View Full Version : AotI Which elemental rifle PA is harder to level???

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 18, 2008, 11:10 PM
Just curious. From what i notice it seems that Ice,lightning, and light are the easiest while their counterparts are the hardest....im not sure. Does this apply to all bullet PAs?

Aug 18, 2008, 11:11 PM
All Elemental Rifle Bullets get the same xp per (successful) shot.

Powder Keg
Aug 18, 2008, 11:13 PM
I guess if you wanna get technical Dark and Fire could potentially take longer because of their status effects taking away more enemy HP. But they're all the same.

Aug 18, 2008, 11:14 PM
Depends on what you run I guess. EX: If you play White Beast, it would take the longest to level your Dark bullets since they hit for more dmg.

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 18, 2008, 11:28 PM
Depends on what you run I guess. EX: If you play White Beast, it would take the longest to level your Dark bullets since they hit for more dmg.
Well....when i got rising shot to 40...most of the time i was doing Plains Overlord S2 (safe spots)

or sleeping warriors if i was with someone. I believe it only took me like 2 or 3 days to get it to 40 i believe. but when i tried leveling ground shot during MAG it felt longer....idk it could just be me.....

Aug 18, 2008, 11:33 PM
Well....when i got rising shot to 40...most of the time i was doing Plains Overlord S2 (safe spots)

or sleeping warriors if i was with someone. I believe it only took me like 2 or 3 days to get it to 40 i believe. but when i tried leveling ground shot during MAG it felt longer....idk it could just be me.....

You gotta take in the mind torture thing as well, off course it gets slower if it as boring as hell to level because one usually gets slower of that.

Aug 18, 2008, 11:35 PM
Well....when i got rising shot to 40...most of the time i was doing Plains Overlord S2 (safe spots)

or sleeping warriors if i was with someone. I believe it only took me like 2 or 3 days to get it to 40 i believe. but when i tried leveling ground shot during MAG it felt longer....idk it could just be me.....
Stuff does die faster in MAG..maybe it felt longer because you weren't getting as many shots in?

Aug 18, 2008, 11:37 PM
Well....when i got rising shot to 40...most of the time i was doing Plains Overlord S2 (safe spots)

or sleeping warriors if i was with someone. I believe it only took me like 2 or 3 days to get it to 40 i believe. but when i tried leveling ground shot during MAG it felt longer....idk it could just be me.....

Then again, regarding my previous statements.. I don't see why anyone would level their bullets at WB; the most logical place to level up bullets would be at Rescuing Hyuga or any other missions riddled with robots.. yeah.. try Rescuing Hyuga if you're having a hard time leveling bullets...

Aug 19, 2008, 12:18 AM
Military Subway is another good mission for bullet leveling since up through block 4 has a good amount of ranged resistant stuff, plus it gives quite a bit of MP if you finish it. SEED Express will also probably be a good mission too simply due to the sheer number of enemies that spawn in it. The first two blocks are pretty awesome for lasers at least.

Aug 19, 2008, 01:02 AM
they all technically level at the same rate, but virus and burn damage can give you less shots per enemy, and ground does slightly more damage.

I'd say fastest to slowest:

ice, lightning, light, ground, fire, dark

But only by small small margins.

And thats not factoring in the enemy type you are leveling them against.

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 19, 2008, 03:23 AM
Yea there was a mission someone was telling me about....something about 100 monsters in the mission......idk *shrugs* Either way......i have all my shots to atleast 21(except rising already being 40) and possible when i come home on thursday i want to get atleast one to 31 as fast as possible. I'm using the 1* yohmei rifle with atleast 3 grinds. Anymore advice. Whats a mission with most monsters in it......bullet resistant would be best.

I'm aware you guys have named some which is best???

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 19, 2008, 03:26 AM
Stuff does die faster in MAG..maybe it felt longer because you weren't getting as many shots in?

Now that i think about it......yea.....
Becuase when i did De Ragan....i was soloing but when i was doing MAG, most of the time i was in a party.....Now if i solo'd MAG then maybe it would work....but taking the consideration of how long it would take probably wont do it.....

I decided to make a male cast( i have a female cast already) last night he is only lvl 15 maybe i can take advantage of his low level to level them up a lil faster *shrugs*

Aug 19, 2008, 03:56 AM
Here's how you level your bullets:

Get a palette of grinded Yohmei rifles, switch to guntecher, and level them up at Plains Overlord. That's all you gotta do. And don't fall alseep.

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 19, 2008, 04:05 AM
Here's how you level your bullets:

Get a palette of grinded Yohmei rifles, switch to guntecher, and level them up at Plains Overlord. That's all you gotta do. And don't fall alseep.

Hmmm i was thinking more of staying ranger....for this reason...

Cast Male (Ranger 10) - OnlineLevel HP ATP ATA TP DFP EVP MST STA
20 621 223 152 113 52 79 21 11

Cast Male (Guntecher 10) - OnlineLevel HP ATP ATA TP DFP EVP MST STA
20 603 231 163 176 45 76 34 12

The ATP is on the ranger is 8 less then the guntecher...and 223 is the max ATP at the point and i would think that would work "a lil" bit better but im open to different opinions

Aug 19, 2008, 06:58 AM
Ranger can only have Lv. 20 bullets while a Guntecher can have Lv. 40 ones. Sure, if you haven't gotten your bullets to Lv. 20 yet, then by al means, use a Ranger but you'll have to switch to a Fortegunner/Guntecher (or Protranser if you're leveling Shotgun, Laser Cannon, Grenade Launcher or Handgun) at some point to level some of the bullets to Lv. 40.

Aug 19, 2008, 08:07 AM
They level at the same rate, but the lowest one for me has always been lightning for me only because i'd rather use shotguns, twins and lasers to spread that specific SE vs single target/hit as a rifle

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 19, 2008, 10:46 AM
Ranger can only have Lv. 20 bullets while a Guntecher can have Lv. 40 ones. Sure, if you haven't gotten your bullets to Lv. 20 yet, then by al means, use a Ranger but you'll have to switch to a Fortegunner/Guntecher (or Protranser if you're leveling Shotgun, Laser Cannon, Grenade Launcher or Handgun) at some point to level some of the bullets to Lv. 40.

lol i completely forget about that
sorry nirvash XD

best advice ^_^

So i guess up until they are 21+ i would go guntecher to level rifles,crossbow, Twin handgun,Machine gun. but protranser for everything else....eh idk....not sure.