless for the whole house =/ but if it's what it takes to have the room all to myself...

Aug 8, 2008, 11:23 PM
Get a wireless router/gateway and buy a wireless card for your dad's computer (you can get either an external USB wireless device or an internal PCI wireless device.) Your pc/devices can still use the ethernet ports on the router/gateway and the rest of the users can use the wireless signal. make sure to secure your wireless connection once you get it set up.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 8, 2008, 11:33 PM
Expect slowdown if you are both on at the same time.

Aug 8, 2008, 11:50 PM
Get a wireless router/gateway and buy a wireless card for your dad's computer (you can get either an external USB wireless device or an internal PCI wireless device.) Your pc/devices can still use the ethernet ports on the router/gateway and the rest of the users can use the wireless signal. make sure to secure your wireless connection once you get it set up.

:o oh that's a little easier than I thought it would be

Expect slowdown if you are both on at the same time.
lol, his computer is a Dell Dimension 2200... he is the definition of slowdown D:
unless... you meant it would effect me somehow?

Aug 10, 2008, 11:30 AM
It won't really affect you unless your dad is using a lot of bandwidth at the same time you are on, otherwise you'll never even notice. If he is just browsing sites and doing little things like you mentioned, it shouldn't be an issue depending on your connection speed. When my wife and I are home together and she's online with her laptop (usually shopping lol) I never notice at all.