View Full Version : Any advice for a human FT? (PS2/PC)

Aug 23, 2008, 10:24 AM
I got my (main) human character up to 80 during the MAG event, but my damage was always really low compared to everyone else. I'm currently playing as a rank 10 FT with A-rank equipment and even a Har/Quick. Most of my techs are above 20, but I do have some in the 30 range. But my Diga was only doing 500 damage and my Dambarta was doing maybe 300 per tick (or is this decent?).

I can't seem to afford the millions of meseta to get S-rank items, or even if I could I could only buy one, and I have trouble soloing A-rank missions to collect ingredients (like Neu or Par Walna) to synth certain items (Halarodoc, since I can't use the regular Halarod). Will my damage improve a lot if I spend all my time to get my techs to 40, should I just be focusing on leveling, or should I be playing as a different type right now?

Right now I've also been focusing on Diga, Gidiga, Dambarta, and Gizonde to a lesser degree. Should I be leveling up different techs instead?

Phoenix Healer
Aug 23, 2008, 10:28 AM
maybe you should wait for the masterforce class, i heard that newmans dont get a advantage so a human and newman would probably do the same. your choice though

Aug 23, 2008, 10:29 AM
Hmmm, I'm sure you can get more damage out of yer Diga or Dambarta. Those numbers look like Madoog + Wand range.

Halarod is bunk, don't worry about missing out on that one. You probably should invest on a Chao Staff for decent damage. As for S-rank rods, Kazarod and Okarod will soon be huntable for you once you hit lvl 100.

Annnd Humans make fine FTs. Newmans are a tad bit too broken in stats (they get some pretty broken mods...). MF has no racial boost like the above poster mentioned. Soo Newmans have 200 more TP than Human, but Humans have 200 more HP.

Aug 23, 2008, 10:29 AM
I was hoping to play Masterforce, but I honestly can't because they can only use S-rank weapons, and like I said, I can't afford any of those.

Does getting money become incredibly easy later on? I have a rough time deciding if I should spend 500k right now.

Aug 23, 2008, 10:31 AM
Hmmm, I'm sure you can get more damage out of yer Diga or Dambarta. Those numbers look like Madoog + Wand range.

Actually those are what I'm using right now. Should I be using Rods instead?

Aug 23, 2008, 10:52 AM
Actually those are what I'm using right now. Should I be using Rods instead?

For projectile techs (Basic + RA) I would recommend a Wand+Madoog (in favor of a Madoog...). Dam-techs, Nos-techs, and Gi-techs I find work better on Rods.

So Diga on a Rod would caaast waaay too slow, even if it makes big numbers. Diga doesn't shoot in a "straight" line like other projectiles (Foie, Zonde, Barta). It shoots in an angle, so it has a high chance of missing. For more reliable damage, its best to use that on a Wand/Madoog (again, Madoog is better for Diga imo...).

Dam-techs don't really benefit from speed casting, and they get more range when being used on a Rod. Of course, you can probably get 1 more tick on a Wand/Madoog.

Aug 23, 2008, 10:54 AM
Oh, that's true. Thanks for the help :D