View Full Version : Numbers games

Aug 11, 2008, 02:46 AM
First part: LCD Panels (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_film_transistor_liquid_crystal_display)

LCD monitors are, for the most part, either 6-bit or 8-bit. What pisses me off is when a manufacturer doesn't specify. I want my monitor to be able to display the full color gamut of 16777216 colors. Otherwise it uses dithering to fake it and I get those nasty gradiation lines that makes any sort of attempt at color accuracy go out the window. In short, manufacturers please post what panels you are using so that people who actually want or need to know the information can find it without resorting to scouring online reviews where they deconstruct your product in order to find out for me.

Second part: computer storage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigabyte#Consumer_confusion)

Look, just because I know that you decide to mislead people by calling a gigabyte 1 billion bytes (GB is 1073741824 bytes) and a terabyte 1 trillion bytes (TB is 1099511627776 bytes) doesn't mean that Joe Everybody does. Do you realize how annoying it is, as a tech guy, to tell people that what they are seeing is accurate? No matter how many times I explain it to these people they are convinced they have been shafted, and while I do agree with that, the way you have worded your packaging is inaccurate and skates the edge of outright false advertising. You got in trouble for it before, which is why you now have to define 'what a gigabyte is' on the side of your box, convienently in mouse-print.

Please use binary like the rest of essentially everything involving capacity with computers. Using base ten values misleads customers and in general causes headaches for the support and IT industries.

Finally, a complaint about the opposite group: the consumers themselves.

Please, when you are posting in a forum about a problem, make sure you are using the correct numbering system or at least specifying what you are using so we can make accurate conversions. Telling us that you are concerned about your processor being too warm and stating that the temperature is '90' with no measurement system could either be extremely cool at 90F (32.2C), or dangerously hot if 90C(194F). General rule of thumb is that computer temperatures are reported in celsius like any other scientific measurement, but so long as you specify you are measuring in one system or the other we can at least have the information needed and if necessary convert it.

The same could be said of any measurement. Essentially: Tell what you are measuring for your figures, whether it be temperature, time, weight, length, or what have you. Even telling it in more obscure or regionalized systems is preferable to nothing, such as the use of stone measurement (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_(mass)) for body weight. The internet is very international. As such, units of measure vary from location to location and simply leaving them off as if to expect everyone to know exactly what system is being used is annoying at best and problematic at worst.

Aug 11, 2008, 03:53 AM
Holy fuck have we really ranted about everything else here?

Aug 11, 2008, 06:18 AM
Holy fuck have we really ranted about everything else here?
No, why?

This is more legitimate of a rant than some things I've seen here.

Aug 11, 2008, 12:17 PM
I'm sorry my rant about the IT world wasn't relevant enough or too different for PSOW.

Aug 14, 2008, 10:54 AM
Holy fuck have we really ranted about everything else here?Why not make a rant about it?

Aug 14, 2008, 11:29 AM
A rant about something you see sparingly or have yet to see before = not beating a dead horse.

Something to not be upset about, but most people who have played the PSYOU's are on permanent jaded/upset?