View Full Version : BB TTF, stat maxing questions

Aug 24, 2008, 07:57 PM
1. In the quest "Towards the Future" can you still get rare boss drops? It would be a lot easier to do this quest to get Yamato than to run the forest over and over if so :D

2. As I am playing PSO:BB I have become aware of the availability of Centurion/Abilities and Heavenly/Units and such. I was wondering if there was an updated stat maxing guide considering the availability of these units in PSO:BB. I am a HUcast if that matters. My mag is level 196 with 5/133/58/0; it kind of occurred to me that maybe with the use of these units i'd only have to use one unit/ability so i left some space to throw dex on my mag if necessary. Any help with this would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again guys! ^^;

Aug 24, 2008, 11:20 PM
Dam I wish I could go online, I have like five yamatos. I could give you one for free >_<

Aug 25, 2008, 01:32 AM
1. In the quest "Towards the Future" can you still get rare boss drops? It would be a lot easier to do this quest to get Yamato than to run the forest over and over if so :D

2. As I am playing PSO:BB I have become aware of the availability of Centurion/Abilities and Heavenly/Units and such. I was wondering if there was an updated stat maxing guide considering the availability of these units in PSO:BB. I am a HUcast if that matters. My mag is level 196 with 5/133/58/0; it kind of occurred to me that maybe with the use of these units i'd only have to use one unit/ability so i left some space to throw dex on my mag if necessary. Any help with this would be very much appreciated.

1. Yes.

2. No, because a) the units BB have are lolz to begin with and b) It doesn't take a brain to figure out how to max all the stats on BB. You could mess up entirely on your plan and you could probably still be able to max things out.

Aug 25, 2008, 11:55 AM
If you look at the guide, it will tell you how many points are needed, and how many are gained.
It also points out where your points come from. All you have to do is look at the guide, replace God/Abilities with Centurion/Abilities, and move materials as needed.
For your HUcast: Let's say you decided the God/Power build was for you.
That puts your build like this:
ATP: Need-493/Gain-494 Mag-137(=274) Mats-65(=130) Units-G/Ax2 and /Pow-90(=90)
DFP: Need-100/Gain-101 Mag-5(=5) Mats-28(=56) Units-G/Ax2-40(=40)
ATA: Need-33/Gain-33 Mag-58(=29) Units-G/Ax2-4(=4)
EVP: Need-75/Gain-76 Mats-18(=36) Units-G/Ax2-40(=40)
LCK: Need-90/Gain-90 Mats-25(=50) Units-G/Ax2-40(=40)

Since Centurion/Abilities only add 2 ATA as well, you're good to finish your mag.
Now let's have a look at a C/A build...
ATP: C/Ax2-60 Mag-137(274) Mats-80(160) Total: 494
DFP:C/Ax2-60 Mag-5 Mats-18(36) Total: 101
ATA:C/Ax2-4 Mag-58(29) Total: 33
EVP:C/Ax2-60 Mats-8(16) Total: 76
LCK:C/Ax2-60 Mats-15(30) Total: 90
Materials used: 121
Extra materials: 29
There's your plan for Centurion/Ability. It's also unlikely that you can't use it, too. I hope you've been keeping track of your materials. :)

Aug 26, 2008, 07:14 AM
Thanks you guys so much.

And Nisoth, thanks for compiling that for me I really appreciate it. The reason I left the mag like that was because i was thinking perhaps it'd be possible to achieve max stats with the use of one centurion/ability, thus adding more to the mag to get 2 more ata (for 31) and 2 from the single centurion/ability. I'm assuming it's not possible though unless I did my numbers wrong, heh :P Either way. Thanks again :)

Aug 26, 2008, 12:30 PM
You're right, it's not at all possible. You don't even have to really crunch numbers: one C/A gives you fewer points than two G/As. You have, however saved a slot anyway by eliminating the God/Power that you would have used which is pretty awesome.
I could recommend a few things to do with that little gem:
PB/Create (Gets you to your pumps faster!)
God/HP (You can never have too much)
Heavenly/Resist (+12 all!)
Cure/ units in certain situations.
I expect you'll be replacing the old God/Battle with a Heavenly/Battle, too.
Good luck mang!

Edit:Oh, wow! I just saw some BB units that are kinda crazy! You might even be able to max out a HUnewearl if you do it right... You should really look into them. Particularly v101.

Edit: Ok, I just did the math... HUnewearl's can NEVER be maxed. The closest you'll ever get is 11 points short.

Edit: Also, if you use one C/A and one v101 on a HUcast, you'll be one material shy of max. Pretty aggravating.

Aug 26, 2008, 01:48 PM
Unless you know who didn't update the database on his servers, the Centurion Ability gives off 3 ATA (not 2.5).
You could also max off a Hucast with 1 adept and 1 centurion ability.
If you replace the centurion with a V101, you will need to cover up for 10 pts EVA.

HUnewearl maxing guide:
Centurion Ability
Centurion Ability

Aug 26, 2008, 06:16 PM
Wow. I'm impressed, and I stand corrected. I don't play BB, so I wouldn't know about C/A giving 3 ATA. That's pretty sick if it does! I might have to start playing some BB...