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View Full Version : Some PSU article I found

Aug 22, 2008, 07:03 PM
After finding out about this from a friend http://socksmakepeoplesexy.net/index.php?a=psu I don't want to start the wars but it's worth a read it may improve this game hopefully.

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 22, 2008, 07:06 PM
eh i didnt read all over it

i just see it was whining

Aug 22, 2008, 07:08 PM
yeah it's got a lot off whining like Diablo 3, but it's still worth a read

Aug 23, 2008, 12:46 AM
Wow...something taked serious the SoA request of writing articles of PSU. Just that they forgot to add the "pro-PSU" articles.

From what I readed on the first paragraphs...it just resume all that we have critized (at least America) since the beggining.

Lets look the postive way..its a constructive article with arguments...self-experience and even has some nice pictures! At leats is not another user saying "OMFG BRING BACK TEH PSO" or something like that.

Aug 23, 2008, 01:28 AM
Yeah this is I think the 3rd time it's been posted. A nice read.

Aug 23, 2008, 08:00 AM
Hmm, the writer raises one or two good points. Unfortunatly, then the writer starts to nit-pick at random things. Lost interest halfway to be honest but picked back up again.

Aug 23, 2008, 08:20 AM
Nothing new, we've seen many like this before, since the game came out. ;]

Aug 23, 2008, 09:26 AM
Old article is old. The game has changed greatly since that article was written. It was written before the first MAG. Also that article was posted here a looong time ago.

Aug 23, 2008, 09:30 AM
What a cry-baby.

Aug 23, 2008, 01:42 PM
quit reading about half way.....sounds like some kid crying for no reason. reading what i did read tho, i question how much the kid played, iv never had an issue with item space....carrying all the needed weapons isn't an issue to me, never has been...im not sure what he tried to carry..but...i manage each element no problem o.O

Aug 23, 2008, 02:20 PM
I saw that a long time ago.
First time I read the word "Fuck" I quit reading. (which was in the title)
I had to facepalm at the amount of text alone.
Really, all this text could have been a generous guide and a sum up of PSU, would be especially useful for non-PSO'ers / beginners, but instead, this is just some pointless rant with suckmahdikk written all over it. -.-

Aug 23, 2008, 05:21 PM
I laughed at an old picture of my LOLWHIPDAMAGE in there. Honestly though, this writer decided to take it upon himself to write a review about his opinion of the good and bad points of PSU. "Rhete" did a good job though with the article in terms of describing the reasons for dislike, despite the bias.

In all reality, every online game has issues that some players won't mind, others will hate, and potentially, some might even like.

Aug 23, 2008, 05:29 PM
A great article, I have seen it posted several times already (posted it myself in some NeoGAF thread) and can only agree with every word in it.

Of course most people here are PSU fanboys and don't want to admit most of the flaws the game has, but this article shows why PSU bombed and did lose most of it's players within the first few weeks.

Aug 23, 2008, 05:38 PM
Of course most people here are PSU fanboys and don't want to admit most of the flaws the game has, but this article shows why PSU bombed and did lose most of it's players within the first few weeks.

That's hardly an issue here. As you can tell, this forum, site & community are made of fans of the game &/or the series. Everyone knows the problem that article pointed out.

Most if not all of the problems are old. Many of the issues are fixed since AoI's release, not the initial launch. The two issues currently are namely billing problem & delayed event/content.

Aug 23, 2008, 05:44 PM
That's hardly an issue here. As you can tell, this forum, site & community are made of fans of the game &/or the series. Everyone knows the problem that article pointed out.

Most if not all of the problems are old. Many of the issues are fixed since AoI's release, not the initial launch. The two issues currently are namely billing problem & delayed event/content.
This. I think at this point you either love psu or you hate it. The billing and delayed stuff will likely not get much better, but once you get used to that, you're good.

Aug 23, 2008, 05:49 PM
I agree, most of these problems are old. AoI did fix some but still left many (imo) huge problems, the biggest one is having a mission counter for every goddamn mission. IIRC this article came out after AoI was released so most of these problems are still valid.

I still play the game, I love the combat system and I will stick with PSU until the end, but everytime I read this article I thought "Hey, I could have written this!"

Aug 23, 2008, 05:54 PM
This. I think at this point you either love psu or you hate it. The billing and delayed stuff will likely not get much better, but once you get used to that, you're good.

Right. I have never encountered billing problems that I can't solve, since I signed up from PSU's launch. So luckily, this is really not an issue for me. Let's hope it stays that way. ;D
As for contents, currently, I have enough to occupy my hours. I already have a job; I don't play game as a 2nd job - I play only for fun. ;]

Aug 23, 2008, 06:30 PM
I read a lot and skimmed a lot. It's a lot of truth.

In summary (the things I agree with):
Bad about PSU- not a lot of playable content when you get down to it.
Good About PSU-Character customization and playing the different classes is the most fun of the game.

It was a nice article. Not very concise, but it wasn't meant to be.

Aug 23, 2008, 11:21 PM
Just about every single point made in that article still holds true. If anything I want to see more of these. PSU needs a lot of attention paid its faults. Sega nor any of its development teams will go far to fix this current game, but constructive criticism would help any future Phantasy Star games.

Hell, even PSPortable addresses some of the issues in the article while PSU still does not.

Aug 24, 2008, 08:10 AM
I like the seperate mission counters. It adds a sense of location to it. If I want to do a mission on Moatoob, I have to travel there first and find the relevant lobby. If you could do all the missions from the Guardian colony, the only way youd know what planet you were on would be the text telling you where you are.

It also adds exploration to it. There are still lobbies and levels I have yet to discover. Hopefully the boost roads will allow me to explore places I haven't been to yet.

We could do with a guild setup though. PSU is a game that NEEDS long term groups of players since it is quite hard to find decent parties that are willing to explore away from the current hotspot.

Aug 24, 2008, 04:43 PM
I wouldn't call "running a mission on C to reach a lobby you haven't been to before" exploration. With the way the PC/PS2 population is going those many lobbies are killing the game. When I was trying to join a game of Flowery Pursuit before to continue where I left GBR yesterday, there were a whooping 4 games running, 2 pw locked, 1 C and one on S...

They can keep the lobbies for all I care, just give me a central way to join any game on any planet when I want to.

Oh and on a sidenote, totally unrelated: I WANT TELEPIPES BACK!

Aug 24, 2008, 05:15 PM
meh, about 40% of what he said hs been fixed, 40% is only a minor annoyance, and 19% wasn't a problem in the first place.

White Midnight
Aug 25, 2008, 03:11 PM
Terribly written, tons of whining. A few good points are made, namely with the grinding system, but this is just whining all in all.

I want the braincells that died reading this back.

Aug 25, 2008, 11:10 PM
Wow... people STILL think PSU is a MMO? Because it isn't.... MMOs don't run instances in order to put you into combat. <.< They may for special things like special areas or boss fights, but not for every combat area. MMOs are wide open and expansive and you can see people running around nearly everywhere. They don't use lobbies where you launch missions (instances) to go and slaughter stuff. In PSU you just enter your little instance and are oblivious to everything else outside except through IMs, in-game mails, and maybe something like Team Speak/Ventrilo. PSU is more like a dungeon crawler (at best). As was PSO.

Not saying that's bad, but please people, get it straight.

But about that article... I have to be blunt with this. That person is a ****ing moron. They expected WAY too much out of a simple game that isn't an MMO in the first place. If they want all that highly customizable stuff, I heard that they were putting out an online Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. If they want an actual MMO, they need to go play FFXI or WoW. But really, they just need to shut up. Honestly, no game is EVER perfect. If you think a game is perfect, you're lying to yourself.

Something tells me that this person is also very bitter and didn't get what they wanted in the game so just HAD to bash it.

Aug 26, 2008, 02:38 PM
Calling the writer of that article a moron is ridiculous. They make valid criticisms, and point out many flaws, none of which have anything to do with the game not being an MMO/wishing that it was. There's nothing wrong with having expectations and standards, and I'd be lying if I said PSU even met my lowest expectations or standards. It's that much of a mess, and that much a disappointment.

I don't view the article as a pointless bashing at all. It just sounds to me like somebody being very honest about their feelings for PSU, and sharing how they felt it could've been improved. There's nothing wrong with that. The only reason people are acting like this writers opinion is worthless is because they don't agree, which seems a little bit intolerant to me. They have just as much right as anyone to share how they feel about PSU.

I personally agree with much of what the writer says, and no, I don't feel like many of the flaws addressed have been fixed to my satisfaction. That's one of many reasons why I have yet to renew my GL, and why I can't see me doing so for the foreseeable future, if ever.

Aug 26, 2008, 03:35 PM
Any game that charges a monthly fee can and rightly should be compared to other games that charge monthly fees. All the pointless arguing or whether or not PSU is an actual MMO is... well, pointless.

That aside, while the old-article-is-old does bring up many valid criticisms, I find it hilarious that the author was angry (or bored) enough to write up a rant the size of a thesis paper. PSU isn't worth that much effort.

Aug 26, 2008, 03:43 PM
This guy actually complained about the random % on melee weapons in contrast to the guns/wands that all come out the same. THAT'S BECAUSE US GUNNERS AND TECHERS HAVE TO SPEND A COUPLE OF LIFETIMES LEVELING UP SPELLS AND BULLETS FOR EVERY ELEMENT. Not to mention, for the gunners, it's MUCH worse. Lets see...6 elements per weapon...Shotgun, Rifle, Twin Handgun, Laser Cannon. 24 Bullets to get to 30+ for maximum efficiency. How many PA's does a melee weapon need? Oh yeah...1 or 2. This whining can hardly be considered constructive criticism for an article. I hope he doesn't quit his day job.

Aug 26, 2008, 08:40 PM
Wow... people STILL think PSU is a MMO? Because it isn't.... MMOs don't run instances in order to put you into combat. <.<Wow... people STILL insist that PSU isn't an MMO? Oh noes, most things are instanced, that's so not massively multiplayer :roll: Never heard of WoW? That's clearly considered an MMO yet it has many instanced dungeons and many other things, such as raiding, occur instances. "Massively Multi Player" just means you're interacting with more than your friend over there. Last I checked there's a hell of a lot more people in these lobbies than you and your friend. Same with shops, you don't just see your friend's shop do you? Even though the combat areas are instanced, its still an MMO and its not that uncommon of a type of MMO (considering how people can often behave online around others, especially in games). Here have some (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MMO) things (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_game) to read.

Aug 27, 2008, 01:31 PM
They may for special things like special areas or boss fights, but not for every combat area.

Someone read only one line of what I said. And btw, I did mention WoW. I know people who play it and have told me some of its workings. A true MMO doesn't operate from lobbies. If I remember (being told) correctly, Diablo worked from a sort of central lobby as well... And it was a dungeon crawler. Hmm... PSO and PSU work the same way. Hmmm. Only difference is that PSO and PSU allow interaction in said lobbies to a higher degree. But once you're in a mission (or room I guess. Not sure how to put it for PSO. Still an instance though.) there's nothing really MMO about it.

If they do, then things have changed big time, and the meaning has become blurred (as does every term/word in the english language). Thanks, but I'll stick with the meaning where MMOs don't have lobbies and have very expansive worlds where the monsters roam freely, not contained within a single instance (save for special boss figts/areas/raids and whatnot, as I said before).

Sure, PSU and PSO may be mmo LIKE, but they aren't MMOs. I've played enough real MMOs to know. Back off. =P

Aug 27, 2008, 01:45 PM
If it honestly gets on your nerves that someone does or doesn't think a given game should or shouldn't be classified as an MMO, please, step out of your parents' basement sometime. That's about as bad as the dude who wrote this article.

The guy makes valid points, sure, and PSU is *far* from being perfect. Sonic Team just isn't the group they used to be in the PSO Ep. 1 and 2 days. But he kinda kills off any and all validity by wasting that much time writing an opinion article that long. If it's not the game for you, write about your concerns to SoA or find something else. We're all fully aware of the very poor management of the game, but just whining about it helps nothing.