View Full Version : Enhancement Item Cap

Aug 21, 2008, 06:34 PM
I can't seem to find the answer to this question anywhere, so I apologize in advance in case the topic has been beat into a bloody pulp. As it was in PSO, in PSU is there any sort of cap to how many Agtarides, Retarides, etc. a single character can use? I have a ton stocked in my bank and dare not use them till I can figure this out.

Thanks in advance!

Aug 21, 2008, 06:42 PM
items cap:

buff items 20/20
healing items 20/20 except Star Atomizer 10/10
Antimate & Sol Atomizer 20/20.

Most of them are cap at 20.

Aug 21, 2008, 07:50 PM
Are you talking about PSO's "material limit"? You know, like...Power Materials and whatnot.

If so, PSU doesn't have anything like that. Agtaride is basically a low-level Shifta in item form, that only affects you. Same with the other -ride items.

Aug 21, 2008, 07:52 PM
Haha, no, you misunderstand what the topic creator is asking, Ruby.

Agtarides and the like are NOT like the Material items from PSO. These are basically "Shifta-In-a-Can," replacing Shifta with the other buffs depending on the item, I think the buffs are at the 11+ level. Megistaride gives you all 4 at 11+ level, although it saps some of your HP every few seconds.

EDIT: Dammit Magus, you posted at the same time as me. X3

Aug 21, 2008, 09:54 PM
Haha, no, you misunderstand what the topic creator is asking, Ruby.

Agtarides and the like are NOT like the Material items from PSO. These are basically "Shifta-In-a-Can," replacing Shifta with the other buffs depending on the item, I think the buffs are at the 11+ level. Megistaride gives you all 4 at 11+ level, although it saps some of your HP every few seconds.

EDIT: Dammit Magus, you posted at the same time as me. X3

Oh? lol. I thought he was asking about how many of those items
that he can carry. I got trick yet again with these type of questions. lol. >:O

Aug 21, 2008, 10:34 PM
Ahhh, yea, I understand these items now. I thought it was permanent enhancements like materials in PSO. Seems I still have much to learn and get used to, thanks for the help!

Speaking of which, is there a specific universe you all tend to use? For what seems forever I've been running around for 25 levels without encountering another person hehe.

Aug 21, 2008, 11:56 PM
Universe 2 (assuming your on the PC/PS2 ver.) Also check White Beast or the 5th floor of the GUARDIANS Colony.